Annabeth's POV

Camp Half-Blood, August 18th; the sun was shining, birdsong mingled with the usual battle cries and it was Percy's eighteenth birthday.

Despite the recent revelation that not only one but both of Percy's grandfathers were bloodthirsty mass murderers, Annabeth was determined that he would have a nice, normal day.

He wasn't so sure.

But since what Annabeth wanted usually went, the entire camp had gathered on the beach to celebrate. They'd been busy all summer, rebuilding and readjusting to the Mist and everyone was eager for some fun. The party wasn't ending any time soon - as the tide came in, it circled around the demigods leaving a patch of dry sand ringed by white surf. Benefits of her boyfriend being a son of Poseidon, Annabeth thought with a grin.

"Happy Birthday to you… Happy Birthday to you…"

Percy covered her hand with his in the sand, "Do you remember our first kiss?"

"You look like a minotaur…"

She smirked, "How could I forget?"

Their lips hovered an inch apart and she could smell the birthday cake on his breath.

"And you smell like one too!"

"If I remember correctly, it went something like this…" his mouth brushed hers, but he jerked back as someone screamed.


He sighed regretfully, his breath warm on her cheek. Their eyes met before they both stood and turned in the direction of the shout.

High above the campers' heads, two birds circled in the azure sky. Campers were muttering amongst themselves, drawing swords and aiming arrows. As they spiralled lower, Annabeth saw that it was a pair of tawny owls each with a letter clutched in their talons - Hogwarts. The demigods who had attended the wizarding school last year were on their feet, telling people to lower their weapons.

"Relax!" she said, pushing Keila's bow down, "They're owls – it's a form of communication wizards use!"

Urgent whispers turned to murmurs of interest. All summer, campers who hadn't met the wizards had been intrigued by the existence of a whole other world in the UK. Dozens of eyes followed the owls as they flew lower.

Screeching, the largest owl deposited it's letter in Percy's lap. With a shaking hand (he hadn't exactly left Hogwarts on good terms), he broke the seal and drew out the letter from inside. Annabeth leaned in to read over his shoulder.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr Jackson,

Due to the recent discovery of your wizarding heritage, we are pleased to inform you that you been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to formally begin your magical education. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on the 1st of September.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Percy hadn't finished yet. His lips moved as he squinted at the letters. At last, he said, "They want me to go back?"

Gently, she took the parchment from him, "There's more," she said, turning over the page to reveal a note scribbled on the back, in the same emerald ink as the letter.


I understand that you might not wish to return to Hogwarts after your experience last term, but I beg of you to give us another chance. If you do choose to take your rightful place in the wizarding world, meet me at 12 Grimmauld Place, London, on the 30th August. It's best you arrive after dark.

Best wishes,


The rest of the camp had returned to the party, all except two; Nico and Will crossed the beach toward them, "Nico got one too," Will said, nodding at the letter.

Nico was holding his parchment at arm's length, looking faintly sick, "What do you think?"

"I don't know…" Percy frowned, "After everything that happened last term, maybe it's better the worlds remain separate."

Annabeth wanted to agree – the camp was safe, she and Percy were together and in a few weeks, they'd be going to New Rome to help rebuild and attend college there – she had everything she wanted. But Dumbledore was right about one thing, Percy did belong in the wizarding world. At least, for now.

And Annabeth belonged with Percy.

"I'm coming with you," she said

His eyes widened, "Annabeth…"

"As long as we're together, right?" he held her gaze for a moment before looking away, his cheeks coloured pink.

"I think we should all go," said Will, "Us four, I mean. If Voldemort's back," Percy cringed at the name, "they're going to need all the help they can get."

"But it's your choice," Annabeth said seriously, "Yours and Nico's."

Nico exchanged looks with Percy, "I think it's what Bianca would want me to do," he said quietly.

Percy looked from the letter in his hand to each of his friends in turn, "Okay," his face finally broke into a nervous grin, "We're going back to Hogwarts."

