So... Uh... Life sucks? and uh... Sorry it took us so long with this chapter. Honestly this was mostly written by mortimer012 according to the plot I had laid out, I was supposed to publish it a month ago but RL sucks. I finally finished editing it, but it's probably not up to our usual standards. So without further ado the next chapter.

Obi-wan looked at his former Master and smiled wide while Anakin tried to reach to the ghost, not really believing his eyes at this.

"Master Qui-Gon?"He asked when his hand passed through the ghostly form of Qui-Gon Jinn, "Is it really, you?"

"Yes Anakin," Qui-Gon responded with a kind smile, "it is me."

As Obi-wan and Anakin had their little moment with Qui-gon Ashara helped to support Imperius over to some nearby rubble so he could sit down and recover. "That was rather nice of you, letting them talk to him."

The Sith gave a small nod as he stretched, getting some strength back in his body. "A deal's a deal after all."

She giggled softly looked over to the Jedi talking with their fallen friend. "So. where are we going after this?

Imperius sighed as he considered his options before looking over as well, chuckling at the trio before looking back to his hand. "Could you get my glove for me?" She nodded, heading to get the glove, giving Imperius some more time to think.

Obi-wan spotted Ashara collect the glove and excused himself from the discussion with Qui-Gon to head over to Imperius, the red skinned Sith looked at him as he came over.

"Yes? I'm not really in a fighting mood but you seem to be brains in the duo so I'm sure you know how it'll end anyway."

The Jedi Master hesitated for a moment at that as Ashara stepped past him to give the glove to Kallig.

"Unlike my young friend I tend to prefer a peaceful approach if at all possible." Obi-Wan said with a charming smile, "However, I find myself at a loss. You call yourself a Darth. A leader of the Sith. Yet you act nothing like any Sith I have ever heard of."

"Oh? What would you prefer than?" he said raising his hands dramatically, "'Kneel before me puny weakling or taste the power of the darkside!' or maybe just attacking you outright?" He wiggled his fingers miming lightning.

It was impossible to see through the mask but Obi-wan could hear the smile. "Well… those that we have met tend to take the latter approach when we encoun-"

Kallig raised his hand to silence Obi-wan while Ashara looked at him very intently now.

"Has the Empire survived? Tell me Jed,i where is the Sith capital now? Is it still on Drommund Kaas? I probably need to return and smack some manners back into the Sith. Again."

Obi-wan was obviously confused at this though tried to play nice, hoping he wasn't going to infuriate the bipolar Sith. "As far as we know the the Sith haven't had an Empire in over a thousand years, ever since the New Sith Empire fragmented into the Brotherhood of Darkness and then killed themselves as well as a hundred Jedi with a thought bomb." Obi-Wan shrugged, "Since then The Sith went into hiding, and have only recently reemerged. You are the third one we have encountered recently, although we believe there's a fourth hidden somewhere pulling the strings behind this damnable war."

Kallig was quiet at first, seemingly lost in thought. Then he laughed loud enough for Anakin and Qui-gon to hear him. "So you're saying that you've only seen two Sith so far? You hear that dear? Two upstarts are causing the Jedi trouble and they haven't caught either from the sound of things."

Obi-wan was not amused by this. "With all due respect, one is dead and the new apprentice is quite capable in combat and very good at running away when outmatched, and the master is hiding somewhere we can't find"

"The entire Jedi order can't catch even a single Sith apprentice? Wow, the standards for Jedi have fallen." Kallig said with a cackle, before sighing and saying with a shrug, "I guess I can't really blame you. After all I had to deal with Thanaton and his cowardly ways, the fool should've died on Corellia like the worm he was, instead of leading me on a merry chase across the galaxy."

Kallig shook his head in annoyance again as he remembered that infuriating Sith Lord. If he could strangle him again he would. "Hmm... Maybe I should get a Thanaton shaped stress ball…"

Obi-wan scratched his beard while thinking, he could swear that he had heard these names somewhere before, probably in the archives but he couldn't remember exactly where. "Now then, where is this Drommund Kaas anyway?"

"I am disinclined to inform you of the Sith capital world's location. How about you tell me yours and maybe I'll tell you mine, are you Jedi still based on Tython or have you moved? Coruscant maybe?"

Obi-wan was hesitant at this and instead asked a question to avoid the answer. "... you do seem to know a lot about the galaxy don't you?"

"Well I am Darth Imperius after all. My service to the Sith Empire has taken me far and wide across the Galaxy and the Rishi Maze."

Ashara groaned and pinched her nose as she remembered where they landed up in there.

"Please don't talk about that place again…"

The conversation was interrupted by a man with a distinct pirate look to him stumbling down the ship's ramp, holding his head "Uugh, Boss, the ship is shot."

"Of course it is," Kallig groaned, "tell me that at least the hyperdrive is online, Andronikos."

"For now." Andronikos grumbled, "Don't know how long though, everything on board's acting weird," he began counting problems off "the lights are flickering, comms are dead, life support keeps shutting down and resetting but at least we've got the vac suits. Targeting is gone, it literally exploded, now the cockpit is a mess. The shields either off or are stuck on full power, I can't adjust their power at all. And everytime I turn the artificial gravity on everything not nailed down crashes into the ceiling before the power fluctuates again and it shuts down. Then everything on the ceiling crashes into the floor, including me." The pirate growled, "But hey the hyperdrive's still on!" He threw his arms into the air in exasperation, "I guess the navigation systems are working. And despite the power fluctuations the engines should still be strong enough to get off this dustball. If we don't explode first."

