The Highlander and the Sassanach agent.

Chapter one

Summary: Set after the third season of Outlander and the tenth season of Criminal minds. When Claire goes back to 18th century Scotland and finds Jamie he decides he wants them to go back to the 20th century to meet his daughter. But they overshoot it by about 40 years and end up in the 21st century in Virginia, why did the stones send them there? And why does Jamie feel drawn to SSA Jareau in a totally platonic way. Two people; Black Jack Randall, and Tivon Askari.

As Jamie stood at the standing stones at Craigh na Dun he looked at his wife, still amazed she was here, and then back at the stones.

"Well Sassanach, how does this thing work again?" he gestured to the stones, "you know, the magic. What is supposed to happen?"

Claire looked at the stones, she was already hearing the buzzing that was drawing her back to her daughter. As if it wasn't enough that Jamie was alive and that he still wanted her he also wanted to meet his daughter, and so they were standing at the stones ready to go back to the 20th century. Her brunette ringlets are loose and are falling around her face. Jamie's red hair whips his face in the strong wind.

"There should be a buzzing around the stone as you approach it, can you hear it?" She looks hopefully at her husband, hoping his desire to meet his daughter for the first time was fueling the stones' magic.

Jamie's eyes dance around the stones and then widen to points Claire was sure they couldn't get any wider. "Aye…" he breathed almost a whisper "I hear the stones." He starts walking forward, reaching out. "I want to touch it...I want to go…"

Claire chuckles and then takes his hands and looks into his eyes, "together. We go together." Jamie nods and smiles at her and with that they both touch the stone at the same time


After the case they'd just had, Jennifer Jareau sighed as soon as she stepped in the apartment, bed sounded good. Henry rounded the corner clutching a drawing he did at his school that day, JJ forgot entirely about how tired she was and looked at it, having a moment with her son before he went to his bed.

After they put Henry down for the night JJ and her husband William Lamontagne Jr relaxed on their couch with a glass of wine, with JJ falling asleep on Will's shoulder.

Neither of them heard the wind whistling on the windowsill or were woken by the thunder outside their apartment.


Jamie looked around as soon as he opened his eyes, according to Claire it was normal to be on your back when you materialised in the place you were but as he looked around he realised they weren't in Scotland anymore.

Heaving to his feet he looks for his wife, finding her slowly waking up he helps her to her feet.

"Well, my bonnie Sassanach, we're in the future alright, I don't recognise anything here." but as he turned Claire just looked at him, a paper already in her hands.

"That's because it's not Scotland…it's Virginia...and it's not's 2015...we've overshot it by a little under 50 years." Claire's heart breaks to see Jamie's eyes in realising that he won't et to meet his daughter and wishes she could make it better. But aside from a hu she doesn't know what to do.

Jamie decides to walk, he walks down the street hand in hand with Claire. All he had hoped to have said to Brianna was racing through his mind at lightning speed and he barely heard the sirens of the police cars as they tore down the street but the lights certainly caught his eye for they were truly blinding.

"Put your hands up." Came the bark of the uniformed officer as he held his pistol steady, aiming it at Jamie.

Before he was to surrender, for Jamie wasn't daft enough to make a bad situation worse by fighting the man who held a gun to him, he moved Claire so she was behind him.

"I will surrender" Jamie replied as he placed his hands in the air, on the condition that my wife remains unharmed.

The officer didn't move his pistol and merely nodded his agreement, "throw down the sword and the gun"

Jamie took his broadsword from its sheath and threw it on the ground, then his gun. After that everything happened so quickly it made Jamie's head spin: his hands were put behind his back and cuffed as he watched the other officer look after Claire.


The sirens woke JJ up immediately and she went to her bedroom window to see a red haired man in Highland dress and a woman with what appeared to be a Georgian peasants dress on being led away from the street, the man obviously in custody.

JJ pulled out her phone and speed dialed the BAU.

"Hotch? You know anything about any reenactments in town lately? No special reason just spotted a couple of cosplayers getting are? Okay, I'll be there in thirty minutes."

She then shut off her phone and kissed Will on the forehead before getting ready for her work.


Garcia stood in front of the whole team and looked at them, two photos flashed up on screen, one of Jamie and one of Claire.

"This, my fine frienderinos, is a mystery for the ages" Garcia pressed a button on the remote and another photo of Jamie's broadsword and gun flashed up on screen.

"That's the guy and woman arrested outside my apartment last night." JJ blurted out.

"Yeah, They don't have any ID but they introduced themselves as Jamie Fraser and his wife Claire."

"Jamie Fraser died in the 1770s, right after coming to America, with his wife Claire, do you think that they truly believe that they are Jamie and Claire Fraser?" This time it was Reid who piped up.

"That's what we're gonna find out...squirrel-friends…"

"We're go in thirty minutes. Try to keep an open mind." Hotch said as they all made their way out of the round table room and out into the street.

This was going to be one strange day.

Next time: Jamie and Claire are introduced to the team, Jamie starts to get flashbacks of Black Jack Randall when a sergeant gets too frustrated on a questioning of him prompting him to scream for Claire and Hotch to admonish the sergeant. And JJ bonds with Jamie over their shared PTSD.