How Karin Uzumaki And Misa Amane Are The Same And Different

Rain rain go away come again some other day

When I can flood a village and city with my tears

Because no one will understand my pain or how I really feel

Our emotions change like the weather

Always constantly changing so we don't know what to expect

Or when either so we simply just go with the flow

In love with bad boys who have a fascination with death

On the path for revenge or creating a new world

So what if they are using us as puppets we still love them

In hopes that one day they'll succeed in what they set out to do

And we'll be their number one girl standing right beside them

Even though we know we're being used

And possibly one day might be thrown away

When we are not of any use anymore

We could careless anyways because we'd follow wherever

Light Yagami and Sasuke Uchiha wherever they'd go