Welcome to the first chapter of my crossover fanfic. Keep in mind I am a complete beginner at this so it might not turn out the best, but I still hope you give it a change.

-I don't own any of the characters in this story-

The day was clean and calm. Clouds were happily hovering in the sky. The streets of the city were lively with sounds of many people of many different races walkabout. Everyone was minding each other's business. Benders were selling their items of interest; selling food, clothing, jewelry, and many others. The community of this market were in a kind of hominy. Sadly, hominy is cursed to never live forever, and that is what happened. A silvery haired girl who had ears that showed some from of elfin ancestry was walking on the street; minding her own business when another girl who hide her face ran towards her and snatched a valuable item off of her body. The string of actions were swift and fast that the elfin girl nearly had a millisecond to react to what had happened. At first, she had but an idea of something on her was stolen but when she checked, she was unable to find what she was looking for, which her eyes incapacitated her shock. When that had taking place, a man who was able to be mistakenly thought of a giant was talking to a bender.

The bender had a muscular physique and he was wearing a very small shirt like clothing that had no sleeves and were showing his chest with a necklace on, accompanied with hand guards that were in a pattern of red and black in that order.

The bender had kinds of fruits and vegetables on sell.

He asked the tall, light blue haired, red eye, man who were looking at the red apples with a tone hinting at anger.

"Are you going to buy something or just look at the food?"

"How much for the apples," the ruby eyes man asked, at which the bender answered.

"Okey, than I'm going."

"Wh-Why you," the bender said with more anger sounding in his voice. The ruby eyes man walked away from the bender.

That idiot, the ruby eyed man silently said as he pulled out an apple and took a bite out of it. He didn't even notice me snatch his apple. The man walked while eating the red apple that was very full of juice.

While he was passing by many people who was walking many different directions, he heard a yell. The yell was of someone begging for the police. It was also very comical, that was, to the tall man. He was not feeling the mood to help, yet when he saw people ignoring the plea for help, he let out a sigh and headed towards the alleyway of which the sound had been born.

A boy who had black hair with a tracksuit on(the colors were black with thin orange lines and the shirt was black at the chest and sleeves while the torso was colored white), was looking at three robbers.

The robber to the right was small in stature, possibly the same size as a six year old child.

The robber on the left was big and wide with a muscle body.

The robber in the center was very skinny and wearing very baggy clothes and had hair that covered his right eye.

"Hey! Who are you," the center robber asked the tall man.

"Hey kid," the tall man told the black haired boy, " You might want to take a step back."

"And why are you going to do," the left robber asked.

"Hopefully nothing if you know what's good for yourself," the tall man answered with intimidation. The intimidation of his voice alongside his tall height and his fearless eyes made the three back down.

"Let's go, you two," the center man told his two helpers.

"But we can take them, they don't even have a weapon," the right robber said.

"No! I have a bad feeling about that man," the central man talked back. This, the three robbers agreed on and they scurried away like the cowerely rats they were.

"Huh," the tall man lightly spoke, " Bitches."

"Thank you mister," the boy told the man.

"No problem, and my name's Ban, not mister," the tall man told the kid.

"My name's Subaru Nasuki," the kid also said.

"Then let me tell you something...Nasuki," Ban said.

"Yes," Subaru answered..

"When you're begging for someone to help you, don't be screaming like a girl."

"Well, what else was I suppost to do," Subaru retorted.

"Scream like a man," Ban answered. Ban then started to walk away and as he started to, Ban told Subaru, " I'm going now."


"Huuh, what now," Ban asked as he turned around.

"I know this might be much, but if you see a girl with pointed ears and white hair, could you please tell me."

"And why should I?"

"Ah..well, it's because I want to help her. She lost a badge and I want to help get it back to her."

"Sure, whatever kid," Ban said in a sarcastic tone as he walked away.

Ban walked away from the kid with a thought in his mind. Was that girl who got robbed the one he was talking about? Well, not my problem. Ban was not really planing of helping Subaru. He had more important things to do...like how he got there in the first place.

However, not paying attention to where he was going, he had walking down the same part that the ride bender was, but then he saw the girl. she was right next to the man he had stolen the apple from. Ah fuck, Ban though, this ain't gonna be fun.

