I do not own RWBY

Shifting her grip on her scythe she swung upward the pang of metal hitting metal rang out around them. Her knees buckled but she managed to kick off to the side vanishing into petals as she vanished. Spinning she bounced off a tree launching herself forward. Crescent Rose impacted the sword form of Harbinger. Narrowing her eyes, she used the remaining momentum to swing her body around and kick out at his face. Catching her leg, he ripped her away from her weapon before tossing her. The blade of her scythe dug into the ground. Landing she glanced at the weapon, but that mistake costed her. The blunt side of her father's weapon hit her side she skidded back, her aura absorbing the damage.

Gliding into a backflip she avoided another swing before vanishing into petals appearing on the other side of the clearing. Noticing her going for the scythe he pulled the trigger on his weapon the shotgun black causing her to fly back into a tree. Rolling, she ducked letting the broadsword cut through the tree.

"Cookies are done," Tai called from the house slapping Yang's hand away from the still steaming batch. He didn't even glance out the window already knowing he wouldn't like the state of his backyard. He just hoped that they managed to avoid his flower garden. Yang grinned snatching a cookie from the pan her aura protecting her from getting burnt.

Hearing him Ruby snatched her scythe out of the ground ducked under Qrow's strike and scurried into the house tossing her folded weapon onto the couch. Rushing into the kitchen she snatched the already prepared plate from her dad's hand. Ruffling her hair Qrow sent Tai a slight smile as he picked a yellow leaf out of her hair.

"Have fun," Tai asked returning the small smile with one of his own. Ruby hummed an affirmative her attention almost consumed by the cookies. She still noticed the small worried look he sent to Qrow over her head. Sometimes she pretended not to notice things since it was better that way. Turning his attention to Yang he grinned saying, "I can't believe my little girl is going to Beacon."

Yang flushed but beamed at him. Practically vibrating with energy, she snatched a cookie from the plate chewing on it while the two men communicated silently. Qrow's eyes shot to Yang as he raised an eyebrow before he looked down at Ruby while Tai frowned and followed his gaze. The girl was eating her cookies seemingly unaware of the silent conversation. The last time they'd acted like this was when Ruby found her birth certificate sitting on the coffee table in the living room surrounded by empty bottles of whiskey. Qrow had been snickering as Tai sat mortified in the corner mumbling about drunken idiots. Learning Qrow was her father had been strange, but it hadn't really changed anything except the title she called him. Yang, however, found the situation entirely too amusing and made it her mission to annoy the two men. It was how she found them in bed together a week later.

"Fine, I'll tell them then," Qrow said a grumpy frown on his face. Tai grinned in relief ignoring the way the other man sent him a look. He'd make it up to him later when the girls weren't around. Ruby put down her plate quietly noticing the worry in her father's eyes. Qrow ran a hand through his hair coming to stand beside Tai. Yang would be fine with their decision it was Ruby who might not agree with it. Meeting her eyes that reminded him so much of Summer he felt a pang in his heart for his lost love. She'd been a brilliant flame and when she'd died none of them had forgotten her, even Raven hadn't. Sighing he decided to bite the bullet saying, "Tai quit his job at Signal today, so he could come with me on my mission for Ozpin."

Feeling an elbow slam into his ribs he winced holding his side as Tai glared at him for his bluntness. Rubbing his skin, he took two steps away from the other man knowing all too well how hard he could hit when angered.

"What about Ruby," Yang asked her previous happiness gone. Crossing her arms, she winced at the surprised and slightly frightened look on her sister's face. With both gone she would be alone in the house. Well, Zewi would be here but he wouldn't really be able to help if something happened. Knowing this she leaned back suddenly very uninterested in her cookies. In fact, they almost tasted bitter. Qrow sent Tai a pleading look silently begging him to explain this one.

"Raven will be dropping by to make sure she's okay," Tai said reluctantly. Yang's eyes turned red her hand dropping onto Ruby's shoulder protectively. The blonde man winced her gaze reminding him of her mother. No matter how much Yang claimed to dislike the woman they were very similar. Both were prone to exploding without thinking. Outside the house, Raven snickered the sound coming out as caws. Qrow twitched his eyes going to the window where he knew she would be, and there she was preening her feathers on a branch letting the two of them get chewed out by the girls. Tai didn't even have to look to know she was there he could feel it.

