principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior; a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially ones held by a specified person or society
Seated in the center of a dark room appearing to be extrinsically attached to the bastardization of the throne he sat upon, All for One let out a barely audible sigh. He mentally recounted all the assets Shigaraki managed to waste away in his impulsive attack on UA high school. The small time villains, mere pawns, were of little consequence and it would be easy enough to acquire an entire army of them; disillusioned by society, they were easy to sway to the League.
The loss of the nomu, however, was much more consequential. Yes, there were many others laying in wait, but their strength was roughly the same as the one All Might had just demolished. If he could defeat one, he could defeat them all essentially. A small knot of rage began to writhe within All for One's insides at the thought. He had overestimated how quickly his bitter enemy was losing his power. The blonde man had began to exhibit the subtle signs of the decline of One for All in his body, invisible to all but the few who understand his quirk. Having seen generations of the quirk from its acquisition to the holder's death, All for One intimately understood the process likely more than the mortals who were bequeathed its power. He had been sure that his estimations were correct, but unfortunately he was proven wrong.
The one thing he was always wont to underestimate was foolish heroism; "heroes" give more than they are physically capable of in order to defeat a singularity. It mattered little in the grand scheme of things, the scarred man mused, as this "heroic" act wrought deterioration of the body and mind. All Might's decline, which was previously progressing at a modest pace, was now going to plummet. Despite the villain's faith in his prediction, he was wise enough to know that All Might would go out fighting and could still pose a threat to the League of Villains and their leader's goals.
This train of thought led him to his current predicament. All for One was not confident that the manpower and assets he currently controlled were enough to defeat All Might and the other heroes. He was sure of it, actually. He likely did not have enough time to develop the nomus into unstoppable killing machines, Shigaraki and his allies were still inexperienced and naïve, and the hero students clearly showed enough promise to surpass the professionals within a relatively short amount of time. All for One's old allies were dead, massacred by the heroes years ago. Current villains were disorganized and fearful. There was nobody in this world that he would be able to recruit to his cause that would make a significant difference in the short term. But what about a different world?
Interdimensional quirks were beyond rare, but the scarred man had managed to acquire one from an old man many decades ago after earning (and betraying) his trust. All for One had made a few attempts at utilizing the quirk before, but for the most part he had only managed to summon plants or items that paralleled his world's own. The original user required knowledge of the world he was taking from in order for his quirk to be successful. Unfortunately, the man's knowledge was not transferred to the villain, and the man chose to kill himself rather than provide All for One with his knowledge after he realized how much destruction his quirk could wreak on the world.
It was not until recently that the scarred villain managed to obtain an item that would connect him to another world. It was a small piece of plastic, an identification card with writing in an almost pictographic language foreign to this world. He was told by the seller that it was of incomparable value in the world it was from, only issued to the elite. There was, of course, a chance that the shrewd seller was lying, but it would be a simple matter for an assassin to be sent to torture and kill the man should that be the case.
Now that he thought about it, a powerful assassin would be incredibly valuable to have for the near future. Easily able to take down those who opposed the League, as well as hold over the heads of those who commit to the villain group's cause and consider stepping out of line or defecting. All for One's mouth twisted itself into a sinister grin. Yes, that would be excellent. It would also be nice to have something that could rival All Might head on, but that kind of power was dangerous as the head villain may not be able to control it. However, the risk was worth it; All for One could always send it back to where it came from should the worst come to pass.
Well, that settled it. Reaching deep within the recesses of his mind to locate the interdimensional quirk, All for One quickly materialized the card into his hand. Latching onto the unfamiliar feeling of the quirk, he concentrated on the physical feeling of the worn plastic and the characteristics that he wished to materialize in front of him. A sudden migraine and a pull in his chest suddenly struck him, and taken by surprise, he lost his concentration for a fraction of a second. The feeling vanished and he immediately felt drained of his energy as the process was complete. He expected for there to be some kind of flashy entrance or at least a sound, but there was nothing. The villain frowned. He could feel that he had succeeded in bringing something to this world, but where the hell was it? He continued pondering for a few minutes, growing slightly concerned that his efforts would be for naught if he had just dropped something from another world into a desert or the ocean, but soon enough the screen in front of his throne came to life and Shigaraki's body appeared.
"Sensei," the thin man called out. "Did you send me a child?"
