I do not own any of the original Legend of Korra characters.

Republic City

"You don't seem to understand your situation Sado.

"I understand perfectly, Iroh."

"It's General."

"Not to me it's not."

Sado sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was getting tired of Iroh walking around him in circles. Yeah, he had made a mistake. Yeah, it cost the royal family a lot of money to fix it. But how was that his fault? He was a firebender. Destruction was literally what they do.

"Look, it was just a few houses," Sado said. "I don't see what they're getting so bent out of shape about."

"Yeah, a few houses, and a hospital, and an orphanage, and the temple, and the statue of Fire Lord Zuko," Iroh said.

"Oh please, that statue's metal," Sado said.

"You're too destructive Sado!" Iroh said. "Every time you do anything you end up burning something down! You're a very skilled firebender, but you don't control it! Ever! If you had your grandfather's condition-"

"I'd be dead by now!" Sado snapped. "I'm not my grandfather! Jesus! Everyone talks about how great a hero he was, and how powerful he was, and how he's the first person to ever overcome his condition, and how I'm a lot like him, but I'm not him!"

"I know you're not," Iroh said. "Look, they didn't just bring me out here for a social visit, or to yell at you. You really messed up this time Sado."

"I'll do better next time," Sado said, waving a hand dismissively.

"No, you won't," Iroh said. "There isn't going to be a next time. You've been dishonorably discharged from the Fire Nation Army. And you've been banished from the Fire Nation. I'm supposed to take you to Republic City."

"I'm...what?" Sado blinked. "You're joking! Right?"

"No Sado," Iroh said. "I'm not. You've been banished from the Fire Nation. You've been dishonorably discharged for repeated counts of destruction of basically fucking everything around you! If you pull that stunt in the city, you'll be arrested. You have to stop. You have to learn control."

Sado sighed, nodded. "Alright. When do we leave?"

"Now," Iroh said. "Your things have been packed. Everything that doesn't belong to the military."

"So, what, like two outfits and a toothbrush?" Sado asked.

"And the bag," Iroh said, holding out a sack. "Let's go."

Sado stopped as the red satomobile rolled to a stop, the gold grill catching the light. Three men stepped out of it, one with a grey jacket and pants and a red cloth hanging around his shoulder, one with a green jacket and pants, and one with a grayish purple jacket and pants, a gold medallion, white gloves, and a grey hat. Sado looked down at his sleeveless red martial arts gi with black on the shoulders and separated by a gold flame-shaped border, and pants with a similar color scheme and separation around the bottom of the pant legs, which were taped shut at the bottom, and his plain black shoes. He looked like he had just come from firebending school.

"Mr. Chung, please tell me that you have my money," the one with the hat said. "Or else I can't guarantee I can protect your fine establishment."

The one with the red cloth on his shoulders formed a fireball over his hand, grinning and Sado narrowed his eyes, walking forward.

"I'm sorry, business has been slow," Chung said. "Please, take one of my phonographs."

"That's okay, Mr. Chung," Sado said, stopping off to the side a little ways. "How much money does he owe you for your...protection?"

"About a thousand yuans," the guy with the hat said.

"I see," Sado nodded. "Well, I'm happy to tell you that that debt is now settled."

"Oh really?" the guy asked. "You gunna pay it for him?"

"No," Sado smiled pleasantly. "But if you don't leave right now, I'm going to burn all three of you stupid fuckers into charcoal and melt your ride down into anal beads for you to enjoy while you're in the hospital growing your skin back."

The three stared at him, then each other, then him again.

"Ping, roast this joker," the leader said.

The firebender stepped forward, punching at Sado and Sado snorted, raising a hand and dispersing the flames easily. The firebender sent several more fire blast at him rapidly, but again Sado dispersed them all with barely more than a flick of the wrist.

"My turn," Sado said, then punched, a fire blast almost double the size of Ping's exploding from his fist and slamming into a wall of flames Ping had tried to defend himself with, exploding and cratering the ground, sending Ping flying backward.

The other two stared at him, then at Sado.

"You're crazy!" the leader said. "You're out of your fuckin' mind!"

He pulled his jacket open and hurled a blast of water at Sado, who blasted it into steam instantly, kicking and sending a wave of flames at them, only for the other one to stomp his foot, a massive wall of stone blocking the flames. Then, the wall exploded into head-sized chunks, flying out and blasting into Sado, hurling him backward. Sado bounced off the ground and flipped, landing on his feet before swiping his hand through one of Ping's fireballs. Then, he stood, punching rapidly, sending fireballs of his own raining down the street on the three of them, only for Ping and the earthbender to work together to block them before a stone suddenly erupted out of the ground, connecting with Sado between the legs and hurling him backward. Sado squeaked out something that he had intended to be a scream of pain and rolled onto his side, clutching at the offended area.

"That's better," the leader said, dusting himself off before drawing some water from his jacket. "Now then. I think we should teach this nut job a lesson, don't you?"