"No way am I letting her around my little sister," Yang snapped unconsciously squeezing Ruby's shoulder. The younger girl flinched slightly which was immediately noticed by both her fathers. Qrow scowled stepping forward slightly.

"You will not fight us on this Yang," Tai said darkly flicking his eyes to Qrow. Nodding the dark-haired man held his hand out to Ruby.

"Time for your field test," he said knowing he had to get her out of there before Tai exploded. It might not happen often but when it did it was scary even to him. The fact that he was also turned on by the display of power wasn't something he wanted the girls to see though. Without hesitation, Ruby took his hand allowing him to pull her up and out of Yang's grip. The brawler scowled matching the expression that was on her uncle's face just a second ago. One that he fondly thought of as the Branwen face of doom, Raven was the one to came up with the name, not him. The second he released her hand Ruby vanished into the living room gathering her weapon. Qrow looked back at Tai for a second asking, "you going to be okay here?"

"Qrow, hon, if you don't leave my kitchen right now, I'll put you through the wall," Tai said his voice sounding way too sweet to match the threat. Holding up his hands in surrender Qrow backed out of the kitchen. Yep, there was no way he would be interfering with this father-daughter spat. Ruby waited for him outside her eyes fixed on the raven staring back at her from the trees. Tilting her head, she flicked her eyes to the forest silently asking if the woman would be going with them. Amused Raven spread her wings taking off toward the testing spot. Qrow rolled his eyes at the exchange.

"I swear she likes you better than any of the rest of us," he grumbled feeling slightly put out that his sister liked his daughter more than her own. Ruby smiled softly at the words. She didn't know why Raven liked her the most, but she wasn't going to complain. Ruffling her hair Qrow got a running start shifting into bird form as he did so.

"No fair," she said pouting. Kneeling Ruby braced herself against the ground her aura flaring a bright red over her body before the launched herself forward her body bursting into petals as she vanished into the trees. Kicking off them she pushed herself farther but didn't go over her limits. Qrow watched from above judging the amount of aura she used for a second before going on ahead. Skidding to a stop in the clearing Ruby frowned when she saw the two siblings already standing there. She was already used to them beating her to places though. Without thinking she threw her arms around her aunt hugging her tightly. Raven's eyes lit up in amusement as she hugged back just as tightly.

"Doing okay Petal," she asked running her hand through the girl's short hair. Nodding against the woman's stomach Ruby didn't want to let go. It wasn't often that Raven came to visit but when she did it didn't last long. She didn't like it when Yang insulted Raven just because the woman didn't want to train her. Yang's jealousy over the attention shown to Ruby by both the siblings was something she'd noticed over the years but didn't want to dwell on especially since Raven was going to be starting to train her during the last two years she had at Signal.

"Ready to get started," Qrow asked causing Ruby to pull away. Hopping in place she nodded in determination. Raven grinned her hand dropping from the girl's hair.

"I just focus on my negative emotions right," she asked glancing around the clearing while Raven shifted back into a bird and went to find a perch. Qrow nodded pulling out his scroll and clicking the app to monitor her aura.

"Rules are simple, kill everything you can without going into the red," he stated his face sliding into a mask of professional curtesy. Seeing the worry on her face the mask broke and he smirked saying, "if you can't Rae and I'll step in okay?"

"Yea," she said accepting the terms. Qrow stepped back into the tree line and jumped up joining his sister in her chosen tree. So far Ozpin didn't know he was on speaking terms with his sister. They'd reconciled when Ruby turned ten and found her birth certificate. Seeing as how Ruby was almost the spitting image of Summer, Raven had chosen her to lead the tribe once it was time to step down. Something Ruby had no idea about. It was cruel to choose her niece over her daughter, but Raven didn't care too much. Summer had been her sister and by doing this she could stay close to the last remaining piece of her.