All for One was taken aback by the question. He had done no such thing, but it was virtually impossible for a child to find and impenetrate the League's hideout. Unless…
"Oh," the head villain breathed out quietly. It must have been one of the otherworldly beings. Perhaps it just appeared childlike? After all, he summoned something powerful, he was confidently aware of that. But he could not show any sort of uncertainty to his young, impressionable disciple, so he simply said, "Yes, it is a being I have summoned from another world for our use. It is powerful and will serve us well."
Shigaraki was taken aback by his master's words, and hesitated a second too long before responding, "Even though I have just embarrassed the League? You have enough faith in me to send me another powerful pawn?" The messy haired man was in awe, and All for One could almost physically feel the man's devotion to him swelling.
"That is precisely why I have given you such a gift. You have suffered defeat at the hands of our mortal enemy, but you will learn from that experience. Use this one wisely."
Shigaraki bowed low, an unusual act for him, and wholeheartedly exclaimed, "Thank you, sensei!"
All for One gave a small nod of acknowledgement and instructed, "Test its abilities and put it to use. We cannot become complacent." Without waiting for a response, he shut off the connection and was once again left in the dark alone. That accounted for one of the beings, but he couldn't help but wonder what happened to the other. Hopefully it would turn up soon.
What All for One didn't account for was that the second summon would land in the middle of Tokyo right in the heart of the heroes.
Gon woke with a start and immediately felt his senses overwhelmed by unfamiliar sensations. The ground he lay upon was cold and hard, and the air was stale with exhaust and the stench of rotting food, excrement, and body odor. The noise pollution - loud voices, clanging, and rushing footsteps - that assaulted his senses and the towering buildings currently shadowing the sun from his view affirmed that he was in a city, though he had no idea how he had arrived. The last thing he remembered was relaxing on the bank of the water on Whale Island, a stark contrast to the grimy city he was now in. He immediately longed for the soft grass, warm sun, and seabreeze but pushed the thought out of his mind as he quickly sat up and looked around.
He was in a long and narrow expanse between two older buildings, an alley. The ground was dirty and the small boy's white tank top and bare feet easily picked up the grime. Curiously, he pushed himself to his feet and walked in the direction of the street a couple paces away. He was immediately met with chaos.
People were running and screaming, and a large man around 8 feet tall who resembled a gorilla was currently raging in the middle of the road. A large mass quickly shot towards Gon from the right and he instinctively dodged. A feminine cry immediately caught his attention and he turned toward the source of it. A woman lay on the ground, sprawled helplessly as if she had just been thrown across the street. Which she had. Gon then realized she was the thing that had flown at him and he instantly regretted not catching her. He rushed over and knelt down.
"Are you okay, miss?" he all but yelled to be heard over the man gorilla and the screaming masses.
She winced and propped herself up onto her elbows. "Yeah I'm fine, my quirk cushioned my fall. I should have ran with everyone else instead of trying to stand my ground. That asshole really packs a punch."
Gon had no idea what a quirk was, maybe a specialist nen ability, but as long as she was alright that was all that mattered. His face transformed from anxious worry to innocent delight as he exclaimed, "Great! I guess I'll go take care of him then!"
The woman was too shocked to respond before the strange kid ran off, her hand too slow to catch him from running straight into danger. Immediate dread befell her, as she watched his retreating back. He looked homeless in his dirty tank top and shorts, bereft of shoes. She struggled to push herself to her feet but she knew she would be too late to save him.
Gon made a beeline for the gorilla guy, who was currently smashing all the windows out of a gift shop as people attempted to flee.
"HEY!" he shouted, utilizing the full capacity of his lungs. "OVER HERE, GORILLA GUY!"
The gorilla man, astonished that someone dared stand up to him and not run away, slowly turned to face the high pitched voice, his over sized hands shaking off broken glass. The sight that met his eyes was underwhelming to say the least. A ratty looking little kid with stupid looking hair and determined eyes. Was this a joke? It must be. The gorilla easily hefted up a stray food truck as the owner wailed about his livelihood and half heartedly threw it at the kid to shut him up. What he hadn't expected was for the kid to jump.
Gon easily leapt over the large projectile, and as soon as he touched down again shot himself right at the large man. Upon him in an instant, the boy lashed out with his foot and it connected with the gorilla man's face, sending the large man sprawling back onto his ass and glaring at the small boy in confusion and shock. People stopped running, and their screams soon turned into cheers for the green haired boy. Recovering from his shock, the gorilla man roared and charged at Gon, who effortlessly dodged out of the path of a unrefined punch, ducked under a haphazard kick, and jumped up on top of the unnaturally large hands that had just tried to grab him. Without giving the man a chance to grab at him again, Gon launched his fist into the man's stomach and the air was forced out of his lungs with an audible gasp.
