Epilogue/Bonus: A way to break through

Matt and Foggy go to Nelsons alone this year, Matt can't lie for shit and is unable to hide his pining. Enter Candace. 'Friends' references ensue.

Matt takes Candace's words to heart, rushing home, hoping there is still a home to find. And oh, there is.

Angst, fluff and maybe…


I'm too lazy to change the rating. Plus, this chapter is the only one that should be rated.Oops, spoiler alert. Just skip that part if you find it offensive. I'm sure you'll recognize when it's coming/ending.


Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you
Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you

(Rachel Platten – Stand By You)

Hey. Just came back from work, probably gonna attack what's left of the candy. Say hello to the Nelson clan from me.

Matt sighed, running his hand through his hair. That was good, right? That didn't sound like she was about to flee, not even now when she had a perfect opportunity.

It had been a quick decision of hers and Matt couldn't really afford to protest. They had returned from Starling on 20th evening and the very same evening Vera had called her manager to announce she had been ready to go back to work after the whole protective custody or whatever thing. She took the morning shift the next day instead of Terri. And she had taken an afternoon shift on 24th as well – quitting earlier than normally, but still at seven p.m. – supposedly making up for her absence. Matt had known it was bullshit right away; she hadn't even tried to hide it.

'Matt, we're working through it and I think we're on a good way,' she had said later, gently taking his hand in hers, lowering her head to look at the place of their contact. "But I don't think we're quite ready to pretend— I'm not ready to pretend everything is perfect. I brought drama last year. I think you should go without me."

Matt had heard no hint of a lie back then, so he had bit his tongue, hesitantly had hid her in his arms and had buried his unhappy grimace in her hair. He hadn't wanted to go. Not alone. And he had been terrified of leaving her. They might have been on their best way, yeah, but…

He banged the back his head against the wall of the bathroom, replaying her message. Texting was tricky. Matt always preferred calling; he might not be able to read body language or hear heartbeats over the phone, but there was still a lot he could figure out from people's voices. The text was only read out loud by a mechanical voice, emotionless, flat.

He took a deep breath, listening to the text once more.

The words were casual. However, they were desperately little to go on. She had said they would see each other on 26th. She had promised. And she texted him. It still didn't ease the painful knot in his stomach.

"Matt, you okay in here?" Candace's voice startled him from behind the door, making him jump out of his skin.

Jesus, he couldn't hear her approaching. He cleared his throat.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay. I'll be right back with you guys," he reassured her, hoping his voice sounded less raspy to her than to himself.

He and Foggy had easily explained Vera's absence – she had to work. It wasn't exactly a lie and if Matt was a little sad about it or jumpy because of her not being here, that was okay, right? Vera had even sent a box of sweets (Matt absolutely had not stood outside of their apartment with a dopey smile on his face and tears attacking his eyes when he had heard her decorating the candy while humming Christmas songs again and he had not want to kiss her forehead – which he had done later – and her cheeks and her lips and throat and- which he hadn't). Nothing that would raise suspicion that Vera and Matt weren't a perfectly happy couple, excited to get married.

Perfectly happy couple, Matt reminded himself. Excited to get married. Vera was still – or again – wearing the engagement ring. The uneasiness in the air had been slowly resolving, both of them initiating more and more physical contact, lots of reassuring gestures and lots of words.

Vera would still be there when Matt would come back. She was trying hard, just like he was, she deserved some space, some time for herself, some time to rest.

With a sigh, plastering a smile on his face, he exited the bathroom, only to run into Candace. Christ, he had thought she had left. What was wrong with him?

"Oh god, please, wipe that fake smile off your face, it's terrifying," she murmured, making him freeze.

"I'm… sorry?"

"It's painful to watch, Matt. Be so kind and get out of here."

Matt stared. Well, if he could be staring, he would stare. He didn't understand what Candace was saying. "Excuse me?"

"Get out of here," she repeated, gesturing with her hands wildly. Why did she want him to leave? "Get to her, you dumbass."

"…what," he let out, confused and… well, busted.

"You think we can't see it?" Foggy's sister asked gently, caressing his arm. Matt gulped. "You're pining. You're scared shitless that you come back to your apartment and she won't be there. So go."

"Why would she-" he kept playing the charade lamely.


"I'm here without her because she had an afternoon shift-" he repeated the tale, slowly giving up on it, because okay, he knew he was a pathetic actor, but how the hell could Candace know?