Unfolding Crescent Rose Ruby closed her eyes. It wasn't hard to focus on the bad things in her life. The way Yang treated her like a child was one of those. Her mother's death was another. Something that had happened when she was eight and she could still remember the way her father collapsed in on himself turning to drinking while her dad threw himself into work both trying to grieve their own way. And now there was the fact she would be alone in the upcoming year. She'd have to come home to an empty house every single day. She didn't like being alone. It just brought everything to the surface where the thoughts could tear her apart.

Raven tensed leaning forward on her branch as beowolf's rushed from the forest. Swinging her legs, she glanced toward her brother who was leaning against the tree trunk his eyes firmly on his daughter. Smirking she watched the girl vanish.

Ruby appeared behind the grimm her eyes wide open. Firing a shot, she cleaved the grimm in two before using the momentum to block the one trying to take off her head behind her. Stabbing the shaft into the one on her left she fired a shot using it to take out the one coming on her right. Slamming the shaft into the head of the one in front of her she cracked the mask before shooting again and using the momentum to take off its head.

Twisting she swung at the one behind her, the weapon twirling in her hand as petals began to fall behind her as time sped up making them almost seem to move in slow motion. Slicing through them one by one her form blurred at the controlled use of her semblance. Her weapon grew heavy as time tried to slow back down before she hooked the scythe blade around a beowolf's head and pulled the trigger. Time snapped back into place and she felt the change her motions slowing to match the world around her.

Snapping up her arms she blocked the swipe from the alpha with the shaft of her scythe and allowed the blow to push her back. Landing she panted sweat forming on her forehead. Burring the blade of her scythe into the ground she began to fire her remaining bullets into the pack. Glancing down at the scroll attached to her sleeve she frowned when she saw her aura in the yellow. Using her semblance to slow time took a lot of aura. Straightening she jumped over the slash aimed at her ankles twisting she landed on the shaft of her scythe. Seeing the two coming at her she focused her aura into her leg and kicked downward sending the blunt side into the head of one of them as it shot out of the ground. Catching the shaft as it fell back down, she focused her aura into her arms sending out a glowing red aura slash into the grimm around her.

The alpha snarled before rushing forward to murder the girl. Jumping over the slash it raised both paws and brought them down. Ruby felt her knees buckle under the force as she held the last grimm above her head as she blocked the strike with the shaft of her scythe. Kicking out with its hind legs it caught her in the chest forcing her to fly back away from her weapon. Rolling to a stop she winced her hand pressing against her head. Glancing down she saw her aura almost in the red. Hearing a growl she launched herself to the side skidding across the snow-covered ground. The alpha met her eyes drool slipping out of its mouth. Her weapon was a few feet away laying on the ground.

Frowning her hand clenched into a fist, she didn't have any other weapons. She'd wanted to wait until Raven started training her before getting one. The two circled each other the alpha never letting her get too close to her scythe. She knew her father and Aunt wouldn't help her until her aura went into the red. She didn't want their help though, this was her test and she would pass it without anyone's help.

The alpha rushed forward it's claws aiming to take off her head. Waiting until the last second, she burst into petals reappearing behind it already running toward her weapon. Reaching out blindly she touched the cold metal of Crescent Rose before spinning around. The curved blade glinted in the moon light as it cut through the flesh of the alpha's neck leaving the grimm headless. Dropping to her knees she panted in exhaustion and allowed Crescent Rose to rest in her lap. Her fingers tracing over the merciless metal fondly while she caught her breath.

"Nice," Raven praised leaning back in her tree, the battle had taken less than three minutes. It was impressive especially for a fifteen-year-old. Qrow hummed in agreement taking in the aura levels of his daughter. Looking over his shoulder she blinked seeing the small smidgen of yellow left on the bar. If he was in bird form, he would be preening right now. Patting his shoulder, she slid off the branch her aura cushioning her fall without difficulty. Stalking over to her niece she sat down in front of her noticing the way she tensed slightly before relaxing. Raven smirked saying, "you did good."

