Heey! I'm back with a very anticipated chapter for you, I hope I did it justice… While writing it I imagined Mrs. Flint being very similar to Dolores Umbridge (Harry Potter), lol. Have fun!
At 9 o' clock Callie and Arizona re-entered the principal's office and took their former seats again, they held hands while they waited for Sofia's ex-teacher to arrive. While Callie still seemed rather angry, Arizona looked kind of nervous because she was biting her lips and squeezing Callie's hand tightly.
Mrs. Flint arrived and shook their hands with a fake smile on her face and saying: "You must be Sofia's mothers" while pronouncing the word "mothers" rather strangely.
"Yes, we are! And there is no need for your fake friendliness, our daughter told us everything about what happened yesterday during your class!" Callie answered the teacher.
You could see Mrs. Flint's mind working whether she should pretend nothing happened or telling them her true opinion.
As it seems, she headed for the first option: denial.
"What do you mean?" she asked innocently, still carrying her fake smile, "We created gifts for mother's day. I wonder why you know about that? But I believe that your know-it-all daughter couldn't stay quiet, could she?"
"DON'T YOU DARE TALKING ABOUT OUR DAUGTHER LIKE THIS?" Callie shouted, "And don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. How do you explain yourself that Sofia ran away from YOUR class?"
"Well", answered Mrs. Flint, although a little intimidated by Callie's temperament, "If your daughter refuses to listen to my orders and the things I teach, it's no wonder she can't control herself. And with you two as her mothers it's no wonder, that…"
"STOP SAYING WHAT I BELIEVE YOU'RE SAYING!" Callie shouted again, louder this time, "How dare you say something like that?!"
Mrs. Flint seemed to have decided that her first strategy has not worked out the way it should have because she changed her tactic and she started telling them what she thought:
"I believe that YOUR daughter is arrogant and always wants special treatment, just because of your strange family relations and I won't permit this in my class" she ranted.
"But this has nothing to do with special treatment, mam", Arizona interjected calmly, but fiercely (In secret Callie wondered how her wife could stay that calm, while she on the other hand felt as if steam might come out of her ears.), "Nowadays families like us are as normal as families that consist of a man, a woman and children. It's even accepted by law." she continued.
"I don't care if it's permitted by some stupid president or law!" Mrs. Flint argued, "I mean it's obvious who's Sofia's mother and who isn't and I'm sure there must be a man, who is her father, as well!"
"DON'T SAY THAT AGAIN OR I WILL…" Callie said in a very, very sharp tone, before being stopped by Arizona's warning gaze.
"You cannot imply that I'm less Sofia's mother just because we don't look alike? I legally adopted her shortly after her birth…" Arizona tried to argue, but Mrs. Flint intervened.
"I don't care if adopted her or not, Mrs. Robbins. Fact is that your daughter's behaviour was inappropriate, just wanting to seem special and intimidating the other children by showing them she's someone peculiar." The teacher stated.
Arizona took five deep breaths and closed her eyes, Callie knew that she was counting to ten in her hand – something her wife did when she was very angry.
"You made her feel peculiar, in fact you made her feel bad, very bad. Forcing her to CHOOSE between her mothers? Scaring a little girl so much that she felt like a horrible person herself? She felt like a discriminator because YOU made her feel so, YOU!" Callie shouted again, forcing herself not to ramble and curse in Spanish, something she did when she was really angry.
"I had all the right to do so!" Mrs. Flint defended herself lamely, "Maybe your perfect little girl noticed that living with such disgraces as mothers…."
"STOP YOURSELF!" Callie yelled, "¡Si puediera, la mataré! Esta hija de puta… Como habla de nuestra familia como si tenía idea. No sabe nada. ¿Cómo puede hablar así? La odio con todo mi corazón"
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and the principal entered his room, together with Zola, Sofia, Derek and Meredith and also some other children with their parents.
"I just used the time to visit your former class, Mrs. Flint and everybody told me that Sofia's story was true. You discriminated a child for her family, you made her decide between her mothers and you send a girl outside that just defended her friend. And other parents told me that there was even more discrimination in your class, for example your marking…", the principal explained.
"But I…" Mrs. Flint tried to argue, but the principal wouldn't let her speak.
"So you're fired, immediately and furthermore, I'll send those various complaints about you to the School department of the State of Washington, so they can make sure that you won't be able to teach anymore, you may pack your staff now!"
Mrs. Flint left, quietly without a word.
After the door fell shut behind her, Sofia ran towards her moms and hugged them both. "We've done it, we've done it. We got rid of that homophiboic person!" she squealed excitedly.
Both, Callie and Arizona beamed at their daughter's cuteness.
"And your mom scared the hell out of your teacher, Sof. You should have heard her shout at her, totally badass!" Arizona told them proudly.
"Ex-teacher, momma!" Sofia corrected her giggling, "Did I tell you that we are going to get Mrs. Richardson as our class teacher now? She is awesome!"
Callie grinned even wider, when she heard her youngster use 'Arizona-typical-words' such as 'awesome' or 'super'. "That's great, mija!" Callie assured her, "But your momma has been badass, as well, although I wonder how she could have stayed that calm with that woman!"
"Well, because she is momma!" Sofia explained, "She can stay calm even when it's stressful. Can we go home now? Mr. Mayson said that if we wanted, we could go home earlier."
"That sounds great mija", Callie agreed, "Why don't you ask your friends to join us and we all go for ice-cream?!"
"With sprinkles and chocolate sauce?" Sofia asked hopefully.
"Of course, Sof!" Arizona said, "Sprinkles in all the colours of the rainbow are the most important thing besides the ice-cream!"
"That's so momma-ish", Sofia giggled and went to invite her friends.
That's the end of the school fight and I guess also the ending of my story. I hope you liked it, as much as I did writing it. Thank you for your feedback and if you liked the story, I would be happy if you told me so – as it's the first story I ever published…