Part Two

John stood at the window in his office staring at the people and traffic moving to and fro. He abandoned his work not long after he started. He was too distracted waiting for the inevitable phone call and planning what he'd say.

It wasn't easy, what with every thought turning to the woman he met the previous night. Anna Smith was incredible, unlike any woman he had ever met. She was smart and interesting, not to mention absolutely gorgeous. He was overwhelmed by everything about her and yet he felt so comfortable talking to her, revealing things to her that he normally would prefer to keep to himself. She didn't judge him, insisting instead that he was so much more than his past.

And then the small voice in his head told him to doubt it all. Anna is all those things, for sure, but what did he have to offer her in return? She is young and beautiful and he is, well… not old, but not as young as he used to be. She is bubbling over with life and he is broken down and prone to silence and brooding. He just knew she was a woman with a great capacity to love, and his heart was still healing from being roughed up, bruised and cracked.

But he ignored the voice for one moment and reminded himself that she said she wanted to see him again. And heaven help him, he wanted that, too.

John was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of his phone buzzing frantically across the shiny surface of his desk. He smiled at the name on the incoming call. He cleared his throat as he took his time answering it.

"Hi, Robert," he said calmly. He even managed to sound distracted as he settled into his chair. "What's up? I'm rather busy at the moment." He enjoyed the huff he heard on the other end.

"It's nearly 10 o'clock. I thought you would've called by now."

"Oh?" John paused. "Why's that?"

"You know very well why," Robert hissed into his phone. "You had a date last night and I thought you'd at least call and thank me." He voice changed to childlike glee. "Anna's amazing, am I right?"

"She's, well… she's ok," John hesitated.

"Ok? Bates, you either need your eyes or your head examined. What do you mean she's ok? She's a marvelous girl! There is no way you could've done better." John glanced out the window with a grin. He totally agreed but he wasn't about to admit it yet.

"Well, to be honest with you, she was rather… annoying."

"What? You're having me on! Are you sure you had the right girl?"

"Oh, it was her,," John went on. "She talked about you, talked about Mary. That is, when she wasn't talking about herself and her job. A bit career driven, that one. On and on and on."

"Well, I'm sure she just thought you wanted to know about her, I mean, that's the point of a date, isn't it?" Robert asked in Anna's defense. "She was probably just trying to keep the conversation going. I know you, John, and getting more than two words out of you is close to torture."

"Believe me, I tried to get a word in but she wouldn't let me, even when she finally asked me about myself. I'd start to answer one question and she interrupted me with another." John sighed dramatically as if the entire ordeal had been exhausting.

"That had to be just first date awkwardness, surely," Robert insisted, sounding more and more confused as the call went on. "She's pretty, though, you have to admit that."

"Well, yeah, I guess," John hemmed. "If you like the serious and uptight type. I mean, does the woman even know how to laugh?"

"Now wait a minute! Now I know you're joking. Anna is one of the happiest people I know and laughs at everything, even my worst jokes."

"I'm just telling you she barely cracked a smile," John insisted. "All business, couldn't even call me John, just… 'Mr. Baaaaates' all night long. And that's how she would say it, too. Baaaaaates. Baaaaaaaaaates.. It was enough to drive me crazy." It did, in fact, drive him crazy but not in the way he implied. Dear lord, he thought, the way she said his name was sexy as hell.

"You're probably exaggerating, and so what if she was being formal and polite?"

"Polite? Is that what she was when she kept staring at my leg and frowning? Robert, she asked me why I didn't get it fixed, why I wanted to be a cripple for the rest of my life."

"The Anna I know would never have said that!" Robert exclaimed, now truly baffled. "This makes no sense at all! Trust me, John, Anna is a sensitive person and would never judge anyone like that! Perhaps she was angry at Mary for setting her up and just took it out on you."

"She did make it clear she didn't want to be there," John continued. "But I'm pretty sure it was me. It was obvious from the start I wasn't what she expected and she had a hard time hiding the disappointment on her face."

"And I suppose you were your stellar self," Robert said snidely. "God, I hope you didn't mention the divorce. You get mired in a brooding pit when you even think about Vera." John didn't answer. "You did, didn't you?"

"I was honest, if that is what you mean," John shot back. "But, hey, I put on the charm, too, and she was having none of it. I don't know what I said to make her angry, but she threw her glass of wine at me."


"Oh, she'll say it was an accident, but there was a bit of maliciousness behind it, I could tell."

"I don't understand any of this," Robert said sounding utterly bewildered. "I've known Anna for so long, she's always been so sweet and patient. I mean, she has to be as Mary's best friend."

"What can I say?" John sighed into the phone again. "She clearly didn't like me. And after last night, the feeling is quite mutual."

"I'm sorry, John," Robert apologized quietly. "I really thought it would turn out entirely different."

"I'm sorry, too," John answered. "But it wasn't all bad. I discovered that I think I am ready to meet someone. But I will take it from here, no more blind dates for me, ok?."

"Yeah," Robert whined a little. "I'll let you get back to work. We'll talk soon."

"Bye Rob," John said, and disconnected the call. He exhaled slowly. Lies. All of it. But before he could help it his body shook with laughter. "That," he said to himself. "Was fun."


Anna jumped when her office door flew open and slammed against the wall. She looked up and smirked at the sight of her friend panting heavily with a very perplexed look on her face. "Would you like to come in?" Anna asked, masking her amusement with a touch of sarcasm.

"Explain yourself," Mary ordered. "I just got off the phone with Papa who just got off the phone with John Bates. What on earth happened?"

"Ugh," Anna closed her eyes and groaned. "If I never hear the name of John Bates again it will still be too soon." Mary slumped into a chair and shook her head in shock.

"What? I can't be hearing this correctly. You like everyone! It's positively nauseating how much you like everyone."

"Congratulations, you found the one person I don't."

"B-but… John is a good guy, a nice guy! What could you possibly find unlikeable?" Mary sat on the edge of the chair and flailed her arms about her.

"Plenty. He is so much older, for starters. I don't mind a few years but the difference with him must go deep into double digits."

"That's total exaggeration. And stupid and petty," Mary dismissed. "What else?"

Anna crossed her arms and huffed. "He has quite a grand ego, doesn't he? I lost track of how many times he mansplained all of life to me."

