Unfortunately, this is the last chapter for My Everything :( Thank you guys for favoriting, following and reviewing and thanks to ones that simply just read the story. I'll have another long-term fanfiction out shortly, but I'll still be posting in the mean time :)
Garcia's POV
I didn't just say that, did I? Great going Penelope, you let Derek know that he's going to be a father when you're divorcing him, now he won't you or the baby go now for sure! Well, time to do some major fucking backpedaling.
My mind was set as my eyes connected with Morgan's, prepared to speak whatever came to my mind. Then I saw the look in his eyes. The look of pure destruction and disappointment began to sink in on his face as all color fell from his face. His eyes no longer shone brightly like they were before, instead, they fell flat. It seemed as if all life had been drained from his face. The arrogant, almost brash man that I've come to known over 10 years is now gone. What was left was a shell of the Derek Morgan that I knew.
"You're- you're pregnant?! Baby girl, are you serious?"
I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes at him. "No, I'm playing the pregnancy card to get you to stay with me, even though I'm the one divorcing you." Morgan had no problem rolling his eyes at me as we all stood there, the guy still standing off to the side.
"Why didn't you tell before you decided to fucking divorce me?!" The anger over the whole situation was starting to seep back into his system. God, he couldn't stay disappointed and sad for just one minute, could he?
"Because I've only known about it for a few days now. Besides, me being pregnant and you being the father doesn't change the fact that you don't spend enough time at home. It doesn't change the fact that there are issues between us that have been going on for far too long Derek." I could feel the hormones starting to course through my system as I pinched the bridge of my nose.
"I want to work things out, for our kid. I want to be there for our child." This may be me taking things way out of per portion but He did NOT just say that, did he?!
My brain to mouth filter malfunctioned as I uttered the phrase, "What, now that a baby's being thrown into the mix you want to make things work? Was I not a good enough reason for you to fix things beforehand?" Morgan was once again struck speechless.
The guy standing beside him allowed a smirk to appear on his face. "You, my friend, are up shit's creek without a paddle." Derek's eyes turn into a daggered eye stare as he glared at the man standing next to him. "Guess I'm not your friend. I'm going to take this as my opportunity to get out of here."
"Why don't you walk me out with you? I'd rather be alone then stay with the company in this building." I didn't give either of them the chance to speak as I stormed out of the bar and towards my car. Both of the men didn't come out of the bar until I had already started my car and pulled out of the parking lot.
I didn't know where to go, so I headed back to work. I knew that if I headed home, Derek would most likely be there and I didn't want to deal with that shit. He's a hard person to deal with normally on a day to day basis. Add on the fact that he got divorce papers AND his wife said she was taking the baby with him? Psh, you shouldn't even try dealing with the man.
Work I knew was the only place I would be able to go where no one would think to find me. At least, that's what my imagination is picturing right now.
If I were being truthful to myself, I just wanted to escape my problems for the time being. I know it's not the right thing to do in this case, but it's what I needed in this case.
I couldn't even make it to my office as tears were already starting to form in my eyes. My body moved slower and slower as I moved down the hall. The tears were blurring my vision now, making it hard for me to see my surroundings.
As I got to the bullpen, I just gave up. I found the closet wall and slid down towards the ground, sitting down on the carpeted flooring. My elbows now rested on my knees as I stuck my head in between my legs, finally letting the sobs overcome my body.
My life was an absolute wreck right now. I'm 38, I'm already getting divorced, and I'm going to have a child out of wedlock. My parents would be so proud of me right now! Everything in my life has gone to complete shit; my parents dying at 18, my brothers leaving me to fend for myself, getting shot and almost dying, Derek almost dying in the ambulance explosion bomb thing and now this?
"God, can't I just get one break in life? That's all I'm asking for." I frustratingly yelled out into the empty room before me. Or so I thought. A few seconds after I uttered that phrase, Rossi steps out of his office, a concerned look appearing on his face.
"I'd ask what all of this is about, but I've had three ex-wives. I know when I'm going to get my head chewed off." I couldn't help but chuckle as I wiped a tear out of the corner of my eye. Rossi cautiously made his way over towards where I was sitting, afraid that I was going to strike him at any minute.
"It's fine, really.." With that phrase said, Rossi slid down the wall on the floor next to me, resting his arms on his knees as he glanced out of the corner of his to look at me.
"What's going on Penelope?"
"I'm pregnant." He looked at me for a few seconds before a trademarked David Rossi smirk slithered its way onto his face.
"Well, bawling your eyes out on the floor of your workplace is an interesting reaction to finding out you're pregnant."
"It's not just me being pregnant," A few more tears made their way down my face as I stared at the empty desks in front of me. "I told Derek I was divorcing him and he's not taking the news well, which is not making my job any fucking easier. Especially since I told him that I was pregnant and I was still going to divorce him."
