Disclaimer: The characters of Supernatural do not belong to me.

A/N: Yes, this is a Christmas story, and yes, it will likely not be finished until after Christmas.

When Jim Murphy was accused of being 'sneaky', he often laughed it off. Mostly because it was true. He had, more than once, pulled a bait and switch in order to help friends when they didn't want it. He knew the old bit of wisdom that you can't really help someone unless they wanted it, but he tended to throw that out with the people he truly cared about.

Like the Winchesters. John and Dean had been with him since the night before, and both were surprisingly still sleeping. John had learned long ago to not ask Jim to wake him up in the morning. The friendly pastor would simply 'forget' every time and keep them in bed. As usual, the smell of cooking pancakes and bacon woke Dean first.

"Well, it seems that my food really does raise the dead."

"That it does, pastor Jim." Dean said with a grin. "That it does."

"So, what's on the agenda for the day?" Jim asked.

"I'm not sure. Dad said we'll probably just hang out with you for a few days. Is that okay?"

Like a worm on a hook, Jim thought. "It's always okay, Dean. Do you think your father will ever learn that he doesn't have to ask?"

"Probably not." John answered, walking to the kitchen and joining the two of them. "And it's funny; I seem to remember seeing the alarm clock last night before I went to sleep."

"Did you now? Weird…"

"Mmmmm hmmm." John replied as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "Dean, we need to train today."

"You absolutely will not." Jim said, turning and plating the last of the pancakes. "It is December 23. You two will rest in this house until the 26th and I won't hear any arguing about it. Understood?"

"What are you gonna do if we don't?" John asked.

"Remember, buddy, who I've got on my side." Jim said, pointing up at the ceiling.

John cracked a rare smile. "Yes, sir."

"Now, there's something you two should know. I've invited someone else to spend Christmas here."

"Who?" John asked.

"Don't worry. It's a friend." Jim said. "In fact, he should be here any second."

"What are you up to?" Dean asked.

The front door opened and a familiar voice called out in greeting. John and Dean were both stunned. They hadn't heard from him in almost eighteen months, not since the blowout fight that had led to the family separating. Jim walked back into the kitchen, grinning in triumph.

"Sammy?" Dean asked.

Sam frowned; he obviously hadn't been expecting this either. "Hi, Dean. Hi, Dad."