Chapter 8: Meet Baby Flurry Heart

In the room, Cadence continues to heavenly breaths as Shining Armor is holding her hand. Cadence is hanging on to her husband's hand pretty hard.

Shining Armor says," Hang in there Cadence, you can do it."

Sweet Heart says, "Keep breathing."

Outside the room, Sun and all of her friends hurry to the room to see if Cadence is and see if the baby is born. Even Sombra and the Shadow walkers come along to help.

They come to the room to see one of the bellhops in front of the door.

Twilight asks, "How are they?"

"They're still working on the process so wait outhere," The bellhop says.

They can see Cadence screaming and struggling from outside of the room. They can tell that she is in terrible pain.

"I hope Cadence will be okay," Twilight worriedly says.

"I'm sure she will," Sun answers.

In the room, Cadence is trying to breath as she grunt and scream in agony.

Dr. Stables says, "Alright the baby is coming."

Outside Sun and her friends grow worries to hear Cadence letting out grunts, struggles, and screams through the while way. They are very worried.

In the room, the baby is coming out.

"Just a bit more! Just a little bit further!" Nurse Red Heart says.

Just then, Cadence lets out a painful scream. Sun and her friends continue to wait outside and hear Cadence's loud scream. Suddenly, they begin to hear the sound of a baby cry. Twilight is surprise to hear it.

They hear Dr. Stables says, "Congratulations, it's a girl!"

Pinkie cheers, "They did it!"

"I'm so happy for them," fluttershy says with a smile and tears forming from her eyes.

Applejack hugs Twilight, "Congratulations sugarcube, you're an aunt and with your own niece!"

In the room, Cadence and Shining Armor are now calm and showing smiles. They can see their new baby daughter being cleaned up by the nurses. The baby has a very light pink skin, with curls hair that changes from pale purple to light purple, and blue highlights.

Shining Armor says, "Thank you doctor."

The two are very happy to see their new daughter has finally come to the world, and are finally parents.

Sometime later, the gang enter the room wearing face mask so they won't spread germs to the baby.

"Here she is, your daughter," Sweet Heart says, and gives the baby wrapped in a blanket to Shining Armor.

Shining Armor cradles the baby as he sees her sound asleep.

Shining happily says, "Hello sweetie, I'm your daddy. It's nice to meet you."

"Aww!" the girls reply with smiles on their faces.

Shining Armor presents the baby to Cadence.

Cadence smiles, and says, "She's beautiful."

"She sure is just like her mother," Shining says.

Cadence asks, "Twilight, would you like to hold her?"

"Um sure," Twilight shyly answers.

Twilight walks over to Shining Armor, and he presents the baby to him. Twilight holds the baby, and looks down to see the little infant girl asleep.

Twilight smiles, and says, "Hello baby, my name is Twilight. I'm your aunt. I'm very happy to meet you."

Pinkie and some of the girls take out their phones and begin to take pictures of Twilight holding the baby.

"So what y'all gonna name her?" Applejack asks.

Cadence says, "We were thinking… Flurry Heart."

"You know to remember the occasion," Shining Armor says.

"Yes of course, who could forget something like this," Rarity says, giggling.

Twilight whispers to the baby, "I think it sounds lovely."

Suddenly, the baby begins to wake up, and begins to open her eyes. Twilight shows Cadence and Shining Armor to see the baby opening her eyes. Her eyes reveals to be a light blue color. Twilight then shows the girls the baby and her open blue color eyes. The girls smile to see her. Twilight feels like the happiest girl around, but the most happiest couple is Shining Armor and Cadence.

After spending time with the baby, Sun and the others explain to the Shadow Walkers and Sombra about what has occurred and the trouble magic has caused in this world.

"Woah! That is so sick," Carbonado says.

"Yeah. You all had to deal with this like every day or something. Talk about a stress issue," Phantom Ruby says.

"I know darling. We had to deal with all kinds of magic situations, and we still manage to keep up with our school work," Rarity says.

Falling Star walks to Sombra, "So uh, Sombra, what will you being now?"

"I'm not sure. I haven't been in my physical form for so long," Sombra answers.