"Yay," Ruby said tiredly her shoulders slumping. Taking the weapon off the girl's lap Raven studied it her mind going to her own training for the girl. After using such a heavy weapon, a lighter blade would increase her speed tenfold. Maybe a katana would work since anything else would put the girl off balance.

"You're thinking too loud Rae," Qrow teased ducking when she swung the weapon behind her. Making a mental note not to tease his sister he walked behind Ruby knowing she wouldn't risk hurting his daughter. The look she sent him for using his daughter as a shield didn't even make him feel slightly guilty. Pressing the button on Crescent Rose to fold it up Raven passed it back to Ruby who was yawning. Taking the weapon Ruby slid it into place on her back and leaned into her father's hand when he ruffled her hair. Keeping his hand in place Qrow focused his aura syncing it with his daughters. Ruby sighed in contentment as his aura replenished hers and pouted when he pulled away. Raven stood slowly pulling her niece up with her.

"Did I pass," Ruby asked knocking the snow from her clothes. Qrow met Raven's eyes communicating silently for a moment. If he said yes Raven could start training Ruby, but if he said no then there was a chance his sister would turn him into a feathered appetizer. Plus, Tai might kill him too for getting their daughters hopes up then crushing them. Seeing his sisters' eyes narrow he winced masking it as a chuckle.

"Yeah kid, oh and Rae said she'd take you out for ice cream tonight in Vale," he said quickly putting his sister on the spot. Frowning Raven glared at him, they both knew she'd said no such thing. He smirked glancing at Ruby who was skipping around the clearing and daring her to tell the truth. It was a power play, one that he was going to win.

"You're paying for it," Raven whispered snatching his wallet from his pocket before he could stop her. She was glade she left her mask behind at camp today. Qrow pouted knowing already that ice cream wasn't the only thing he would be paying for tonight. Raven stopped the happy child by snatching her up by her hood. Ruby went limp like a kitten being carried by its mother. Looking down at the child she handed over the walled saying, "I'll be in bird form watching over you."

"K," Ruby said accepting the condition with ease. Sliding the wallet into her pocket she brought her aura to the surface her voice excited as she said, "I'll meet you at the airship!"

Raven smiled as the girl vanished into petals before looking over at her brother. Crossing her arms, she asked, "how's Yang?"

"Still pissed, she snapped at Tai for even mentioning your name today," he said pulling out his flask. Sending his sister, a quick look, he took a drink.

"Did she take it out on Ruby," she asked her chest hurting at the thought of her daughter hating her. She'd tried, to bond with Yang but the girl didn't want her around, especially not after she offered to train Ruby. The blonde had seen it as an insult, even though she'd tried to explain their combat styles weren't compatible.

"Kid's probably got a bruise on her shoulder," he said after taking a long drink. She sighed rubbing her eyes as if to ward off a headache. Seeing the action, he held out the flask offering it to her. Raven smiled taking it from him. Qrow glanced toward the house already knowing Tai would be waiting for the results of tonight's test. Running his hand through his hair he said, "I need to get back to the house before Tai gets worried."

Raven nodded screwing the lid on his flask as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Passing it back she said, "I still can't believe your sleeping with my Ex."

"He's good in bed," Qrow said defending himself. She laughed already knowing the poor man's face would turn scarlet if he was here to listen to the two of them. First, he would stutter then his ears would turn read and it would be marvelous.

"He really is," she agreed before focusing on her bond with Ruby. Placing her hand on the hilt of her sword she stepped back saying, "tell him I said hi."

"Sure Rae, should I let him know about his prowess in bed too," he asked only half joking. Rolling her eyes, she unsheathed her sword.

"He'll kick you through a wall," she warned slashing through the air and sheathing her sword in one motion. The swirling red and black portal formed beside her. He grinned shifting into his bird form and flying away before she could say anything else. Ruby beamed at her aunt when the woman stepped through the portal. Without waiting, she launched herself forward hugging her tightly while the portal closed. The few people on the airship looked away quickly when the red eyed woman sent them a glare. No one wanted to be on the bad side of a woman with a giant rotating sheath of blades.

