The Protector


There was once a legend long ago of an avatar who was in love with a powerful woman. The woman was one of the best waterbenders in the world. Once when the avatar was injured in the avatar state, it seemed as though he was going to die. Healers and benders tried everything they could but it was no use. He was dying. The woman was so in love with the avatar that she prayed to the spirits to give her the ability to heal him, regardless of the consequences.

The spirits sympathized her and decided to abide her wishes to save the avatar. The woman then felt a change happen within her. Her waterbending was gone and instead replaced with the ability to heal. She saved the avatar but it took a toll on her. She began to just as the avatar had. The avatar held her close and asked her what he could do to save her. She was pulled into a vision, and knew what to answer him.

"Don't worry about me my love, I have just seen what is to come. My sacrifice today will not be the end of me. When I die my spirit will live on in another. My spirit now has powers that cannot be taken. My spirit has become the protector. I will forever be responsible of keeping the avatar alive. When you die another will take your place. And when you need me I will be with you always. Our spirits will forever be attached. I love you." She said to him softly, before closing her eyes and falling asleep eternally.

The avatar suffered great pain after her death, but he knew they would meet again, in this life or another.