A/N: To the guest saying I forgot one family member of Montgomery's: I'm pretty sure "Evan" is not his son. There were no other Montgomery at his funeral except for Evelyn and his two daughters. Maybe he mentions a son once but honestly think that might be a screw up considering there's no son at his funeral, they wouldn't just forget a son on the most important day right? That's my opinion at least.
Anyway, hope you've enjoyed it so far and feel free to leave a comment when you're done. Love you, happy holidays everyone! Until next time, xxxx
Reminder this chapter is M-rated.
Kate could feel her best friend's look on her with her every moment after they came back down. As Castle gave the tour Lanie made sure to take a hold of her hand in order to hold her back, making the two of them walking last of their gang. Kate had a feeling she's get interrogated even before her friend opened her mouth.
"Why didn't you tell me?" she hissed low under her breath. "You know you can trust me to not spill it further."
Kate bit her lower lip, knowing exactly why but not sure how to explain it. "That's... not the problem, I know I can trust you."
"Then why?"
Kate wrinkled her forehead in thought. "It's... I-ah, wasn't sure I wanted... I didn't know if..." with a sigh she shook her head. "I was scared."
Her friend hummed, seemingly pleased by the answer. "Okay, I can understand that. Took you a while to actually get the courage to take a chance."
"Yeah, a chance that might kill me all over again." It was a whisper just under her breath, not really meaning for her friend to hear it, but by the look she was suddenly getting nothing had gone past the M.E.'s ears.
"If you don't take risks you'll never be happy."
Lanie turned to listen to Castle as he led them to the backdoor, it was time to see the pool, and Kate thought of her friend's wise words. As much as she'd like to deny it, say how nothing was worth risking getting broken over, she knew her friend was right. She had never been more happy than she was being with Castle, and if she hadn't risked it by confronting him three weeks ago she never would've felt like this. If she hadn't confronted him and put her heart out there she would've spent the whole summer being miserable and waiting for him to call in the fall. She'd never admit to it, but she knew that's how it would've turned out. Because whether she liked it or not, he's already gotten under her skin. He'd somehow jumped over or crawled through or dug under the walls she'd built up to protect her heart. Even though he'd broken her trust there for a while, breaking her heart because she'd trusted him with a part of her past. How he'd even gotten that part of her life was proof he was already getting past her walls.
"Hm?" she looked at her partner, who was eyeing her with curious but concerned blues. "Oh, sorry." She excused but he shook his head and she looked around to find they were all by themselves by the pool. How had the others managed to go without her noticing?!
"You okay? You looked pretty deep in thought there," he asked as he carefully let one of his hands snatch hers, hooking their fingers together.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking of something Lanie said," she said and could see his concern linger in his blues. "Where did the others go?"
His eyes flickered between hers and she gave him a smile because, really, everything was fine. She was just surprised by how quick he'd stolen her heart, long before she even knew it.
"They're changing into bathing suits. We should probably do the same if we wanna join them," he said with a small nod towards the house and she clasped his free hand in hers in order to pull him closer.
"You sure you can handle me in a bikini without touching me?" she teased with a smirk playing on her lips. She could see him swallow and she bit her lip, knowing how much that disturbed his thoughts.
"I-uh, we-uh, I-yes. I can." He shook his head, trying to gather himself, and she laughed at his obvious struggle.
She stood on her toes to kiss his cheek, thinking it was too risky feeling his lips on hers right in that second, and pulled him with her towards their bedroom. Yes, their bedroom.
Both Rebecca and Mary we're delighted to learn Castle had a popcorn machine and didn't miss the opportunity to take advantage of it when the gang decided to watch a movie together once it got too dark to be outside. They'd taken a small trip to the beach after dinner and stayed there until the sun had gone over the horizon. Kate had felt her friends glare at how easy she grabbed a hold of Castle's hand and didn't let go while they walked along the shore. Kate swore she'd heard her captain mutter something to his wife about how he had hoped his top detective would give the writer a chance. Evelyn had said something about how comfortable she looked and Kate had felt her cheeks heat up at the knowledge of the two talking about her and her partner. She'd noticed Espo saying something to Ryan but hadn't heard exactly what, which she probably should be grateful for. To be honest she just hoped they wouldn't grill her boyfriend on any information, wouldn't threaten him to make sure he didn't hurt her. She knew he wouldn't, not on purpose at least.
"We should get them to bed," Evelyn whispered, breaking the silence in the gang.