"What? You're joking!"

"He actually told me I say my name wrong, that I pronounce both n's when in fact, one of them is silent. My name, Mary. My name!" Mary opened and closed her mouth in a vain attempt to respond. "I asked the bartender for the wifi password and he proceeded to spell 'wifi' for me. Apparently he doesn't think women are capable for spelling those big four letter words. Well, I'd be glad spell a few choice four letter words for him!"

"Uncle John has never been like that, never! I'm really having a hard time believing any of this is true." Mary's face creased as she mentally searched for an explanation. "He must have been nervous. His wretched divorce shattered him, really wrecked him." Anna tried to appear unphased as she took in Mary's words. The truth was that she couldn't imagine what kind of woman would treat such a wonderful man like John so horribly.

"It takes two to make a thing go wrong," Anna reasoned.

"And he'd be the first to agree with you. He'd probably take all the blame, at least the John we know. But I promise you, the problem was his wife, not him." Mary looked around wide-eyed, trying to find some sense to it all. "Did you even give him a chance?"

"I gave him a chance by waiting an hour for him to show up."

"That's Papa's fault and totally unfair," Mary snapped. "And is it true? Did you throw your wine at him?"

"What?! It was totally an accident and I apologized," Anna gasped indignantly. "I can't believe he said I threw it. So he's a liar, too."

"No! Look, his description of you makes as little sense as what you're telling me about him!" Mary dropped her head into her hands. "I'm sorry, Anna. This is a nightmare. I truly thought the two of you might hit it off."

"Yes, well-" Just then Anna's cell began to buzz. She saw John's name on the screen and instantly she felt the room get warmer. "Oh, hold on, I've been waiting for this call." She took a deep breath. "Hello."

"Hello," John greeted her sweetly. "Robert called and I told him the worst things about you. None of them true, of course, but I think he believed me. I suspect Mary will be in touch any minute."

"Oh, yes," Anna replied in her best business-like voice. "I have that particular project right in front me now." She looked up at Mary.

"She's there?" John chuckled. "I suppose she's already heard everything I had to say from her father."

"All the data seems to support that conclusion, yes." Anna shuffled a few papers on her desk for show. She struggled to keep a straight face as she listened to John laugh.

"At least you get to see the look on Mary's face. I had to settle for the sound of disappointment over the phone. But at least he wasn't smug," John sighed and Anna had to clap a hand over her mouth to smother a giggle. There was a few beats of silence. Finally Anna cleared her throat and returned to her professional demeanor.

"I'm eager to get together with you to go over the research, figure out the next step."

"Not as eager as I am."

"Do you have any time in your schedule?"

"As a matter of fact, I am free tonight."

"Perfect," Anna flipped through her planner and pretended to check her week. "I'll get back to you very soon with the details for the meeting then, alright?"

"I'm looking forward to it," John hummed happily.

"So am I," Anna answered with a smile. She hoped she wasn't blushing. Mary would notice that in an instant. She ended the call and returned her attention to her friend. "Was there anything else? I have a very important meeting to prepare."

"No, I'm done." Mary stood up looking utterly defeated. "I'm sorry, Anna. I know you didn't want me to do it but when you said you wanted someone who would listen to you, who would value you for opinions and everything you've accomplished, well, I really thought I had found the perfect man for you."

Anna came around her desk and ran her hands over Mary arms to soothe and console her. The truth was that she wanted to hug her. While she had barely known him for twelve hours, she was sure that John Bates was everything Mary described and more. She hated to admit it but Mary was right; something was missing in her life and until she met John she had no idea what it was. Now she could not only name it, she could put a face to it. A marvelous face with soft eyes that crinkle at the corners and a subtle smile that made her feel warm from her toes.

"It's not your fault," Anna said kindly. "But remember your promise, no more blind dates. There is someone out there for me and when I find him, you'll be the first to know." Mary nodded her head and sighed. After she walked out the door, Anna added with a whisper, "You just won't know right away."


John arrived at the address Anna had sent him, the familiar building where he had walked her home the previous night. He rang the bell to her flat and waited nervously but with more than a little excitement to see her again. They both had time to think over what had happened since the Dog and Duck and he hoped an invitation to her place was a good indicator that she was still interested. At least that is what he told the small voice that tried to convince him that in the light of a new day, she would probably reconsider.

The door opened and he felt his heart stop. She looked beautiful, especially when her face lit up at the sight of him.

"You remembered how to find me?"

"Wha… oh, yes! Yes, how could I forget? You look amazing." Anna blushed as she stepped back to let him in. He followed her into the small apartment, observing the modern but cozy decor. "You have a lovely home," he said, shedding his coat and passing it into her waiting arms. "How long have you lived here?"

"Only about a year," she said as she hung his coat on a hook by the door. "I lived with my friend Gwen until she got married. I miss having a roommate sometimes. I'm thinking about getting a cat."

"So then you're a cat person?"

"I like cats, yes," she replied, returning to his side and folding her arms in front of her. "Don't you?"

"I prefer dogs," he said, almost apologetically. "Though I have been known to befriend a feline a time or two." Anna giggled at the thought of John discussing life with a cat. "What about birds?" Anna made a face and he chuckled. "Is that for birds or this pointless conversation?

"Both," she laughed, waving him into her sitting area. John set his cane to the side of a large overstuffed chair and settled himself into it. "Dinner isn't quite ready. Please don't have high expectations, it's nothing fancy, but it should be edible." She sat on the edge of the sofa near him.

"Edible is the quickest way to my heart," John teased.

"Very good to know." A beat of silence hung in the air, and Anna self-consciously tucked her hair behind her ear. "Can I offer you something to drink?"

"Anything you have that's non-alcoholic would be nice," he answered.

"You don't drink?"

"I quit drinking," John said, shifting a bit before looking her in the eye. "It was a problem. It isn't anymore."

"Well, good for you," she said before getting up and disappearing into her kitchen. "Juice?"

"Sure," he called back. "So was Mary very disappointed?" After a few more moments Anna returned and handed him the drink. He noted that she had fixed herself the same.

"Very. You know, she hates to be wrong about anything but this was different. It was like she pinned some romantic hope on it working out. I almost felt bad."

"Almost," John commented.

