The ER was crowded, Finn and Amanda waiting in the hallway and Finn putting his leather jacket on Amanda.

"Dianne never once hurt him, why would he do this to her?" Amanda asked, brushing a stray hair off of her white wrap around mini dress.

"I don't think he intentionally hurt her though." Finn responded.

"Enzo's not gonna see it that way." Amanda replied as they held each other and Enzo ran to them.

"Any idea how bad it is?!" Enzo questioned as he stopped, out of breath from running.

"Her right shoulder was dislocated and they had to realign her back… that was the worst of the injuries, she doesn't have any head trauma." Amanda explained. "Enzo… Seth caused her to fall." She responded, Enzo turning horrified… and then angry.

"Where is he?!" Enzo growled.

"We don't know… but I'm gonna go find out." Amanda responded before she took off, Finn following after her and stopping her just outside of the ER. "He could've killed her." She replied as Finn held onto her right hand to keep her from leaving, his right hand on her lower back.

"He could have, but going and yelling at him won't change that. If anything it'll make whatever kind of rage that caused this worse." Finn said in response as he brought her over to a bench against the wall of the hospital.

"I've known Dianne since I was 4 years old… she, Zara and I, we always protected each other. We all did, Sachael, Immy, Andre..." Amanda replied as they sat down and Finn held her close to him. "It was her idea for me to go on the road, clear my mind after Sachael died… when we were younger, we'd just talk about our dreams and what we wanted out of life." She responded as tears ran down her face, Finn brushing her tears away.

Finn was about to speak up again when Amanda's phone rang and she answered it.

"Uncle Mark?" Amanda replied.

"No but you need to stop calling this house!"

Amanda's blood chilled at that voice, the one she hadn't heard since she and Enzo went to go pick up Dianne two years ago.

"Zara… where is he? Dianne needs her family. Since you called, I'm sure you heard the messages." Amanda replied, Finn holding her right hand in his left one.

"Yes, I did. Would you believe It, he's already out there giving about three days worth of feed to the animals to make sure they don't run out while he's scrambling over to where you are." Zara answered, glancing out of the window as she saw the flashlight beam moving around the yard.

"Holding onto the pain and grief is no way to live, Zara. Your friend wouldn't want that just like the ones I lost wouldn't want that." Amanda replied, Zara knowing that she wasn't alone at the moment.

"And I'm sure your friend wouldn't want to hear me yelling at you down the phone for even mentioning events that don't concern you, so I won't. I'll just say that I'll unfortunately be accompanying my uncle towards you lot within the next hour or so." Zara responded, a brief cold tone in her voice to begin with.

The two hung up and Finn knew Amanda wanted to scream.

"Just close your eyes for a bit, Darlin'." Finn replied, Amanda doing so after putting her phone away.

"She makes me so mad… we used to be so close as kids but..." Amanda responded before opening her eyes.

"Maybe after seeing Dianne, Zara will calm down…" Finn replied before his own phone rang and he answered it. "You got him?" He asked Aestrid.

"Tied up… he's still a little drunk." Aestrid answered, looking back at Seth.

"A few people would have a mind to let him stay that way, make sure no one goes trying to beat him half to death." Finn replied, leaning forward on the bench seat.

"You got it." Aestrid responded before Seth spoke up.

"It was an accident!" Seth replied loudly.

"Put some tape on his mouth or better yet, break his jaw!" Amanda responded, Finn pulling her into his lap.

"She's rightly pissed off. I'll let you keep her calm." Aestrid replied before they hung up.

"Ace, this is insanity! Not to mention it's also kidnapping!" Seth responded.

"And what happened to Dianne is called attempted homicide! Where were you going, was she trying to stop you?!" Aestrid replied angrily.

"I remember her saying something about Finn taking Mandy dancing…" Seth explained.

"And you were gonna charge into wherever they were and drag Mandy here? He was helping her feel better. When was the last time you did that for Mandy?! All you do is hurt her or are you gonna tell me that the black eye she ended up with last week was an accident too, Rollins?! You're a jealous, possessive prick, all Finn has done is help her heal!" Aestrid responded, Seth turning furious as he tried to get free and Aestrid punching him. "You're staying here until you sober up or I turn you over to the cops!" She growled.

At the hospital, Dianne woke up and saw Enzo.

"Hey, you…" Dianne replied with a slight smile.

"Hey, yourself… you scared me badly." Enzo responded.

"Did Seth run off?" Dianne questioned.

"I think Ace got him… Mark and Zara, they're on their way here." Enzo explained, Dianne turning startled.

"Did I hear that right, Zara's on her way here?" Dianne asked.

"I think it's just out of obligation." Enzo responded.

Amanda was asleep on a couch when she opened her eyes… and they widened when she saw bloodstained snow boots and clothes.

And looked up further, seeing Sachael.

"Am I losing it?" Amanda questioned quietly.

"Well no one else can see me but I'm fully here and myself so technically… who knows?" Sachael responded, stepping closer and crouching down level with the couch.

"Do people on the other side… sense these things?" Amanda asked as she pulled the jacket closer to her.

"We know when those close to us in life are in trouble like this, yes. I knew you were confused and hurt… needed me around." Sachael responded with a small nod.

"He almost killed her, Sachael. I thought if I had space away from Seth, he'd calm down." Amanda replied.

"Mandy, you couldn't have known he would lash out like this." Sachael responded.

"What really pisses me off is that he got so damn jealous over a friendship, he's acting like I betrayed him." Amanda replied, Sachael seeing that her makeup had faded off and seeing the bruised left eye.

"Pride can get in the way, kiddo." Sachael responded.

"Kurt said that last week when I called him. Wise man, always treated us like his daughters… but I worry that Seth's gonna be like this when I have kids. Well, if… I doubt at times that..." Amanda replied, Sachael getting Amanda to look at her.

"It'll happen one day, Mandy." Sachael responded.

"I've tried before and…" Amanda replied.

"And your partner bailed on you soon after the problems surfaced. Too soon to try all options, one day you'll find someone who'll want it just as much as you, and they'll stick with you to every option and trial." Sachael responded, sitting on the armrest at the end of the couch midway through.

"Miracles do happen." Amanda replied before Sachael saw Finn.

"If you ask me… I think you've already found him. Now rest." Sachael responded before she disappeared.

Amanda jumped slightly when Finn rested his left hand on her right shoulder and handed her a cup of coffee.

"Is Dianne awake?" Amanda questioned as Finn sat down.

"She is, but there's been a… complication." Finn answered, Amanda sitting up a bit more at the mention of that. "It seems that they didn't pick up any head injury because the one that was there was tiny enough to go unnoticed, but in just the right place to take a chunk out of her memory of the English language. Seems like she's struggling with it to the point where she's resorting to Wôpanâak as her main language."

"I haven't spoken that since I was about 23… I lost a lot of old memories after the seizures." Amanda responded.

"Tends to happen after injuries like that, things that rattle your head around. Seems it's happened the other way around to her." Finn replied, glancing down at where he'd sat as he noticed the seat was unusually cold in one spot, not knowing that it was a spot Sachael had touched moments ago.

Amanda thought back to a recent accident.