"Matthew. Your poker face has always been terrible. Go. Show her you fucking care."

"She knows I care…" Matt muttered, facing the floor, tears stinging in his eyes. Christ, he was not about to cry, especially not in front of Foggy's sister, that would be ridiculous and awkward.

Candace's arms wrapped around him tentatively as she sighed.

"Wanna tell me what happened? You know, short version? Because seriously, that one time I remember you coming here depressed, that was you smiling like a loon compared to what you're now. Or maybe I don't remember that well."

Was it really that bad?

"…I screwed up," he whispered after a while, hugging her back, squeezing his eyes shut. He had talked to Foggy about it, the fear that was suffocating him, there was literally no reason for loading the shit on Candace, especially given the fact he couldn't tell her half of it, yet…

Candace snorted. He tensed. "Sorry. But yeah, I kinda figured that much."


"I… it actually has something to do with the time you mentioned. She… she showed up in Hell's Kitchen. My ex." And that was oversimplification. But maybe… maybe if someone else could look at the situation, someone from the outside, who wouldn't consider the crazy ninja cult aspects… and was a girl on top of that…

"Ouch. What happened?" she asked patiently, rubbing his back.

Matt sighed. "Well, I didn't cheat if that's what you're asking."

She snorted again. "Matt, you're not a cheater. You have a cute little picture in a dictionary right next to the words 'faithful' and 'loyal'. You didn't even switch your best friend in years, which is a wonder, considering it's my brother we're talking about," she joked lightly and Matt let his lips to curl up in a tiny smile.

"It still didn't go well. Firstly, I didn't even tell Vera about her and… well. Things went to shit from there, revealing some… other stuff. She…" Matt's voice felt silent, his throat getting tight. "She left. Hid at friend's, didn't return my calls. I had no idea where she was, I thought she— I honestly thought she just got on a plane to Europe-" His voice broke and Candace squeezed him tighter. "She left the ring behind, she-"

"That's harsh."

"Well, she thinks she overreacted, but honestly, I don't blame her. We… we're both working on fixing things, but we didn't think it was… we didn't think we could come here and pretend nothing happened," he finished, wheezing, forgetting to be embarrassed about crying anymore.

"She took the shift on purpose, huh?" Candace wondered and Matt only managed to nod. "Hey, you two are gonna be fine, you know? You love her and you said you're both trying. She loves you too. She would be stupid to let someone like you slip through her fingers. You guys are like Ross and Rachel. A little bit too drama, but meant to be. Everyone ships it."

That drew a chuckle from Matt, Candace's heart fluttering happily at the sound.

"I knew you watched Friends, you liar. Now, you nerd, how did they finally end up together?"

"He went to the airport to stop her from leaving. She said no. And she got off the plane later."

"Yep," she hummed into his shirt. "Now why the hell are you still hugging me, Ross? Go, you idiot!" She patted his back and let go of him.

"Candace, why were you hugging my best friend and your ex-crush in one person, why are you calling him Ross and an idiot, for that matter?" Foggy's voice sounded from the stairwell, causing the pair a heart attack.


"Because I'm Phoebe, you dumbass. I was convincing him to go get his Rachel."

Matt could hear Foggy's frantically hammering heart to skip a beat. Foggy huffed.

"Well, Ross, what do you have to say to this matter?" he asked, teasing, a smile creeping into his voice.

"I'm leaving, Foggy. Sorry," Matt chipped, pecking Candace on her forehead. "Thanks, Candy."

"Oh, thank god. Candace, I love you. If I had to put up with-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I'll just get my stuff and say bye-" Matt exclaimed, distracted, his mind already miles away from the house he was in.

Foggy grabbed his forearm when Matt made his way to the room. "Go, you dumbass, don't pack anything, I'll do it for you and I'll say goodbye too, just go for god's sake and kiss the shit out her or something."

"And make her wear the ring!" Candace yelled after him as he stumbled down the stairs.

"She's already wearing it!" Matt yelled back and he was pretty sure he could hear Candace roll her eyes.

"So what's the fuss about?! Christ, you're such a drama queen-"

Matt could Foggy's sister calling out something else, but he didn't care, almost forgetting his cane and coat at the door in his rush.


