Alright, this account has gone to a whole new low on this website. The famous (dark) H-Anime, Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru (where essentially, a bunch of mercenaries wants to make a Slave Sex Empire, where women are forced to be subservient to men) crossover with Japanese favorite Kaiju, Gojira, the King of the Monsters. Specifically, Human-Gojira. The idea of a human Gojira has been in my head since I read The God of Destruction comes to Remnant by DragonKingDragneel25. Go read it, it's awesome. This fic was inspired by his. So if you see any similarities, then you know why. I hope I haven't plagiarized him. If there are any mistakes you've spotted, then please tell me.

I also have an idea of this becoming a running series that will continue by adding other fictions in Arcs.

Please review constructively and don't just spout hate. This is fanfiction and we can all, hopefully, of a good time.

This is the First Arc of this season, titled "From King to Warrior, to Emperor."


Pacific Ocean; 2018; 1640 hours

The men and women of the Gotengo held their breath, the submerged warship was silent except for a few soldiers around a specific screen. On the screen was a live stream of the front of the warship.

Their mission?

Find Gojira and finally take him down.

This mission was a full ten years in the making. It was after several monsters had appeared and brutalized the world. These monsters were dubbed: Monster X, Rodan, Anguirus, King Caesar, Kamacuras, Kumonga, Manda, Gigan, Hedorah and Zilla. After the battle that was called the 'Kaiju War' or 'The Final War for Humanity', the population of the Earth went down to just under one billion, including all of the saved humans from the Xillian ships. The world was devastated but there was a light at the end of it, the Xiliens materials and technology were now in the hands of humanity. With no other choice, the remaining humans that survived joined together to become the U.H or the United Humanity.

Politicians from around the world raged for six months if they should attack the King of the Monsters. One half thought that the monster was a safeguard from other kaiju that would attack the Earth, but the other half felt that the King was nothing more than a hazard to Earth in the long run. The decision was close, only a two-vote difference, but in the end, the call was made for humanity to defeat Gojira, or Godzilla depending on if you lived outside of Japan, once and for all.

They had built a newer and better Gotengo, a multi-purpose warship that was fitted with state of the art weaponry and armour, from the Xilien's technology. Small enough to swim/fly around Gojira and yet still fast and durable enough to dodge its tail swipes and deadly Atomic Breath. It had taken them nine and a half years to fully reverse engineer the technology but they had finally completed it.

Of course, the politicians felt that the populace of the world would be unhappy with their decision, so the mission 'Operation: Regicide', was kept secret from the rest of the people of Earth. Only the people on the Gotengo, the head of the military and the Politicians who voted the mission.

"Sir! Heartbeats detected!" A Lieutenant informed his Rear Admiral, looking at an advanced sonar, the soldier then turned around at looked dead into the Rear Admiral's eyes. "It's him, sir."

The tension within the submarine could be cut with a knife, trepidation spread throughout the ship. They had found their target.

"Is he moving?" The Rear Admiral asked.

The Lieutenant looked back on his screen and quickly answered. "No sir, he hasn't moved the entire time. However, there aren't any signs of Minilla."

The Rear Admiral grabbed his jaw in thought. The crew's secondary mission was to take down Minilla as well, the thought that if he grew up to a full-grown adult, he would become just as destructive as Gojira. Reports did show up about Minilla's kindness to humans, but they were disregarded, thinking that Minilla was going to follow his father's example.

Rear Admiral Shinji Tanahashi shut his eyes for a moment, thinking about what action to take. "If we wait for Minilla, they might move quickly and not give us any time to charge the weapon. Also, if we wait, that puts us at a numbers disadvantage. It's best to attack Gojira now, then we can get Minilla after."

He opened his eyes and ordered to his crew. "Charge the weapon, we need to take out the biggest threat first."

Quickly following Tanahashi's orders, the crew activated the Black Hole Cannon.

The Black Hole Cannon was just that. A cannon that would fire a beam of energy that would open a black hole, that wouldn't last for very long, however, it would still complete what it was meant to do.

"Get a visual on the main screen." Rear Admiral Tanahashi ordered. To which it was quickly followed.

"On screen now, Rear Admiral." Another Lieutenant said. In front of the crew, a large holographic screen switched on, showing the ocean floor in front of them. "We should see the target in five seconds."

Rear Admiral Shinji and the rest of the crew aboard the Gotengo waited with bated breath.

They didn't have to wait long as Gojira, curled up and sleeping, came into view.