Ban sucked up his metaphorical gut and walked over to her. "Hey," Ban said to the girl.

"Me," asked the girl.

"Yes, you," Ban restated.

"HEY," the bender jumped in, "I know that man who didn't do anything but look at my items."

"Shut up. The grownups are talking," Ban told him which made him madder than a volcano.

"Umm, so what do you want," the girl asked.

"No, it's not me, it's a boy who told me to tell him if I saw you."

"That doesn't make sense," she told Ban, "the boy's more than likely gone now."

Ban face palmed, not even thinking of that. "God damn it," he said.

"You can go now if you want," she told him.

"I agree," the bender jumped back into the talk.

"Well, I guess since I can't tell him I found you, than I guess I can help you with whatever got stolen."

"You know you don't have to, right," she told Ban.

"I know, it's just my damn conscious is making me."

The girl's face had hints of confusion with a side of kindness. "Okey, than let's get going." Which the two people did.

While they were walking along a short bridge, the girl, who was wearing a dress like garment with some other colors mixed in, asked Ban, "I actually didn't get your name. Could you please tell me it?"

"It's Ban."

"My name is Emilia."

"And mine's Puck," a small gray and white cat said on Emilia's left shoulder..

Ban did not answer back, instead, asking Emilia a question. "So do you know where we're going or no?"

"No, actually."

"You gotta be fucking kidding me," Ban said with a face palm, "So where should we look first?"

"Emilia, why don't we ask help from the other spirits," asked Puck

"I think that'll be good idea."

Emilia closed her eyes, and then a light blue aura appeared around her and light blue balls of light started to appear. Ban looked at the lights with fascination but did not say a word. This gone on for around five minutes until the blue light faded away.

"Okey, I know where we should go." Emilia told Ban this right before she waved her hand forward, indecenting him to follow.

The sun was starting to set when the two got to the slums of the city. "So the spirits told you that the person who took your badge is here."

"You sound like you don't believe me."

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that I don't believe you can talk to read things."

"Spirits aren't dead things," Puck told Ban.

"Oh really, cat face. And how do you know that."

"I'm a spirit."

"...wait what? But you're a cat!"

"No...This is only a from I take when I enter this world."

"You act like you never seen a spirit before Ban."

"Cause I haven't."


"Yes, if you can't tell, I'm not from around here."

"I guess. That would explain your wired name."

"...thanks for that," Ban said with sarcasm, "Let's just get this over with."

"Good idea."

The two than walked back on their way. The two soln saw a large building, and Emilia said, "That's the place one of the spirits told me he saw the girl."

"Good," Ban said.

As the two were walking towards the building, Ban felt a strong aura of evil. He then heard footsteps behind them. "Emilia," Ban said in a whisper that was tones worth seriousness, " don't be alarmed but someone's following us."

"Are you sure?"

"I don't know but I am itching to find out." Ban than turned around with blinding speed, ready to fight. It was a woman. She had black hair that was tied in one pony tail on the left side and she had purple eyes that dropped. The clothes she was wearing was a black dress. In her long hair was a purple rose like flower that was on the left side of her hair.

"Why are following us?"

The woman did not answer, but instead, attacked Ban with a black blade that was bent. Emilia screams when the sword gone through Ban's intestines. Blood was spit up by Ban. However, his face did not show pain or fear. The woman than separated Ban's waist from his torso. Ban's two severed body parts feel on the floor of the ground with blood pouring out of the openings. The scream that Emilia let out as she saw Ban presumably die could be heard in the large building.

"Emilia," Subaru, who was in the building said as he heard her scream. The yellow haired girl, whose name was Felt, and large, muscular old back man, whose name was Rom, heard the scream too. The three of them got up as fast as they could and gone to the door and opened it. To their horror, they saw the woman who had cut Ban down. Emilia called for Puck and Puck jumped into action. At least twenty large ice spikes appeared and were healed at the woman. However, she dodged everything. But, when she dodged the last one, Rom attacked the woman with a large wooden club but he missed and the woman got behind him and severed his spine with a clean slash. Rom yelled and collapsed to the dirt ground.

"Old man Rom," Felt yelled with fear. She ran to the old giant's side.

"Old man Rom, are you okay," Felt asked with worry.

"Felt," Rom told the teen, "You need to get out of here."

