"Gorilla... Earth," Sam parroted, wearing an exasperated look, mirrored by Clover.
Owlman clenched his fists and turned his head slightly towards the ape, still focused on Batman.
"That wasn't the deal!"
"No matter! Gorillas are supreme!"
Grodd let loose a primal cry of triumph as he beat his chest, fists raised skyward.
Then the white light dimmed and the humming stopped.
Standing atop the W, Alex held her Laser Lipstick with a relieved smile. The severed cable lay at her feet. She shot her Bungee Belt up to the railing above and retracted it to pull herself up to the others.
"Someone call for an electrician?" she quipped.
Sam and Clover cheered, and Batman spared a smile.
"Fool!" Grodd yelled at Bowman, whose head jerked to look at the ape. "What have you been doing while she did that?"
Still holding his split bow in half, Bowman said, "Hey, gimme a break. I'm evil, but even I'm not going to shoot a girl with her back turned. Even if I could." He dropped the two halves of his bow and raised his palms in supplication. "Also, not on board for an apes-only world."
Alex walked over to him warily, holding a pair of WOOHP handcuffs she'd pulled from her backpack. He smirked, eyebrow arched, and she snapped the cuffs over his outstretched wrists. She gave him a surprised look.
"Surrendering? That doesn't happen often," Alex said warily. Her eyes widened abruptly. "Whoa!"
A lower intensity of white energy formed out of the top of the Phase Oscillator, bathing those gathered around it in its light.
"It must have had enough of a charge. We need to shut it down now!" Batman yelled.
He threw a few spherical concussion grenades at Owlman and Grodd. But the gorilla pulled the Oscillator and its custom base away protectively, and Owlman dodged expertly. Sam drew a purple tube from her backpack, and pointed it at the villains.
"Stun Tan Lotion, do your thing!" Sam yelled.
She angled it and squirted liquid which reached Owlman. Though he dodged the initial spray, there was no avoiding the oil slick that dispersed around him. He spun wildly, arms flailing, until he landed face-first with a crash. The exposed skin of his mouth and huge jaw not covered by his cowl was drenched in the substance. As a result, he was stunned, a pained expression stuck to his face.
Despite the dire situation, the girls could barely restrain from chuckling. Even Batman's eyes were wide and his mouth was agape at the sight of the formerly intense foe, frozen in an awkward pose.
"Imbeciles!" bellowed Grodd, seemingly at both the heroes and Owlman.
He briefly turned, then whipped around with his blaster, firing at the others. Clover had the Ice Queen Perfume out of her backpack, ready to counterattack, when Grodd angled a blast at the tube of Stun Tan Lotion in Sam's hand, causing it to explode into a spray over the spies and Batman.
"Look out!" shouted Alex.
But even with them spread out, the substance rained down on them. Despite the spies' shielding most of it from themselves with their gloved arms, they were frozen. Batman was spared due to crouching defensively under his cape.
He pivoted back around to face Grodd, who fired at him with his blaster, pinning him down. Though the spies were too stunned to move much, the small amount they were hit with allowed for speech.
"Spray him- with the perfume," Clover managed to say.
Batman looked to the fallen blue star-shaped glass perfume bottle, momentarily struck by the surreal situation. He lunged for it, dodging blaster fire, and sprayed at the enraged gorilla. The mist covered a wide range before him, instantly encasing Grodd and the Oscillator in ice. The Caped Crusader breathed out a sigh of relief; the ice had stopped the Oscillator's impending destruction as well.
Helicopter blades and a rush of air caused Batman to tense up again, but it was Gotham's Special Crimes Unit chopper that hovered into view. A few burly men in combat gear emerged from the side of it to take away Bowman and Owlman. They hooked up cables firmly to Grodd, still trapped in ice.
"You think that's secure?" The taller man with short black hair asked the other.
The shorter man with weathered features and intense eyes looked back mischievously.
"Grodd usually wants to destroy or rule the world. Does it matter?"
A man in a tan trench coat with thick glasses and a moustache exited the passenger side of the chopper, approached the shorter man, then chatted with him.
Batman found Sam's fallen Laser Lipstick and used it to melt the ice around the Phase Oscillator. He cut the mechanical base it was lodged into in half and claimed the Oscillator in his gloved hands.
Blue Beetle, opting for light blue wings this time, finally soared back up from below and landed alongside him.
"That looks a little more... girly than your usual gear," Beetle noted with surprise.
"I borrowed it from her," Batman said, dead serious, with a gesture to Sam. "Those three really helped me out on this one," he added, indicating the spies.
"Are they going to be-" Beetle started.
The thin film of Stun Tan Lotion shattered from each of the girls, and they stretched their sore limbs in relief. The spies then joined hands and raised their arms in victory.
"We did it!" yelled Alex, and the other spies cheered.
Beetle grinned in response.
Clover glanced over to the man in the trench coat in thought, finger on her chin.
"Hey, we have an old guy that shows up at the end of our missions to take away the bad guys and congratulate us too!" Clover exclaimed.
The man in the coat turned his head at that, having overheard a bit.
"I didn't know you have a boss, Batman," Alex said in a playful tone, nudging him gently.
The hero looked at her, brows raised. "That's Jim Gordon of Gotham PD," he stated.
Gordon waved to them and excused himself to walk back to the chopper. After he climbed aboard, the helicopter labored to lift the frozen gorilla, then rose and flew off into the night.
Sam took a picture of the impressive view of the city lights with her X-Powder, then noticed the giant neon W just below them. She put a free hand on Alex's shoulder, and the one palming the gadget on Clover's shoulder.
"Remind you guys of anything?" she asked them with a lilt to her voice.
A moment passed, then, "WOOHP!" Clover and Alex replied.
