In a dark and damp room, Macgyver sat with an all to familiar metal restraints around his wrists to each arm of the chair and a pain in the bend of his arm. As consciousness flooded back, he had the sinking feeling when he became aware of his surroundings, or as aware as he could. He felt heavy and tired, he must have been drugged.

"Hello?" Mac yelled, as he called again. "Hello?!"

His mouth was dry, and his head was heavy. He tried to focus his eyes to get more detail, but it was like looking through a magnifying glass too far away from the intended target. His body was sore but numb at the same time, this sensation worried Mac but also made him relieved he couldn't feel much. He couldn't rely on his sight, so he put trust in his hearing. Sounds of clinking metal came closer and closer until it stopped.

He heard the sound of a lock and the all too familiar whistle that followed. "Hello, Angus!" The not so distant foe said in a eerlie happy voice. "Did you miss me? Because I've missed you."

"Murdoc." Mac spatt.

"Now, now, Boy Scout. That doesn't sound too welcoming. How about a pleasant 'hello.' That is always a delight."

"Well if you haven't noticed, I'm not in the most pleasant mood." Mac tried to lift his head but he gave up this fight. He let his head hang to his chest. "What do you want Murdoc?"

"Strait to the point. Always to the point with you. You see, that is one of the things I love the most about you!" Murdoc said with an exhilaration in his voice as he made his way down the narrow, metal staircase. He waved his hands in the air. "But I'm not quite there yet! My dear Macgyver, we must have some fun first!"

The sound of metal dragging across the metal floor pulled Mac out of his daze. He rolled his head upwards and focused his very blurry vision on the assassin who had sat back wards in a chair just out of range. Watching in silence as Murdocs dark eyes followed Mac's glassy blue eyes all too well.

Murdoc's attention was drawn to the IV attached to Mac's arm, Mac's attention also followed. He began to wonder what Murdoc had given him and if it was lethal or not.

"You see, the dosing was a bit tricky, to say the least. I had to give you just enough to slow you down, but not enough to make you sleep." Murdoc's eyes, once again, met Mac's. "I need you for something other to play with."

Out of nowhere Murdoc jumped up and Mac let out a scream of pain unaware where it was coming from. He focused his attention on his body. His forearm.

Murdoc pushed the IV needle back and forth into Mac's arm, as to agitate the very sensitive area. Blood dripped down the side of Mac's arm, his face twisted in pain. Murdoc finally pulled away with with the satisfaction of causing pain to the blonde, young man.

"Good! You can still feel pain." Murdoc watches intently was Mac gasped for a breath to calm himself. "Careful Boy Scout. I haven't even started the good games yet!" Murdoc chuckled to himself.

"On a side note. How has the search for your for dear old dad going?"

Mac joltes up in surprise.

"That's right! I know all about your little adventure. Even, recently, all the way to Paris." Murdoc settle back in his chair this time facing, the right way. "I've been watching your every move."

Mac began to fade out of consciousness and had a rude awakening. The sound of a slap and the sting across Mac's face made sure to keep his attention. "Wakey, wakey sleepy Angus. I want to play games. Remember? But before that, how about a little story?"

The assassin went on for what seemed like forever. Droning on about his wife and the day they had their son. Went on about how he killed his wife and took their child. Love and how her death was poetic. Although Mac doubted the love part of the story, he went along with the rest of it.

"Wh-what do you want?" Gasped Mac as he let his head fall forward again.

"I told you before, Angus!" Murdoc sighed in annoyance. "We still haven't played any of my favorite games...but since you are so insistent!" A pause. "I want my son." Murdoc's enjoyment died and he just stared straight ahead.

"Cassian?!" Mac laughed, which aggravated the assassin. "I'll never tell you where he is."

"I know that," Murdoc pointed to Mac's bleeding arm, "But I thought a little more...convincing, might help with that."

Mac returned Murdoc's dead stare.

"I will be back with my toys, Macgyver!" Murdoc stood from his chair making his way back up the stairs. "Don't go anywhere!"

The moment the door shut Mac quickly went to work. He pulled the needle from his arm and began to pick the locks to the handcuffs. He stood up and the room began to spin. He grabbed the pole to the IV and began to work to make a pressurized hose to blow the lock off the door.

As he made his way up the stairs, he braced himself for impact as he heard the bang of the lock blasting off. He struggled for his balance as he climbed up the rest of the way.

As he swung open the door, there stood a dark figure. Mac made his way of the figure with his eyes until he met the familiar stare he had felt only moments ago.

Mac took a step backwards down the stairs as he struggled to keep his balance.

"Oh, Macgyver!" Murdoc smiled widely as he followed Mac down the stairs. "How disappointed I am in you. You are going to make me do something I didn't want to."

Mac's hands followed the cool wall down as he tried to keep his distance away from his capture. "Murdoc? What? What do you mean?"

"This." Murdoc swiftly gave his victim one hard push.

Mac lost his balance and tumbled down the remainder of the stairs, hitting his head at least once on the wall, stairs, and settled flat on the floor. He grunted in pain as the edges of his eyes blurred and darken.

"You know your much more difficult to-" Murdoc's voice trailed off as Mac could no longer focus and slowly lost consciousness once more.