Kate glanced away from the movie credits towards the two girls sitting in a big fat boy sack, both soundly asleep with their heads leaning on each other. Adorable, Kate caught herself thinking before both Montgomery and his wife lifted up from the couch in order to rouse their daughters. As soon as they got them up and walking they bid their good nights and walked to the rooms they'd been offered. A sudden snore had Kate's head snapping in its direction, only to see Espo with his head laid back, eyes closed and mouth open.
They gang started chuckling as Lanie smacked his arm to wake him up. "You better not be drooling on the couch," she said in a warning tone and it resulted in another round of chuckles as Espo grunted something incoherent towards the M.E.
"Guess we should head to bed too, got a long day of relaxation by the pool ahead of us," Ryan said and looked a bit more dreamy than Kate had seen him before.
It didn't take long before Kate and Castle were left alone, Lanie giving Kate a knowing look before she disappeared up the stairs, and Kate nuzzled closer into Castle's body. He hugged her into his side with the arm he'd planted around her shoulders during the first part of the movie.
"Today has been a success," he whispered and she nodded with her head against his shoulder.
"Yeah, though I can't help but feel a bit... awkward," she admitted and his lips lingered in her hair.
"How so?"
She thought about it before she answered. "I don't know, feels weird being affectionate in public."
He hummed, his fingers playing with the naked skin of her arm, making her shiver. "I'm just glad you changed your mind about hiding it. I don't know what I would've done if I couldn't touch you."
She smiled at that, she didn't know what she would've done either.
"Speaking of touching," she whispered, pulling away slightly to look at him, and he chuckled as she bit her lip, her belly bubbling with her own laughter.
"Subtle, Beckett, very subtle," he whispered before leaning down to kiss her lips.
She sucked his lower lip into her mouth, scraping her teeth over the skin only to quickly smooth the small pain with he tongue. He moaned and she felt his hand snake up her leg, towards her hip. This was dangerous games, they had guests who could walk down any time, yet they couldn't really find it in themselves to stop. Not until both of them had to pull away in the gasp of air. That's when Castle's arms suddenly went around her in order to pull her into his lap, and before she knew it he was carrying her up the stairs. Kate found it ridiculous how arousing it was knowing they could get caught in the stairs or in the corridor, at the same time she hope on her dear life no one would see their intimate position.
When they got inside their bedroom Castle was quick to lock the door behind them before continuing his way to their bed, gently laying her down in the mattress. His body followed but letting only half of his push into hers, his lips claiming hers again as one of his hands started to wander down the side of her body. His fingers were leaving a hot trail of electricity even through the material of her shirt, and she just barely managed to smother a moan before it escaped her lips. They needed to be quiet. His hand sneaked under her shirt, teasing the line of her pants before he suddenly pushed under and there was no way she could've stopped the gasp-mixed moan from slipping past her lips when his fingers came in contact with her wet arousal. His lips left her to let her get air as he kissed down her neck, sucking on her pulse before moving to her clavicle.
His fingers were wicked and she couldn't believe how she hadn't figured so sooner, considering he was a writer and used his fingers every day to type. She had to bite her lip in order to stop the noises from getting out as his other hand trailed under her shirt, teasing her nipple over her bra.
"C-Castle," she half-whispered, half-gasped when one of his fingers pushed inside her, gently stroking her insides as he slid in and out.
Oh god. She wanted to be loud, wanted to let him know exactly what he was doing to her, but she refrained herself as much as she could. Even though there were still so many sounds escaping her, and somewhere in the back of her mind she was praying their guests had fallen to sleep already. He added a second finger and her hips raised from the ecstasy as he continued his arousing assault. It didn't take long before she came in a rush, coating his fingers with her juices. He slowed down and she could feel the smirk he was wearing against her clavicle.
"Shut up," she panted and he chuckled.
"I should say the same to you," he mumbled and she hit the back of his head gently, but couldn't stop the smile from entering her lips.
He retrieved his fingers and she locked eyes with him as he pulled away to lick them off.
"You have way too many clothes on," she stated and he grinned.
"So do you," he countered and they started undressing each other with eager fingers.
Kate might've orgasmed but she could already feel another one build up at the thought of him inside her. She was quick to change their positions first though, stroking the hard member of his to repay him for what he'd done for her. It was, oh so, exciting to hear him moan her name, hear the small gasps he let out at the sensation of her own fingers. She loved how she could get him to be under her mercy. He managed to stop her before she went too far though, gripping her wrists to turn them around again. He kissed her as he intertwined their fingers at the sides of her head, his hips grinding into hers in anticipation of what's to come. Their tongues battled for dominance until it became an arousing dance between two alphas. One of his hands left hers and she heard him pull open his drawer, knowing immediately what he was after. It didn't take long before he'd rolled on the condom and was teasing her entrance.
