A/N: I took this story from my old account (Moriko Kinzoku) and put it here.

I own nothing.

A/N: Everyone is the same species in this story like they are in the anime.

Sesshomaru was a legend. At twenty he had never lost a street race. He promised himself he never would.

He lived in Los Angeles, California.

He was known for his car. He had a 1970 Ford Mustang Boss 429. His father paid for the mechanics to make it a six speed. It was black with two neon blue stripes that went up the hood and all the way to the back. It also had a spoiler and a hood scoop. It was badass and everyone knew it.

The police also knew Sesshomaru for his car. But if Sesshomaru ever got into trouble. His father was always there to bail him out. That is also how he got such an expensive and rare car.

And the same for Inuyasha.

Their father owns one of the multi-billion dollar companies. Taisho incorporated.

Sesshomaru was currently at one of the night street races. He was with brother Inuyasha and his friends. They were parked beside Sesshomaru.

It was Inuyasha, Koga, Ginta, Hakhaku, and Miroku. But Ginta and Hakhaku were more loyal to Koga more then anyone else.

Inuyasha had a 2018 Ford Mustang. Six speed. It was red. No stripe. Just cherry red. And the ladies loved it.

Koga had a 2014 Mitsubishi Eclipse. It was a six speed. It was black with a spoiler on the back.

Ginta had a 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer. Five speed. It was yellow with yellow neon lights under the car.

Hakhaku had a 2012 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. Five speed. It was orange.

People had called Koga and his two buddies 'the Mitsubishi crew.'

Miroku though, he wasn't into racing that much. Only when taunted. He had a Yoshimura R-77 motorcycle. It was completely blacked out.

Sesshomaru was obviously parked in the middle of his crew. Inuyasha was parked on Sesshomaru's left and Miroku was parked on his right. Koga was beside Miroku. Ginta was beside Koga. And Hakhaku was parked beside Inuyasha.

The guys were all leaning up against their own cars. Except Miroku, he leaned against his bike.

Of course there were ladies walking past the boys. Most had booty short on or mini skirts. And of course Miroku couldn't keep his eyes off any of them. He was even smacked for grabbing a girls boob because her cleavage was so open.

The girls around Sesshomaru disgusted him. They were all whores, there to put on a show for him and his brother and friends. That was it.

In the back ground you could hear people racing. Sesshomaru looked towards them. He had not been challenged in some time, unfortunately. But he wasn't in the mood to challenge anyone today. He just wanted to watch.

Kagura walked up to Sesshomaru. Inuyasha wrinkled his nose in disgust. So did Koga.

"So Sesshomaru, are you racing. Because I'd love to be there to wave the 'flag' when you start your race." Kagura said seductively.

Sesshomaru rolled his eyes.

"Do you honestly think I'd pay attention to you? It's a race not a strip show. And to use your bra as a go flag is disgusting. Do you not have any decency? And you will never get me into your bed." Sesshomaru said.

Kagura stood their with her mouth agape.

"You heard him. Bu-bye" Inuyasha said as he waved her off in a smartass tone. Kagura stomped off.

Kagome is known in long beach for her crazy racing skills. She was currently nineteen. In the three years she had been racing she had never lost. Which most street racers start at fifteen. But she was doing great.

She had a 2016 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat. Six speed. It was black with two purple lines up the hood and all the way to the back of the car. She loved it.

Sango has a 2008 Dodge Charger. Six speed. It was blue. It has a spoiler. She didn't like the new models at all.

Kikyo has a 2010 Nissan GT-R. Five speed. Its silver with a spoiler on the back.

Ayame has a 1978 Ford Mustang King Cobra. Six speed. It was blacked out. Ayame loves her muscle cars.

Eri has a 2016 Chevy Camaro. Six speed. It is baby blue.

Yuma has a 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454. Five speed. It's green.

The girls were supposed to go to their street races tonight. But unfortunately the cops were on a look out in their usual racing spots. So it looks like the girls would have to drive to Los Angeles to go street racing there. It could be fun.

The girls drove down the street. Kagome was in the lead. Then it was Sango, Kikyo, Ayame, Eri, and then Yuma was in the back.

They had drove for some time when the sun finally went down. Kagome could see where the people were street racing now. They even had the roads blocked off. There were a lot of people. The crowd was a lot bigger than the long beach races.

