Artemis's Sex Quest

Author: This is a going to be a short story about Artemis getting fucked by some very large monsters. Be warned, this is for mature audiences. Contains many kinks (stomach inflation is a personal favorite of mine), as I wrote this mainly because I couldn't find enough fanfics containing these certain kinks. Don't like, don't read. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

The moon shone through gaps in the dense forest above them, and Artemis knew it was time to call it a day. Beckoning to her lieutenants, she began to set up her tent as her lieutenants began instructing her hunters to set up theirs. Prefering to set up her tent manually instead of using her powers, Artemis was reminiscing about the Hunt while her hands worked. Smiling, she remembered the good times, like their untouchable winning streak at Camp Half Blood. The time when she got her first bow. Then, her smile quickly turned into a frown as she thought of the past couple of months. Lately, the thrill of the hunt was gone. Stalking deer, rabbits, or unlucky males did not hold the same appeal to her. Her intense hatred of males was still there, yet she did not enjoy skinning arrogant males alive anymore. Though she did not like to think of it, she knew that her very way of life was getting boring. Perhaps she was just running out of steam, and it was time to change. After all, the other Olympians had gone through several identity changes throughout their years, courtesy of being able to change their form at whim. Artemis shook her head and muttered to herself. "Stupid, stupid. I'm sure it's just a phase." Yet this only deepened her fears.

Her tent now constructed, she walked inside and flopped on the luscious queen sized bed. Barely adjusting her blanket, she fell asleep.

Artemis woke up in a small throne room. The walls were made out of smooth white marble, with black jagged lines running through it. The walls went up to form a large dome, with ornate paintings of sexual acts covering it. Large torches dotted the walls, placed at irregular intervals. She looked behind herself to check if there was any route of escape. The room seemed to be sealed. Looking forward, she saw a simple gold and white marble throne. Sitting on it was a man in a black cowl. "Artemis, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and a bunch of other stuff. Welcome." he said, speaking in an extremely annoying and goofy tone. Although he had only spoken two sentences, Artemis already wanted to kill him. "Who are you?" she demanded, determined to find this person later and casterize him. "I am Eros, primordial of love. I have a proposition for you."

Artemis could scarcely believe her ears. A primordial, talking to me? She instantly bowed, swallowing her distaste as she did so. "What do you require of me?"

"I want you to go onto a quest for me. A sex quest." Eros laughed maniacally as he spoke, noticing Artemis shocked expression."But-bu-," she stammered, trying to think of a way to maneuver out of this. She could always fight him, but taking on a primordial at full power is pretty hard. Eros stopped laughing and he smiled at Artemis. "If you don't accept, I will defile all of your hunters." Artemis's eyes widened, as she realized she could not stop him. Gingerly, she accepted his quest. "Don't worry, you aren't going into this single handedly. I will give you some gifts. Firstly, I will make you a virgin again after you are fucked every time. Secondly, I will allow you to be extremely flexible. You will not die from suffocation or by rupture. Thirdly, you will not get pregnant."

"But I'm a goddess, I won't suffocate."Eros slapped his head comically, and Artemis liked him less and less. "I forgot. You are going in without powers."Artemis was about to yell at him but then she got pushed into a portal and could say no more, listening to his maniacal laughter before the darkness consumed her.