"Almost," Anna repeated with a grin. "But not quite. But she was angry with me, too." John gave her a puzzled look so she tried to explain. "I think she was upset that I would treat you so poorly. She kept sticking up for you, couldn't believe any of the things I was telling her about you." John's eyes widened at that information, not expecting Mary to be a champion for his side.

"Dare I ask what you said?"

Now it was Anna's turn to look uncomfortable. "I implied that you are a bit of a… "

"Go on," John said when she seemed unsure if she should say. "Trust me, I'm sure I've been called worse by my ex."

"I implied that you are a bit of a sexist egomaniac." She cringed as she waited for John to react. She let out a breath as he laughed at the suggestion.

"Goodness, what made you come up with that?"

"To be honest, I didn't know what I was going to tell her so I decided to pick some of the nice qualities I noticed about you and took it the opposite way. The truth is you are a very humble person and a true gentleman."

John felt his ears start to turn hot at the compliment. He coughed and composed himself. "I guess you could say I did the same thing. I told Robert I thought you were an uptight, insensitive diva, none of which is true, of course."

"I would hope so," Anna laughed. "I hope Robert had trouble believing it."

"It was very difficult for him to believe," John went on. "He is so sure I misunderstood you or made you nervous. And he defended you on every point."

Anna hummed her pleasure at hearing that Robert stood up for her to his best friend. "That's nice, isn't it? That our friends would struggle to believe the bad things people say about us?"

"Are we being cruel by lying to them?"

Anna gave him a serious stare and then rolled her eyes. "No. Well, maybe a little. No! No, they put us through quite a bit last night so I have no problem at all getting back at them. But if you're having any doubts-"

"Oh, no," John shook his head. "I'm still in. Just tell me what to do."

Anna smirked. "Let's go eat and we can talk about my plans for you later."

"Man, that is maybe the sexiest thing any woman has ever said to me." John stood up and followed the sound of her laugh and the delicious smell of dinner.

The meal was consumed as they continued to get to know each other. John praised the meal repeatedly, much to Anna's delight.

"I don't really cook very much," she admitted as they carried empty dishes to the sink and cleaned up together. "I try new things once in a while but it isn't always worth it when I'm just cooking for myself. Take away seems easier and quicker."

"But you know what you're doing, clearly. How did you learn?"

Anna took a deep breath. "When I was little, my mum worked two jobs so it was up to my sister and me to fend. She did most of it, but I helped and learned from her."

"Single mother?" John asked, then pointed to himself. "Me too. Can you imagine having to work a job, run a house and keep the likes of me in line? She deserves a medal."

Anna nodded. "She sounds amazing. No wonder you like strong women." She took him by the hand and led him back to the sofa, inviting him to sit with her. John regretted the moment she released his hand, but appreciated that they had relocated to a more intimate proximity.

"And your mother? Do you get your strength from her?"

Anna sat back, her face falling as she considered her answer. "My strength came from my mother, yes, but not in the way that you mean. Sometimes you learn how to be strong from people and sometimes you learn to be strong because of them."

"So I take it the two of you aren't very close," John said quietly, and Anna shook her head with a sad laugh. "I'm… I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up."

"You had no way of knowing," Anna shrugged. "And don't be sorry, I had others looking out for me. It might not be a happy story, but it's not tragic."


"I don't mind that you asked," Anna assured him. "I find that you are very easy to talk to, like I can trust you with anything. The truth is that-"

Just then there was a knock on the door. They froze and looked at each other. John stood as Anna got up to walk toward the door.

"Anna? It's me, Mary."

"Oh, god," Anna said quietly, turning about the room in a panic. "She can't know you're here!"

"What do I do?"

"Uh..," Anna flailed her hands, then picked up his cane and handed it to him. She pointed to a door, and waved him toward it. "Hide in there. I'll try to get rid of her quickly. Just… stay quiet!" John let himself be shoved into a room just before the door slammed shut. He stood in stunned silence for a minute, then stepped closer to listen as Anna greeted Mary.

"Mary? What are you doing here?"

"I feel so bad about your disaster with Uncle John," Mary pushed past Anna and turned into the sitting room, throwing her coat where John had been sitting not thirty seconds before. "It's been bugging me all day. I feel like I need to apologize."

"You could've just called," Anna said, staring nervously toward the room where John was hiding.

Mary ignored the comment and sat down. "I just can't accept that he was so boorish. Part of me wonders if you were so sure you'd hate him that you exaggerated to make it true."

Anna sighed, but didn't sit. "I don't think so, but what does it matter? He didn't like me either so why rehash the whole thing?"


"It's not that I don't enjoy hanging out with you, Mary, but are you sure you don't have something else to do or somewhere else to go? Matthew must miss you, surely."

"Oh, I told him to expect me late," Mary waved a hand in the air.

"Great," she said slowly. "So you'll be staying long enough for tea?" Her heart sank as Mary affirmed her plan to stay and visit. "I'll just go and put the kettle on, then." She started to turn toward the kitchen but stopped suddenly. If she could get Mary out of the room, John could sneak out. "Hey, wanna come help?"

"Help? What, with the tea?" Mary stared at her blankly.

"Yeah, silly. I don't need help," Anna laughed nervously. "You just sit there and get comfortable and I'll go make tea." Anna hurried to the kitchen and pulled out her phone and started texting.


Not your fault.

Anna exhaled. She started to text back when another message came through.

This room is nice. What's the duck's name? Anna smothered a giggle. The plush duck was a gift for her eighth birthday.

Mr. Waddles LOL

Haha of course it is. He's giving me the eye. I don't think he appreciates a strange man in your bedroom.

Anna's grin widened as she texted back.

He's friendly. Just don't snoop!

She set out the mugs for tea as she waited for a response and was rewarded a few moments later.

Too late.

Anna gasped loudly. She began to type when Mary called from the other room.

"Anna? Are you all right?"

"Oh, uh, yeah," she yelled, slightly flustered. "Just touched the hot stove. I'll be right there."

What have you seen?!

The kettle screamed as she waited for him to answer. She prepared the tea with one eye on her phone. Finally the familiar alert sounded.

Started with the bookshelf. 50 Shades? Smh.

It was a gift!

But you read it, didn't you?

"Anna? Did you go to China for the tea?"

