Because the subject this story addresses is so painful and traumatic and so very real, I decided to devote hours of research just to begin understanding the true pain, the true trauma that real people have experienced.
So be warned, there are MANY, MANY TRIGGERS in this. I'll try to add warnings before every chapter, but it is likely that every one would have triggers, triggers that even I myself could be unaware of. If you have any advice, any pointers/corrections that are not flames, please know that I am open to any and all criticisms/advice.
Now, I won't be focusing on all the gory details. Even though this is an exercise in my writing, there are still some things that I will not write explicitly about. I will not graphically write the rape and torture in this story, but rather the psychological and physical effects both inflict on the mind and body. But I will, on a lesser scale, add the necessary details that will prevent you guys from getting confused.
Now, there is romance in this story, but it's not the type of romance where the knight in shining armor would whisk away the damsel-in-distress and magically will away all her anguish and suffering. It will be slow, it will be painful, it will be emotional, and it will require lots and lots of patience. Rape should not be used as an incentive to write a "whirlwind" romance, and as such, the romance would be a slow-burn and simply be in the background until it simply no longer is. This is mature love— platonic love— where sex is not a central point of the relationship, but, rather, the development and emotional connection between two people that turns into a deep, deep feeling of love without obligations.
Warnings: mentions of rape and torture; explicit and graphic violence
Mira blinked at the hand that slammed a request on the bar, rattling all the bottles and plates and utensils on the wooden counter. She looked up at the agitated Laxus, and Mirajane forced a smile on her face, knowing why he was acting that way. "Another mission?" the beauty asked, prying the piece of paper from underneath his bulking hands. Her eyes scanned the paper, reading aloud:
"'Please help! Missing women and children, need help tracking down kidnapper. Location: Cedar Springs, near the border. Time: unknown. Reward: anything we have. Please. We need help immediately…'"
Mirajane paused, blinking at the desperate words of the request and feeling pity at the people's expense. Quickly writing down the details, Mira glanced briefly at Laxus' team who were staring at the two curiously and expectantly. "Do you think…?" she asked softly, as she handed him back the paper.
Laxus nodded curtly. "The last trail I had of her was up near the north."
"Right around Cedar Springs," Mira muttered absently before approving their request and looking up to him. "I hope you find her, Laxus. And the others, too," she added hastily, waving her hand towards the paper request. Laxus didn't say anything in reply, simply walking to the table where the Thunder Legion sat with the paper in his hands.
"Do you think it's a lead?" Ever asked immediately once Laxus settled on his seat.
"Yeah," Laxus said gruffly, snatching Bickslow's drink from his hand. The Seith mage released a cry of indignation, which went unheard by Laxus as he gulped down the rest of its contents. "The trail I picked up was heading north, and we haven't surveyed the area around Cedar Springs yet."
"But that trail was from seven weeks ago, Laxus-sama," Freed said. "It could be a cold trail, especially after all this time."
Laxus gritted his teeth, the glass in his hands cracking. "It was weeks ago, yes," he agreed stiffly, "but this town—" He pointed to the name on the paper. "— it's further north from Mt. Hakobe, where Natsu and I last smelled her. It's also near the border with Seven, and there's a possibility that the kidnapper could've brought her up there in the last few months. She has to be there because if—"
"Natsu!" a surprised cry rang out across the guild, and everyone froze and turned to the guild's entrance, where a defeated and battered Natsu stood, swaying on his feet. His gravity-defying salmon hair now hung limply over his eyes, which were bogged down with deep circles. Lacerations and dark bruises littered his tanned, now pallid and sickly skin. His clothing was in tatters. Happy rested tiredly against his shoulder, his drooping eyes fighting to stay open. "You're back!"
At that, the guild exploded into questions.
"Natsu, what happened?"
"Are you okay?"
"Did you find her?"
"—any evidence?"
"What took so long—"
"—six months, Natsu—"
"—worried sick!"
Natsu trembled as the questions and exclamations assaulted him and the guilt eating away at him, and his fists clenched in frustration, his flames engulfing his arms as he fought to keep his frustration in control. Happy, sensing his mood, jerked awake, flying over him as he flitted back and forth. "Natsu, wait—"
Natsu snapped. "I couldn't find her!" he bellowed. The guild silenced, his desperate declaration echoing and resounding in their hearts with a painful pang. Several guild members crumbled back into despair, their earlier excitement and hopes shattered for the umpteenth time.
Mira looked down at her hands. Levy sobbed into Gajeel's arms. Erza smashed her fork in her cake in anger with a furrowed brow, and Gray ripped his shirt away in frustration. "I tried everything, but—" Natsu's voice cracked as he dissolved into miserable tears. "I don't know where she is. I lost her trail. It was just gone. Maybe if… maybe if I'd tried harder, maybe if I—" Natsu whirled around. "I'm findin' her. I'm gettin' her back. I don't care… I don't care if..." he mumbled incoherently, and several people lurched forward, preventing him from taking another step with their arms.