The tube was the fastest means of transport in New York City; Matt would swear the train had never gone slower. He jumped out of it, forgetting he had a cane to navigate himself through the crowd. His ears were working shit, so he ran into few people, but he didn't care; his hearing was focusing on her heartbeat rather than his surroundings. He found it easily, where he wished it was – at home. He slowed down slightly, still rushing, but remembering the act of a completely blind person, who couldn't see at all, not even in a manner of speaking.

The moment he closed the door to his apartment building, he dropped the act again, running up the stairs, laser-focused on her. The couch protested silently as he shifted in her position, rustling of paper as she turned a page of the book she was reading, the charm on her neck twinkling just slightly, her breathing even, calm.

Matt stopped in front of the door, hesitating. Should he come inside? They had a deal, well, he made a deal with himself, he was letting her have her peace, and now he was sure she was still here. Matt bit his lip, his fingers curling around the keys in his pocket. Deep breaths. He was already here, he might as well come in. Show her he cared. That he loved her. That he had missed her a whole lot. No Christmas for him without her. He should have never agreed in the first place.

He unlocked the door, making her breath hitch, her heart speed up in alarm. She tossed the book aside, jumping to her feet, spinning to the door. They both stood there, frozen, unable to react, move back or forward, their heartbeats the only significant sound in the room.

She snapped from the trance first.

"Matt. What— what happened? Are you okay? What are you doing here?" she questioned, sounding worried. She circled the couch and took few steps in his direction. Matt didn't bother with his shoes, taking one step as well.

"I missed you," he admitted pathetically, the rest of his sentence swallowed. And I was afraid you wouldn't be here.

She drew in a sharp breath, her head tilting to side. Matt gulped under her searching gaze, feeling small.

"…Matt," she spoke softly, something indefinable in her voice. She read him as easily as the book she had just put away, didn't she? "I promised you I wouldn't leave while you spend Christmas with the Nelsons. I even texted you."

He closed his eyes, letting his head fall down, his shoulders slumping guiltily. Now it looked like he didn't trust her, which he did, he just… he breathed in, working up some courage. He was here for a reason.

"And I trusted you," he promised, coming just a little closer. "But I missed you… I want to spend Christmas Eve with the woman I love."


Her heartbeat was like a drum, loud and wild… panicked… or confused, how the hell he should know.


Her fingers brushed his hand, her face burning up. "…I brought drama to the Nelsons' household even without actually being there, didn't I?"

His lips would twitch in amusement if he still wouldn't be waiting for an actual yes. He gulped, turning his hand so she would slide hers in. She did. He squeezed lightly, grateful.

"Would you please come to the midnight mass with me?" he asked timidly, forcing a tiny smile at least.


"Or we can just hang out on the couch-" he offered quickly as she hesitated. "Or just in the living room on two separate seats, reading a book or something-"

"Matt-" she cut in and Matt felt himself panicking. Ross and Rachel his ass, this wasn't a movie or a TV series-

"Okay, uhm, bedroom and living room-"


"I'll… go to the rooftop?"

"Suit yourself," she hummed.

Matt opened his mouth uselessly. This had been a terrible idea. He never should have come here, the chances she had chosen the afternoon shift mainly to avoid him were pretty— why did she take his other hand as well?

"If you want to," she added, a kind smile in her voice. "But… since you're here… I have better plans. Do you remember how we celebrate Christmas in Czechia?"

Matt's mind raced. She was up to something. But it wasn't something bad, was it? "…yes?"

"Uh-huh. How do we celebrate?"

"…uhm. You have tree and dinner and presents, which are not delivered by Santa Claus…"

Vera hummed in agreement, her heart light and fast. She licked her lips. "Do you remember the timetable of our 24th? Not hour by hour, but in general?"

"Your family has the tree decorated in the morning. You cook. You have dinner and— and then you unwrap the presents," he described dutifully.

Another agreement. "When do we unwrap the presents?"

"In— in the evening. Christmas… Christmas Eve."

"That's right. We uhm… we kinda took a pass on the tree this year, I guess. Happens. I had an apple for dinner, few gingerbreads. Did you have dinner?"

Matt was utterly confused. He would swear he sensed something in the air, but surely he was imagining things, hearing things and smelling things, it had been just too long, and he was fantasising-

She pressed a tiny kiss to the corner of his mouth, then moving to his ear. Yeah, okay, that contact sent a jolt of lightning down his spine. So, so long. Eternity since he touched her… everything was calling out for him.

