This is my first fanfic, since high school so I might be a bit rusty.

I've deleted most of my stories because the cringe was unreal.

I haven't watched the show since season 7, so it's nice to revisit my favourite characters once again.

3rd time lucky haha, I think I've fixed the repeating issues.

Prompt from Tumblr: Kate's mom didn't die, During her model time, she's hired by Black pawn to show up at a storm book launch. Her job is to be a beautiful person for the press to see mingling around. But when she bumps into Castle and hits it off, Gina is not happy. For Gia has plans to be the next Mrs Castle and no tall model is gonna get in her way.

"Finally," Kate mutters under her breath as the cool breeze greats her, opening the back door and stepping onto the balcony.

"Oh, come on." Kate groans as she tries to reach her feet, to take her high heels. Don't get her wrong on another day, you'll find her proudly rocking her stiletto heels or any heels for that matter...well until the stylist brought out the 18-inch stiletto's.

But the shoes weren't the only thing causing her grief this evening. There was also the fact that not only was her ability to breathe restricted but so were her organs.

another contributor could be that this was the most degrading job, she or possibly anybody has ever taken on.

She didn't sign up for this, she signed up too sit, stand or do whatever impossible position the camera wanted her to do, not to attend parties, standing around like a mannequin and listening to most airhead of conversations.

"Deep breaths, Kate, deep breaths."

Her inner thoughts remind her as she grips the door handles. "It will all be worth it, The Academy will be worth it."

Walking down the hallway and making her way down the stairs, Kate grabs a flute of champagne and makes her way into the party again.


"Well aren't you, A busy man tonight," Gina smirks walking over to the bar. "Every time I turn my head, you're gone." She laughs and props herself up onto the bar stool.

"Lots of new faces to meet and greet, Gina." Rick sighs and nurses his gin. "Who even, are half of these people?"

Gina sighs roll her eyes and click's her fingers for a bartender to serve her. "How many times, must we go through this, You know are Richard Castle, New York best seller, you are your own brand now, what do you do with brands? Do you sell them? How do you sell them?"

"Yes, I know." He sighs and leaves the bar.

Gina shrugs and throws back the remaining gin before going back to schmoozing with her guest. /

"Ricky." Paula calls, as she pushes through the crowd of people "Ricky."

"There you are." She places her hand on his shoulder. "Rick this is, Chantel." Paula grins introducing the tall, fair skin, brunette model who as well as Kate has had a stylist, put her in a skin-tight dress and 18cm stiletto.

"Nice to meet you." He extends his hand and nods. "You too, Mr Castle." Chantel greats him back in a flirty tone.

"I'll leave you two, to it." And before Rick can say anything or protest, she's gone.

Rick laughs awkwardly. "So how did, you enjoy the book? I'll admit it wasn't my best but they all, can't be winners, I guess."

"I didn't read it." Chantel shrugs and lets out the most forced laugh, Rick's ever heard.

"Oh okay," Rick replies back a bit shocked. "Attends a book party for a book they haven't read, that makes sense." He thinks to himself.

Why does Paula keep setting him up, let alone find these woman?

There all the same

All look the same, He can't think of a thing that set's them apart, do they all go to the same surgeon or something?

Their personalities are also artificial too.

But why do they do it? Surely there have to be better jobs or way to make money.

Why can't people just wanna read and buy his book, because they enjoyed his writing and were a fan of the murder mystery genre?

What does being something his not and being portrayed as a playboy in page six, gotta do with selling his book?

'Excuse me." He sighs and disappears into the crowd.

"God damn it!" Paula slams her clutch onto the bar. "Why is he being, impossible, I'm trying to build and sell an image here."

"I personally, don't understand, what set him up with these bimbos, has to do with selling books," Gina replies bitterly, as she rolls his eyes.

"There not bimbos." Paula as well rolls her eyes and replies bitterly, they are from very respectful know you're just jealous." Paula sighs and grabs her clutch.