Hi, my first fic for this fandom, and an attempt at shipping these two because this is one hard ship to sail. I'm pretty much making up ways to break nen conditions, so the below may not be accurate. I'm more familiar with Naruto so I apologize for any inconsistencies in advance, I should've lurked here longer but I couldn't wait to write this story!

(Also, I wanted to say that this fic was greatly inspired by bonbonpich's The Sun Also Shines at Night. I honestly wouldn't have shipped KuroKura if it wasn't for that story. So thank you to that author. Do enjoy.)

He heard it clink on a Thursday afternoon. Kurapika was busy directing calls for Nostrad, now that most of his staff have been given leave, and it was up to him to catch up on the remaining work. He had his lunch beside him on the table, forgotten, and his pen in hand when he heard it – heard the sound of his own chains pierce through his mind, like ice melting in a glass.

Kurapika suddenly stood, his chair scraping the wooden floor. Nostrad flinched upwards at the sudden movement, his eyes wide and wild, and his frame small and shivering in his chair.

The mafia leader honestly had been like this, shifty and on the edge, ever since his daughter had lost her abilities and his status within the underground began falling. He was broken and Kurapika pitied him, that his fall from power trashed the single-minded ambition that got him such a prominent name within the mafia in the first place. Kurapika thought it was fitting, for someone who used their own kids in such a violent environment, but even he could see that the turn of events was debilitating and making his relationship with his daughter worse. He thought he could convince the falling noble that at least his daughter was alive, unlike the victims of the auction, but Nostrad refused to acknowledge the few things he still had. His eyes were vacant and unseeing, only on what he had lost.

The man reminded him, unfortunately, a lot like himself.

Kurapika realized the delicate company he was with and bowed slightly in regret. "Sorry."

Nostrad tried to clear his throat.

"No need to apologize. Young people like you have plenty of energy…" He tried to make small talk, but his voice had a permanent shake to it now, and its power as his superior was void. "What is it?" he asked.

Kurapika frowned in thought. The first thing that came to mind was that his nen conditions were being lifted, that Chrollo and his Spiders had managed to find someone with the ability to remove the curse he had placed on their leader and set him free. If so, the Troupe might be after him for vengeance, and Neon and his employer at risk as a result. But Kurapika checked himself and his immediate surroundings, found nothing and still felt his nen chains in place. He felt the phantom chain linking his pinky finger to their leader's heart and knew that nothing was broken. Only slightly askew.

It was such a weird, miniscule change, he could almost think it was his imagination, like back when he first started training. Didn't he hear his chains all the time then? Only now his chains shifted once without his influence and it shocked him into a stand.

He must not have been getting much rest lately, it wouldn't do for him to get as paranoid as his employer.

Kurapika carefully made himself return to his seat. "I'm alright, Nostrad-san."

"Is that so? Has something happened? I don't understand this nen thing, but then again I've got you to answer for that."

"No; we are not under attack at the moment."

At least, not physically, Kurapika thought. But internally he was struggling, and frantic to find the answer, if not the problem in the first place.

He wondered: Did the man change the conditions themselves? No, Kurapika doubted, there was no way he could do that. Although it was the only loophole Kurapika could imagine, one where rather than removing the nen conditions he's placed entirely, Chrollo had someone change it to something more agreeable. He knew the man could find a nen shifter sooner than a nen exorcist, or even a conjurer like himself, who could place a condition that overrode his own. But even so, such a thing should warrant a drastic change, more than a single quiet 'clink' – something that'll demand a steep expense from Chrollo, deeper than the loss of his nen.

At the thought, Kurapika narrowed his eyes.

Then was the man like him – determined, reckless – willing to place his life on the line for the goals he needed to achieve? Kurapika scoffed in dark humor, he didn't think Chrollo Lucifer had the conviction, much less any feeling beyond himself, to expend himself so needlessly and in vain of the spiders that died before him. No; he knew Chrollo wanted the easy way out, knew the man wanted to win with all the cards in hand, and wouldn't settle for less than his full nen and strength.