"Coming!" She shoved her phone in her pocket and grabbed the two mugs. She quickly handed one to Mary and set hers on the short table near the sofa. She pulled her phone out and checked again.

I also like the photo on the dresser. Wow.

There were many photos on her dresser and she tried to figure out which one he might mean. One was a snapshot from Gwen's wedding and another was a view from a hike she took back in university. She bit her lip and smiled when she realized he was referring to a picture of her with the Crawley sisters during a holiday taken on a beach in Ibiza. She was wearing her favorite bikini in that photo.

"So, are you going to tell me exactly what happened last night?" Mary interrupted her thoughts and she quickly shoved her phone down. She cleared her throat and gave a quick glance toward her bedroom door before turning back to Mary. It was one thing to tell horrible tales about John earlier that day when it was just the two of them in her office but quite another knowing that John could hear everything they said from his hiding spot in the very next room.

"We met and we didn't get on. I don't see why you are so obsessed about it. You never cared this much with all the other men you wanted me to meet."

"Maybe because I don't care as much about those men," Mary answered.

"But you care about John Bates?"

"There's no need to get all weird about it, but he saved my father's life so yes, I care. Is that so hard to imagine?"

"N-no," Anna was quick to answer. "It makes sense, of course. I did wonder about his leg."

"You could have just asked instead of calling him a cripple," Mary muttered, annoyed once again. "How could you? We wanted John to meet someone who is the opposite of his ex-wife but that is exactly the kind of thing she'd say to hurt him." Anna frowned into her cup. The more she learned about this ex-wife the angrier she became at this woman she never met and hope to heaven she never would.

"I don't know what to say," Anna mumbled, looking toward the bedroom door and wondering how much longer the conversation was going to go on. "He just got on my nerves, I guess." Just then her phone buzzed.

You are nothing like my ex-wife.

Anna smiled softly at her phone. She started texting back.

"Who's that?" Mary asked curiously before draining her tea.

"Uh, it's work," Anna lied. She exhaled slowly and watched as Mary set her mug neatly on the table. "So… we're done talking about John Bates, I hope."

"Yeah, sure," Mary answered. "But I still think I should try to make it up to you." Anna eyed her suspiciously, knowing exactly what Mary was about to suggest. She shook her head slowly.

"No, you shouldn't."

"Pleeease!" Mary whined and pounded her fists on her knees like she was throwing a tantrum to get her way. "Come with me on Thursday!"

"You said you wouldn't do that to me anymore!"

"No more blind dates, and no fix ups," Mary reasoned. "Think of it more like shopping. You see what's in stock and buy what you like."

"You make it sound so appealing," Anna joke sarcastically. "I can't. I'm busy on Thursday." She pulled out her phone and started texting.

She finished her tea, now she will need a wee. Be ready to sneak out.

Seriously, how do you even know that?

"I need your loo," Mary announced, and as she stood up a bark of muffled laughter sounded from somewhere close by. She froze and stared at the close door. "Anna, it sounds like someone is in your room!"

"Uh, what? I didn't hear anything." Anna tried to stay calm and look oblivious.

"I thought I heard someone laughing."

"Probably the neighbor?" She didn't mean for it to sound like a question but she was panicking. "The walls are paper thin. I-I'll go and check. You just… take care of business." Mary rolled her eyes as she vanished toward the bathroom. Anna sprung to her feet and raced toward the bedroom. "The coast is clear but you've got to move!" She ran ahead to the door and fetched his coat.

"Can I see you again? Soon?" John whispered before he went through the door.

"Thursday," Anna beamed, trying not to laugh out loud at the sight of John struggling to put on his coat. "Now hurry!"

"But you said you're busy-"

"And you'll make an honest woman out of me by making sure I am," she giggled. "Now…" She grabbed the lapels of his coat and pulled him closer. She quickly kissed him and then shoved him away and shut the door quickly in his face. John stood staring at the door, slightly dazed but incredibly happy. He finally turned and walked into the night, unable to stop smiling. He pulled out his phone and began to type.

Tonight was wonderful. Thank you for dinner. Please give my regards to Mr. Waddles.

He reached his car, slid behind the wheel and started the engine but before he shifted into gear, his heard the message alert.

Mr. Waddles likes you.

And after a few moments,

I like you, too.

He could picture her smile as he read the last message. And he could hear her laugh, smell the scent of her hair, feel the softness of her lips. He liked her too. More than liked her. John Bates was falling head over heels in love with Anna Smith.


John left work early on Thursday to pick Anna up for their date. They agreed to see a movie and then grab some dinner afterwards. She had insisted that he pick the restaurant since he made her choose the film so they ended up at the Dog and Duck.

"You're sentimental," Anna teased as he held the door. "Returning to the scene of the crime, as it were."

"To be honest I don't know that many places to eat," John explained, holding back so Anna could choose where they sat. She saw the familiar booth by the back wall was available so she headed there. She slid into the seat she had occupied on their first meeting. John smirked as he joined her.


"Now who is being sentimental, Ms. Smith?"

"This is our pub, our booth. It seemed only right to sit here." She tried to be nonchalant, but then dissolved into a fit of giggles.

"Our pub, our booth," John smiled. "I admit I like the sound of it. Of course, I've only sampled some wine on my sleeve. The food might be terrible. Then what will we do?"

"We'll just have to hope you get lucky," Anna said determinedly. John stilled and his eyebrows shot up. Anna could feel her face go warm and she quickly covered it with her hands. "I can't believe I said that."

"You are a lovely shade of pink," John chuckled. "But I knew what you meant. And lately I'm feeling like the luckiest man on the planet." Anna was sure she got redder at his words because she sure felt warmer.

"Hello," a waitress greeted them. "Can I bring you something to eat? Drink?"

"I could kill a burger," Anna groaned. "With a cider."

"I'll have the same but with a club soda," John added. The waitress nodded with a smile and left them quickly. He turned his attention to Anna who was worrying her lip and looking concerned.

"Will it bother you? I ordered cider, but I can-"

"No, it won't bother me at all." John shook his head. "I appreciate the thought, not everyone would be that considerate of that sort of thing. But I would never expect it."

"I know, but… how long has it been?"

"Since my last drink? Oh, about five years, I guess. I hit rock bottom, with my marriage and with my life. I knew I wasn't going to improve any of it if I kept drinking so I quit."