"Answer me, Matthew. It's important," she pleaded lowly.

The tone of her voice went straight to his groin, the touch of her lips on his skin not helping. So he probably wasn't imagining things, no matter how surreal it was.

"Yes," he admitted, voice strangled. "I did."

She quickly withdrew, allowing him to breathe in without being intoxicated by her body tempting him.

"Good. Good, uhm-" she stuttered, suddenly embarrassed. "You said midnight mass, right? That was right after the— the gifts part, we sometimes do that too, and it's probably time to go, so…" she cleared her throat, taking a step back, letting go of his hands, looking around, most likely to find appropriate clothes.

Matt liked the idea. He wanted to go to the midnight mass with her… apart from other things. So he just nodded, wordlessly standing like a statue as she changed from her sweatpants into something more presentable and he bit his tongue to stop himself from asking her to just leave her clothes off and stay in.

Her hand found his again as she passed him, leading him out of their apartment. Matt tentatively interlaced their fingers and she gave him a reassuring squeeze.

The mass was beautiful, a strangely intimate moment to experience with her, and Father Lantom was happy to see them. Except Matt wondered how was it that he hadn't caught fire when stepping into the church with so many sinful thoughts. He truly enjoyed the service, but he was incredibly grateful when it ended and they were on their way and then they were finally home.

"Do you want tea?" she asked, unfazed on the surface, unsteady on the inside; she sensed the tension she had caused less than two hours ago too well. Matt could feel her body buzzing the whole time, the calling getting louder now when they were alone again.

He hummed in agreement, following her to the kitchen, leaving his glasses on the shelf.

They didn't exactly have perfect Christmas atmosphere, but the scent of candy was in the air, Matt could hear Christmas carols from somewhere and the woman he loved was with him in their home, possibly on her way to love him again… or still. How could he resist?

She jumped out of her skin when she turned around and almost collided with his chest, her heart stopping.

"You didn't finish it," he whispered, immediately hit by her scent, her body returning to where it had been before they had left off at instant. Wanting. Matt breathed it in hungrily, hoping. And wanting. He bordered her hips by leaning his palms onto the counter.

"I don't— I'm not sure-"

"Your thought. About Christmas. About the presents. Why?" I wanted you to finish it. You wanted to finish it too, I could tell.

"Oh, that, you— you mean… yeah, that was…" she babbled. "I thought it was… in-inappropriate, you wanted to go to the mass and just because I couldn't- well… I-"

"I really, really want to unwrap my present now. I know it's in the wrong order and I wasn't very good this year, but still…" he murmured, her skin burning hot, luring him in her space, calling out for him, the wetness between her legs just begging him to enter. "Do you still want to-"

"You know the answer, Matt," she breathed, barely audible.

Oh, Matt did know the answer very well as far as her body was concerned. But they didn't always listen to the drives in them. But if she would now…

He nuzzled his nose in the crook of her neck, her hair tickling him, her pulse like a thunder in his ear. She shivered as his tentative fingers ran up her thigh under the hem of her skirt.


His knees almost buckled at her sigh, her body screaming at him, her voice more than a clear permission. A plea. When the fuck had he gotten so hard? He caressed the spot where her thigh merged with her hip with his thumb, causing her breathing to rage, her lower abdomen to burn.

"Christ, Vera," he murmured into her neck, drunk on the pheromones she was radiating. "If you want it half as bad as your body says…"

He bit on her pulse point on her throat teasingly, feeling the wild pulsing waver, making her moan. His cock throbbed at that, his hand gripping the tights she wore, his other hand bruising her hip. He kissed her jaw, meeting her lips right afterwards. She rocked her hips forward, brushing his erection. He whimpered to her mouth at the contact, his fingers sliding under her tights and soaked underwear.

He wanted in, right now, but the waiting was somewhat sweet, because he knew he wasn't the only one impatient. It was actually making him want to stall, so he retreated his hand a little, careful not to touch her where he had intended and she no doubt wanted him too.

Slight disappointment in her stance; she recognized he was expecting something. Matt wasn't sure himself what exactly, but she figured it out anyway. What she said took his breath away – mostly because he didn't understand at first.


His fingers twitched deliberately. "What?"

Vera gulped, her whole body on fire. "I don't want…'it'... I want you."