The selfishness of the man's character was comforting in a way, consistent, and it helped him breathe a little, quieting his own fears and wild speculations. Kurapika's hatred infused through his chains too well to override so easily. Chrollo would prefer some other outlet to counteract it. It was just a clink. But Kurapika could only strike out these guesses so long as he was under Nostrad's charge, the mafioso's stare getting more and more uncomfortable.

"It's nothing, truly, I just remembered something."

"Is it something I need to know?" the man persisted nervously.

"No," Kurapika tried to placate his anxiety. "Just a personal thing. Something I thought was finished a long while back."

Nostrad nodded mindlessly as if he understood, but his head shaking was empty in feeling, a courtesy to pretend like he was listening to their conversation. He was too focused on his own past. "Well if it's an idea to get my daughter's fortune telling back-"

Kurapika didn't deign to remind him, again, that it had nothing to do with him. He ignored his employer and returned his attention to other, more important things. Like his chains clinking. Kurapika activated the nen chains on his hands while his eyes turned red under his contacts. He observed his hand as if he was inspecting his nails, eyes narrowed onto his pinky finger.

Nothing. Nothing seemed any different. Kurapika checked the phantom chain extending from his pinky, the only one connected to Chrollo, and it remained as taut as ever, attached to the man's heart and restricting his nen. The only difference was that now the direction of the chain was slightly adrift, angled to the right, as if his convictions have strayed from the straight path of his vengeance. Or as if his chains were locked onto someone else.

He paused. Could Chrollo have done that? Transferred his judgement onto another individual? Kurapika blinked down at his hands with red in his eyes.

No. He couldn't believe that was possible. His hatred was only directed towards him and no one else, the judgement chain wouldn't bind so firmly unless bound to Chrollo. Kurapika frowned in thought, and Nostrad didn't even notice his bodyguard wasn't even listening. His eyes slowly trailed the wayward direction of his chain and he blinked.

He could follow where the chain lead.

Kurapika cocked his head as his eyes stumbled onto where the phantom chain disappeared, the silver of it graying and fading into the wall of Nostrad's office space. Past the space altogether, ideally leading him to Chrollo. It wasn't exactly his plan of choice, as he intended to focus himself on collecting his clan's eyes, and not on old revenge. It was what he promised Gon and Killua (and Leorio and Melody) that he would stick to. Kurapika turned his hand before himself, the chain rings gleaming from the strength of his nen. He found the voices of his friends quieting in his mind, their words a low, intelligible murmur as the light of his judgement chain caught in his eyes.

He had long told himself he wouldn't give in to those feelings of anger from his youth. He had promised Gon and Killua. But something beckoned him forward, something irresistible and damning, and he cursed his own weakness. It was a combination of curiosity, his greatest fears coming to life, and something dark and twisted that he thought he buried, revived anew.

Chrollo Lucifer…

His old fantasies of revenge flashed red before his eyes. The chain user watched as his nen collected in his hands, and heard the sound of his chains drop lightly. He allowed the ball weight to hover over the map on his table. The dowsing chain was a comfortable, sorely missed weight, and his nen flowed easily. He was compelled to check because of his personal convictions, he told himself – as a civic duty he couldn't stand to knowingly let a criminal go. Kurapika had wanted to be sure that his convictions have held their place, that Chrollo's nen remained sealed, and that righteous justice was served, even though admittedly the practice occupied his mind too much lately. The real problem was the dirty feeling as his muscles tensed in anticipation, intent on the act, he wanted to return Chrollo to his place with his own two hands.

The fine line between the righteous justice he was going to "check" and his need for personal vendetta blurred before him and blinded him. Kurapika felt its clammy grip tear him away from the main objective of collecting his clan's eyes. He was aware that he still wanted of his revenge, but no longer could he say that it was for his people, but for himself.

In the back of his eyes he saw his friends, Gon and Killua, smiling, playing around as kids should in spite of the dangers of the expansive Hunter world around them, and Kurapika knew he was being selfish. His eyes followed the trajectory of the ball chain as it hovered over Saffran only two cities away from where he and his employer were currently staying. Kurapika retracted his nen and let his chains dissipate, while his eyes returned to their calmer brown gaze. He reminded himself that he wasn't going to end up like the man he was only a year ago – wild, angry, red eyes alight and obsessed with obtaining his revenge. He had promised his friends that he could control himself – and he would keep to that promise while fulfilling his duty to the clan.

