The scream of his name sent shivers throughout his body. The voice that always filled him with happiness and warmth now filled him with dread.
Percy's POV
'No' I thought to myself. 'please no'. I turn my body around to see the sight that would haunt me.
Annabeth in the clutches of Gaea. She'd used her power over the earth to grab Annabeth from where she stood next to me and brought her towards her.
She was just here next to me. I'd kept her close this entire time but somehow she was still taken from me. How could I let her slip away. This is all my fault.
I ran towards her shouting "ANNABETH!". 'I'm coming just hold on please' I thought as I sprinted towards her with so much conviction that no monster dared to get in my way.
And those poor few that did met a very quick end. I saw Gaea slowly crushing her in her hands. Annabeth scream slowly dying out as her chest collapsed. Giea squeezing the life out of her.
I'm nearly there 'dammit legs move faster. Please' I pleaded in my head. Begging to make it in time. But knowing that I wouldn't. That didn't stop me from running with all my strength.
She threw Annabeth away disgusted by her broken appearance and left her lying on the ground in her own blood. I would be filled with rage by her actions but I was too filled with worry for Annabeth.
I landed on my knees by her side and lifted her into my lap gently looking over her body analysing her injuries. She's cold to the touch but I don't care, I held her anyway. "No, no, no,no! Please just stay with me, you'll be okay!". I looked around for help and saw campers looking towards us with pain expressions and tears in their eyes. Apollo looking down with sorrow.
I knew she wouldn't be okay. Six years living the demigod life you realise pretty quickly when there is a wound you can't come back from but I didn't want to give up. Not on her. Not on the life we were meant to have together.
I felt the tug in my gut trying to move whatever water i could find around me over her. 'Please heal her, please, please'.
She lifted her shaking hand to my face and I looked into her eyes and cried the water falling to the ground. It's too late for that. "please don't leave Annabeth, I need you, we still have so much to do together" I pleaded and prayed to every God I knew begging for them to help her, preying it wasn't too late, that for once something could go my way.
But as she wiped a tear from my eyes and looked at me with no fear and no hatred I knew she was leaving me. She didn't want to but she knows it's her time.
She smiled at me as my tears fell. A single tear falls from her face as she breaths in deeply smelling my sea air smell one last time. I place my forehead on hers.
We just looked into each others eyes saying everything that needed to be said. I would always lover her and she would always love me. We are soul mates and nothing would change that, not even death.
I kiss her lovingly knowing it would be the last time and whisper to her like she were the only person left in the world "I love you wise girl. I love you- I love you so much" I sputter struggling not to cry. She doesn't need my tears right now. She needs her goofy kelp head to smile at her and tell her everything will be okay.
So that's what I do I smile at her and she smiles back "keep f-fighting Percy. I l-love y-you seaweed brain" she whispers as her last breath leaves her body.
I knew she was gone. I hugged her close one last time and screamed with every ounce of pain and anger I had causing the fighting to seemingly pause. I yelled in utter anguish. Everyone looking over at me with sorrow knowing what I had just lost. What we all had lost. The seven crying at their lost loved one.
Something in me snapped as I stood up laying Annabeth in the ground gently closing her eyes. slowly I lifted my head from looking at Annabeths lifeless body. Tears still rolling down my cheeks.
I was deathly calm as I gazed at Gaea with such hatred that I was unrecognisable. She stumbled backward and flinched in fear for a moment as I stepped towards her slowly.
"Gaea" I said with so much venom that my friends had to look twice to check it was really there fun loving seaweed brain. It wasn't. Not right now.
I walked to her, monsters parting for me as I did. None daring to even look at me. Every step I take causing the ground to shake. Demigods looking over with awe and horror at my raging form. The Gods cowering slightly at me.
I got closer to Gaea, water slowly coming toward me. Gaea looked at me with fear before reminding herself that I was just one measly demigod.
She held her head high and laughed as I came towards her. "Poor hero. You shouldn't have gotten in my way. It's your fault she's gone. You could never hope to defeat me. You'll never kill me".
I stop in front of her taking out riptide and lifting my head to stare at her with anger I didn't know could even exist. "Your already dead" I said and shot towards her bringing the rage of the ocean with me.
We battle furiously. Slashing, ducking, slicing, punching, kicking. I took quite a few hits. Definitely a few broken ribs and deep cuts. I see my opening and jam riptide into the place her heart would be. She cried in pain but laughs. "I can't be killed stupid hero". "But you can fade" I growl as I push the water into her wounds, water flowing through her body and pulling her apart from the inside out.
"S-stop!" Gaea coward in fear and anger. "If you kill me you will be forever cursed. You will never know peace. You will cease to exist it this world and be in eternal pain. Not even death will bring you an escape. Or you can let me kill you and your demigod friends and you will all be together in Elysium."
I was filled with pain because I knew I didn't even have to think about my options. I wouldn't let her kill them just so I wouldn't be alone. I couldn't be that selfish. I looked towards my friends who were still stood behind me some filled with anger while others cried. They've already lost enough and I will not take the chance they have of a happy life. I'm sorry Annabeth. Please forgive me, I won't see you in Elysium but they will one day, you won't be alone.
My friends. No my family look towards me having heard Gaea. I smile at them a genuine smile. Probably the last one I would be ever be able to muster "sorry guys" I manage to whisper.
Leo yells "Percy don't!"
"Please Percy we will figure it out" shouts Nico with a trembling lip as he steps towards me.
The girls cry and look towards me with pleading eyes "We love you don't leave us!"
Jason rushes towards me "Percy don't go, please brother".
I look at them with a smile "I love you guys and you know if you blame yourself I will haunt your asses" I chuckle. I let tears fall from my eyes as I say my goodbyes "Live your lives and be happy. That's all I've ever wanted for each of you. Live your lives to the fullest and tell Annabeth I'm sorry I'm such a seaweed brain" I laugh as I cry. Jason and Nico running towards me and I turn to Gaea. Thalia shouting my name and saying "stay with us Percy" through her sobs.
I let out a yell as I plunged my sword into Gaea and willed the water to flood into her tearing her apart until there was nothing left.
Everything settled around me and I turn to face my friends feeling myself disappear. They rush towards me and engulf me into a hug, all of them holding on tightly not letting go. I smile sadly "I'll miss you guys." I hate goodbye so I'm not going to say goodbye "see ya around" I grin finally disappearing into nothingness.