"Um well, maybe you can come to school with us. My friends and I can help you," Falling Star says.

"I haven't attend school in a long time, but I think I can make it work," Sombra says.

"Yeah," Falling Star says.

Sombra and Falling Star look at each other. Rarity and the girls see this and begin to giggle.

Falling Star asks, "What?"

"Oh nothing," Rainbow says.

"Oh, isn't that adorable," Rarity says.

Just then, Go Getter runs down the halls and reach the group, "Rainbooms, I'm so glad that I found you."

"What is it?" Twilight asks.

"Is there something wrong?" Fluttershy asks.

"There is something wrong, our winners are not here to claim the crowd and the prize," Go Getter says.

"Huh?" the girls say with a confused look.

Go Getter says, "Your performance is amazing, and we've decided that you are our winners on Talent Mania, and people are asking for an encore performance, so come on."

"Wait. Can they come with us too?" Sun asks, turning to Sombra and the Shadow Walkers.

"Sure, the more the merrier," Go Getter says.

Sometime later, everyone are backstage and ae dressed in christmas theme clothes. The Shadow Walkers are also ready for the show.

Gray Quartz says, "You guys are going to be great. You deserve to win."

"We wouldn't say that," Adagio says.

"Are you kidding! You saved us from magic and reformed a dark king. I say you deserve to win and perform," Dark Gem says.

Shadow says, "I personally agree."

"It was also nice of you to let us perform on instruments," Phantom Ruby says.

"No problem," Rainbow says.

Pinkie cheers, "Now let's get playing."

They then hear Go Getter says, "And now, get ready to hear a performance form our winner. The Rainbooms."

Just then, the curtains goes up as the crowd cheer. Once the lights go on, The Shadow Walkers begin to play their instruments, while five of the Rainbooms play trumpets, bells, and tambourines. Wire Wolf is also on stage too.

Sun, Twilight, Falling Star, the Dazzlings, begin to dance.


Carolers singing

Sleigh bells are ringing

It's that time of year

Everyone's toasting

Chestnuts are roasting

Christmas time is near

Something's missing and I'm wishing

Wishing that you knew

How much it would mean to spend this

The Rainbooms:

Christmas time with you

Falling Star:

So if you feel it coming

Twilight Sparkle:

On this special day

Sun, Twilight, and Falling Star:

Just trust your heart

Don't let your head get in the way

'Cause it's Christmas


And the start of something new

Sun, Twilight, and Falling Star:

Oh it's Christmas


And I hope you will feel it too

Candy canes and mistletoe

Jack Frost nipping at your nose

But all of it means nothing

Sun, Twilight, and Falling Star:

Without you

Everyone are clapping and tapping their feet to the beat with smile on their faces. At their homes, Sun and her friends family and friends are dancing to the music.

Sun, Twilight, and Falling Star:

Without you


Just for a minute, you get a feeling.

The Rainbooms:

Look up in the sky.


Santa's here, so get in the spirit.

The Rainbooms:

Just give it a try.

Adagio Dazzle:

Children beaming and I'm dreaming

Hoping that it's true.

'Cause it would mean so much to spend this Christmas time with you!

Aria Blaze:

So if you feel it comin'

Sonata Dusk:

On the special day,

The Rainbooms:

Just trust your heart 'cause I can't wait to hear you say

That it's Christmas!


And the start of something new.

The Rainbooms:

Well it's Christmas,


And I hope you will feel it too.

Sun walks to Wire Wolf and they both hold the microphone with their hand.

Wire Wolf:

Everyone together sing.

Silver bells, and golden rings.

But all of it means nothing,

Without you.

Adagio Dazzle:

(No no no)

The Rainbooms and Shadow Walkers:

It's not Christmas without you-you-you

It's not Christmas without you-you-you

It's not Christmas without you-you-you

It's not Christmas without you.

Everyone in the audience clap and cheer with smiles on their faces.

The Rainbooms win the competition and end up earning new friends. Sombra is also reform, but still has to learn about friendship and this world. On Christmas day, everyone spend time with their family. Twilight also get to spend time with her new niece. In the end, everyone have a happy holiday, and friendship shine like a star in the night sky.

It's not Christmas without You from Victorious