Percy's POV

A week later, Percy lay in the forest with Annabeth. In a few days, they'd be leaving for London. Despite everything that had happened last term, he was looking forward to seeing Harry… and Ron… and Hermione… Even Ginny, Ron's little sister, who had saved Annabeth from a monster. He grinned – it would be good to be back.

The phone rang. It shattered the silence, interrupting his thoughts.

His phone never rang.

Annabeth lifted her head from the grass, her brow furrowed. The book she was reading – A Complete History of Magic, one Hermione had given her – tumbled into her lap, "Who is it?"

The phone had been a gift from his mom. It was dangerous for demigods, but Percy had insisted, so his mom could call him in case…

In case she went into labour.

His hand tore the phone from his pocket. With trembling fingers, he slid the bar across and raised the speaker to his ear.

"Percy - Percy, are you there?" the tremor in her voice was unmistakeable.

"Mom? What's wrong?"

"I… you need to come home, baby," his stomach constricted. His mom would never ask him to leave camp if it wasn't an emergency, "I-I'm sorry, I can't explain anymore."

"What is it? Mom?" he was panicking now, "Are you going into labour? Where's Paul?"

"I'm sorry, Percy, honey." Her voice cracked at the mention of the baby, "I have to go, I-I love you, Percy."

"Mom?" Nothing. "Mom!"

Sally's POV

"Hang up!"

In the kitchen of her tiny Manhattan apartment, Sally Jackson clutched the phone desperately to her ear. "I have to go, I-"

"Hang up the bloody phone!"

"I love you, Percy."

Percy's POV

"Percy?" Annabeth grabbed his hand, "What's wrong?"

"My mom…" The words stuck in his throat – he didn't want to believe them, "I think she's in trouble."

Later, Annabeth would say that was when his hero complex kicked in. Call it what you like – Percy had known his mom 100% of his life and he knew when she was scared. He needed to get to her, and he needed to get there now, which meant he'd need help.

"Nico!" he yelled, charging up the hill toward the camp, "Where's Nico?"

"Percy, slow down!" Annabeth panted, "If Sally's in trouble, we'll save her."

He burst into the dining pavilion, where Will was teaching the newbie campers first-aid while Nico watched lazily from the shadows.


"Percy?" he frowned, "What's up?"

"It's my mom, she's in trouble. I need to get home – now."

Will's expression darkened, "No way."

"Please," silently, Percy begged him to understand, "It's for my mum."

"Then I'm coming too," Will's expression dared anyone to disagree, "Nico will need me to heal him on the other side."

Nico nodded reluctantly, "Hold on, then," They linked hands, Will's students gawking at them, and together, melted into darkness.

The ground beneath Percy's feet shifted, hardening into the familiar, grainy floorboards of his mom's New York apartment. Spots danced before his eyes and he blinked, trying desperately to clear his vision. His mom was nowhere to be seen. Neither were his friends.

"We meet again, Perseus…"

He knew that voice; it had haunted his dreams for the last year…


"Don't you mean Grandad?" he taunted, "What about Pops?"

"Show yourself!"

"If you wish," the air seemed to shimmer, and Voldemort appeared, reclining in Paul's armchair, his white face perched on one of his skeletal hands. His scarlet eyes were expressionless, as corpse-like as a shark – and Percy had been up close with enough of those to know. Blocking the door, three Death Eaters, clothed in dark robes and twisted, silver masks, materialised from the shadows, each with their wand pointed at one of his friends' throats. Nico was limp in his Death Eater's arms.

A trap.

"Let them go,"

"Of course," Voldemort nodded at his followers and they shoved Percy's friends to the ground. Nico lay, unmoving, on the rug, "I didn't come here to fight."

"Then why did you come?" He offered Annabeth a hand, but she pushed it away, drawing her knife and springing to her feet. Will crawled toward Nico, "Where's my mom?"