"Wait, hold up. You're divorcing Morgan, since when? What did he do and do I have to kill him? And no offense Kitten, but what did you expect? The man loves you more than he has ever loved any woman in his entire life and you expect him to just throw up his hands and quit when you tell him you're finalizing for divorce? Especially when you just told him he's going to be a father? Do you not know Derek Morgan like we all thought you did? That man will die trying to get you back, and even then he still won't back down."
"So what, you're telling me that I'm making things hard on myself by doing this?"
"No, I'm just saying you opened a can of worms when you told him and expected truffles." I couldn't help but glare at Rossi. Yes, he may have had a hint of truth in what he was saying but I didn't want to hear it, even though I probably needed to.
"Look, Penelope, this is a decision you have to make for yourself. If you're looking for help with deciding what to do, I can't tell you what to do. It's your life. You're the only one that has to live with whatever choice you make."
He does have a point though. I'm the only one, besides my unborn child, that has to live with whatever choice I make. Since I'm most likely divorcing him, they're going to grow up without seeing their father every day.
"You're going to make a great mother Penelope. We'll all be here for you if you need it." With a final kiss to the temple, Rossi got up off the ground with some difficulty. There were some cracking of the knees and a few grunts of displeasure, but eventually, he got up and made his way back towards his office. Before he reached his office, he turned back toward me.
"If it's any consolation, Morgan hates being away from you. Especially on cases. You've got him between a rock and a hard place on this one. It's either be with the woman he loves to death, or make sure that innocent people have their chance to live out their life." Leaving that sentence to my thoughts, he leaves the way he came.
Before the talk with Rossi, I was dead set on divorcing Derek. I couldn't take him not spending time with him, like it was his choice he didn't want to spend time with me. I'm still going to divorce him, there's just too many things wrong with this relationship to try and fix. I'm just going to be a little more, hurt on the choice I've made rather than be completely fine.
After I had gotten a hold of myself at work, I left to go back home. I knew before I had even gotten in my car that this was going to be a difficult because Morgan would be there and I knew he wasn't going to make this easy for meThenhe again, in the entirety that I've known him, he's never been one to make a conversation easy.
I breathed a sigh of relief when I pulled into the driveway and saw that Derek's SUV wasn't in the driveway. This whole thing just got a lot easier!
I now managed to have a smile on my face as I walked up to the front door. Maybe I could just soak in a bubble bath with some lavender scented candles and some Michael Buble. That was something I needed in the midst of all of this.
When I opened the red front door, I was instantly greeted by the smell of fresh linen and citrus. The happiness going through my body was short lived when I saw Derek standing off towards the living room, a black leather travel bag in hand.
"What are you doing here Derek?"
"Last time I checked, I still live here. That is until you go through with the divorce that shouldn't be taking place."
"I mean how the hell did you get here? Your car's not here."
"I walked here, needed the time to clear my head."
"The bar's a good two-three miles away from here." I stayed off that subject as I let my eyes wander to the bag that was in his hand. "Where are you going? I didn't hear that you guys had another case."
"We don't. I just figured it would be best if I… stayed somewhere else for the next couple of days. If this is what you want-" Morgan took a moment to swallow hard before continuing. "Then I'll let you make that choice. There's nothing I can do to stop you." With the bag grasped tightly in his hand, he took a few steps towards the front door. "I just want to know Garcia that this- this isn't what I want. But if this is what you want, then I have to respect that."
"I'm sorry- This isn't how I wanted things to go between us."
"I know that. I don't blame you. I blame myself more than anything, for not seeing something that was right in front of me." With tears in his eyes, Derek glanced down at free. "I guess this is goodbye baby girl." He turned his back to me and continued making his way towards the front door. Just as his hand turned the knob, my body found it's voice as I spoke up.
"Please- don't go. I know it wasn't you're choice, leaving me for weeks on end. I can't be mad at you for choosing to save people over spending time with someone that's always going to be there. It's not your fault, ok? I over-reacted about the whole thing and I know that this isn't something that you want, I appreciate that you're doing this for me. But this isn't something I want! I don't want to get divorced! I don't want to raise this child by myself! I don't want to lose you-" My voice lost the confidence that I once had as I stared down at the ground.
I then heard something I wasn't expecting from Derek; a laugh. A full forced laugh that made me question what was so funny and what I had done for him to do that.
"Mind telling me what's so funny?" Derek turned towards me, with a smile on his face that I hadn't seen in quite some time.
"What's funny- is that you think there was something in this bag, to begin with." With the bag still in his hand, he opened the zipper with the other. Sure enough, there was nothing but air inside the bag. "Did you really think that I was going to give up without a fight sweetheart, do you know me at all?"
I groaned, knowing that the great Derek Morgan had played me. I can't believe it, I was just Morganed.
"Oh my god, you sound just like Rossi." There was a softness in his voice that appeared when he spoke next. "It's better than some of the douchebag things I've said lately."
"Well, we all make mistakes."
"And I made the mistake of thinking that I put the job before you. I can't promise that I won't make that mistake again, but I'll be there for you. And for our child."
"And that's all I ask of you."