'This will be amazing.' Kagome thought to herself. She started driving slowing down the path so that all the people that were in the way would finally move. When she found a spot to park that was large enough for her and her friends to park she did. And so did the others.

The girls parked in the same order they drove in. Even though Kagome was the most bad ass driver, she was still on one side. But Sango was next to her.

All the girls had black hair and brown eyes ironically. But Ayame had red hair. She was wolf demon. The rest were humans. But Kagome and Kikyo were mikos. It ran in their blood. But they were not related.

The girls got out of their cars and walked to the front. They all leaned against their cars. Not one of Kagome's friends were dressed like hookers, like the girls around them. Most of her friends had jeans and a tee shirt. It was racing. Not some striper joint or fancy dinner.

Kagome looked around and noticed her second favorite car, it was right under her car on her list of favorite cars. The black 1970 Ford Mustang Boss 429. It was beautiful. And the guy leaning against it was hot himself.

Kagome stood up fully. Sango looked in the same direction Kagome was.

"Wanna go look? I'll go with you." Sango said with a smile. Kagome looked to her friend and nodded.

The girls nodded to their friends and walked off. That's how they told their friends they'd be back. Kikyo stopped them.

"Don't be beating all the boys Kagome. Leave some for Sango." Kikyo said in an amused tone. Kagome let out a laugh. Then her and Sango walked towards the Mustang.

But then Hojo stepped in front of the girls.

"Kagome, what are you doing here? If anyone found out who you was then everyone would want to race you or Sango. I'm shocked your cars haven't gave away your identity." Hojo said. He was taller then Kagome. But not by much.

"Hojo, no one has approached me or Sango. Its okay. Besides, aren't you not supposed to be here to? Each city has their own racing turf. Outsiders are not welcome. But they don't know it's me so it's okay I promise." Kagome said to Hojo reassuring him.

Hojo sighed.

"I just worry about you Kagome. But everyone knows that their is a girl who has been undefeated in long beach. If Sesshomaru finds out then he'll definitely want to race you. But I haven't seen him around. I'll let you know if I do though." Hojo said as he walked off. Kagome nodded.

She didn't know who Sesshomaru was. But she was sure as hell she could beat him.

She walked over to the guy with the Mustang. He looked at her and Sango.

She looked into his amber eyes.

'Demon.' Kagome thought to herself.

She looked at Sesshomaru and then his car he was leaning against.

"I love your car. Its pretty awesome. It was labeled as 375 horsepower when it was made. Because of the insurance back then. But it actually has well over 500. I understand why you bring it here. There were not very many made. It's worth showing off." Kagome said.

Sango stood beside Kagome. She was worried Kagome would overstep her boundaries.

Sesshomaru looked to the girl completely. His attention was completely on her.

"Impressive. Though I wish to know what you drive. For you to have such information on a car like this. It's intriguing. Most girls notice the driver. But not the car." Sesshomaru said. All of his friends also watched Kagome and Sango.

Miroku lightly nodded at Sango with a smirk.

She blushed.

"Oh, me and her came with our friends. No big deal. Well I just wanted to say your car was cool." Kagome said nervously. Sesshomaru nodded.

The girls smiled then turned and walked off. Kagome looked at Sango. She gave her a look that said 'we are not going back to our cars. We'll go to a friends.'

Sango understood and nodded. They looked to Yumi. They were going to stand with her at her car.

Sesshomaru watched the girls walk away. He noticed the Challenger immediately.

He turned to Miroku. "Isn't that the car from long beach?" Sesshomaru asked. Miroku looked at the black challenger with the purple stripe. He looked at Sesshomaru then nodded.

"It belongs to some girl that hasn't been defeated. I have a friend that goes to the long beach races. He has spoken of a girl who drives a car like that. I have never seen her face before though." Miroku said.

Sesshomaru looked at the car.

'Well then she is not supposed to be here. I will find out who owns it. Then I will leave the girl in the dust with her shitty ass car.' Sesshomaru thought to himself with a smirk.

Kagome made it over to Yumi's car. Hojo waited for them.

"You idiot! That was Sesshomaru! Did he find you out?" Hojo whisper-yelled.

Kagome's eyes widened. She didn't even think about it. But now she realized the car was familiar. She didn't look back. Neither did Sango. Shit, she had just talked to the legendary Sesshomaru. This was not good.

"Hey," Kagome heard a voice behind her.

She turned and Sesshomaru was right in front of her. He was the one who spoke.