Sam reopened her X-Powder, pressed a few buttons, and showed off a picture of their L.A. skyscraper at daytime. It had a W-shaped white rooftop, and below it, flush to the rows of light blue glass windows was the WOOHP icon: a giant white W set on a horizontally-stretched globe.
Batman, though rarely one to dally after a caper, paused to see the uncanny photo. Beetle leaned in to look as well.
"Remarkable," Batman said.
Soon, Batman finished thawing out the Oscillator from its ice with the Laser Lipstick, then examined the damaged device. The girls looked at the Oscillator with frowns.
"Oh no. Now what?" Alex lamented, looking to her friends.
Sam and Clover gazed at her sadly. Beetle rubbed the back of his neck, a frown on his face.
"Don't forget the spare," Batman said with a hint of playfulness, then pressed his belt buckle.
The Batplane appeared from below and landed on the deck nearby with just enough room to fit. He leapt into the cockpit and returned with the other jagged iron Oscillator in one hand, and a smooth purple compact in the other. He handed the compact to a smiling Alex, then worked the controls of the second Oscillator until a black portal appeared nearby.
"Thank goodness! Things were so hectic, I'd forgotten," Sam said, hands clasped. "We really appreciate it."
She encased Batman's free hand with both of hers.
"I'll miss you Batman. It was awesome working together," Alex said sadly.
She fought back tears as she hugged Batman's other arm, still outstretched due to holding up the Oscillator.
"Thank you, ladies," Batman said, and let out a small smile. "You're skilled, don't have powers, and your gadgets are impressive." He thought for a moment. "Kind of like three Batgirls."
The spies grinned at that, then Clover walked in front of Batman, clear of the beam.
"So you do have someone special," Clover said, a bit miffed. "Why didn't you say so?"
Batman blinked in surprise, "No, Batgirl is not-" he broke off when he received a kiss on the cheek from the blonde.
"Yeah, that's what they all say," she interjected. "That was for being such a great hero," she added, a bit tearfully.
"What about me?" Beetle pleaded.
"Oh, Beetle. Thanks so much," Sam said kindly.
"Good working with ya," Clover said cheerily.
Alex walked in front of him and shook his hand and pursed her lips. "I've been curious about your face, but I guess you've got the secret identity thing going," she added.
"W-well-" Beetle stammered, in a conflicted tone.
He allowed his full black mask to vanish, revealing a lean, handsome, tanned face with thick brows and full black hair. Batman shook his head at the younger man and sighed.
"Nice to see you!" Alex chuckled, and gave him a quick hug. "I'd totally go out with you if I didn't have a boyfriend. In another dimension," she added with an apologetic look.
Beetle's expression shifted from surprise, to slight disappointment, a goofy smile. "Ha, yeah that's- tricky. Wow, okay. Well, you take care, Alex."
She nodded in reply to him, smiling sheepishly.
"Well, we've got to get back home to Mali-U," Sam said quietly.
The three girls waved sadly, said goodbye to the two heroes, walked through the portal, and vanished. Batman shut off the portal and finally lowered the Oscillator. Satisfied with the minimal damage to the Tower, he retrieved the second Oscillator. Then he noticed something left on the rooftop, bent down, and retrieved it. He stood and looked to Beetle.
"Mali-U... Malibu…" Batman trailed off, gazing into the distance.
Beetle leaned forward and squinted at him in curiosity.
"I'm trying to imagine you fighting Gorilla Grodd on the beach," Beetle said. "Maybe surfing with Hawaiian shorts over your outfit."
Batman frowned, shook his head, then smiled at Beetle.
"I'll see you, Jaime. Thanks again."
He put a hand on his shorter friend's shoulder briefly.
"Glad to help out. See you, Batman," Jaime replied, mask back in place.
Beetle extended out his rocket thrusters.
Batman climbed into his jet, and with a burst of his engine, flew away. Beetle blasted off, headed to his own more distant home.
Mali-U Campus
"What a mission!" Alex exclaimed, and collapsed on the purple, pink-flower design-covered couch.
"I'll say," Sam replied from the kitchen, pouring three glasses of water.
"Thanks," Clover said after accepting hers. "Too bad we'll never see him again," she lamented.
"You never know," Sam said kindly.
Sam carried two drinks back to the spacious living room, Clover in tow. She set one in front of Alex on the oval-shaped coffee table, then sat on the couch with an exhausted smile. Alex sat up, thanked her, and drank some, followed by Sam and Clover.
"Yeah, I hope he won't forget us," Clover said.
Sam and Alex looked at her and nodded with hopeful smiles.
Gotham- Batcave
The vast cave was empty and quiet, the Batcomputer was powered down, and most of the lights were off. To the right of the Batcomputer and Batmobile at the Hall of Trophies to the side of the three colossal well-known ones, were smaller trophies under glass. They included a top hat, a gold staff with a question mark-shaped end, and an umbrella. But a new trophy was on a stand in the back: an empty blue star-shaped perfume bottle with a silver cylindrical nozzle on top.
Closer to the entrance of the cave amidst the stalactites, a bat squeaked to its fellow kind, seemingly to rouse them to action. They took flight with a boisterous flapping of wings, eager for the impending hunt for prey.
A/N: It's true; Batman never interacts on-screen with Gordon in Batman: tBatB. Gordon only appears twice, without dialogue. Oddly, Batman mentions his vanishing on Gordon in an episode (as we see in other Batman shows), suggesting they know each other.
This Wayne Tower is based off one I saw in a recent video game in an image search. I don't remember seeing the tower in this series and took liberties. The line about Malibu and Grodd is a reference to Mitefall, the final episode of the series. Yes, Batman, Grodd, and others- in Malibu. (Apologies for the slight spoilers)
Thanks very much for reading this. Hope you enjoyed. If so, please review and favorite!