"But it didn't work, did it? With your marriage."

"No," John said, uncomfortably. "Because, you see, I liked myself better sober and Vera did not. I don't think she much cared about me when I was drunk either." He paused. "We didn't love each other. It was a disaster on both sides. Alcohol helped me ignore it for too long."

Anna hummed sympathetically. "I'm glad you got out, then. Not just because I probably wouldn't have met you, but because you don't deserve that."

"Deserve what, exactly?"

"To be stuck with someone that can't see a good thing in front of her," Anna answered fiercely.

"You've only heard my side," John countered.

"Yes, but from what Mary has told me, this Vera sounds like a wretched cow so what would I care about her side? And it doesn't matter anyway, you deserve to be happy, John. I'll tell you a million times if I have to, just as long as you believe it in the end."

"Will you? Well then," John smiled at her softly. "I truly am the luckiest man on the planet."

The food arrived and they began to eat, deciding quickly that it was good enough to make the Dog and Duck their pub after all. They bantered for a bit, sharing a laugh over the awkward escape from Anna's apartment when Mary unexpectedly showed up.

"She stayed for another hour," Anna told him, wiping her fingers with her napkin before reaching for a drink. "Be grateful you got out when you did."

"Not too grateful," John replied, half-joking. "If she hadn't come at all, I might have been able to get a proper kiss goodnight."

"I kissed you!" Anna exclaimed, her mouth twitching into a grin.

"Yes, you've kissed me twice now," John answered, almost whining. "But when does a guy get his turn in, huh?"

Anna gave him an indignant gasp before narrowing her eyes and reaching for her food. "I do believe I said something about you getting lucky, Mr. Bates. Play your cards right and see what happens." John grinned, his eyes turning up with a mischievous sparkle.

"Yes, ma'am," he whispered, his tone low and warm. Anna shook her head at him, so he cleared his throat and took a deep breath. "We've talked too much about me. I want to know more about you. You've said you're not close to your mother, but what about your sister the chef? Where is she? What does she do?"

"She's in America and strangely enough, she is a chef," Anna informed him proudly. "Her husband's family owns land in upstate New York and she runs a farm to table restaurant. They grow everything. It's been very successful." She became a bit more serious. "We don't really keep in touch. She left home as soon as she could and didn't really keep us updated on her plans after that."

"She wasn't very happy there either?"

"Mum remarried when I was twelve and Jenny was sixteen," Anna explained, shaking her head. She took another drink as she mulled over her next words. "My stepfather is not a very nice man." John sat quietly and considered what that meant. His suspicions were made stronger when a shadow crossed Anna's face and then disappeared just as quick. "But he had money and so mum always took his side so he wouldn't leave. Jenny drops me a line once in a while, but she's awfully busy. It's enough for me to know she's happy."

John didn't quite know what to say. He sat back and observed her as she finally looked up at him and gave him a nervous smile and shrugged. "You amaze me. How did you manage to go through that and still be so full of…" He gestured with his hand searching for words. "You're so happy. There's not a trace of bitterness in you."

"There you go again, thinking I'm so perfect," Anna laughed, deflecting his praises. "Perhaps I'm not a bitter person, but it's made me… guarded, you could say. Careful. Sometimes I wonder if I should've been more like Mary, juggling multiple boyfriends at once, trusting them all until I can't trust any of them. You see, I've had to learn how to do that, trust people. But I know my own mind. And my heart." She paused, reaching across the table for his hand. He willingly slipped his fingers into her delicate palm. "You are unlike any man I've ever met, Mr. Bates. That's why I can tell you all this. I used to think that waiting or being careful meant there was something wrong with me, that maybe I was incapable of ever connecting with anyone. But now," she hesitated, then moved her hand to thread her fingers with his. "... now I know I'm very capable."

John sat silently staring at where they joined, marveling at the warmth of her hand in his, and letting her words sink deep. Finally he looked up into her eyes and felt his heart swell at the beauty he saw there. "I can't believe that I'm here with you," he whispered. "I don't know how this happened, Anna. How someone so wonderful, so absolutely…," he took a shuddering breath. "... you are marvelous. And I really wish I could kiss you right now."

Anna looked around before settling her eyes on him again. "And I think it's time for us to leave so you can."

They both jumped when the waitress suddenly appeared at their side, clearing their empty plates and offering to refresh their drinks. John rolled his eyes at the interruption which made Anna giggle. When they declined, the woman slid the bill onto the table and left them alone once more.

"I need to go…." Anna pointed over her shoulder toward the bathrooms.

"I'll settle the bill and meet you at the door, ok?" Anna nodded as she left the booth and John watched her disappear across the pub. Finally he grabbed his cane and made his way to the bar. He had just paid and was sliding on his coat when he felt a slap on his shoulder.

"Bates, my dear fellow!" John spun quickly, his jaw dropping to his chest.

"R-Robert! Cora! What are you... I mean, funny meeting you here, huh?" He tossed a glance over his shoulder for any sign of Anna.

"We were at the ballet," Cora explained through a smile.

"We went with the Durnleys," Robert groaned as if that were enough of an explanation. "They wanted us to join them at some posh club but to be honest another hour or so with them and I might have been tempted to slit my wrists."

"Oh, Robert," Cora chided, still smiling. She turned to John. "He's so dramatic. They are very nice people but best dealt with in small doses." Robert grunted his agreement. "Anyway, we just had to stop for a bite to eat. I'm positively starving. I could… what was it the girls used to say?"

"Kill a burger?" John supplied, thinking of how Anna ordered her meal.

"Yes, that's it! How did you know?" Cora asked with a laugh. John just shrugged. "Well, anyway, what are you doing here? Are you meeting someone?"

"Uh, no, no, just…" John stammered. "Just thought I would stop and get something to take with me before heading home and seeing what's on the telly."

"Oh, well you should stay and join us then!" Cora suggested, looking to Robert to convince his friend to agree, but John cut him off.

"Oh, no, I couldn't," he said quickly. "You two probably never get a night out and-"

"Nonsense," Robert slapped him on the back again. "We hardly ever get to see you. Come on, let's find a table and see if we can get in a round of darts. I'll even let you win, but Cora has to cheer for me."