"Let me go!" Natsu screamed, desperately thrashing against their iron grips, but for once, he was way too weak to fight back. He had been gone for over six months, constantly on foot with little food and facing the harsh elements of the north, and even though Natsu was a powerful Dragon Slayer, he had his limits.
"I need to find Lucy! Please! I need to!" His knees trembled like jelly before he finally collapsed into his nakama's arms, who cried along with him. "Luce! Lucy!" he sobbed, his struggles against their grip melting away.
Laxus turned away from the pitiful scene, his jaw locked, before he stood and slowly walked away, his hands fisted at his sides. The Thunder Legion exchanged troubled glances, knowing what was eating away at their leader.
It had been one year and four months since Lucy Heartfilia, the light of Fairy Tail, had disappeared.
One year and four months had passed since their leader's love of his life vanished.
The last day before Lucy became missing in action had started out typically enough, with a beautifully clear sky and mild weather. Evergreen, Lisanna, Bickslow, and Freed were sitting with Laxus, chatting amongst themselves, when Lucy waltzed into the guild, the brilliant smile on her face an odd juxtaposition to the unconscious body of Natsu Dragneel being dragged around roughly like a rag-doll by the beautiful Celestial Mage.
Unluckily for the Lightning Dragon Slayer, Bickslow had somehow noticed the constipated-esque expression on Laxus' face past his daily make-out session with Lisanna. "Oi, Sparky!" he said, his voice promising humiliation. "If you like Cosplayer so much, why don't you just ask her out?" Lisanna's, Evergreen's, and Freed's jaws dropped at the proclamation, necks cricking as their attention snapped towards Laxus, and they damn near fell to the floor in disbelief when they noticed the stoic blond blush several shades of red.
"Shut up, Bickslow," Laxus hissed, actually glancing around to see if anyone had heard. Luckily, no one seemed to be eavesdropping on the conversation, and with one more sneaky glance at Lucy, he looked back to a shocked and snickering audience.
"Damn Laxus." Evergreen snickered behind her fan. "You are so whipped." She couldn't seem to contain her amusement, however, as she began to lose her composure, cackling like a witch despite the scowl Laxus sent her way.
"He's been whipped since last year!" Bickslow cackled along with Ever as he slapped the wooden table in his amusement, deftly dodging the punch Laxus threw in his direction. "I tell you, he's been staring at her so much, I'm surprised no one noticed!" Lisanna suppressed a giggle and took pity on Laxus, hitting Bickslow gently to stop his merciless teasing. He looked down affectionately at his girlfriend, holding his palms up in surrender. "Just kiddin' babe," he said before swooping down, ready to kiss her when—
Lucy and Mira stopped talking to look at the amusing spectacle of a cursing Bickslow throwing a fit at a stony Laxus. "I wonder what happened this time," Lucy giggled, shaking her head. Unbeknownst to her, Mira, having heard the conversation between Laxus and Bickslow with her enhanced hearing, was sporting a wicked grin and a plotting gleam in her eyes, which disappeared instantly when Lucy turned back to their conversation.
"So, yeah," she said, holding up the job request. "I think I'll do this job. It pays a lot, and it looks pretty easy enough that I don't have to bring Tweedledum over there." She rolled her eyes at Natsu, who was attempting to aggravate Gray into another fight.
"Alrighty, Lucy!" Mirajane chirped, recording the mission in her notebook. "I'll see you in around a month?" Lucy nodded. "Be careful, okay? I know the mission's pretty easy, but since you absolutely refuse to use transportation…"
Lucy rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to waste any money when I have my dear Pegasus over here to take me there." She held up her beloved new silver key, which glinted beautifully under the guild's lights. Lucy winked at the white-haired beauty and prepared to leave.
"Hey, Cosplayer!"
Lucy groaned. She whirled around, her hands at her hips. "What do you want, Bickslow?" she snapped. "I'm in a hurry."
Bickslow only grinned, sauntering over to her when Laxus pulled him back, an aggravated expression on his ruggedly handsome face. "Sorry about him, Blondie," the blond said. "Just ignore him." He glared at Bickslow, clearly peeved at the Seith mage but with what, Lucy had no clue, and shoved the snickering Seith mage away. Laxus stood in front of her for a while, and Lucy was just about to ask him what was up when he quickly cleared his throat. "Be safe, Lucy." Laxus had spat the words out so harshly and quickly, Lucy was left wondering if he actually meant what he said and if he actually did say her name for the first time.
At the countertop, Mirajane was shaking her head in disappointment, tsking at Laxus' poor attempt at a conversation.
"Okay…." Lucy said slowly to no one in particular before shaking away her confusion. Her face once more gained its cheerful expression. "I'll be going guys! See you soon!" She waved, her back turning and exiting.
"See you soon!"
Three little words that they had all taken for granted. Three little words.
A special thank you and shout out to my beta, musicboxhearts! You are amazing~! :)
Approx Word Count: 1000+