"Aunt Rae can we go to the dust shop," Ruby asked pulling away. Raven raised an eyebrow her eyes flickering down to the empty pouch on Ruby's belt.

"Run out of bullets," she asked as the ship began to move. Ruby nodded leaning into the woman's side as she enjoyed the ride to Vale. Raven stood still her hand running through the girl's hair just like she had for Summer when the woman got lonely. Both had several things in common, they were skilled, compassionate, protective, but also lonely. Summer had grown up in Minstrel the daughter of a single aristocrat who died during her third year at Beacon. After that, the team became her family. Ruby would have that once she got to Beacon although she was worried about the movements of Salem's forces. It was ironic that Summer wasn't even killed by one of Salem's pawns but by an assassin who died a year ago before Raven could track him down. The three of them were still trying to track down his employer though.

The two spent the ten-minute ride to Vale in silence. Raven was lost in her thoughts while Ruby was relaxing after her battle. As the ride ended Ruby opened her eyes pulling away from Raven slowly and saying, "I'll go to the dust shop first, so we can enjoy our ice cream later."

Raven nodded approving of the plan. Waiting until they left the bull head she transformed and flew away. It was nice to feel the wind on her wings. Landing on the edge of a building she watches her niece pull up her earphones and turn on her music before pulling up her hood. Entering her usual dust shop Ruby waved to the owner who nodded in her direction. Grabbing a basket, she quickly gathered the amount of ammo and dust she would need before scurrying to the back of the shop to find a magazine about weapon design. Flipping through the pages she landed on the swords and began skimming.

Her aunt would expect her to already have a design in mind before they started working on her training. Maybe a folding blade that could change lengths or a katana with a dust crystal. Landing on the whip blade she scanned the writing looking to see if she could add a pistol option. Although she loved the sniper on Crescent Rose it was too bulky to use in a confined space. Feeling someone pat her on the shoulder she turned her hood falling off her head. The black suited man pointed to her ears and she raised an eyebrow before sliding off her earphones.

"I said put your hands up," he said urgently waving the red blade he held at her. Ruby blinked glancing down at the magazine in her hand. She really didn't want to put it down but then again, she should have priorities when being robbed. Dropping it into her basket she set it on the floor before deciding to make sure she was being robbed.

"Are you robbing me," she asked hiding her slight amusement. Holding her hands up she watched him closely waiting for an opening. Once Raven learned about her lack of hand to hand skills, the woman took over her training with a vengeance.

"Yes," he said dumbly as he swung the blade out in front of him in exasperation. She moved. Quick as a snake she latched onto his wrist pulling him forward before kicking him in the nose. She winced at the lout cracking sound and let go of his wrist. Dropping her leg, she pushed her aura into her arms before shoving him back into the wall. For a second, she felt the urge to apologize to the now unconscious man.

Roman looked up from inspecting the dust crystal the sound of pain piquing his interest. Making a shooing motion with his hand he sent one of the other thugs to check it out. Slipping the crystal into his pocket he turned watching the form of his hired help crash into the wall just barely missing the window. Tapping his cane against the floor he nodded sending the last two to check it out. The shopkeeper behind him felt his lips twitch already knowing what was happening.

Ruby ducked under the slash kicking the man's ankle and sending him down to the ground. Snatching the axe from his hand she slammed the hilt into his head knocking him out before using her semblance to appear behind the other one and do the same to him. Dropping the weapon that she really didn't like to the floor she picked up her basket and began walking to the front. Amused green eyes met startled silver and he saw recognition in her eyes. Roman tipped his hat showing respect to the fact she decimated his hired help.

Watching the man closely Ruby dropped her basket onto the counter, she was prepared to dash away at any minute. He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. Ruby noticed the muscles in his arm tense and ducked sliding to the side as his cane hit the counter. Lashing out with an aura infused kick she sent him flying out the doorway. Grabbing the girl's hand at the moment the kick connected he drug her with him. Skidding across the pavement he released her hand lashing out with his cane. Kicking her feet away from him she burst into petals putting distance between the two of them. Unfolding her scythe as she landed Ruby dug it into the ground changing directions to dodge the blast, he sent at her with his cane.