He didn't bother asking for leave. Kurapika didn't intend for this temporary detraction to take much of his time anyway, he expected to encounter the man undetected, reinforce his seal, and disappear quietly before the criminal could notice. He believed his employer could do okay without him for a few days, just long enough to get the job done, and then he would be back and everything here would be the same. Neon would remain motionless in bed under her coma and Nostrad as paranoid as usual, but he knew the Mafioso wouldn't suspect him. Maybe Kurapika would be threatened for the impromptu vacation, but more importantly he wouldn't be fired, Nostrad no longer held any real authority for firing, and he knew they both knew the man couldn't survive long without him. The mafia would feel terrified of the thought of Kurapika leaving him like all his other guards have, devastated, maybe even pissed, but he knew the moment he returned he would be welcomed back with open arms and even more empty promises of payment and bonuses. Kurapika was indifferent to the image, to the way Nostrad was unhealthily dependent on him, so long as he got his contacts into the mafia all the same.

Kurapika got off the train in Saffran quickly, quietly, avoiding the crowds and keeping from drawing attention to himself. There was no question as to what he would find here, what other acquaintances Chrollo may have made other than his Troupe, as well as to whether he was currently walking into a trap. He moved swiftly into the first coffee shop he could find near the station, and purchased a cup in order to also ask for a map of the city. With a drink in his hand and a rolled up map in the other, Kurapika made his way to an empty table, inconspicuous and casual.

Kurapika was glad for his contacted lenses as he laid the map over his lap, using his dowsing chain with the cup in hand. He made sure to give off a flash of En before entering the shop, long enough to get an understanding of his immediate surroundings. Although he hadn't spotted any nen users he wasn't taking any chances knowing the way the Troupe leader functioned, and how calculating of a leader he was. Kurapika wouldn't underestimate a man even without his nen, and he wouldn't be stuck in a draw this time around. He would win, finally, and without a doubt.

The dowsing chain moved slowly at first, lazily, searching and swaying like it was a chain of hypnosis. It moved like this for the few seconds before it lashed out wildly and out of control. Kurapika was shocked, enough to gasp aloud and spill some of his drink. He thought Chrollo must have done something to keep him from finding him, and he feared for a moment before he saw that within the chaos there was a direction. The ball chain focused strongly at the edge of the city, north of the map, and Kurapika felt its intent vibrating with power. His dowsing chain was going crazy if only because soon it would be made useless – Chrollo was quickly on the move, and his chains were telling him he was going off map.

Kurapika cursed, folded the map away and threw his coffee in the trash. Just as soon as he got here Chrollo was rapidly leaving, and Kurapika couldn't tell if that was mere coincidence or if he had accidentally revealed himself. He didn't have a choice however. If the man was moving, and at a speed enough to disrupt the focus of his chains, then Kurapika would have to follow him.

Between Saffran and the following city was a border of expansive farmland. Flat, organized, agricultural crop circles filled with tall stalks of wheat and corn was his view for miles. Kurapika could see what was before him easily, too easily, and he thought that if Chrollo had laid a trap for him here, it wasn't to be a good one, as there were little places to hide out here in the country. In this kind of open space, there were no houses. The air was chilly and a good portion of the land barren for the season, in line waiting to be replanted with fertilizer and natural nutrients. Kurapika blinked at the smell of manure and inhaled fresh country air, the last place he'd expect Chrollo to run would be here.

"You came."

Having concluded that there were no traps around him, Kurapika switched his attention away from his absurd surroundings. He focused his eyes on the man before him, guardedly red at the edges of his contacts and he spoke, his voice cold.

"What did you do."

Chrollo instantly smiled that charming smile of his, and appeared taken aback as if innocent. "Nothing. I just thought you'd never come. I'm relieved."

He glared at the pure crap coming out of his mouth. "Clearly, you were waiting for me. Is that why you placed yourself on the outskirts of the city, to force my hand?"

"I missed you. I wanted to see you again."