"Oh yeah," Ping grinned, flames dancing to life over his hand again.

"Got you," Sado squeaked, then launched a fireball out of his foot, blasting Ping and sending him crashing into the side of their satomobile, denting it inward.

"Alright, that does it!" the leader said, hurling the water at Sado as an ice spike, only for a girl wearing a tight, sleeveless, light-blue shirt, loose dark blue pants, brown boots, and a brown cloth hanging to her knees behind her from her waist to step in front of Sado, the ice spike turning to water, which she caught, before she sent it back at him in the blink of an eye, freezing his head.

"You okay?" she asked, glancing at him.

"Great," Sado said, standing, feeling like he might throw up, and likely needing a hospital, but able to stand again. "Thanks for the save."

"No problem," she smiled, turning back to the front as the leader finally managed to unfreeze his head.

"You take the waterbender," Sado said. "I get the earthbender."

"Nah, I got this," she smiled, walking forward.

The leader, apparently not a fast learner, sent his water at her again as a hail of ice spikes, only for the girl to raise a hand, catching them then sending them back, making them catch the man by his clothes and tack him to the ground. Then, when the earthbender moved to attack her, she kicked her foot, the ground under the earthbender suddenly being a small platform, the earthbender sailing into the air. Sado stared at her, open-mouthed. There was no way. Of all the people to run into on the first day, there was no way it was the Avatar. Especially since Avatars were all ancient from spending years mastering the elements, right? They weren't young and ridiculously attractive like the girl currently juggling the earthbending gangster with earthbending.

Finally, she sent a blast of fire into his gut, sending him crashing into a window and the shop inside. Just as she did, a siren blared over them and Sado looked up, seeing a police airship hovering over the street.

"Police!" a voice said through a loudspeaker. "Freeze where you are!"

"Oh joy," Sado sighed. "Just what I need."

The metalbenders making up the Republic City Police Department leapt from the airship, using cables to lower themselves to the ground.

"I caught the bad guys for you officers," the girl said.

Then, they used the cables to restrain the three gangsters. Then, they turned to the girl and Sado.

"You're under arrest too," the head cop said.

"Oh come on!" Sado said. "I didn't even break anything this time! Except maybe Ping's back. And their satomobile. Oh fine. Let's get the ass-chewing over with."

The metalbenders moved to wrap a cable around him and the girl but she caught them.

"Wait, you can't arrest us, they're the bad guys!" the girl said.

"Let it go," Sado said. "This is how the city works. Just go with it, trust me, it'll cause a lot less trouble than you trying to resist arrest by running."

"But I'm innocent!" the girl said. "Just let me explain!"

"You can explain all you like down at headquarters," the metalbender said.

He retracted the cables and fired more at her, but she dove out of the way, taking off instantly, her pet polar bear dog running over and letting her on before taking off with her, most of the metalbenders chasing her. Sado sighed as he was restrained and led away, being taken back to the police station and unrestrained, then led into a room alone and sat down.

"Wait here," the metalbender said, walking away.

"I knew it," Sado sighed. "Couldn't resist saying hi, could you?"

"If you think this is about me saying hi, you're an even bigger fool than your file says," an older woman said, stepping into the room wearing her usual metalbender uniform and with her grey hair down.

"Oh come on Aunt Lin, that's not fair," Sado said. "It's not my fault that my bending is purely destructive. The only thing fire's good for is burning people and objects."

"You're such a disappointment," Lin said.

"No kidding," Sado grumbled. "Never knew that growing up."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lin asked.

"Really?" Sado asked. "You can ask that question? My father was the only one who inherited Grandfather's firebending, and yet because of it he was treated like an outcast, and like he was never really family. I saw it. Any time he asked for help, and any time he needed anything you all told him to deal with it himself! Then when he died at the age of thirty because he was sick and couldn't afford treatment, where were you!? The only family there were Grandmother and Grandfather! But where were you and Suyin!? Sure you were there when Grandfather finally died of old age, but where were you for my father!? If we were family, why did I have to get raised by the Fire Nation military in order to have a home!?"

"Sado, we're not here to discuss your childhood problems," Lin said coldly.

"My childhood problems," Sado scoffed. "Wow. Fuck this. I'm out of here. And don't worry. The next time your metalbenders are too late, I won't interfere. I'll let them put an old man in the hospital."

He opened the door and walked through, slamming it behind him and waking out of the building, stopping as he watched the girl that had run and her polar bear dog get lowered to the ground where the metalbenders were waiting.

"Couldn't quite make it, huh?" Sado asked. "Tried to warn you."

"Oh hush," she said. "Just because I don't give up at the first sign of trouble."

"No, you just don't know how the city works," Sado said. "Anyway, I'm outa here. Good luck with Aunt Lin."

"Wait, the police chief's your aunt?" she asked.

"Barely," Sado snorted. "See ya."

And with that, he walked away to try and find a place to stay for the night.

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I need suggestions for pairings for my OC. I'm unsure who to use.