"Well aren't you interesting Red," he said leaning on his cane. Ruby gripped her weapon tightly, at the teasing tone. He notices the action and tilted his hat saying, "you should have left this alone Red."

Ruby winced at the nickname but shifted her grip on her weapon. Pushing aura into her legs she pushed off the ground rushing at him. Roman waited until the last second to bring his cane up the hooked end catching the shaft of Crescent Rose and pushing it up. Ruby felt her eyes widen in shock as the weapon was pushed out of her hands. Slamming the other end of his cane into her chest he watched her fall to the ground. The scythe landed behind him and for the second time that night she lost her weapon. Leaning back on her hands Ruby felt her heart pound in her chest as he leveled his cane at her face. Roman saw the fear cross her eyes and felt sick. He didn't kill kids, even stubborn ones.

"Stay out of things like this in the future Little Red," he warned stepping away from her. Ruby couldn't move. She'd thought he was going to kill her. Even with her aura she wouldn't have survived being shot a point-blank range. Her silver eyes looked behind him locking on the black bird watching the exchange. Ice shot through her veins. Her aunt was watching and here she was being a submissive coward. She wasn't weak. Taking the opportunity Ruby's hand shot up gripping the barrel of his cane and pulling him down while her legs went up. Roman grunted at the impact and swung his cane. Using the momentum from his action Ruby twisted to her feet before bursting into petals. Gripping the shaft of her scythe she kicked off the ground to avoid the blast that would have sent her flying. Landing she slashed downward where he was supposed to be, but he wasn't there.

Glancing around her eyes landed on the criminal as he climbed a ladder up a building. Gripping her scythe tightly she looked toward the shopkeeper who'd been watching from the door. He seemed almost concerned.

"You okay enough for me to go after him," she asked concern in her voice. The old man nodded waving her off with his hand. She ran toward the building focusing her aura into her legs, jumping upward she burst into petals flying up. Grabbing the edge of the building as she flew past, she used it to change direction. Roman felt a pang of amusement as he ducked under the slash she sent toward his head. Straightening he turned slowly deciding that he liked this kid. Neo probably would too since she was fond of fighters. Ruby tensed waiting for him to attack but heard the bullhead before she saw it. Closing her eyes, she stumbled back from the bright light. Roman rushed forward climbing into the bullhead and noticing the blonde-haired woman rushing toward their location. Slipping the red crystal from his pocket he smirked.

"Try dodging this kid," he shouted tossing the crystal down. Eyes snapping open Ruby tensed her legs bending as she tried to decide the best direction to run. Seeing the crystal her eyes widened and she aimed her scythe at the roof behind her ready to fly into the air. Pulling the trigger, she heard a loud click signaling the empty chamber. Her eyes closed tightly as she waited for the pain to come as Roman fired a blast at the crystal. None came.

Opening her eyes slowly the first color she saw was gold. The golden crown emblem stared back at her as the blonde woman reached up fixing her glasses. The purple shield protecting her vanished as the woman stepped forward her ridding crop flying through the air as she sent a blast of purple light at the bullhead. Ruby stumbled back breathing hard as her mind tried to catch up to what just happened.

Glynda frowned sending attack after attack toward the black-haired woman fighting her. It was frustrating that she couldn't land a hit on her. Ruby watched for a long moment afraid to interfere. A screeching sound filled her ears as dark red spirals appeared around them. Glynda waved her hand tugging the girl with her as the roof under them exploded. Ruby watched the bullhead leave before sliding her weapon into place at her back. Her dad was going to kill her for getting involved.

"What were you thinking," Glynda snapped thirty minutes later as she paced in a circle around the room. Ruby flinched shrinking in on herself as the woman ranted about how foolish she'd been. Seeing a message from Ozpin appear on her scroll, Glynda frowned. If she knew him, he was going to try and recruit the little girl. Sighing she closed her scroll saying, "if it was up to me you would be sent home with a slap on the wrist."