"Oh, but-"

"Anna!" Cora gasped. John turned as Anna stepped up to the threesome and gave Cora a big hug. "What on earth-"

"Hello, Robert," Anna greeted the man warmly with a kiss to his cheek. She then turned to face John. Quickly her smile drained. "Oh. Hello, again."

"Miss Smith," he nodded solemnly, hitting each 's' hard.

"Anna, are you here with someone?" Cora asked quietly, her eyes darting curiously between John and Anna.

"I was, but he had to leave. I'm on my way home now." She glanced at John, putting on a scowl. Still, he couldn't miss the hint of amusement in her eyes. "I didn't mean to push in, but I wanted to say hello."

"Pity," Cora laughed nervously. "But we'll see you Saturday, won't we? For the Christmas party?"

"Of course! I'll come early to help you get ready." A strained choking sound from Robert turned all their heads at him.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled. "It's just that I invited Bates to come Saturday. Before…" He gestured vaguely at the the two of them. "Won't it be awkward?" Cora gape at him incredulously.

"Well, it would be rude to uninvite them," Cora muttered through closed teeth.

"I don't see a problem," Anna volunteered. "It will be a lovely time," She paused and ran her eyes at John. "Even if he's there." John coughed.

"I wouldn't miss it," John forced a smile at Cora before turning back to Anna. "But I'm surprised you'll be able to make it, Miss Smith. I thought you might be still convalescing after your surgery." Anna rolled her shoulders back, and exhaled loudly.

"My surgery?"

"Yes, you know," John said slowly, turning to face her fully. "The surgery to remove the stick from your arse." Anna choked back a laugh, crossing her arms over her chest and offering him a fierce glare.

"Steady on, Bates!" Robert hissed. "There is no call for-"

"Oh, right, that surgery," Anna shot back quickly. "Don't worry, I'll be recovered in plenty of time. Stick free and dancing the night away." She scoffed and pointed at his cane. "Sadly, you cannot say the same."

"Oh, ho!" John reacted with a short laugh, throwing his head back in mock annoyance.

"But don't worry," Anna continued, pulling herself to full height as she stepped closer to him. "The Crawley's house is big enough, we'll find you a nice corner and prop you in it."

Robert finally snapped out of his shock after his wife gave him a horrified nudge. "All right, all right, Bates, let's go see if the dart board is free." He practically dragged John by the arm into the crowded pub. Anna watched them go, managing to maintain her irritated pose until John looked back. His face was unreadable except for the glint in his eyes. Anna quickly covered her mouth with her hands to keep from giving them away.

"Anna!" Cora was staring at her with the most perplexed expression on her face. Anna cleared her throat and composed herself.

"I'm sorry, that was completely-"

"Something is going on here, I can tell."

"W-what?" Anna squirmed as Cora studied her, the expression on her face never changing.

"You like him!"

"Don't be ridiculous," Anna gasped.

"I'm not, but you are," Cora said slyly. "You like him and I could be wrong but I don't think I am, he's crazy about you." Anna clucked her tongue and rolled her eyes, but Cora showed no sign of abandoning her theory. Her shoulders slumped and she pulled Cora closer.

"Ok, yes," Anna confessed. "I do like him. I like him very much. We're just having a bit of a prank on Robert and Mary after what they put us through. We couldn't give them the satisfaction of being right so easily."

Cora clapped her hands together. "I love it," she gushed. "Don't worry, I won't give you away." She continued to smiled widely at Anna. "I have to confess, when they told me they arranged a blind date, I couldn't see the two of you together at all, but…" She shook her head. "Well, I can tell looking at you now that you're pretty happy about it. I think it's lovely."

Anna thought her face would break from smiling as she said goodbye to Cora and headed out into the cold night air. She was about a block away from her flat when she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She grinned as she opened the text from John.

I guess my luck ran out.

What do you mean?

I'm forced to eat another dinner and still didn't get to kiss you.

You poor man. Soon. I promise.

And she did promise, to him and to herself. She wanted him to kiss her so much she could burst.

Anna had always thought that falling in love would be slow and gradual, that she would carefully tie herself to someone a bit at a time until she woke one day knowing what to call it. But this was like a bolt out of the blue, a most wonderful shock to the system. And now that John Bates was in her life, she couldn't imagine it being any other way.

Sweet dreams, Anna. I will call you tomorrow.

Goodnight, John. xx


By the time John arrived, the Crawley annual Christmas party was in full swing. While he wasn't normally one for crowds and parties, knowing Anna was there meant there was nowhere else he wanted to be. He pretended to admire the festive decoration in an attempt to look for her, but he was unsuccessful.

"Anna is in the kitchen with Cora and Mary," Robert told him quietly as thought he could read his mind. "I know it won't be easy to totally avoid each other, but I do hope you can be civil. At least do better than you did the other night. Seriously, what go into you?"

John threw his hands up. "I don't know, I don't know," he said, faking total vexation. "She just gets under my skin, I guess. I'll do my best but I'm not sure I can promise what she might do."

"That's not very reassuring," Robert sighed. "But I'm going to trust you to behave while I go and say hello to some more people." John slowly drifted around the room until he saw a familiar face fidgeting near the punch bowl.

"Joe Molesley!" Joe was another one of his former comrades in arms. While he had always liked the man, they never really seemed to have much in common other than what bonded them as army brothers.

"John Bates," Joe cried, an deer like expression of shock breaking all over his face as he reached out to shake John's hand. "I never thought I would see you here. I never thought I'd see you again, to be honest. It's been quite a long time." He looked around and then back at John. "Last I heard about you from Robert was that you moved to Ireland."

"Yes, but I'm back," John replied. "Moved here about two years ago after the divorce."

"Oh," Joe said. "Oh, I see. So there's no… Vera, then? Sorry to hear that."

John had to smile at that. "No, you're not, but I appreciate the sentiment." He leaned on his cane as they stood watching the crowd mingling around, keeping an eye out for Anna whenever someone entered the room. "What about you, Joe? Did you ever find someone and settle down?"

"No, I never did have the knack for romance or that sort of thing," Joe said with a sad, deprecating laugh. "But I'm a teacher now. I suppose you would find that surprising. Me, of all people, a teacher."

"On the contrary, you were one of the cleverest men in our unit so it doesn't surprise me at all. Your students are very lucky to have you." John had forgotten that Joe had one of the most self-defeating way of talking about himself, which was a shame because he truly did have a lot to offer the world. He just couldn't seem to get the world to see it.

