Dean, Harry and Sam took care of the woman in white, and headed off to the coordinates in John's journal. Harry was sprawled out in the back seat of the Impala with Dean driving and Sam riding shotgun. Harry's phone went off and he sat up. "It looks like a couple of people have gone missing at those coordinates." He told them. "There are reports every 20 years or so about people going missing in that area." He leaned over the seats between the brothers. "Hermione says wendigo. Wants to know if Dean has a flamethrower in the trunk?"
Sam laughs, "He should, and you've got your wand."
Harry glances over, "What about you?" He asks.
"My fire spells suck," he tells them. "But there's a flare gun in the trunk."
Dean pulls over to the side of the road. "I have sticks with rune arrays carved into them, several with fire spells. I'll use my rune arrays, Sam will use the flamethrower, and Harry will use his wand." Sam opened his mouth to say something and Harry put a hand over it.
"No arguments Sam, Dean's runes are foolproof. This way all of us are properly armed." Harry told him.
Dean was bruised and scraped up, but they had killed the wendigo and saved one of the people that it had in it's lair. The cleanup crew had come and gone, and they were on their way back to Sam's apartment.
"Graduation is next week," Sam told them. "Do either of you know who all is coming?"
Harry laughed. "Well, Gabriel told me that he'll be there. Hermione, Ron, Neville, Fred, George, Greg, Bobby, Remus, Sirius, Aunt Minnie," he listed. "Should I continue?" He asked.
Sam smiled and looked back at him. "No, I get it. Everyone is coming."
"Castiel will be there too," Dean told him. "And Dad if Harry and I can find him."
They pulled up in front of the apartment building, "Finish up your final projects and prepare for graduation. We'll find your dad if we can." Harry told him.
Sam scoffed, "Final projects, final papers and everything else are finished. I'm coasting through the next six days."
Dean leaned over and ruffled Sam's hair. "Alright Bitch, stay out of trouble." He said.
"Jerk" Sam responded.
"Asses" Harry said. "Stay safe, Sam."
Sam looked back at Harry and smiled. "Will do." He told them, then jumped out of the car and headed into his apartment.
Fifteen minutes later, Dean's phone rang. Harry picked it up and answered it.
"Harry? Where are you guys?" Sam asked.
Harry shifted the phone to his other ear. "We're heading to our next job, why?" He asked.
"My apartment is on fire, I barely got out." He said.
Harry looked over at Dean, "Turn around, Sam needs us. I'll pop as close as I can and you can meet us there." He told him. "Hang on Sam, I'm going to pop to you and Dean is going to drive back. Good thing we stopped for gas, we're only about ten minutes away."
"Alright" Sam answered, I'll be in front of the building. Best place for you to arrive is probably the building next door's roof. Everyone is outside because of the fire."
Harry hung up the phone and looked over at Dean.
"Go Harry, I'll be there soon." Dean told him as he turned around and stomped on the gas.
Harry appeared on the roof, looked over the edge to find Sam and then headed down to where the younger man was standing.
"Are you alright, Sam?" He asked.
Sam pulled him away from the crowd and leaned down to whisper in his ear, "I smelled sulfur right before I smelled smoke. I'm pretty sure that there was a demon in my apartment."
Harry discreetly looked around searching to see if he could find someone that gave off the distorted aura that he could see around demons. "I don't see anyone, but I can't see everyone in the crowd." Harry glanced around again, seeing Dean screech to a halt several buildings down. "Let's find someone in charge and let them know that you're leaving and give them a way to contact you."
The two of them walked toward a group of uniformed police putting up barriers to keep the crowd back.
Sam tapped one of them on the shoulder and pulled out his badge. "Officer, I live in the building that is on fire. I was inside when the fire started."
The officer looked over Sam's badge and turned toward a man in a suit. "Let me get my Captain, he's going to want to ask you a few questions." The man walked away and said a few words to the man in the suit, who walked over to speak with Sam.
The man held out his hand, "Captain Jeff Marks. I understand that you were in the building when the fire started."
Sam shook his hand. "SAMB Samuel Winchester," he said then pointed to Harry "This is my supervisor DMB Harry Potter. I had just returned to my apartment after finishing a case with him and his partner, when I smelled smoke. I called them back on my way out of the building."
Harry smiled at the man, "Nice to meet you Captain Marks. I'm going to take my agent and put him up in a hotel. We'll leave our cell numbers and the number for our office with you and your officers in case you need to speak with him for any reason. He'll still be in town for the next week, he's graduation from Stanford University is next week."
"Impressive, working and attending Stanford? How did you have time to sleep or eat?" He asked Sam.
Sam laughed, "I only worked a few cases while I've been in school. This last one involved my father and brother, most of our family are agents."
"Ok, well just give me your number and let me know where you're staying and we'll keep you informed about what is going on." He told them.
The each handed him a card with their numbers on it and headed over to where Dean was standing next to the Impala.
They climbed into the car, "What the hell is going on?" He asked.
Sam looked at Dean, "I think that a demon started the fire in my apartment."