There was no hint of a lie in her voice or her heartbeat. Okay, Jesus. Matt hadn't seen that coming, his brain slowly processing. She not only didn't deny she wanted it as much as he thought, but admitted it wasn't just some… primitive drive in her, a lust for being fucked. No, she craved for him specifically.


He inhaled sharply, shock wave running through him, both of his hands gripping her hips only to lift her and to make her wrap her legs around him. She quickly caught up, locking her ankles, letting him carry her to the couch while she fumbled with his belt as he sloppily took her mouth. The sudden impatience building in him was enough to make his head spin. He raised her skirt high, sitting down the moment she managed to strip his pants and underwear low enough. He tore her tights on their way down, pushing her panties aside, leading his cock to her core. And Jesus, when she actually lowered herself on him, taking him whole to the base, so fucking deep… he thought he might explode.

'I want you.'

She buried her face into his shoulder, her teeth grinding as they had gone too fast, not letting her adjust first. He caressed her hair, drawing comforting circles on her thigh, kissing every inch of her skin he could reach with his lips.

"I got you, I got you."

She shifted just slightly, making him whimper, stimulating him at too many places at once. Her soft voice was whispering into his shirt, her words fast and slurry, like a silk on the fabric and on his soul as well. "Matt, Matt, Matty, Matt…"

He couldn't supress a tremble as the one endearment escaped her lips. Never, not once she had called him that. They had talked about it, pet names, endearments, she couldn't figure it out and he was alright with that, the 'Matt' on her lips sometimes sounded like a prayer, there was no need for more. But now, the 'Matty' left her mouth so deliberately and naturally, rolling off her tongue so easily, delicate-

She rolled her hips and started moving, cutting off the train of his coherent thoughts. She kept repeating his name, torturing him and worshipping at the same time, her mouth on his own, on his throat, her hands gripping his arms, shoulders, in his hair, pushing and pulling and he wanted more, more of that, her enjoying herself while pleasuring them both, so close to him, so in deep, whispering his name over and over.

"I love you. I love you, Vera, so much, oh god, sweetheart, don't stop…" he mumbled silently, lost in the sensation, meeting her halfway. He could feel both hers and his climax building, her rhythm faltering, her legs shaking.

"Matt, Matty-" escaped her deliberately, causing his hips bounce up, sending a jolt of pleasure through his body. His fingers slipped to her clit; it was convenient she was getting close too, but he needed to help with that, because if she said his name like this one more time-

She squeezed his other hand, her left ring finger pressing against the back of his hand and that was enough, the metal on it burning a brand into his skin. He let go of everything, the most tremendous feeling tingling in every single one of his nerve endings, and she kept moving, igniting every cell in his body – the best kind of fire he knew. The moment it was becoming too much, she reached her orgasm as well, tightening around him, making him forget how to breathe, because he was overwhelmed, but unable to move, to escape it, just taking it and taking, suddenly unable to tell where was up and down and right and left, his head spinning in bliss.

The first thing he registered through the fog of the aftershock was her lips, writing wordless declarations on the skin above his right collarbone, fingers of her left hand still curled around his own, gently tracing them, warm metal on them. He breathed in shakily, drowned in the scent of sex and her shampoo.

He interweaved his fingers with Vera's, causing her lips to stop. He reached for her jaw, connecting their mouths in a sweet kiss, a declaration on its own. Her voice, her 'Matty' still resonated in his ears.

"Uhm… hi," she mumbled to his mouth, making him smile.


She chuckled breathlessly. "I think I corrupted you."

Matt raised his eyebrow. He should… leave, but that would mean losing contact with her when searching tissues and stuff and he didn't want that, he wanted to stay like this, she was so warm. Not to mention this sounded interesting; her telling something he knew was a lie, yet she believed it for some reason.

"Doubt it. You make me better," he whispered, tucking a lose strand of her hair behind her ear. She released a shaky breath and licked her lips. "You do, Vera. You know that. Why would— oh. Because of the mass. We just came back from the-"

Matt couldn't finish, biting his lips as she banged her forehead against his shoulder, embarrassed. He supressed a chuckle, still refusing to leave her body.

