Hey y'all, I'm back finally. I am truly sorry that it took me so long to finally get this out but now I did and I just want to say...thank you. I never thought this fanfic would get over 50 followers, yet alone over 100. Thank you. Thank you all. Also, as you read the chapter/rest of the story, I would not mind if you told me what you thought of the story, characters, and everything as a whole. Enough of my rambling, enjoy the chapter.

In a wooden house deep in some woods, Ban lays in bed, halfway asleep when he feels something tugging on the sheet.

"H-huh," Ban mumbled sleepily, "h-how is it?"

"Ban, wake up," said a familiar voice, "it's already the afternoon."

"W-wait...E-Elaine, i-is that you ," he mumbled.

"Yes, it's me, now can you please wake up," she asked.

Ban's eyes shot open as he woke up.

"Elaine? H-how are you back!?"

"What do you mean? I've never left. Don't you remember? I left the fairy king's forest with you after the demon attacked. Don't you remember?"

"R-remember," Ban muttered before flashbacks seemed to instantly aparw into his mind.

"O-oh right. I-I've must of forgot," he said.

"Are you feeling well? You seemed to be confused."

"No, I'm fine."

"Okay," Elaine responded before she started going out of the room.

"Are you coming? The food I made you is getting cold."

"Yeah, I'm on my way."

Ban walked after Elaine as she traveled through the wooden cabin until the two entered a kitchen area.

There was a wooden table that had a bowl full of food resting, waiting for someone to eat it.

There was steam resonating off the top of the food.

Ban sat down at the wooden table before he began to heat the food.

"I...didn't know that...you could cook, Elaine," Ban told her as he continued to stuff his mouth full of food, "this stuff's...amazing."

"Thanks. I'm happy you like it."

Ban walks in a field of sunflowers as he and Elaine are holding one another's hands.

The sun was shining brightly as no clouds were seen and thus, does not cause the sun's light to be weakened.

"Hey, Elaine, I want to ask you somethin."

"What is it Ban?"

"Do you know how to dance?"


"Cause I'm thinking that this place would be fun for us to dance."

"Do you know how to," Elaine asked.

"No, not really, but we can improvise."


A loud crack of thunder boomed through the air as lightning struck down from the heavens very close to the two.

The bright light from the lightning blurred Ban's vision for a moment.

The Fox sin looked back at Elaine to see that she had vanished.

"Elaine!? ELAINE," Ban yelled, "WHERE DID YOU GO!?"

Ban got no answer from the fairy, but he did from another.

"Greeting, Fox Sin," a voice remarked.

"What," Ban looked around, searching for the voice that he just heard.

"OKAY! Who the hell said that!?"

"That...would be me," the voice replied.

"Okay then, show yourself so I can know who to beat the shit out of for ruining my and Elaine's moment."

"That...won't be necessary, Fox sin."

"Oh no, it's necessary," Ban replied as he cracked his knuckles, "now show yourself."

"There's no reason for me to fight you, Fox sin. You have been summoned to this world for a purpose."

"And what's that?"

"You will find out...in time," the voice told him.

"Why don't we cut to the chase," Ban tells the bodiless voice, "I'm not working for you and you can't make me."

There was silence from the voice for a moment until it replied to Ban by saying, "You've got no choice in this matter. You will do your purpose, whether or not you choose it willingly."

"Good luck with that. I'm not called the Sin of Greed for nothing. Unless it would benefit me, I'm not doing it."


"Fuck off! I don't take orders from no one except the Cap'n and you're not the Cap'n."

"You...have no idea who I am," the voice roared with anger in it's yell.

"And I could care less," Ban snapped back before he felt something grab his arms.

"W-what the hell," Ban exclaimed as he tries to yanked his arms from the invisible hold to find no success in his efforts, but to then find the invisible hold twist around his legs.

He felt the force trying to pull his body parts in opposite directions of the body's limbs. Ban tries to fight against the invisible current but it was too strong.