"Well, that's awfully kind of you to say," Joe said, quite moved. "I rather enjoy it, you know, setting young minds on the path of education, showing them what they can…"

Joe continued talking, but John stopped listening the second the a door from swung open and Anna entered the party with a platter of food, chatting with Mary as she set it down on a table. He tried to remember to breathe but it was hard when the sight of her nearly forced all the air out of his lungs. She was absolutely gorgeous, dressed up in a red cocktail dress that accentuated every inch of her beauty. He had no idea how he would be able to keep up the act for Robert and Mary when everything inside him made him want to march straight up to her and tell her she was the most beautiful woman in the room.

"Nice girl, that Anna." John snapped out of his daze to realize that Joe was watching her too.

"Hmm? Oh, yes," he agreed before suddenly wondering if he was suppose to carry on the act with everyone he spoke to that evening.

"Do you know if she has someone special?" Joe inquired quietly. John turned and gaped at the man.

"W-why do you ask?"

"Oh, just being stupid," Joe gave a wry laugh. "Must be the punch talking, I wouldn't stand a chance."

"I hear there is someone," John supplied, just in case it was not, in fact, the punch talking and Joe decided to make an awkward move. He wasn't sure it was right for him to be so territorial when it came to Anna but he didn't really care.

"Is he keen?" Joe asked.

"Oh, I'd say he's keen," John managed nonchalantly. And in that very moment, Anna turned her head and caught his eyes watching her. She bit her lower lip as she smiled, pretending to be listening to the conversation before her. She turned back to her friends but spared one more glance over her shoulder at him, a move that made his chest tighten. "He's very keen, indeed."

"That figures," Joe sighed. John excused himself and headed toward her, but found himself cut off mid-stride.

"Uncle John," Mary spoke in a low urgent tone.

"Mary," John answered with a strained tone of pleasure. "Merry Christmas. The house looks amazing, I'm sure you had a hand in it-"

"Yeah, yeah… look," she interrupted and began to lead him away from Anna and into the drawing room. "Anna is usually a very friendly person but she doesn't suffer fools gladly."

"And she thinks I'm a fool, is that it?"

"I suggest you avoid her unless you plan to create another scene like you did the other night when Papa ran into you."

"News travels fast."

"Whatever," she sighed, rolling her eyes. "I regret the very moment we decided to introduce the both of you. Don't speak to her. Don't even go near her. I forbid it."

"You forbid it? Oh, come on, you're joking!"

"I'm not," Mary said evenly, raising her chin and staring him down her nose. "Now, there's plenty of room, no reason you can't avoid each other."

"You're being a bit ridiculous, you do know that, right?"

"Enjoy the party," Mary intoned, ignoring his agitated state, and with those parting words she left. John shook his head and exhaled slowly. He began to text.

I'm forbidden to come near you!

A few seconds later, Anna replied.

I was given the same orders. We really did a number on them, didn't we?

John huffed in bemusement.

We need to end this.

He waited for what seemed forever for a reply. He read and reread each message for anything that could be misinterpreted. Finally, his phone alerted him to her reply.

Then come find me and end it, John. If that's what you want.

He stared at the phone. Surely, she knew he meant that he wanted to end the game, not… not what was happening between them. Had he blown the whole thing? The party guests were drifting in and out of all the various rooms. He looked around feverishly for any sign of Anna but she could be anywhere.

He moved as quickly as he could toward the hall, stopping to apologize when he bumped into an older gentleman blocking the passage. He tried to figure out what he should say when he found her, how he hoped with all his might that she hadn't read the frustration in his tone as frustration with her. He just wanted to be able to talk to her, to be next to her, to feel all the good things he did whenever she was with him. The small voice inside his head laughed at him.

He finally spotted her. Despite others standing around in small groups and pairs, drinking and laughing, she was alone. He crossed the room until he stood in front of her. She crossed her arms over her chest as she looked up at him.

"Anna," he said, his voice low. "I didn't mean-"

"Good grief, can't you both just leave each other alone?" John heard Robert grumble as he crossed the room toward them..

"What part of 'I forbid it' did you not understand?" Mary hissed as she came rushing toward them to join her father in disapproval. John took an exasperated breath and shifted uneasily where he stood. He started to reply when Anna interrupted.

"Mr. Bates observed that I was standing under the mistletoe," Anna informed them, even though her eyes never left his. John looked up at the ceiling to see that there actually was a large ball of mistletoe hanging directly above her head. "I suppose you think that means you get to kiss me." She raised an eyebrow at him, and the intention was not lost on him. He lowered his face to compose himself. God, he loved this woman.

"I doubt you could handle it," he answered cooly. Anna's mouth dropped open in mock offense.

"They're at it again," Mary moaned, throwing her hands up. "Seriously, what is wrong with you both?" She looked around and then lowered her voice. "People are watching, you know."

"I doubt you have it in you to kiss me," she laughed, standing straighter. Then she narrowed her eyes and dared him. "But go ahead, give me your best shot, Mr. Bates."

"Maybe I will."

"Maybe you should!"


"So what are you waiting for?"

They stared at each other for a few heated seconds. The entire room grew quiet.

"What the hell is happening?" Mary whispered to her father who just shook his head slowly as he looked on.

John lifted a hand to her face, sinking his fingers into her hair and gently brushing his thumb against her cheek. Anna smiled brightly and leaned into his touch, her breath quick with anticipation. He smiled back at her with absolute adoration. Anna relaxed then, raising her face to him. The space between them slowly disappeared as their lips met in a soft kiss. His lips lingered at the corner of her mouth just a beat until his tongue swept along the line of her lips. He moved his arm around her shoulders, bending her head back as he deepened the kiss forcing Anna to run her hands up his chest and settling around his neck. Anna played with the hair at his collar, a small hum of pleasure from the back of her throat encouraging him to keep going.

"Golly," Robert sputtered, his brow furrowing in confusion. "That's a plot twist."

"I don't understand what is happening," Mary added. "Papa, what is happening?"

"You finally got your kiss, Mr. Bates," her heard her whisper, their breath mingling after he broke the kiss. He loved the wildness in her eyes, the rosy flush of her perfect skin. And in a flash, she kissed him back.