"Please," she heard herself whimper and if it hadn't been for the bliss she would've blushed at the need visible in the tone of her voice.
He didn't hesitate to push inside her, and they both groaned in unison. Both thankful they were still kissing, their mouths dampening the sounds as they found their rhythm as quickly as they had that first night. Their bodies were moving together, connected as one, and in that moment literally everything else was lost in mind. There were nothing more than them. Just them. And the connection they had, which intensified their love making to levels none of them had ever experienced before. They didn't care about anything else, just them.
Kate was first to wake the next morning and after laying a sweet kiss to his naked shoulder she tried to escape his snuggly embrace. She would've loved to stay in bed, cuddle him for a couple hours, but she felt it best to go up and start on the coffee. So, she got dressed and took one last glance at his sleeping form. She had learned he could sleep in pretty easily, whereas she always had some alarm going off at seven am in the morning every day. He looked so peaceful and even though she knew he would question her later as to why she didn't wake him she really couldn't find it in herself to pull him out of his deep slumber.
Walking down to the kitchen she was relieved to find no one else were up yet and instantly brewed the coffee. She grabbed an apple and ate it, thinking she could eat real breakfast once the rest of the gang was up and awake. As she stood leaning on the counter, eating her apple, she thought about the evening before. She hadn't felt this... amazing in years. And all were thanks to the writer. If she hadn't given into her feelings she hadn't felt this open and comfortable as she was. She felt so at ease, not at all as stern and uptight as she usually felt. It was way too soon to say it was love, but Kate still had this lingering feeling it might be just that and she couldn't shake it no matter how much she tried. She hoped that when the time came and her partner was to tell her those three words, she wouldn't run. She didn't want to run. That's what she'd done every damn time. But this time she didn't want to. She wanted to be with him for a really long time. Maybe forever.
"Morning," she looked up to see the man, who constantly interrupted her thoughts, step into the kitchen with a smile blooming on his lips.
"Hi," she said softly. Too soft. "What are you doing up?"
"You weren't there, I couldn't feel you," he half-complained and she chuckled. He rounded the counter and leaned into her in order to kiss her temple before she managed to straighten up.
"I didn't want to wake you," she defended herself and was pleasantly surprised when he wrapped his hands around her waist to pull her closer to him.
"I know, got lonely without you though," he murmured and she raised on her toes to kiss his sweet lips.
"Mm, you taste like apples," he whispered against her lips and she chuckled, shaking her head.
"Geez, I wonder why," she said sarcastically with a smile on her lips, holding up the non-edible parts of the apple she had been eating.
"That's not breakfast I hope," he said with his eyes narrowed on her and she rolled her eyes.
"No, figured we could make breakfast together, pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, what do you say?" she suggested and his lips turned up into a big grin.
"Absolutely! But first," he added and leant down again, claiming her lips in a gentle kiss.
Once they broke apart they started on the breakfast, figuring they'd had to make a ton of it in order to make sure everyone got a piece of everything. Before Kate knew it they were dancing around each other, making everything together without the need to actually speak. She couldn't help but notice the domesticity in it all. When had that begun? None of them could keep their hands completely for themselves though, carefully brushing their fingers across the other's back each time they pass. Once they became still, standing beside each other as they waited for the last of the pancakes to be done, Kate put her hand in his back pocket as she leaned her head to his shoulder.
"When do you think they'll be up?" Castle asked and she felt his lips land in her hair.
"I thought Kev and Javi would be up considering our work. Lanie and Roy too but I guess not." She shrugged her shoulders and he hummed.
"And you're back at work again on Monday?" His tone was a bit saddened and she couldn't help but feel the same.
They hadn't been apart for this long since he first started shadowing her and, even though she'd dreamt heavenly dreams of him not following her in the beginning of their partnership, she dreaded not having him around for the rest of the summer.
"Yeah," she murmured and whipped around at the sudden clearing of a throat behind them.
It was Jenny and Ryan who'd been the first people showing up. After that it didn't take long before everyone started dropping down one by one, everyone equally as surprised by the breakfast buffet the writer and his muse had made. Espo and Ryan had immediately started teasing on how they never would've figured Beckett for a cook and Kate immediately took her revenge by throwing one napkin each on them. But truthfully, she had never revealed her cooking skills, and if it hadn't been for Castle she probably never would've let her boys know. They all enjoyed breakfast and talked about the things they wanted to do during their free day. Kate didn't really pay attention to what was chosen for their day, as long as she would be able to spend that time with her writer she didn't really care what they ended up doing.