"Well, I regret nothing. You can corrupt me like this any time. It was…"

Matt had no words. It had been too long since they… before the whole Hand-is-in New-York mess. Before he had fucked up and almost lost everything. His arm subconsciously wrapped around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer. He had almost lost her… again. They had talked a lot after the 'this isn't over' line, but they had never gotten intimate, never gotten as far as tonight, sticking to caring gestures, frequent silent cuddling, her sleeping in his arms, a wordless gesture of trust he possibly hadn't deserved; occasional kissing was a bonus. He had been so happy for her giving him another chance in the first place; however he so enjoyed being corrupted like this.

"Yeah, it… it was," Vera confirmed softly, still slightly embarrassed.

God as if she didn't know how much he loved when she lost herself like this, when she just let go. They could both be generous lovers, attentive, just like they mainly took sometimes. Matt loved both, just like he found pleasure in something in between. It was all about the partner; and his partner was perfect.

"We should…" she started and Matt nodded quickly, but didn't move and inch.


"But I don't want to move," she admitted, sheepish smile in her voice. Matt traced the actual smile with his fingertips.

"Me neither. I like being close to you." And even better, inside you.

It was a confession, a truth they both knew, but the truth that needed to be said. She kissed his fingers.

"I like being as close as possible to you too. That's why I— I really, really wanted to be close to you. I missed that. Missed you." His lips parted at that, warm feeling spreading in his chest. "Quick clean-up and bed?" she offered and he kissed her on her lips instead of a confirmation. Because he could.

When he lied down to bed with her, him only in his boxer briefs ad her only in her panties and thin t-shirt, and she immediately snuggled to his chest, he thanked God for the precious gift he had been given and kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you for coming tonight, Matt. I know I told you to go and spent Christmas with the Nelsons…" she let her voice trail off, a guilty note in it.

"And I know it wasn't some kind of test, I know you meant it. Just like I meant it when I said I trusted you and missed you."

"I missed you too," she said again, her lips brushing his pectoral, her eyelashes tickling him as she closed her eyes. "We… we're gonna be okay."

He listened to her steady heartbeat and calm breathing. She believed what she said. His lips deliberately spread in a smile, his fingertips tracing her lower back under the fabric of her top.

"We will. I love you."

"And I love you, Matt."

His heart thundered against his ribcage at that, bursting with pride and relief. He hadn't expected a comeback. She had said a lot of things with similar meaning in the past days, leaving him with no doubt she cared about him deeply; but never this. She loved him. She still loved him. He let the feeling sink through his body, breathing it in.

All of sudden, she tensed. Matt automatically did the same.

"What is it?" he asked, alarmed.

"I… I called you… uhm. I called you… 'Matty'," she breathed with realization, slightly horrified as if she let out a secret she was supposed to keep.

"You did."

"And you didn't… mind?"

"No. I didn't mind, Vera. It… it worked well, actually," he confessed, trying to look less embarrassed than he felt. But he shouldn't be, right? Vera loved when he call her 'love' too, there was no shame in it.

"…oh. So… you wouldn't… mind if it happened again?"

"No, I wouldn't," he agreed too quickly. "It sounded… good. And natural. I liked it."

The endearment leaving her lips again just seconds ago. The memory… it fell almost awkward how quickly it worked, blood rushing to his groin. Christ, what was he, a horny teenager? But she was here again, she still wanted him, still loved him and she had called him-

"I had no idea I said it, it's coming back to me just now. I won't… I won't call you that publicly, don't worry— you wouldn't want that, right? It's just that I can't imagine…"

"This was perfect, love," he reassured her softly, meeting her lips, feeling more than he should. He definitely wouldn't mind hearing it again, right now would be perfectly fine too. He wouldn't mind taking her, this time him being the one in charge. "…just when we're alone."

He sucked on her lower lip experimentally, unable to help himself, waiting for her response. He was pushing his luck; just few hours ago, this could only have been his imagination and it had come true, he had tasted the richest wine again after such a long time and he now craved for more. He had gotten drunk on her, drinking a bottle in one go; it messed with his head in the best way possible and he wanted more, he wanted another bottle, wanting to indulge it this time.

The hand she had been resting on his side drew a horizontal line on his lower abdomen. Interested then?

He let his hand wander lower from her back, drawing her to him by her bottom. She sunk her lips into his deeper, rolling over to be mostly on top of him, her body radiating very clear signals just like before and after the mass. Very interested then.