"No! I'm not going to leave you!,."

As the old man was trying to beg the teen, Emilia was using her ice magic against the woman. All of the magic mister the woman, who had dodged with fast speeds. She then got right in front of Emilia with one of her bent black swords, ready to struck Emilia down. All seemed to be lost.

Subaru, who was on the side lines, looked with shock. It seemed like it was going to be another do over. His eyes quickly looked at the place that Ban's body was. However, his body was not there. Only a puddle of blood was.

Wait...what the hell, Subaru thought to himself

Suddenly, Ban grabbed the woman's right arm, jokingly saying, "You're not acting very lady like."

The woman swing her other blade at Ban and the blade gone through his chest cavity, but Ban did not seem to react to it. "Is that all you got," Ban asked the woman. Seeing what happened, the woman backed away from Ban, seeing that he did not react.

"Well, you're unique pray," the woman told Ban.

"Ya, a lot girls tell me that," Ban gave a sharp remark as steam came off of where the wound was.

"B-Ban!? How are you alive," Emilia asked, confused, "I-I saw you get cut in half."

"Never mind that," Ban told Emilia as he pointed at the old man, " You should probably try and help that old guy out. I can handle this." Emilia understood, regrugantly, and started going over to Rom, but that psycho was not going to let that happen. She jolted towards Emilia with quick and rapid speed. Emilia did not have enough time to dodge the attack. Puck was too tired to do anything.

The woman papared to swing her bent black blades into Emilia's flesh...but when the swing landed, it was not Emilia who the blade cut into but it was Ban. The sword was right through Ban's chest cavity with blood dripping off the end. The woman leaps back from Ban.

As the sword wound quickly healed, Ban told the woman, "You're fighting with me now. Not her."

The woman saw Ban's wound disappear and said, "So, you have a abnormal healing factor. Guess I'll have inbowel you when I cut your head off."

"Ya...good luck with that."

The woman than started running towards Ban with both blades in hand after he commented the statement. Ban readied for the arrack as he got into his fighting stance.

When the woman got close, Ban throw a left hook but she dodged it, and cut The arm off, than followed with Ban's head. The movement was so fast that the arm did not touch the ground before she decapitated Ban.

Subaru, Rom, Falt, and Emilia watched as Ban's body dropped to the ground. "And here I was expecting you were gonna be a challenge but now you're dead with barely putting up a fight."

"You have to try harder than that to kill me," Ban told the woman. The woman jumped back when she heard Ban speak back.

She looked back and forth, confused where the voice came from. She was not the only one, Subaru, Emili, Rom, and Felt was as well. "Did you hear that," Subaru asked Emilia, hoping he was not going crazy. Emilia answered Subaru with a node.

"Where did that come from," the woman mumbled.

Her question was answered when Ban's head reconnected to his body, and he off the ground as his left arm started to grow back.

"How the hell are you still alive," the woman asked with shock, "I cut your head off, you shouldn't be able to be alive."

"Because I just decided that I didn't want to die," Ban answered the woman with sarcasm.

"Then let me be more frank, what the hell are you."

"All you need to know is that I'm a human who's gonna beat the shit out of you," Ban told the woman as he popped his knuckles and neck.

"I'll like to see you try," she told him as she gone blitzing towards Ban.

Ban, wanting this little fight go on, did not attack back. He could end the matter with one attack but wanted the woman know that she was not fighting a normal man. He still got into his fighting stance, making the woman believe that he was trying to fight. She swung at Ban with deadly momentum at which Ban dodged the blade.

"Tell me," she asked Ban as she buroging him with attack after attack, "Why are you dodging my attacks if you have a supernatural healing ability!?"

"None of your business," Ban told the woman as he dodged each attack.

A smile cracked on the woman's face as an idea signed in her head. She jumped back from Ban, in which Ban asked, "What's wrong...scared."

"Oh no, I just figured out your weakness."

"Weakness," Ban asked, confused, "You really are crazy if you believe I have a weakness, but tell me...what's my weakness?"

"You can't constantly heal from a barrage of attacks which is why you were dodging my attacks."

Ban thought the woman was joking and started laughing from her accusation.

"What's so funny?"

"Sorry...sorry... it's just that what you said was funny."

"And how was it…'funny'?"

