And here we are at the end of our story!


Chapter Five: More Sneezes and Sniffles

"Now, Princess Zelda." Impa was trying to use her best scolding tone, but the smile tugging at her face gave her away. "Unless the healers have a very interesting definition of bed rest, I don't believe they meant 'get dressed in your finest clothes and slip out to watch the ball.'"

She, Zelda, and Link were off to one side of the great hall, with Zelda and Link sitting on chairs and Impa standing over them - all the better for lecturing. The ball guests were starting to depart for the night.

"You know that the healers have your best interests at heart, and that venturing out while you're still sick makes their job harder. And it means you'll take longer to get better," Impa continued.

"Yes, Impa, I know," Zelda said resignedly.

"And Link, you should have known this as well. You're a king's man now, and the Hero of Hyrule."

"Yes, Impa," Link said, looking down at his boots.

Impa's gaze softened. "Now then. Did you two at least have a good time? You did? Good." Impa smiled. "In any event, you're not the first princess in the history of the kingdom to go sneaking out of her sick room to go to a ball."

A lot of the guests had been surprised to see Zelda, seeing as the king had announced at the start of the ball that Zelda was indisposed. But they were generally pleased to see her. And there had been a little bit of teasing.

"So you made it after all, Zel!"

"Must be some kind of miracle cure you're taking for that cold!"

"I think they heard that sneeze all the way over in the Lost Woods!"

Celeste definitely looked jealous: both of Zelda's dress and the fact that she was on Link's arm. And Prince Cyril was definitely looking at Link with undisguised envy.

The king of Hyrule hadn't been surprised at all that Zelda and Link had snuck out to the ball. He'd long since realized that trying to keep his daughter anywhere she didn't want to be was an exercise in futility. "Well, how's the ailing princess?" he'd asked. "You're not looking like the living death anymore, that's good. Link, you've been doing your duty by her for the evening? Good man."

Melia came over, wearing her healer's robes over her ball gown - along with a rather disgruntled expression. "Excuse me, Impa, but I need to check the princess's vitals." She took Zelda's temperature and asked a few questions about congestion and swelling. "Hmm. You seem to be on the mend. But I don't want you making a habit of this, understand?" Then Melia turned her attention to Link. "You've been around her all evening, so you're probably going to catch what she has. Come by the healer's office tomorrow and get a dose of potion."

Link sighed melodramatically as Melia left.

"It's getting late, Zelda, so you should probably turn in. And Link, you should do the same," Impa said.

"I thought we were in for it there for a moment," Link said as they headed upstairs.

"My father's always had a sense of humor about this. And Impa's got a soft spot as well. It was Melia I was afraid of. But she wasn't so bad this time," Zelda said.

"Are you still glad we sneaked out?"

"Every bit."

"Me too."

Back at Zelda's room, the two of them exchanged one last good-night hug before Link departed for his own room.

But Melia's prediction was correct; Link came down with a cold of his own a few days later. So it was Zelda's turn to visit Link as he lay on his sickbed.

"This is how I repay you for helping me slip out to the ball," Zelda shook her head. She was mostly better now, but still woozy.

"It's all right, Zelda, I would have gotten sick anyway," Link said between sneezes. "There was a bad cold going around Termina when I was there."

Zelda rested her chin against the back of the chair she sat on. "There's another ball coming up later in the winter. And the big winter carnival in Kakariko Village. Hopefully we'll both be better by then."

"I hope so too," Link agreed. "I want another chance to dance with you. For real." He leaned back against his pillows. "So what'd you use to help with the cold? That potion Melia gave me is awful."

Zelda thought for a moment. "Well, the castle sauna's always good. And there's the hot peppers down in the greenhouse if you're really desperate."


The end...for now! Reviews welcome!