"Director a word." Tony said to Nick Fury as he walked into his office. "Not now Stark. I'm in the middle of something." Nick Replied.

"Yeah i see that but it's about Snowflake and your brother."Tony said .The next thing Tony knew he was against the wall with Nick's gun point directly at his heart.

"Ah, knew that would get your attention". Tony Said in harsh breaths due to the weight of Nick against him. "How the hell do you know about my brother?" Nick said cooly through gritted teeth. "J thinks you need better security on your hard drive but i've been telling you that since we met." Tony said. Nick backed away slowly and lowered his gun. "What does Barnes have to do with my brother Stark." asked Nick .

"I think he can help him, it might be exactly what was missing in removing the triggers." Tony explained. Nick stared at Tony for a bit in thought. "I'll get in touch with him. But I'm not making any promises that he'll help. He's got his own shit to deal with right now." Nick said. "That's all I'm asking" Tony said

"Sir, as requested I've been monitoring the CCTV at the station and it would seem the young woman we saw before with the boy has vanished sir" Jarvis said. " Yeah J they do that somehow?" Tony replied. "No sir I mean vanished as in taken. The last of the footage shows Master Loki with her before she pushes him to the train and as she goes to walk away someone has grabbed her and they have vanished. Where ever she was taken she hasn't been outside or near and cameras sir and facial recognition isn't working for the abductor." Jarvis says.

"Stark why is he calling Loki master Loki when did he roll back in town? Does this have to do with Barnes and my brother?" Nick asked Tony.

Tiny pulled up the footage that Jarvis was referring to and saw as her said she just vanished. "Uh yeah it does. Turns out Barnes and Loki have a kid together that was with Barnes while with Hydra. The two of them had fallen in love apparently. Loki is off trying to bring their son home and Barnes would have been with him if it weren't for the triggers he doesn't want to hurt his son."

"And who's the woman?"

"You know that part I can't seem to figure out, but she clearly knows Loki all we know is that her name's Elieen and she's been raising the kid." Tony said looking over the file on his phone.

" I'll try to get in contact with my brother tonight." Nick said clearly over the conversation as he sat down at his desk.

"Right well I'll leave you to it Eye Patch" Tony said, still looking at the file as he left the office.

"We know you're the best option to go to for these things so I wanted to ask for your help." Sirius said, staring at his feet.

"The best for what things?" Lily asked. "figuring out how to approach people. I like someone like, really like them and I've messed up really bad and I don't know how to fix it Lily please I'm begging you, you've got to help me. You're his best friend and you know him best. You know what he likes and how I can fix this. I...I love him Lils please help me fix this." Sirius said looking down at his feet.

"Oh my god. It all makes sense now. I thought it was just a muggle thing but obviously it's not. Oh you've got your work cut out for you Siri but I'll do my best to help you." Lily said patting him on the shoulder.

"Thank you,thank you,thank you." Sirius said throwing his arms around Lily almost tackling her to the ground.

"You're welcome Siri. Okay this isn't going to be easy. Sevs not like other people. He's not into big gestures. He's a simple guy,but the easiest way to his heart is through rare potions and ingredients." Lily said. " Lily you're a genius. My family has tons of rare potions and ingredients. I'm sure I can ask my father to let me have some to give as a betrothal gift."Sirius said excitedly jumping on the balls of his feet. " I'm going to go write father now" Sirius said running off.

"Thanks Lils you have no idea what this means for him." James said kissing Lily on the cheek. "I think I have some idea. I guess we all missed it, how much he actually liked Sev. I think they'll be good for each other. He can help Sev relax a bit and Severus definitely won't take any crap from Sirius." Lily said looping her arm through James as they walked out the dorms unaware of the figure hidden in the curtains.

Loki looked after the one named Sirius as he ran up the stairs to his room and then agreed the Lily girl and James boy. 'So that's what was going on.' Loki thought. He walked up to the dorms and into the room where he sensed Sirius. He stood near the entrance for a bit just watching the boy.

"When I first got here I had half a mind to take you and your friends out. You hurt my son and I don't take kindly to people hurting what's mine. But the longer I've been here the more change I have seen from you and your friends towards him. Only to find out today that the reason behind it all is that you hold affection for him. I for one don't think you're worthy to join the ranks of our family but that's not up to me. I will say this as your one and only warning though, if you hurt him again I won't be the only one you will have to deal with." Loki said to a very stunned Sirius.

" I feel like I should be scared as hell right now but my brain just can't get over the fact that the god of mischief is standing in front of me right now." Sirius said after a few seconds of starring.