She emphasized her point by slapping her riding crop onto the table feeling slightly guilty when the girl flinched back. Ruby hid her hands under the table not bothering to defend herself from the woman who'd already made up her mind about her actions. Looking down she wanted to go home and sleep away the night. Her body hurt. Hearing the door open she looked up meeting kind brown eyes.

"Ruby Rose, you have silver eyes," he said walking into the room a shopping bag in his hand. There was amusement in his tone and she flushed embarrassed for a reason she couldn't pinpoint. Holding the bag out to her he sat down. Ruby took it slowly glancing inside to see the contents of her basket from the dust shop. He smiled at the confusion on her face saying, "I dropped by the shop to get the recording of your battle."

"oh," she said softly gripping the bag tightly before asking, "can I go home now?"

"Glynda did you tell her she was in trouble," he asked looking over his shoulder and ignoring her question. The blonde frowned unable to meet his eyes. Taking it as a yes he turned back to Ruby saying, "you're not in trouble Miss. Rose, I simply wanted to speak with you and learn where you got your training. There are very few Scythe wielders of your skill."

Ruby blushed at the complement, she wasn't used to being praised by people outside of her family. Bending she placed the bag on the floor beside her chair wanting it to be out of the way as she thought of a way to answer his question. Her father didn't want people to know they were related because it could bring his enemies to her door.

"Qrow Branwen, trained me since he knew my mom," she said softly the mention of her mother hurting her even though she was the one to say it. He nodded taking the answer at face value. Shifting slightly Ruby asked, "also if it's not too much trouble could you call me Ruby?"

"Of course, Ruby, I want to offer you a place at my school, skills like yours would be wasted if you stayed at Signal for two more years," he said. Glynda twitched fingering the handle of her riding crop when she caught sight of Ruby's overwhelmed face. The girl looked shocked.

"Ozpin," she warned softly causing him to tense and throw a look in her direction. Her gaze was hard, and he suddenly feared for his life. Quickly looking away he focused his attention back on Ruby ignoring the she devil behind him.

"I'm sorry professor but I um I'm not ready to go to Beacon yet," she said panic lacing her voice. When the man raised an eyebrow she rushed to explain, "I'd be two years behind everyone."

"That's not an issue, I can arrange tutoring times with some of the professors and upper year students," he said pulling out his scroll to quickly make a note of the arrangement. Ruby faltered as her reason was swept away before her eyes. Her other reason was selfish, and she didn't want to see the disappointment in her eyes when she voiced it, so she stayed silent. Once he finished typing Ozpin looked up asking, "any more concerns Ruby?"

"No," she said softly looking down at the table. Ozpin winced feeling like a bully as he tried to talk the girl into coming to Beacon. She was clearly feeling cornered.

"Ruby, if you wish to stay at Signal for two years that's fine, I won't be angry or disappointed in you," he said softly her eyes met his for a moment and he could see Summer in her place. Crossing his fingers on the table he continued saying, "I just believe that Beacon would be a better fit for your current skill level."

"Are you sure," she asked softly. Yang would be going to Beacon, and that meant she wouldn't be lonely but at the same time she wouldn't know anyone else. She'd be friendless. Seeing him nod she thought over her options. Getting into Beacon early would speed along her schooling, plus it was one of the best combat schools available. She could most likely buy the last two years' worth of notes from Signal from one of this year's graduates. Yang certainly didn't keep notes. Biting her thumb nervously she wondered what her sister's reaction would be if she said yes. The blonde already got jealous of the time Ruby spent with Raven. Would she be angry if she learned Ruby got moved ahead two years? And what about the other students. Would they accept her into their grade level? Finally, she said, "I'll do it."

Ozpin nodded smiling brightly at the girl. Raven, however, was steaming by the time Ruby left the police station. Flapping her wings in irritation she resisted the urge to do something very bird like to Ozpin's perfect hair. Watching the headmaster and deputy headmistress of Beacon drive away she flew down and landed on the sidewalk shifting back into human form.