While the gorilla was struggling to regain his breath, Gon let out a sad sigh to himself. Sure, he hadn't neglected his training since he returned home to Whale Island after meeting Ging, but he really couldn't pack that much of a punch without nen. His body was in peak condition physically but should he be facing an actually powerful opponent he would be practically useless. He was drawn out of his melancholy musings as the man began to charge at him again.
"Come here you little shit!" the gorilla roared, "I'm going to tear you in half!"
Gon let go of his thoughts and let the thrill of the fight wash over him instead, a grin finding its way to his face. "Yeah right!" he declared, easily dodging the sloppy right hook the man threw at him. Gon continued to dance around the street avoiding the man and tiring him down, but he failed to take into account the growing crowd of people and how they kept inching closer to get a better view of the fight. (People here really have no sense of self preservation.)
Realizing his mistake too late, the green haired boy was forced to throw himself in the way of one of the man's stray fists that would have connected with an elementary aged boy who had gotten a little too curious and bold. Gon grunted as the fist impacted with his crossed arms, pushing him back a few inches. However, he held his ground and the small boy was kept out of harm's way. Because of this action though, Gon almost immediately felt pain radiate throughout his entire left side as the gorilla man's other fist finally got a clean hit. The green haired boy felt himself flying through the air for a brief moment before he crashed down onto the street. The man let out a sadistic laugh as he quickly advanced upon Gon, who braced himself for a second hit. But it never came.
Suddenly the gorilla man was sent flying into one of the buildings he had already destroyed with a deafening crash and there was a different large shadow towering over Gon's small frame. Surprised, Gon looked up and met the smiling face of a very muscular blond man. The onlookers immediately began muttering among themselves and it soon evolved into adoring cheers.
"All Might is here!"
"Of course the #1 hero came to save us!"
"We can always count on him!"
The man himself didn't even seem to hear this praise as he took off after the gorilla man he had just punched into a building. He returned a few moments later dragging the unconscious body of the gorilla who was then detained by the police who had conveniently arrived right after the fight was over. The muscular man stopped for a moment to pose for the masses before his gaze fell to Gon. He began to walk towards the boy, the smile never leaving his face despite the small beads of sweat trailing down his body.
"That was an impressive fight, young man, but you should know that vigilantism and unlicensed quirk usage is illegal," the man spoke directly to the green haired boy, his voice just below a bellowing tone.
Gon had no idea what vigilantism was, it sounded like something Killua would know and have to explain to Gon. He also had no idea what a quirk was, though since the woman from earlier also used it must be something common wherever he was. Where was he anyways? Allowing his eyes to wander away from the kind of creepy smiling muscular guy, Gon realized that all the writing he saw was in an unfamiliar language, he was seeing some weird technology, and something just felt fundamentally wrong.
"I-" Gon quickly shut his mouth, eyebrows knitted together in confusion, not sure how to respond to the man. "I have no idea what you just said," he ended up admitting honestly.
Surprise flickered over All Might's face for a brief moment before concern set in.
"I'm sorry?" he asked the boy. "What do you not understand?"
"Everything," Gon answered instantly. "What's a vigil-whatever, what's a quirk, why is it bad, and where am I?"
All Might's face became one of consternation, though the smile never left his face. "We are in Tokyo; do you recognize me, young man?"
"I have no idea who you are weird smiling guy." Gon was actually concerned for the man since it seemed like he was unable to stop smiling. Was it a medical condition or something?
"Oh, that may be a problem. Please go with these officers so we can get everything sorted out, alright young man?" All Might gestured to the policemen who were currently walking in their direction, no doubt to get statements and commend All Might for a job well done as usual.
Gon was still confused beyond belief (and why couldn't the apparently famous guy answer his questions anyways?) but allowed himself to be seated in the back of a police car and driven to a station. At least that was a familiar concept, unlike this really strange muscular man. He watched the hulking form of the blond retreat as the car drove away, wondering if he'd see him again some day.
I've been lurking on this site for years and I finally decided to write something. Hopefully this turns out well! The next chapter will focus on Killua, and should be up relatively soon. Thank you for reading :)
Edit: Changed the title from Antithesis to Blue and Orange. Google 'blue and orange morality' for context.