"I heard you all had a great night," Lanie said suddenly with a side glance to Kate and immediately had her choking on the sip of coffee she'd unfortunately taken in just at that moment. "Where did you buy those beds, writer-boy?" she asked but Kate knew that was not at all what she'd had in mind.
Oh god. Had they been that loud?! Castle only chuckled, not disturbed at all at the thought of their guests having heard them, and answered as if it was the most ordinary conversation ever. Which, to an outsider, it would sound like. Kate felt her cheeks blush as she coughed and all she wanted to do was melt through the ground.
"Can we go the the beach today? I wanna collect some of those shells we saw yesterday," Rebecca asked and Mary nodded in agreement as they looked towards their parents.
At least those two had no idea what was going on. Lanie was smirking with evil joy and Kate narrowed her eyes at her best friend. Why couldn't she just have let her live in the unknowing bliss? She almost jumped at the sudden hand landing on her thigh under the table and she looked at her writer. He gave her a knowing look along with a reassuring smile and a hug to her thigh, most likely trying to calm down the embarrassment that filled her body. Why didn't it embarrass him though? Why didn't his cheeks blush even the slightest?
As her thoughts kept circling around her head the conversation went on and her embarrassment disappeared somewhere along the time. Before she knew it they were all pitching in to clean up in order for them to get started on their day. Due to different wants and needs they decided to split up a bit, the Montgomery family would go to the beach while Jenny and Lanie decided on going into town to see what shopping alternatives there were. Espo and Ryan wanted to relax by the pool with beers in their hands. Lanie had tried to get Kate to come with them, saying they could make a ladies day out of it, but she managed to sneak herself out of it. She never really enjoyed shopping that much and she pretended to have the beginning of a headache. A headache she was pretty sure everyone saw through as the want to stay with Castle. Her best friend gave her a warm smile before knocking off her tries.
"So, what do you wanna do then?" Castle asked when they were suddenly all alone, having waved off the rest of their friends.
"I don't know," she shrugged her shoulders. "Got any suggestions?"
She observed him thinking for a bit, that adorable wrinkle appearing between his eyes, and his eyes lit up at a sudden idea. "Oh! I know!"
She waited, patiently held her mouth for him to tell her, but it didn't came and so she mouthed her question. "What?"
"Surprise," he grinned and she groaned. She hated surprises.
She turned out to love it. Not far from his house, along the beach but on the opposite direction the Montgomery family had gone, was a cave. A hidden cave. And Kate's mouth was agape as she took in the beautiful place.
"Are those... crystals?" she questioned with admiration in her tone.
"I'm actually not sure what they are, only that they glisten and are stunning," Castle admitted and when she glanced at him she could see he wasn't watching the crystals. He was watching her, like always. "Just like you."
She rolled her eyes at that, but the wide smile on her lips definitely gave away how much she loved this. It was absolutely stunning and... love? She didn't get long to think about it because she was distracted by his arms coming around her to hug her from behind.
"I mean it," he whispered in her ear before kissing it slightly. "You're beautiful."
"How did you find this cave?" she asked instead, trying to get rid of the sudden blush reappearing on her cheeks.
He squeezed her once more before letting go to grab her hand, twining their fingers and pull her towards a few rocks which almost looks like they were put where they were in order for people to sit on them. Wouldn't surprise her if he moved them.
"Me and Alexis found this when we explored every inch of our new summer home. She and mother are the only ones who knows about it, unless someone else has found it of course."
She bit her lip at that, looked around them again. "So... no Gina? No Meredith?" It was barely a whisper, not sure she wanted to know the answer but feeling the question slip before she could approve it.
"No, god no!" He shook his head and she felt utter shock fill her as she realized what that meant.
She was the first woman he brought here. After a while of silence she snuggled into his side, her face looking at him as she rested her jaw on his shoulder. The second he looked at her she pushed a little closer to peck his lips with a smile stuck on her own.
"Thanks," she whispered and he grinned.
"Always," he answered and leaned closer to kiss her again. "Oh, and I got another surprise."
She couldn't help another groan, when would he realize she didn't like surprises? He probably already knew, he just enjoyed it too much.
"I'm coming with you back to the city tomorrow," he revealed and she felt her belly flip.
"Really?!" she couldn't hide the excitement even if she wanted to and when he nodded she threw her hands around his neck to hug him tight.
He would follow her back. She wouldn't have to miss him the rest of the summer. Because he would be right there! By her side! Like always.