Charcoal grey scales, large claws that were able to tear apart steel easily, white dorsal fins that started from where his neck met his body to all the way down to the tip of his colossus tail.

"The Black Hold Cannon is at fifty percent Rear Admiral." A soldier to his left told him. Tanahashi didn't respond and continued to look at Gojira's sleeping form.

"Sixty percent."

"Seventy percent."

Everyone abandoned looking at their controls to stare at the main screen.

"Eighty percent...Eighty-five percent."

As the soldier counted up, Gojira meanwhile, smelt something. It was strange to him. It smelled like the same metal that was on the three-headed dragon that nearly killed him, and yet he could smell those little humans. He opened his orange reptile eyes and stared down at the metal thing that trapped him in ice. It was then he felt his instincts flare brightly like the sun.


He scowled at the metal thing, wrathful that the humans wouldn't leave him alone. He hadn't ruined their cities or caused terror for years. He even saved them and this is how they thank him.

"Ants should know there place when facing me!" He confidently thought.

The King of the Monsters rose to his feet, alerting the Gotengo crew.

"Rear Admiral! He's seen us!"

"We're at ninety percent!"

"Hold position!" Tanahashi roared. "We can't move otherwise out tracking lock-on will fail, then we'll have to try again, but against a pissed off Gojira!" As soon as he finished, a sound-no a roar raged through the ocean, shaking the warship.


The crew was frozen with fear. They were just challenged by the King, their souls looked already crushed…

Until a soldier screamed out. "R-Rear Admiral! We're at o-one hundred percent!"

Composing himself, Tanahashi ordered. "R-Right! Ahem!" He cleared his throat. "Crew of the Gotengo! Today, we defeat Gojira, and be free of his terror! Fire the Black Hole Cannon!"

Everyone moved as if it was their last day on earth because if they didn't move quickly, it would be.

Especially with another sight that made the crew have droplets of sweat pore down their heads. Gojira's dorsal fins started to glow blue, the telltale sign of his signature attack. The Atomic Breath.

Shinju could hear a heartbeat in his ears, it took him a second to realize it was his.

"Firing now!"

In front of the Gotengo, a large cylinder shape was sticking out of it, red and black energy was visible moving through the outer hull of the warship. The energy looks like lines that connecting and parallel lines before they reached the Black Hole Cannon, where the energy completely covered the metal cylinder.

Gojira took a deep breath, gathering nuclear energy into his chest, and unleashed a beam of blue radiation at the warship. At the same time, the Cannon unleashed its own beam.

Two beams, one red and black, the other a bright blue charged at each other. The crew thought that the two beams would crash into each other.


Just as it looked they would collide, Gojira's beam skimmed against the Gotengo's beam, heading for the warship itself.

"Absorption panels, quickly!" Shinji ordered.

Behind the Cannon, large panels opened up which looked like solar panels. They completely covered the front of the ship, with only the Black Hole Cannon being unprotected.

The two beams struck their target.

"Rear Admiral! The Gotengo is absorbing Gojira's energy perfectly, no energy is being wasted!"

Shinji nodded. "Alright! Add the energy to the Black Hole Cannon!"

As Gojira was struck with the red and black beam, he never felt so much pain in his life, his entire body was covered with a black aura with red mist pouring off of him. The pain was too intense for even the King of the Monsters. He had stopped firing his Atomic Breath and just roared in agony.


The Gotengo's energy 'lines' on the hull started to have a blue mixed with it, with a spiral of the same colour added to the Black Hole Cannon's beam. "The Black Hole Cannon's power has been increased by nearly one million percent Rear Admiral!"

"Keep firing, we're nearly there!"

The King continued to roar, moving his body to try and move out of the way, his tail swishing water around for miles and smashing the ocean floor, causing rocks to fly up and over the area.

"Make sure we stay where we are!" Shinji cried out.

However, the nuclear energy that was mixed with the Black Hole energy was a miscalculation on the human's part. For it was not a black hole that was forming around Gojira, but something else.

"Rear Admiral!"

Tanahashi looked to the scientist who cried out, he knew that Gojira was done for but if there was an issue with the ship, then it took priority.

"Yes, Mr. Nakamura!"

Said scientist had sweat pore down his head. "T-The energy around Gojira, it's not a black hole!" The entire crew all turned their heads at such speeds you'd be mistaken for thinking they all just broke their necks.

"What do you mean it isn't a black hole?!" Tanahashi interrogated.