While he fought against the invisible current, he heard the voice say, "I am—"

The voice cut off as Ban felt his body fall into a black void of despair. He kept falling and falling to what felt like eons until he crashed into what seemed to be a floor.

He watched as color began to fade into the world as he heard a voice; an almost childish voice.

"Wakey, wakey, sleepyhead."

Ban, in his groggy state, watches at the image of a kid standing in front of him begin to focus.

"HEY!? Ban," the voice said, "you up yet," as it waved its hand in front of his face.

Ban's eyes focus themselves before swing the dragon sin of wrath, Meliodas.

"Why am I on the ground," Ban asked.

"Simple, I pushed you off the bed," Meliodas replies.

Ban raises himself up, muttering, "smart ass."

Meliodas than asked, "so~, you want to go back into the forest to finish our little bet?"

Ban only had to think for a moment before he said, "let's do it!"

The two were walking down the street and towards the forest before they'd as Rem, who was a little farther ahead of themselves

Meliodas yelled,"Hey, you're Rem right."

Rem did not respond to Meliodas as she just kept walking.

"Why do I have a feeling she's going to dosomething stupid right now," Ban asked.

"Hmm...you think we should try and stop her," Meliodas asked.

"Eh, why not," Ban asked.

As the two are following Rem, Ban asked in a whisper, "what do you think she's gonna do?"

"She might be on a morning stroll," Meliodas tells Ban.

"She doesn't look the type to do that," Ban informs Meliodas.

"...yeah, you're right," Meliodas agrees.

"...wait...where did Rem go," Ban asked as he just noticed that Rem seemingly disappeared,"Ah shit, we lost her Cap'."

"We did," Meliodas replied with a tone of surprise, "that was fast."

"Yeah...it was. Now what should we do?"

"We fans do what we were planning to do in the beginning, start back our little bet," Meliodas tells Ban,"On the count to three...one...tw—"

"THREE," Ban yelled before he bulted last Meliodas.

"Ok...I deserve that," Meliodas emitted before he hears a sound behind him, "Looks like I'm getting a the first point," to which Meliodas turns around to see a Wolgram that was on the verge to attack until Meliodas slapped the beast.

The force of the slap was enough to turn the Wolgram's face into mush.

"And that makes fifteen."

Meliodas then hears a shuffling of footsteps behind him. For a moment, Meliodas thought the footsteps were those of other Wolgrams but he found out they were not when he saw Subaru and Ram.

"There you are Meliodas," Subaru almost yelled.

"Nice to see you're up," Meliodas tells Subaru.

"Thanks but right now we need to find Rem."

"Oh...her? Me and Ban were following her a little bit ago before she disappeared."

"And where is he at," Ram asked.

"He's ahead, probably killing Wolgrams, why?"

Suddenly, Subaru's eyes showed a twinkle before asking Meliodas, "how many Wolgrams do you think you could kill?"

"Hmmm...easily over a hundred."

Subaru seems pleased before he tells Meliodas, "Listen carefully. Okay?"


Ban is deep in the forest as he hears something. He looks up to see a stampede of Wolgrams rushing towards him. He smiles, thinking, I'm definitely getting that free drink.

He cracks his knuckles as a large smile appears on his face.

"BRING IT ON," he yelled at the beasts as he rushed towards them before he started swinging at the pack of Wolgrams.

"Why's the ground shaking," Meliodas asked before he looked behind him to see a giant pack of Wolgrams.

"Oh, that's why," he commented.

Subaru pulls out the sword he had with him while Ram became ready to use her magical ability of wind.

Meliodas grabbed his sacred treasure from his back as he told the two, "let's make this more of a fair fight."

Suddenly, four more Meliodas'es appear out of the blue.

"You can do that," Subaru asked.

"Yep," said all of the Meliodas'es.

"Why didn't you do that last night," Subaru asked with a hint of anger.

"Hmm...I'll tell you later," the Meliodases' told him..

The seven watched as the group of Wolgrams sprinted towards them.