"Cause I was dodging off of instincts, not because I couldn't heal from multiple attacks."


"I'm called Undead Ban for a reason. Nothing man made or magica can harm me."

"Aah… so you're undead too. That'll explain some on how you have a supernatural healing factor."

The woman then ran towards Ban unexpectedly. She swung her blades at Ban, with the swords cutting into Ban as he blocked the attack with his hands. She countinus the assault by kicking Ban in the stomach, making him go flying into the tool house. She runs after him and as Ban starts to get up from the rubble, she leaps onto Ban and cuntiusaslly stabbing him over and over. Blood was gushing out and flying

he turned towards the woman who was getting up. Ban might have healed from the attacks but his red, leather like shirt had holes all over it.

"Damn it, I liked this shirt too," Ban said, not paying any attention to the woman. This offended her greatly. Was she less important than a shirt? She grabbed one of the wooden circle tables and throw it at Ban. With a left kick, Ban made the table go back to the woman, which she then cut the table in half. Afterwhich, she ran towards Ban yet again. She swung the bent swords down on Ban wich he caught the swords, kicked the woman back and he then snapped the swords in half. "Now what you gonna do with your little toys," Ban asked with a grin.

"I'll find a way, I'm sure," she answered back before she broke off two legs from a wooden chair. "These will work, don't you think."

"You're one resourceful bitch, I'll give you that, but i think this has gone on long enough," Ban told the woman. Ban got into his fighting stance and stopped playing around. He charged at the woman, something she was not expecting at all. She dodged the first punch Ban throw at her and the next. Ban throw a right hook in her stomach, having blood being coughed up from the woman. She fell to the ground, still coughing up blood. She had underestimated Ban. She did not expect him to be that strong. She death gripped one of the wooden chair legs and stabbed it into Ban's left foot, then shot up, plunging the other chair leg through Ban's chin and into his mouth. She then punched his face with all her strength, making it turn all the way to where his back was located with the sound of a shilling crack. She kicks both of his knees, making them pop out of socket. She grabbed a chair, broke off one of the legs, and then stabs it in the bottom part of the back of his head, where it feels like there is no bone protecting it. She snapped both of Bans arms. She then pulled the chair leg that was in his foot and focuses it into his chest cavity. This was over kill, even for her, but she had no idea what Ban was or how to kill him so the only course of action she would have thought of was to maim his body so much that he would not he able to fight back. In a crazy tone, she said, "Try to come back from that, you bastard!"

Ban did not move, nor speak...for a moment, that is. The woman started walking away towards the entrance of the building, getting ready to end the job she had came there to do in the first place...when she heard the sound of movement behind her. She was barely able to turn around when she felt her body get pushed out of the building. She fell on the ground with a thud as Ban stood in the entryway of the building. "Is that all you got, bitch...cause if it is, then you've lost this battle."

"Why won't you just fucking die already," she said with full blown insanity in her voice.

"Cause I can't "fucking die," Ban told the woman, "I'm cursed with immortality which sucks for you."

"So...he can't die," Rom asked Felt.

"It would make sense if he can survive getting cut in half and lose his head," Emilia answered Rom. She then turned to Subaru. "Did you know he had that ability?"

"Not at all, I just met him when he saved me from getting mugged."

"You can't be immortale... no one's immortale?"

"Are you sure about that, bitch. You're steering at one right now."

The woman, knowing that she could not kill Ban, turns her eyes to Emilia and tries...one more time to kill her. If she could not kill Ban, then she would kill Emilia even if she died from it. When she leaped towards Emilia, it put Ban off guard for a split second. Subaru, only thinking of of instincts, ran in front of Emilia, expecting to die once again.

However, she had gotten stopped, not by Ban, but by someone else. A man who had red hair and was wearing white, fancy looking clothes that had a shirt that was long sleeved and, like a jacket you would see detectives wear in a movie, the ends of the shirt on the left and right sides when down close to his feet, had swung his sword at the woman, who had dodged the attack by a small hair.

Damn it! Not him too, the woman thought as she saw the man.

"Reinhard," Emilia said with some shock in her voice.
"So this is what was making all the noise," Reinhard said.

"And who are you," Ban asked as he walked up to Reinhard.

"My name is Reinhard, but I think intraductings are needed at a later time," Reinhard answered as his sight went back on the woman.

