He's mine

Disclaimer: I dun own .Hack//Sign!! I'm just borrowing the characters for my story. Now if I did own .Hack//sign I would be very happy…

Note to all readers: I hope you liked my last chapter here's the 3rd chap

I'll thank my cousin for helping me out.


Okami: here we go again

Dark: hey man it's like 2:17 a.m. dude, go to sleep

Ookami: I need to make up time for not writing for the pass few days!

Dark: whatever you say man… * goes back to sleep *

Ookami: this fic is for you guys…ENJOY!!! * Smiles *

On with the fic…

  Tsukasa yawned as he stood on the pier waiting for Mimiru

" Maybe it's too early, there aren't many players on…"he said stretching his arms "I'll come back later" he turns slowly away "hey where do ya think your going?" shouted a approaching familiar voice.

 Tsukasa looked behind his back and smiled "MIMIRU!!!" he shouted back " I thought you weren't coming." Said Tsukasa looking at Mimiru,

" Don't doubt me Tsukasa, I always come," sneered Mimiru

 "Yeah I believe you Mimiru, " said Tsukasa sarcastically "whatever." Said Mimiru "c'mon lets go!" said Mimiru grabbing Tsukasa's hand "to where?" asked Tsukasa confused " I dunno… where our hearts take us!" said Mimiru smiling at Tsukasa " ok…" Tsukasa smiled back at Mimiru.

Tsukasa and Mimiru ran side by side til they reached a bridge and collapsed on it panting, " well is this the place you were talking about our hearts taking us?"Said Tsukasa nearly out of breath " nope, we can go any where our hearts desire" said Mimiru taking in a deep breath " wanna keep going?" Mimiru asked Tsukasa shook his head " can't we walk?" he asked looking at Mimiru * hey its not like I'm in front of a terminal sitting on a chair*Tsukasa thought to himself " ok we'll walk the rest of the way" said Mimiru.

Tsukasa got up and walked with Mimiru. Tsukasa looked down at Mimiru's free hand he gulped and shakily pulled his hand up and held onto Mimiru's hand, Mimiru smiled as Tsukasa blushed a deep red then a lean figure leaped in front of them " well lookie at the two lovebirds"

"Go away Sora" mumbled Mimiru letting go of Tsukasa's hand "but I just want to hang out with my two best friends…" said Sora innocently

" We're not your friends," said Tsukasa staring coldly at Sora

"Touchy" said Sora putting his hands on his hips he as he leaped away "well good riddance" said Mimiru grabbing Tsukasa's hand and walking to the next town "uhh…"

Tsukasa blushed at seeing Mimiru's actions he smiled as they finally reached the next town

(The one that looks like Italy with Subaru sitting on those boats)

 As Mimiru approached the gates, Subaru came out and greeted them

"Why hello pleasant meeting you two here " said Subaru looking only at Tsukasa

*Note: for all the Subaru haters I made Subaru a little bitchy (hope you like it),

And for ppl who like Subaru I'm sorry but this is my fic*

"Well we decided to walk with each other," said Mimiru standing in front of Tsukasa

" You guys don't mind if I come with you guys?" Mimiru and Tsukasa looked at each other

"I take that as a yes!" smiled Subaru butting in " hey we didn't say… " Mimiru began

 " Let's go, " said Subaru throwing an arm around Tsukasa neck taking him away.

"HEY!!!" shouted Mimiru * that's my boyfriend you got your arm around!!! *  Thought Mimiru gritting her teeth, Mimiru stood up and dusted herself off and ran towards Subaru and Tsukasa

Mimiru stood in between Subaru and Tsukasa and swung her hips at Subaru's hips to push

Subaru away on purpose ' whoops I'm sorry Subaru I didn't see you there" Said Mimiru looking up to the sky " why you little…" started Subaru, Mimiru grasped Tsukasa's hand "huh? Whaddya say Subaru?" said Mimiru acting all innocent "oh, so you two are together?" asked Subaru   

* This is perfect * thought Subaru " yup, we got together yesterday" said Mimiru proudly

*We'll see whom Tsukasa belongs to after I make him mine…* Subaru thought to herself                      smiling sinisterly " C'mon Tsukasa lets go "said Mimiru pulling Tsukasa with her towards a clear

Lake Mimiru stood at the edge of the lake letting go of Tsukasa's hand then Mimiru heard a pounding noise behind her at the next moment she was pushed into the lake

" Oh! Mimiru!"Shouted Tsukasa pulling her out of the water " are you ok?" asked Tsukasa Mimiru nodded at Tsukasa coughing, Mimiru looked up and saw Subaru laughing her butt off Mimiru took the advantage and threw Subaru into the water " take…THAT!!!" shouted Mimiru Subaru rose up from the water growling "hahahaahha!!!! SUBARU LOOKS LIKE A BANSHEE!!!!!!!" Laughed Mimiru

Subaru dashed forward tackling Mimiruto the floor, Subaru sat on Mimiru's stomach and began choking her.

Tsukasa stared in horror looking at the two fight " hey you two STOOOOOP!!!!!" shouted Tsukasa pulling Subaru off of Mimiru " Mimiru…" said Tsukasa softly "are you alright Mimiru?" Mimiru had blood coming down her chin as she nodded at Tsukasa again "c'mon let's go" suggested Tsukasa

I'll get you Mimiru and I'll take Tsukasa from you too * thought Subaru. Mimiru and Tsukasa walked away from Subaru, then a Crimson Knight came out from behind a tree " lady Subaru, are you hurt?" asked the Crimson Knight "no, just angry" said Subaru " at whom my lady?" ased the Knight " Mimiru…" replied Subaru " shall I go and deal with her, my lady?" the Knight asked Subaru " no I will do this on my own…" said Subaru.

Ookami: man I'm tired it's like 4:21 a.m.

Dark& Kawaii: * snores *

Ookami: * takes out a megaphone *

Ookami: WAZZAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dark& Kawaii: falls off their beds

Kawaii: can't we sleep in peace man?

Ookami: nope you're in my house now!!!!

Dark: dude we all live with each other stupid

Kawaii: yeah, Ookami

Ookami: ok, ok you gotta point but I only do all the writing

Dark: hey we bring you anime all the time!

Ookami: * snores *

Ookami: * is asleep*

Kawaii: Lets go back to bed

Dark: * is already asleep on the couch*

Preview for next chapter: Things heat up between Subaru and Mimiru when they begin fighting each other for Tsukasa, betrayel is also in the air when Mimiru see's Tsukasa and Subaru together… ANGST IN THE NEXT CHAP (some lemon in the future) (maybe…)