The air around them started to become thick and heavy with the rush of battle approaching towards them.

Subaru could feel a sense of fear, as well as confidence due to the five Meliodas'es standing in front of him.

As the air's strong atmosphere reached its peak, Meliodas and his clones shot towards the hordes of Wolgrams.

Meliodas and his clones cleaved their way through the first layer of Wolgrams as if they were cutting through butter.

Subaru's eyes widen as he thought, Holy crap! He's not kidding around...we...we can actually do this.

"Hey, Barusu," Ram interruptus, " are you just going to stand there or are we actually going to help him?"

"O-oh, right," Subaru responded, "let's do it."

In the far back of the horde of demon wolves, there was a large pile of them stacking on top of something until the shot out in all directions as if they were a hand grenade

"That was a pain," Ban spoke to himself as he popped his neck in place as steam resonated off his body, "at least I don't have to change these damn clothes again."

As he said that, a Wolgram lunges at him before he grabbed it by the face and crushed it before throwing the carcass at a tree.

"twenty," Ban counted before he cut another one of them in half with a swift kick.

"And that's twenty one," Meliodas chimed.

"What tha—"

"Hey Ban," Meliodas said.

"Heh, look who it is," Ban responded as he backhanded a Wolgram, "better get ready to pay that ale you're gonna owe me."

"You mean you're gonna be buying me that drink," Meliodas told Ban as he throws a Wolgram at Ban before Ban cut right throw the beast abdomen.

"Better try harder than that," Ban spouted back, "if you want that free drink."

The final Wolgram has fallen. Ban and Meliodas stood in the middle of many dead Wolgrams while Subaru,

"You two seem alright." Ban informed the two.

"I wouldn't call it fine. I'm probably gonna have nightmares of this tonight," Subaru told them.

"That's if you don't die," Ram commented.


Ban snickered at Ram's comment before saying, "so we're gonna go find Rem now that you two aren't trying to get killed by crazy wolves?"

"You two are not even scared of those, are you," Ram asked.

"They're like bugs to me and Cap'n. Just extremely irritating bugs."

"Yep," Meliodas said, "this is like a warm up sparing to me and Ban."

"Now that we have that out of the way," Ram said, "how about we actually start back looking for my little sister?"

Bam rolled his eyes, "whatever you say."

"We should split back up with Ban being with Subaru and Meliodas coming with me."

"And you get to choose why?"

Ram does not answer Ban's question before she then says, "come on, Meliodas."

Ban and Subaru are deep in the forest as they searched for Rem.

"Rem!? Where are you!? Show yourself," Ban yelled.

"You know that won't work?"

Ban shrugged before responding with, "worth a shot."

A quick moment of silence was held between the two before Ban said, "you know her best, where'd you think she's at?"

"How should I know? Probably killing Wolgrams."

"Than let's go find some Wolgrams."

"What!? Why!?"

"Natsuki, if you use your brain, you'll know that if we find Wolgrams, than we might find her."


"Yeah so let's go find some Wolgrams," Ban exclaims before grabbing Subaru, picking him up, and started running to find some Wolgrams."

As Ban and Subaru are running and looking for Wolgrams in the hope that they would run into Rem, Meliodas and Ram were being chased by Wolgrams.

"Find Wolgrams...check...Rem...no," Meliodas lightly jokes as the two are running.

"This is not a time to make jokes," Ram informed Meliodas before she shot a sharp gust of wind at the Wolgrams, causing a few to get shredded and crumbling to the ground.

"My turn," Meliodas exclaims before he darted to the creatures, carving a few up into small bits before returning back with Ram.

As the two are still running from the horde of animals, a large, spiked ball and chain shoots out from the side, crushing a handful of Wolgrams into muss.

Meliodas turns back around as he then sees her: Rem.

Sorry on how this chapter was, to be, a little forced feeling. This was, for now, the hardest chapter I've had to write and I'm sorry it took way too long to finish...but this happens but do expect another chapter around the end of this month or next month. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the progression of our story thus far. Until next time.