Loki chuckled at this. He did enjoy his admirers. "You should be extremely terrified right now, but I'll let it past this once."

Loki was looking him over, trying to decide something Sirius thought, but wasn't sure what it was. "I'll make you a deal, you get in my sons good graces and I'll teach you a few things." "Well I better get this letter sent off then your highness. I've got a lot of graveling to do." Sirius said and ran out the room.

"How long do you plan on staying here father?" Loki asked as he turned to the corner behind him.

"He's going to be a powerful god one day. Something is causing things to happen faster than your mother predicted. I feel you will be gaining a son-in-law by the end of the year." Odin said disregarding Loki's question.

"So he's to be welcomed into the family with open arms and me you still shun as if I'm a burden to you, as if my very presence is offensive to you."Loki said angrily.

"I didn't do right by you. I didn't want you to feel any different from your brother, but in trying to do so I also didn't cater to your needs in explaining your adoption."

"ADOPTION YOU MEAN KIDNAPPING!" Loki yelled. He breathed in and out to calm himself. " You made me hate the very thing that I am. And then when I did find out you cast me out as if I wasn't good enough but you're the one that took me from my home to begin with." Loki said, a lone tear running down his face as he turned away from his father.

"You're right. I did take you. When I saw you, you were so small. Laufey had made it clear he wanted nothing to do with you. When you looked in my eyes I knew I would be taking you with me. I knew you were meant to be my son. In my stubbornness of not giving you the chance to grow as loved as your brother I turned you into the very thing I was trying to avoid. I didn't want for you not to know your heritage and to have this internal battle with yourself, but I also feared what you would become had you know from the beginning. Your mother always said you had a right to know but I feared you as I did your father. Of both my sons I always knew you had the power to overthrow me so I kept you in the dark so that you'd never find out the truth, I took your children from you, kept you submissive and in a way obedient and in the end you've only grown to hate me more. I don't fault you for that. You would think I had learned from my own father's mistakes but as we both know I have not. I didn't come here to ask for forgiveness, I know I may never receive it. I came with gifts for you and your family." Odin said.

Loki could feel how sincere his father was being and knew something was wrong. "You're dying. You're dying and you want a clear conscience before you go."

"Yes I am and I do but not for myself. My mistakes are far too great to consider all of the things I would need to fix before I go. No this is about you. You as I have many mistakes made. I want you to learn from my mistakes. To grow to be a better man than I, to be the man I knew you were meant to be." Odin said. "But enough of that. Like I said I've brought gifts."

Odin pulled out his bag and reached inside. He pulled out a map that had the locations of his sons as well as a golden key.

"This map as you can see is where I have sent your other sons. I shouldn't have taken them from you. The key is to the garden of Yggdrasil. Take your sons there let them bathe in the waters and they will gain a human like form that they may switch to should that wish. I've already taken Sleipnir there. He's actually here speaking with your youngest now. This here is where Fenrir is and Jörmungandr is closer than you think. The garden can also be used for those you wish to stay with you for all time. I know you will never forgive me but I hope that this helps right some of my wrongdoing towards you." Odin said as he handed everything to Loki.

Loki reached out to take the bag when he felt a disturbance. He felt that someone was being hurt. He couldn't point where exactly. He stood there trying as hard as he could to reach out to his loved ones to ensure their safety, when he felt a push back from Elieen. He looked up at Odin and said "If you truly wish to make it up to me help me save my sister." Odin looked confused by this statement. Héla and even known by Loki or Thor.

"Ah so there are other children you've outcasted too. Unfortunately for them I'm referring to the one you tried to take from me Elieen." Loki said, thinking on how they would need to revisit that conversation with Thor present.

"The Midgradian girl you raised? I hadn't realized you were that close when I took those memories from you." Odin said downtrodden.

"Yes, the Midgardian woman. She raised my son and now she's in trouble. It feels like she has been for sometime but is only just now asking for my help." Loki said. "Very well. I shall help you. Though I think we should bring your brother along as well. Heimdall please relay the message to my son." Odin said looking up. "I need to inform James of what is going on as well as Severus. He loves Elieen like a mother and he deserves to know what's going on. I shall meet you outside father" Loki said as he took his leave, leaving Odin to look after him hopeful for their future, however short it may be.

AN: thought id give a quick update. I've been in so the last few months which is the reason behind the lack of a post but I've been working hard on how I ant this story to go and how everyone and everything will fit together. Sorry for the , i forgot to add my author notes in here. Hope everyone is staying safe and that I'm the mist of everything this brings your day a bit of happiness.