"Are you okay Ruby," she asked softly when the girl launched forward to hug her. Raven didn't like Ozpin, nor did she trust him, so it went without saying she didn't want him anywhere near her niece. Feeling the girl nod she asked, "Still want ice cream?"

"Not really," Ruby whispered pulling away her shopping bag clutched in her hand. Blinking up at the older woman she said, "Can we just go home now?"

Tai was pacing in the kitchen imitating a worried mother hen all too well. Seeing the portal appear, he didn't waste any time pulling Ruby into a hug. Raven smirked watching the reunion knowing all too well about how clingy he could be. Dropping his daughter, he reached out grabbing Raven's arm and pulling her into a hug. Raven blinked allowing the hug to continue for a moment before pulling away.

"Ruby had a conversation with Ozpin tonight," Raven stated. Ruby winced seeing the worry that passed over her dad's face.

"What about," Qrow asked leaning against the doorway. Meeting her brothers' eyes Raven blinked at the accusation in them. Matching his glare, she narrowed her own eyes.

"I'm going to Beacon two years early," Ruby said hoping to stop an argument. All three adults looked at her in surprise. Rapidly she explained everything that happened in Vale, only leaving out the details about her near death at Roman's hands. Noticing her Aunt's lips twitch she wondered if she would be called out, but she wasn't. Qrow groaned collapsing into a chair at the kitchen table. Holding his head in his hands he winced. He didn't like Ruby having a private conversation with Ozpin, nor did he like her skipping two grade levels, but she'd already accepted.

"Okay Ruby why don't you go get ready for bed," Tai said rubbing Qrow's shoulders. He watched Ruby leave before tightening his grip for a moment. He wanted to trust that Ozpin knew what he was doing but that was the issue.

"Where's Yang," Raven asked sitting down across from her brother. She didn't feel her daughter in the house. Tai winced at the mention of his daughter.

"Clubbing," he said sliding into a chair beside Qrow. It usually meant that she would get drunk then start a fight. She'd stormed out of the house refusing to even acknowledge his existence after she realized he wouldn't go back on his statement of allowing Raven to watch Ruby.

"I thought we were sending her to anywhere other than Beacon," Qrow said looking up slowly. The other two winced that had been their plan after all. To send her far away from Ozpin so she couldn't be used to try and stop Salem. They knew Ozpin hadn't killed Summer but that didn't change the fact that he put a target on her back by using her to turn one of the sea dragon grimm in stone.

"It can't be that bad," Tai said trying to be optimistic. The matching glares sent in his direction let him know it didn't work. Both were dangerous people, although right now he feared Raven a lot more than he did Qrow.

"We were supposed to send her to Haven," Qrow mumbled sounding more like he was pouting. A glance in his direction revealed that he was, in fact, pouting like a child who'd just gotten a toy taken away. Qrow wanted her to go to Haven so she could be outside of Ozpin's grip but still be able to communicate with him if needed.

"I voted for Shade," Raven said. Tai winced already knowing it could start an argument between the two siblings. It had started many arguments. Both thought that they were right and didn't want to give into the other. Raven thought Shade was a better fit because Vacuo was lawless. She could get away with more and the training there was usually harsher than anywhere else.

"We have a week before she goes to Beacon," Tai said breaking up the fight before it could begin. It wasn't worth fighting over when they couldn't change it. Waiting until they both looked toward him, he said, "I think we should get her ready to go. We can't change what's already happened, but we can make sure she's ready."

"Fine," Raven snapped standing. Glaring at him she said, "I'll take that week to get Ruby started on her sword training."

"Who's going to tell Yang," Tai asked turning his pleading eyes on Qrow while Raven walked over to the kitchen window.

"She's your kid," Qrow said urgently his eyes flickering between the two. Tai winced his eyes going to Raven just in time to see her open the window and shift into a bird. Sitting stunned as she flew away leaving him to deal with their daughter who was bound to be annoyed, he turned back to Qrow only to see him shooting glances at the open window as well.

"You're not going anywhere," he said grabbing the other man's arm. Qrow actually looked afraid for his life.

So this is the first chapter and if anyone has any questions please leave them in the reviews.