"Ah, yes," Voldemort's voice was like nails down a blackboard, "Your mother's taken a little vacation, and that husband of her's too…"

His fingers trembled with fury, "What have you done with them?"

"If you want to see your mother again, you'll do exactly as I say," Voldemort twirled his wand menacingly in his bone-bleached fingers, "I hear you're returning to Hogwarts?"

"So, what?" Percy crossed his arms.

"So, Harry Potter," Voldemort spat, his mouth curling in distaste, "has something I need. You and your friends are going to help me get it."

"And then you'll give my mom and Paul back?"

"I promise."

Percy didn't believe a word of it.

"You see, Percy, your friend Rachel isn't the only oracle. A prophecy I'm rather concerned about lies within the Ministry and the Potter boy is the only one who can retrieve it. You must convince him to do so."

"You want me to betray him?"


"I-I can't." He may have been a soldier, but he was no double agent.

Will looked up from where he was tending to Nico, "How do we know we can trust you?"

"There is a way," Annabeth said quietly, "I read about it, last year, but, Percy-"

"I believe I know what your girlfriend has in mind," A cruel smirk twisted Voldemort's mouth, "An Unbreakable Vow."

"What's an Unbreakable Vow?" Percy asked.

Will was staring at Annabeth, horrified, "But-"

"But what?" he demanded, "What's the problem? If it's unbreakable-"

"That's the problem," said Annabeth, "Percy, if you break it you'll die."

Her expression said don't be stupid, but this was his mom…

"I'll do it," he blurted, looking directly at Voldemort, "If it means you have to stick to your word."

"A wise choice," he said, pleased, "Lucius, perhaps you would consent to be our Bonder?"

Lucius… the name was somehow familiar.

"I-I will, my lord," the Death Eater in question stuttered, drawing his wand.

Percy looked round at his friends. In the corner, Nico was stirring. Will was healing him, his hand aglow with golden light which rippled across his worried brow. Annabeth caught his gaze, shaking her head slightly. Her knuckles were white on the hilt of her blade, but with Nico unconscious they were outnumbered and if last year had taught him anything, it was that swords could only do so much against spells. Besides, fighting Voldemort wouldn't guarantee getting his family back. He had no other options, "How do we do this?"

"First, we kneel," Voldemort lowered himself to his knees and, reluctantly, Percy did the same, "Then, we join hands."

Shuddering, Percy grasped his right hand. Voldemort's grip was as hard and cold as steel. The Death Eater named Lucius placed the tip of his wand over their joined hands.


Before Annabeth could finish, Voldemort spoke.

"Do you, Perseus Jackson, promise to retrieve the prophecy meant for Harry Potter and deliver it to me?"

He swallowed, "I do."

A bright tongue of flame shot out of the wand and wound its way around their linked hands, like a red hot wire.

"Do you swear not to tell anyone about your actions?"

"I do."

A second ribbon of flame issued from the wand and danced around their hands.

"Now you make your demand to the Dark Lord," hissed Lucius.

He forced himself to look into Voldemort's eyes, "If I do what you ask, will you swear to give back my mom and Paul?"

"Percy, wait-"

Fiery shadows flickered across Voldemort's white face. His satisfied smirk widened into a jack-o-lantern's sinister grin, "I will."

His friends' anguished faces shone red in the blaze of the second tongue of flame as it twisted with the first and bound itself around their clasped hands, like a rope, tethering grandfather and grandson together, until the deal was complete. Until Voldemort had won.

And Harry, and Percy, had lost.

Woohoo! The first chapter of the sequel is out - what did you think? The tone of this story is gradually going to get darker as it goes on and I've got tons of conflict planned for Percy, Harry and their friends! One plot line I'm not entirely sure about is Nico's past... I have a rough outline but if you have any suggestions, let me know! Remember to fave/follow the story for more and, as always, I will be replying to all reviews in the next chapter!

I really hoped you enjoyed the first chapter. Updates will (hopefully!) be weekly so stay tuned!

Lileaf, xoxo