"The readings that I'm seeing on screen, suggest that it's a wormhole, not a black hole!"

The news hit the cry like a sledgehammer to the gut. A wormhole was a double-edged sword. It did mean that Gojira could be transported, but where was anyone's guess. They might accidentally teleport the kaiju on top of the U.H headquarters, or inside the center of a city, or even just ten more feet away.

Nonetheless, they can't stop the Cannon now, not until it had completed its job.

Gojira was crying out, his roars forcing any other aquatic life to flee in terror for miles around him. To the King, the pain felt incomparable to anything else he has felt in his long life. He felt his body being pulled away by some force stronger than he.

And with that…

The King of the Monster, Gojira was thrown from this world.

The Gotengo powered down, its target gone and its goal completed. Inside, the crew was silent, unsure where Gojira had been sent. Until the sound of a cheering communications officer got word from HQ.

"We did it! There's no sign of Gojira anywhere on Earth! He's gone!"

In unison, they cheered. Finally! The terror that was Gojira had been defeated. Many thinking that the monster had been sent into space or a star. He was finally dead.

Many were cheering except for the Rear Admiral. He smiled for a moment until dreadful thoughts appeared in his head.

"Did we kill Gojira? Or did we doom another planet and civilization to his terror?"

He didn't voice these thoughts, not wanting to take away the cheers of happiness inside the Gotengo.

For now, he'll let them cheer…

...But the thought of dooming another planet to the King of the Monsters would never go away for the Rear Admiral, for the rest of his life.

He was spinning.

That was the best he could describe what his body was doing.

Internally, his body was being cruelly crushed, he could feel his body being broken apart only to be put back together again in seconds. Bones and muscles being squashed and molded into awkward shapes. The sensation of burning left him feeling vulnerable, like his scales where being melted away.

He blackout out.

Gojira, King of the Monsters, had lost consciousness.

The Outlands

It had just gone past midday in the lands of Eostia, though you couldn't tell in the north. The sky was a permanent red as if drenched in blood. The land around it was more akin to death, dead trees and no grassland was in sight for miles upon miles. The waters were poisonous and the air itself wasn't nice to breathe either. To even walk through these lands, a being would either have to be: extremely durable, immune to the effects of that land or have magical protection.

In the center of the Outlands, was the Black Fort. A name the perfectly describes it, black walls with black crystal-like structures piercing and molder around the walls themselves. In the middle of the fort was a gigantic tower that looked to penetrate the sky.

Within it, an being known as a Dark Elf was sitting on a throne, it was lavish but it was more than fine for her tastes.

As her name suggests, she was an elf with long pointy ears, bronzed skin, amber eyes, and dark hair that flowed down her body until it reacher her thighs, where it tapered off into two curls that reached her ankles.

Covering her goddess-like, five foot ten body, wasn't what most people would consider queen-like. Simple purple strips that covered parts of her sides and the bottom of her breasts, which were definitely past a G cup size. The same purple coverings were on her legs, from thigh to ankle; and her arms, from bicep to wrist and covering her womanhood was a black thong that looked a few sizes too small. On her feet were some black high heels and on top of her head was a silver crown with a black eight tailed cloak with steel plates covering the shoulders, these were regal and meant to symbolize her status.

She was Olga Discordia, the Dark Elf Queen.

Within her right hand was a long black staff, the top having a large red orb and what appeared to be a thick, stylized 'U' on top of it. Around the point where the 'U' meets the pole, a thin golden circle was hovering in place.

Olga was meditating on what to do next in her war against Celestine, the 'Reincarnated Goddess' and her Seven Shield Alliance.

But before she could think anymore about it, something pinged in her head.

Her eyes shot open as she gasped, holding her head in pain.

"My Queen?!" Her right-hand, Chloe, a half-human, half-elf that Olga rescued a few years ago yelled as she ran towards her rescuer's side. She was shorter than Olga, standing at an average five foot four, with sun-kissed blonde hair, her breasts were also smaller than Olga's but that didn't take away the fact they were something any woman would want on their body.

Her body was covered from some blue and white clothing that covered her shoulders, neck and upper shoulders that stopped just above her breasts. Like Olga, she has purple coverings that start at her hips but covers the front of her chest, she also had coverings on her lower legs, mid-thigh to ankles that were kept in place with suspenders that connect to the ones that cover her breasts. On her hands and feet, she wore gloves and boots that were both dark brown.

Olga gripped her face, as her eyes were wide with shock and horror.