"Ya...ya...ya, but I got this so you can just sit your pretty little face down," Ban told Reinhard.

"It does not seem like you got this," Reinhard told Ban.

"Well I do."

As Ban was talking back to Reinhard, the woman was slowly going back into the loot house to get what was left of her two blades and she did get them. She walked out of the destroyed building with the two blades in hand.

"You know what, how about we join forces to defeat the woman," Reinhard asked Ban.

"Fine," Ban answered as he turned his attention to the woman. "And what do you think you're gonna do with those things," Ban asked the woman when he saw the broken swords.
"Gut every last one of you," she said with a twisted smile.

"Good luck with that," Ban cockly said back. Reinhard then ran towards the woman with his sword in hand. He swung at the woman and she dodged and attacked back, and it repeated with minor variations. Ban watched the two fight and thought, that kids really skilled with that sword of his.

"Hey!? Aren't you gonna help him," Subaru asked Ban.

Ban rolled his eyes and told Subaru, "Maybe you should, Natsuki." Subaru did not say another word back at Ban. Ban re cracked his neck and charged at the woman, and socketed her with a good hit to the face, breaking her nose. Reinhard did an upward slash at her right after Ban did his move. The sima-combow the two men did caused her to take some decent amount of damage.

Ban grabbed the woman and throw her back into the building once again. He ran right after her, grabbed a table and smacked it at her, making it shader into millions of splinters. Reinhard ran into the building after Ban.

He saw the woman jump at Ban and slash at Ban while he dodged the attacks. After a little struggle, Ban gets behind the woman and grabbed her by the neck. "You're fucked," Ban told the woman right before you hear the sound of a neck breaking. She collapsed in the floor with no life in her eyes. "That's finally been dealt with. I let that go on for too damn long," Ban told himself as he walked out of the building. Ban goes to Emilia and the others and asked, "So the lady's dead now and how's the old guy."

"He's okay."

"Good," Ban quickly answered as he walked to Felt who was still with, who she called, 'Old man Rom.'

"Don't worry kid," Ban tried to cumfermt the kid, "He's gonna be alright."

"I know that and I'm not a kid, I'm fifth teen."

Ban rolled his eyes and answered, "Will, you're still a kid in my book, kid. And why don't you give that badge that you took from Emilia back to her?"

"Okay," Felt answered. She pulled the badge out of her pocket and handed it to Emilia. Reinhard watch as the process was going on when he suddenly grabbed the girls arm and said, "I'm sorry but you have to come with me."

"Like hell she does," Ban interjected, "She's only stolen a badge. I don't think that's enough for her to go to prison for."

"She is going to be coming with me. I am sorry but that's how it's going to be."

"Than you're have to fight me if you're going to take her away."

Reinhard looked at Ban starting to get in his fighting stance. "I would much less like not to fight you. We were just allies fight a common enemy and why do you seem so motivated to help this girl?"

"She reminds me of myself. That's why! And I'm not letting you take her. She's just doing what she needs to survive."

"I am not taking her to prison."

"Than where are you taking her!?"

"That's private."

"Than I'm not letting you take her."

Reinhard pulls out his sword at Ban. "I do not want to fight you but I will if you do not stop your foolishness."

"Than bring it on!"

"Stop! Both of you," Felt shouted. "I'll go. I just don't want no one to die because of me. So I'll go with you, Reinhard."

Ban did not bark back but respected her statement. "Fine." Ban then watched as Felt and Reinhard leave the scene. Before the two left, Reinhard gave Emilia her badge back.

Subaru gone over to Ban and told Ban, "Thank you for killing that woman. I don't think we would have been able to beat her if you won't here."

"I know you couldn't but thanks, " Ban answered Subaru, "also, this was the kid who asked me to help you, Emilia."

"Nice to meet you," Emilia told Subaru, "my name's Emilia."

"My name's Subaru."

"I know this is all fine and dandy, but do either one of you know a place where we can go? It's starting to get fucking cold out here?"

"Yes,if you two want, follow me," Emilia told the two men.

This is the end to the first chapter of my new fanfiction. I hope you all liked the fanfic. If I did not completely do a banged up job, then please tell me, kindly, about the error. This was really fun to do and I hope I can keep on doing so.