Kallig tried to massage his forehead through his mask, before giving it up as a bad job, "Are the droids alright? I don't want HK to glitch out and go on a rampage mid flight. Again."

"They were acting a bit strange so I shut the droids down and had Khem take 'em to storage to be safe." Andronikos seemed to noticed the two Jedi for the first time, "So who's the kid and the old guy anyway?"

"A pair of talkative Jedi. They're not a problem, see what you can do to stabilize the life support alright?"

"On it boss." The pirate quickly headed back inside the ship to work. The occasional clunk and object being thrown could be heard as he worked, generally followed by swearing in several languages.

Obi-wan looked at the ship for a while before looking back to Kallig who was slowly starting to get back up. "You keep rather… curious company."

"Only the best. Even if they are a bit strange at times."

"Ah I see." Obi-Wan hesitated "You do realize we cannot allow you to leave unescorted as we are at war with the Sith. And even if we leave together, the ships in orbit would shoot us down the moment we leave the atmosphere."

"Oh? Well this just makes it more interesting than." Kallig rubbed his hands together in glee. "Eh, do you know a place to get my ship repaired? I'm pretty sure anywhere I know has been shut down for ages. Literally."

Obi-wan rubbed his chin as he considered what Kallig said "Are you taking this matter seriously Darth Imperius?"

"Eh, Fifty-Fifty," He said with another smile in his voice and a waggle of his hand, "Now do you know a place we can get my ship fixed, or are we stuck on this dust ball until someone notices you're gone?"

Anakin quickly spoke up, having somehow silently entered into the conversation unnoticed. "Let me help fix your comms and contact my ship, then you'll be able to dock in it for repairs."

A bit surprised by the stealthy approach Obi-wan looked over to Anakin and raised a brow. "Are you sure that is wise?"

"No, but do you have a better idea, Master?"

Obi-Wan sighed in defeat, "You have a point Anakin." He turned back to Kallig who was whistling and studying his claw like fingernails, through his glove, "We will offer you safe haven on our ship and access to repairs in return for your help against the current Sith."

Kallig paused in thought for a moment, "I already agreed to help the boy so it won't be much of a problem, as long as the Jedi don't try to start a fight with me. Alright you have a deal. I'll go inform the others. Come on."

Kallig relaxed a bit as he walked, followed closely by Ashara to the ship. Once he was inside Obi-Wan stopped Anakin, "We're playing with fire here Anakin. There's a real chance we could be expelled from the order for this."

"Would that be so bad Master?" Anakin replied softly. "Let's face it I'm not a great Jedi."

"Oh, Anakin..." Obi-Wan sighed laying a hand on his friends shoulder, "No matter what the council says I'll always be proud of you."

Qui-Gon Shimmered into existence behind them and wrapped his arms around their shoulders, the feeling was strange, like they could feel him there, but at the same time not though he spoke up. "No matter what happens, no matter what the council calls you," Qui-Gon glanced at Anakin from the corner of his eye, "No matter what mistakes you've made, or rules you've broken you have both become splendid Jedi."

Upon boarding the ship they were accosted by a middle aged man with a joyful spring in his step dressed in a sharp grey uniform. He stood at attention and saluted them sharply. "Lieutenant Talos Drellik, Imperial Reclamation Service at your service. It is truly a honor to meet members of the Jedi Order who are not attacking us." He paused, "whether they are from the past, our past that is, or the future, your present, I have so many questions only you could answer!" HE cheerfully extended his hand.

Obi-wan took the hand and got a surprisingly firm hand shake. "A pleasure to meet you Lieutenant. "

"Oh the pleasure is all mine Master Jedi. There is so much I could learn from you. Ooooh I wonder how much things have changed while we were stasis locked!"

Anakin just rolled his eyes and tried to slip past Talos to find the bridge, causing the lieutenant to frown. "Did I do something wrong?" Talos asked, sounding genuinely worried.

"Don't mind him this is just a… unusual moment for us. Tell me is there perhaps somewhere where I could rest undisturbed?"

"Ah of course, please follow me."

While Obi-wan found a nice place to be alone Anakin entered the cockpit and raised a brow. The pirate from before was under a terminal and messing with it, getting a nasty jolt in the process.

"AH! You son of a-!"

The Jedi cleared his throat to get Andronikos' attention and it worked, the man came out to see. "...oh it's you. What's up pretty boy?"

Ignoring the comment Anakin went straight to work. "Where's the comms? Need to g-"

"Get em fixed to trap us on a ship of yours. Yeah I heard…" He raised his boot and gave a rough pointing towards the wall where a small holoprojector was. "There. Now don't bug me till I get th- AGH! Damnit!"

Skywalker sighed and shook his head at the pirate's antics, heading over to the wall to pry open the comms and get to work.

"So… take it you're the captain then?"

"Yeah? What's it to you?"

"Just wondering."

"Yeah right. Always a reason."

Anakin continued to try and hold a Conversation for The first half an hour before lapsing into silence while they worked. Eventually he headed over and smacked the console above the pirate. A large zap rushed through the pirate for a moment before the system beeped to life and stayed on.

The pirate swore loudly and awkwardly scrambled out from under the console ready for a fight.

"Fixed them." Anakin said smugly "Comms are back up, but I had to patch the power though life support to get it working again. It should work but I might have destabilized the shields, I double check them."

The Jedi walked away from the still cursing pirate, only to be hit with a oily rag on his way out of the cockpit. "Good work kid…"

Anakin picked the rag up from where it had fallen and tossed it back at Andronikos. "You too, pirate."

With that he left to find Obi-wan, he'd have time to ogle the ship when it was safe and sound on the Resolute.