Anna closed her eyes and angled her mouth to deepened the kiss yet again. The move made him groan which sent a shudder through her whole body. She could feel something awaking inside her. She was consumed by the taste of his tongue on hers, the feel of his arms around her. She pulled at him desperately, straining on her toes to be as close as possible.

"Sh-should we be watching this?" Robert asked.

"I can't look away," Mary exclaimed. "My god, she's climbing him like a tree!"

A few nervous giggles from the other guests turned into applause and a few whistles. Finally John set Anna back on her feet, taking her hand and kissing the back of her fingers. Their hands dropped between them, but she wouldn't let go. With a deep breath, the both turned to their best friends for the final reaction.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Mary demanded, her wide eyes bouncing frantically between John and Anna.

"That kiss was no joke," Anna said breathily and John winked at her. "Everything else, however, was."

"But why? Why did you make us think you couldn't stand each other?" Robert asked.

"Do you have any idea what you put me through that day?" John asked with frustration.


"And you weren't much better," Anna said to Mary. "Both of you bullied us into that blind date and…"

"And?" Mary asked impatiently. Anna relaxed and sighed as she moved closer to her friend.

"And you were right," Anna answered, putting her hand on Mary's arm affectionately. "I was missing something in my life. And you were right about John being the right man for me. You were right about it all."

"Well, I always am," Mary twisted her body back and forth in triumph.

"And that right there is why we didn't tell you right away. The gloating, the I-told-you-so! We wanted you to squirm a bit before we gave you the satisfaction," Anna said pointing at Mary. Then she looked at John and grinned.

"I should have known something was up," Robert sighed. "The things you told me about Anna were simply impossible to believe. As if she would ever throw a glass of wine at anyone."

"Oh, that part was true," John replied. Anna slapped his arm.

"It was an accident!" she shrieked. "Honestly." John laughed silently, and moved his arm around her. Anna rolled her eyes, but moved to his side.

"Well, I'll tell you this," Robert said, patting John on his shoulder. "You look happy, my friend. Happier than I have seen you in years."

"They both do," Mary observed with a haughty expression. "So it was all worth it in the end, I suppose. Let's go, Papa, and leave the lovebirds to round two." She glanced up at the mistletoe as she turned to walk away. Robert started to leave when John called his name.

"I owe you a thank you."

Robert nodded with a smile and followed his daughter into the party crowd. John gestured toward a quieter corner of the room.

"Perhaps we should give someone else a shot under the mistletoe," he said, as they lowered themselves onto a loveseat. "I will admit that I'm feeling glad it's out in the open now. Quite relieved."

"I know what you mean," Anna sighed. "Still, it was fun while it lasted."

"Hmmm yes," John agreed somewhat reluctantly. "But it had to stop. I don't think I could have survived much longer."

"Why exactly?"

"Well, for starters, I wanted to tell you how you positively took my breath away when I first saw you enter the party," he began. "And while you are a wonder to look at, that can never be enough. You are also a wonder to talk to, to laugh with… I like being with you."

Anna tilted her head and twisted her lips in a coy smile. "You are a charmer, Mr. Bates." She shuffled closer and wrapped herself around his arm. She rested her head against his shoulder and sighed happily. "I like being with you, too. For all the same reasons."

"Do you think our plan worked, though?" John asked after a few seconds of quiet. "Or have we just encouraged them to interfere even more now?"

"We've created a couple of meddling monsters, you mean?" Anna sighed. "They have a one hundred percent success rate, so they should quit while they're ahead. I know I would." She looked up at him through her lashes. "I mean, if I were inclined to stick my nose in other people's lives like that. Which I'm not." John had to agree.

They continued to watch the other guests enjoying themselves when Joe Molesley approached. He seemed a bit flustered, almost embarrassed.

"Good evening, Mr. Molesley," Anna greeted him kindly. "Are you enjoying the party?"

"What? Oh. Oh, yes, it's very lovely," he forced a jittery smile at her, but then his attention toward John. He gestured at Anna with his head and gave nervous huff. "You could have just said, you know."

"I'm sorry, Joe, it was just a silly joke we were playing on Robert. I didn't mean to mislead you."

"Oh, well, it's all right. And of course, I wish you all the best with…," he waved his hand at the two of them. "You know… everything." He exhaled and gave a slight bow before departing.

"What was that all about?"

"Oh, nothing really," John chuckled. "He asked if you were seeing anyone and I may have been a bit vague when I said you were. Another reason to end the charade and declare my intentions, to keep Joe from stealing you away." Anna laughed.

"We can save a discussion of your intentions for later, though I hope it involves mistletoe." She hummed happily as she relaxed into his side once again. "Poor Mr. Molesley. He is a nice man. Not my type, mind, but I'm sure he could make some woman very happy. In fact..." John stiffened, causing her to sit up. "What?"

He shook his head at her. "Didn't we just say it was a bad idea to meddle in other people's lives?"

"I know, but…"

"But what?"

"It's just that there's a woman at work," Anna explained calmly, running her hand along his arm to win him to her idea.. "Her name is Phyllis Baxter. She's quiet but very pleasant, very nice. And I just think…" She smiled and nodded without saying any more. John shook his head slowly in response, but she just nodded faster. John closed his eyes and slumped back into the sofa with a groan.

"That's it, then, we're just as bad as Robert and Mary," he lamented. Anna giggled and snuggled closer, nuzzled the side of his face with her nose. She kissed his cheek and nipped softly at his jaw then moved her head to his shoulder with a happy sigh.

"No, we aren't. For one thing, we will be sure they know each other's names." She paused, sensing that John was not quite convinced. "Cheer up, Mr. Bates. Robert and Mary hit the bullseye. Mr. Molesley and Miss Baxter should be lucky if we are as bad as they are."

John turned slightly to face her. He reached his hand toward her, guided slowly and gently up her arm until he held her face. He leaned down and kissed her, slowly this time but still with all the passion and desire he had under the mistletoe. He broke the kiss and brought his forehead to hers. "Bullseye," he whispered as he closed his eyes. He could feel her smile. It wrapped around him and drew his heart to hers.

"Bullseye," she echoed.

The end.

Oh, look, I finished a story in under a year! Please leave a review if you enjoyed the story. Or even if you didn't. Peace.