Kurapika hissed. "Don't play with me. Although it would pain me to abuse a man who can't defend himself, I do not consider myself above the notion." Kurapika clenched his fists and gritted his teeth to keep himself from lashing out bitingly. He wanted to demand the answers for his questions but the man before him was triumphant, smirking, and well aware of the turmoil that he caused him. Smugly bathing in it.

"Is that so? Nothing's stopping you now." Chrollo motioned to the countryside around them.

Kurapika ignored his comment. "Why were you running? Did you know I was in the city?"

"Not at all." Chrollo smiled at him. His countenance was at peace, and he wasn't the least bit threatened by him.

His face pissed Kurapika off.

"I can tell if you're lying!" Kurapika whipped out his right hand, activating his dowsing chain for the third time. Chrollo seemed to smile even wider at his actions, if that was even possible, he was weirdly excited to see his nen in action.

"Your nen hasn't returned."

"No, it's hasn't." Chrollo placed his hands in his pockets casually. "You don't have much to worry about, your restrictions are still held in place. I haven't seen my Spiders at all."

He wasn't lying.

"I heard my chains only two days ago. I saw my judgement lie askew. Something's different."


"Don't act surprised, I know you've done something to it. Have you found a nen user that has done something to your conditions? Answer me, yes or no."

Chrollo's eyes seemed to light up with understanding. They seemed to glint over with interest. "So you can't particularly make me tell the truth, but you can determine yes or no responses."

Kurapika growled. "This isn't about me, answer the question!"

The man paused in thought just to be annoying.


Kurapika watched as his ball chain never wavered under Chrollo's voice.

"Was this nen individual found in Saffran, and worked on your conditions exactly two days ago?"

"Yes," Chrollo responded easily, and was unfazed by the questioning. "Would you like me to tell you her name? I'd be happy to inform you all about it, unless you'd rather have me answer yes or no responses."

"I would never trust whatever answer you gave."

"Ah, then that's unfortunate." Chrollo seemed amused at him, looking down at him like he was a child who didn't know anything. He found his wariness funny, even cute. "I'm being perfectly innocent."

When the ball chain refused to move, Kurapika's eyebrow twitched.

Chrollo smiled.

"What did you do?" he demanded, and returned his hand stiffly to his side. There was no way he could find out what he did without straight asking him, and he made a note that yes or no answers could confirm the truth of his responses later. "Since you want to be so forthcoming, answer me."

Chrollo shrugged. "I had someone place a condition in response to your judgement chain." He looked at him curiously, and waited to see his reaction. His eyes were dark and considering, and his head cocked to the side as he observed him. "An extension, so to speak. If the conditions are fulfilled, your nen restriction will be released and I will be reunited with my Spiders again."

"And you thought I wouldn't know this was happening."

"I didn't expect you to come."

"Are you stupid? Like hell I would let you walk free." Kurapika turned his face away as he rolled his eyes. Chrollo blinked at him.

He smiled.

"Is that so? Would you like to know what the conditions are? I'd be glad to tell you."

"You could never fulfill them."

Chrollo hummed. "You're right. Technically I would need a third party, only someone with enough nen could override it. Since you've sealed my nen I could not help myself."

Kurapika scoffed. "Then you've wasted your time. That could never work, my hatred for you is impossible to overwrite. You should know, even nen users with large stamina deposits at their disposal don't bother with vendettas."

Chrollo shrugged. "Then you have nothing to worry about," he commented.

His casual-ness unnerved him.

"No one else can override my own judgement but me." Kurapika said mostly to himself, and inside he felt a little empty. He was pissed, but not at Chrollo, he was incited by something else he couldn't name. Kurapika frowned under his bangs, he didn't know what he had expected, but he felt like he wasted his time in coming here. The man before him had done nothing, stood only a few paces away with no weapon in sight, and Kurapika had spent his adrenaline being defensive for no reason.

Chrollo was only looking at him, patiently waiting for a return of his full attention. Once he got it, the man brightened.

"You're right."

Kurapika suddenly felt uncomfortable, at his eyes and his sight and his smile, unnerved at how he can make himself, a murderer, uncannily warm-looking and genuinely happy to see him. But the expression was also a deceptive one, a knowing smile, like he was hiding something.

"So will you?" he offered.

Kurapika was going to kill this nen-less man, honor be damned.