Still, Matt hummed in disapproval at her action, grabbing her hips with newly found confidence, rolling them so he could hover over her. She didn't protest, her heart hammering, excited when he came down at her, nibbling on her jaw.

"Maybe you're right…" he mumbled between taking her sweet and salty skin between his teeth, drawing a tiny whimper from her. Oh Christ, he loved the sounds she made, even the barely audible ones – it meant she didn't mean to let them out, but she just couldn't help herself, she never could and that was on him, he did that to her. He bit harder with dark satisfaction. "Maybe you have corrupted me."

Vera gasped at his words, her heart speeding up, confirming his suspicion. He chuckled, the sound less playful and more soaking with gratify. His sweet girl – and he couldcall her 'his' again – liked the idea. She liked the idea of being able to do that, to corrupt him, to drive him insane.

"And you like it, don't you?" he whispered to her ear, his left hand catching her throat in a teasing grip before sliding two of his fingertips into her mouth. She immediately opened her mouth and took them in, wet lips enclosing them. Matt vainly tried to fight the euphoria at that, to chase away the idea it gave him, having trouble to remember what he was saying. "You like to tease me. Just like you have when talking about unwrapping the presents… leading me astray, breaking my conviction…"

He pulled out his fingers only let them trace her silhouette and push them inside her – she was still slick with his come, the acknowledgement and the sensation just pouring gasoline into the fire that was burning in him. She drew in a sharp breath, her body tensing in anticipation of more. His lips found hers, stealing the sound she let out when he spread his fingers slowly. Jesus, teasing her was fun, but it was next to impossible when he needed to regain some control over himself and make his point.

"…tempting me, wanting me to fuck you instead, because you just can't help yourself," he whispered to her mouth and he knew it was hypocritical of him, mean even, but it was just a part of the play and God, the effect his words had on her-

She tried to push herself onto his fingers, his body too heavy over hers to allow her that. Her muscles sang as she fought to move her hips at least a little. He pulled out completely just to be a dick, just to force another needy noise from her; and he succeeded, drinking the desperate sound from her lips, meeting her tongue. He was painfully hard again, begging to be satisfied. He got rid of the useless fabric in their way.

"And I'm too weak to resist the temptation. You know that and you like that too," he whispered as he led himself into her, forgetting how to speak when she welcomed him, his brain short-circuiting for several seconds or minutes; it was impossible to tell and time didn't matter anyway. "But that's alright, because I love it. You're the most beautiful temptation and if me yielding to you means I'm going to hell…" He thrust hard, sparks erupting behind his eyelids, a low moan escaping both his lips and hers. "…then so be it."

It was just like on the couch – they should get up and shower, because they were slick with sweat and- well, sex, but neither of them could make themselves move. Matt nuzzled his nose deeper into her hair to hide his smile at that.

"I can feel the smugness radiating from you, Matt."

Matt laughed, high on endorphins. Happy. Not how he had imagined this night to turn out. "We should get up."

"Yeah, well, I would have to grow my legs back first. It doesn't feel like it's happening any time soon though," she mumbled, snuggling closer to him. So this is what heaven feels like… "So I guess you do have a little right to be smug. Then again, I can't see you getting up either."

He chuckled, enjoying the feeling of her fingertips tracing his torso. This was a weakness he was willing to admit: "I never said I was able to leave this bed. Or willing."

Vera moved her head, forcing him to leave the nest of her hair. Her lips found his, so he swallowed the grumpy sound that had almost found its way out of his mouth. Heaven. He couldn't believe he had almost missed this because of staying at Nelsons'. He owned Candace big time.

The soft and sweet lips left his mouth, so he instinctively chased after them, making Vera smile.

"Hey, Matt?"

His eyebrow shot up in silent question. Her voice was soft, but at the same time playful. They hadn't been doing much of playful lately; their connection had thinned, the bridges between them were too feeble to test their stability with playful. He had taken a huge risk, teasing her like he had earlier (the Nelson's eggnog might have encouraged him).


She pecked his cheek. "…I do have an actual gift for you to unwrap, just in case you're wondering."

Matt smiled widely, returning the affection. "So do I. … But… later? While I have endless believe in your choices of gifts, I'm still enjoying the one I already unwrapped."

He tightened his grip around her to prove his point. She must have approved of that, because she melted into his side, kissing his collarbone.

"Yeah, later sounds great. Merry Christmas until then."