"W-What is...that? What i-is th-this feeling?!" Olga whimpered. The utter power and supremacy she felt from this...thing was crushing her magical senses. It was like staring into a god's soul.

"My Queen?!" Chloe grabbed her Olda's shoulders and shook them, hoping that she wasn't injured.

Olga let go of her senses and gasped in relief, sweat poured down her body as she breathed heavily. Her tired eyes stared at Chloe. "Chloe…" She whispered and she looked around. "Where is…?" She trailed off. Wondering where the origin of that aura was. "It isn't here?"

"M-My Queen?" Chloe was confused about what Olga was murmuring about. However, she immediately went back to her Queen's side when Olga stumbled to her feet.

"I-I need to go outside. Need air." Olga moved unsteadily down the stairs and towards the throne room doors. Chloe quickly followed here while trying to get her attention.

"Queen Discordia! What are you talking about?!" However, her question was ignored by the Queen.

As Olga moved through the Black Fort, not acknowledging the other Dark Elf guards and peasants bowing to her and greeting with 'My Queen' and 'Queen Olga'. Thoughts of the aura she felt was raging within her mind.

"A god? A powerful demon of some kind? Maybe a source of magical energy, an artifact maybe?" Olga eventually reached the doorway that would lead her to the top of the Fort's walls.

Chloe, still following behind her Queen, still tried to get a response from her. "Queen Olga, what's wrong? Is something troubling you, if so, I'll do anything to deal with it."

Olga was brought out of her thoughts by Chloe's promise. She turned and gave a small thankful. "I don't think you can deal with it, but thank you anyway, Chloe." Her right-hand gave a cute blush. Olga lost her smile and faced forwards walked up the stairs. "However, what I sensed...what I felt, was nothing like I have felt before. It utterly crushed my magical senses and forced me to retreat from my meditation, something only Celestine could do, except I know this isn't her, but something else."

Chloe was now worried, if something could force her Queen to retreat, then it really was a threat that she'll have to deal with.

After all, what sort of right-hand couldn't destroy any threats to their mistress?

The two reached the battlements, several Dark Elves bowed to her, and this time Olga acknowledged them with nods. The Queen stared out towards the miles and miles of the dead land, that was dubbed 'The Outlands' by the populace of the south of Eostia.

Olga hoped that whatever held an essence that powerful, which dwarfed hers and Celestine's energy together and more, would show itself. Something that strong wouldn't just appear without leaving a mark.

"Queen Olga! Look!" She heard a scout cry out, Olga looked over and saw the scout was pointing upwards. Following the scout's direction, she looked up and gasped.

It was a fiery ball as if the gods themselves had sent down an object of their wrath.

"A sign from the heavens." She heard another scout whisper.

Olga stared at the fireball from the heavens and froze for a moment. She closed her eyes, carefully opened her magical sense and focussed on the fireball.

She opened her eyes, darkness was her surroundings, Discordia spun on the spot, wondering what was going on.


She froze. The sound came from behind her.


It was getting closer, her body started to hyperventilate. Too terrified to turn around.



It shouldn't have been possible within the dark place, but Olga felt a shadow overcome her body.

She turned around…

...And looked up.


She was thrown out of her sense again and would have collapsed to the ground again if it wasn't for Chloe's quick reflexes.

"My Queen!"

The other scouts heard this and went to help her, only for Olga to push them away and put her hands on the wall to keep her standing as she glared at the fireball falling from the heavens.

"I must have it! I must have that beast!"

The fireball finally impacted the land.


The explosion was three miles away and the surrounding land was destroyed even more. The shockwave pushed and upended the dead trees from their roots, Olga, Chloe, and the scouts caught the end of the shockwave, now a gentle breeze.

Chloe and the scouts looked on with awe as the explosion ended, leaving small fires and rock to rain down.

"Find it!" They turned to see Olga lose her composure again, but this time, it was full of greed. "Gather a large squadron and go to that explosion! Find whatever struck our lands and bring it to me!"

The scouts, not wanting to disappoint the Queen, bowed and ran down the stairs and got ready to bring what made Queen Olga act like this to her.

Right! What do you guys and gals think of my opening? Was it good or bad? Please review. However, something tells me that not a lot of people are looking for a Godzilla x Kuroinu (insert long name here) fic, but I feel that this will be a good fic (hopefully!).

Edited: 19/01/2020. Fixed a lot of spelling errors and a few formatting errors.

See ya!