"Merry Christmas, Vera."

So… just for you to know, I forgave myself for breaking the ship :D It took me writing 50k words to get there, but I did it eventually :D Do you forgive me not letting it crush and actually putting it back together?

Also, besides Rachel Platten's version, the mash-up of Stand By Me/Stand By You is lovely (-:

and because I'm me, have a little bonus to the Christmas bonus (it has 666 words…. well):

Few days after that, Vera introduces Matt to strudel, because it's another thing her family does for Christmas. (…and she doesn't feel like trying to bake vánočka, which might be more traditional than strudel, but she's not risking messing it up since she has never tried it before.)

They learn about a blizzard coming at New York City, supposedly arriving in the evening; which means Matt can't go out. They are still working through few things and Vera is afraid of awkward silence and tension. So the logical step is to buy ingredients for baking strudel so Matt can meet another tradition – maybe not Czech, but definitely her family's. She prepares the pastry when he's meeting with a client so it could become mellow.

When the storm arrives and Matt has to come to terms with the fact that he really cannot go out, she asks (unnecessarily, she hopes) if he's really okay with her baking in their apartment and when he agrees, she asks him for a little help. So she's rolling the pastry out and grinding walnuts, he's peeling and grating apples, while old Czech carols and songs play in the background, making them hum involuntarily.

Soon, the aroma of baked apples, walnuts and cinnamon fills the apartment and neither of them is bothering to hide their goofy smile at the domesticity. Vera takes one apple and explains Matt that if he cuts it in half in a right way, he can see/feel the future; luckily for him, the seeds create a 'star', so she gladly announces him that he's going to be happy for the upcoming year. He doesn't say he doesn't want to risk her learning some kind of a bad sign if cutting another apple and simply shares his own, so they could both have a good year. Vera is not touched at that, she is not.

The strudel finishes in still hot stove without power, because it goes out. For the first time, Vera sort of sees the apartment without the light of the billboard and it's quite a shock. But in a way, it's really, really nice.

They nestle on the couch, the sweet scent of their collective work in the air, bringing back Vera's memories of Christmas in Czechia. Matt makes her talk about it and she does, remembering they always made ships of walnut shells and tiny candles, letting them sail in a bowl of water, each family member having one, learning whether they would stay with the family or leave. She tells him about having a vacant seat at the table on Christmas Eve, fully set for a potential guest, a friend, a family member or even a complete stranger. But also about creating a trail for their skibob with her brother, always pouring water on it so it would freeze and the skibob would go faster; her brother actually broke a leg this way once… and the next year, they did it again.

She's talking about other traditions too, those they've never followed; throwing a shoe over their shoulder to find out whether the tip would be turned to the door, which would mean they'd find a romantic partner and marry them the following year, about giving pieces of meals under fruit trees for rich harvest or to farm animals. She remembers a tale about being able to see the future in a frozen spring. She hasn't thought of those things in years.

If Matt's catholic soul is offended by the pagan myths, he doesn't say. In fact, Vera can tell he's smiling into her hair during her rambling even without looking at his face.

For Vera, the drop of temperature due to the powerless heating is undetectable so far; Matt can sense it on his skin, but in his core, he's warmer than in days. As the time stands still, he thinks about the wonderful moment he's never thought he could have or knew he wanted and he wishes to have it every year.

(Vánočka is a type of sweet bread with raisins and with slices of almonds on its top. It's braided and apparently looks a little like Jewish challah. It's also something that cannot be missing at Christmas table in Czechia – and perhaps Slovakia?)

(Also, all of the customs mentioned above are true, but I don't know anyone who would still do the shoe thing or the trees/animals. There is a poem by Czech author K. called Štědrý den/Christmas 'Eve' in which some of the customs are described, but mainly it is a story about two sisters who go to the woods on Christmas Eve to find a frozen spring to see their future; it comes true – one of them dies. Which is kinda gloomy, but I love the whole book, it's full of stories/poems with offence, punishment and penance, with horror and magical elements based on some local legends.)

(And me and my siblings were totally doing the water on snow thing on our yard so the skibob (?) would go faster. Ah, I miss being a child. Physically and responsibility speaking.)

I'll shut up now.

Thanks for reading!


P.S. – Stay tuned. There will be a bit more coming, one 'Matt can see' three-shot and a crossover with Supernatural. So in case you'd be interested…