This time when Mac woke up he was tied to a bed, firmly. It was a slightly different room than the last, but the same lay out. Metal stairs, square, dark room. The bed was in the middle of the room where the chair had been.

He had a thin blanket to block out the chill that the room forced upon its visitors. The IV was back in place, though in the opposite arm. An immense pain throbbed in his head, shoulders, back and left leg, but the focus was in the danger of a head injury being detrimental. He be began to silently list off all the side effects of the trip down the stairs he was experiencing. Than began a new list of what could happen if worse came to worse and how it needed to be treated.

Mac must have been too busy in his own thoughts because he didn't notice Murdoc had made his way into the room and next to Mac's bed side. "Earth to Angus!" A hand waved in front of Mac's face and drew him out of his thoughts. "Ya still with me Boy Scout?"

Mac tried to pull away as Murdoc's hand grabbed at his jaw and a light zoomed past his eyes.

"Wowza! I did some damage there!" Murdoc sounded proud of what he had done. "Looks like you won't be up for games anytime soon. Well, we have to make due."

Murdoc wheeled a small metal cart over to the bed. Mac's breathing sped up in anticipation of what Murdoc was capable of. "Don't get ahead of yourself there buddy. Unless of course you'd rather have your wounds go unattended?"

Mac stared at him quietly in confusion.

"Oh come on!" Murdoc shook his head in frustration "Do you want me to dress your wounds or not?!"

Mac laid there silently.

"Answer me before I put my generosity for the year away." Murdoc glared at him intensely. "Well?"

Mac gave a head shake of confirmation.

"I'm waiting for the magic words Angus."

"" Mac managed to make choke up partial sounds.

"Well I guess that will have to do for now." Murdoc reached for the antibacterial wash and a clean rag. "You and your manners Angus. I'll have to reteach you everything, don't I?"

As he poured some of the solution onto the rag and gave a satisfying smile in Mac's direction. "This is going to hurt, hopefully more than just a little bit."

Mac bit his lip as the blood was wiped from the open wounds he was unaware he had. "Your lucky you didn't need stitches Macgyver. I mean I have a steady hand and I've patched myself up, but I am not know for my precise or pretty stitching."

"I didn't throw myself down those stairs." Mac retorted.

"Manners. I didn't ask for that comment." Murdoc shot Mac a dirty look. "I don't have to do this ya' know. Would you rather me not dress your wounds?"


"No, what?"

"Please continue." Mac knew Murdoc would not trust him to patch himself up. This was his only chance of getting a timely fix.

"Good using please. I like that. Learning fast are we?" Murdoc gave a slight grin. "That was a question." His grin washed away as quick as it came.

"Yes." Mac reluctantly gave the answer.

As Murdoc continued his handy work Mac suggested, "You know it would be easier for you if I wasn't so-"

"No." Another look shot a chill down Mac's spine. "End of story. I don't trust you, there's a reason that assistance is even required in the first place. This would have never happened if you stayed in your special chair."

"Just a suggestion."

"One that was not necessary. Now if you mind, sit your head up a bit so I can wrap this." Murdoc ushered at the back of Mac's neck.

Mac knew it was best to just cooperate with the simple orders.

"Good. You may put your head back down now." Mac was grateful when he heard these words, everything in his body was scream relax, not even the slight tilt of the neck sent fire to his back and throbbing to his head.

His eyes became heavy and as he drifted off he could feel the slap across the face. Mac's eyes went wide and immediately looked upon Murdoc.

"I didn't say it was nap time. Do not go to sleep quite yet Angus." Murdoc gave a very stern tone. "One, you do in fact, have a concussion, and two it's rude to fall asleep while people are talking. Did you hear a word I said?"

"Didn't even realize you were talking." Mac struggling to keep his eyes open made very brief contact with Murdoc's. "It must be a side effect from getting pushed down metal stairs." Due to the lack of focus, Mac thought what he had said was the funniest thing of the day, so he began laughing. Shortly after the laughter started, Mac felt a sharp pain in his stomach, which ended the the fun moment.

Murdoc seemed amused by the fact Mac could hurt himself over such a statement, so he ignored the blondes comment and sat back and watched as Mac tried to grab at the center of his body. "You know, that's karma." Now it was Murdoc's turn to laugh. "I did tell you to have manners, didn't I?"

"Why are you doing this?" Mac panted.

"I already told you. Cassian."

"No. Why are you helping me? Besides the fact it's your fault. We both know that you don't have a regret about the stairs."

"Because I plan to keep you around for a while, and I can't do that if your broken. Now can I, Macgyver?"

"What do you mean by a 'while?'" Mac had a worried expression on his face. "How long is a while? You know Jack, Matty, and everyone else won't stop until they find me. Find you."

"Enough, Boy Scout. I told you to mind your manners." Murdoc began to let the impatience rise in his voice. "We will deal with Matilda and you dear old Jack when the time comes. But until then, shut up and behave."

After Mac had steadied his breathing once more, he began to ask a question. "Can I please-"

"No. I will not untie you." A quick and uncaring response on Murdoc's half

"Water. Can I have water?" Mac decided to play with Murdoc's 'manners' for a change. "Please."

"Getting you that requires me to leave the room." Glancing at the stairs and slowly back at Mac. "And the last time I left the room didn't go so well for you."

"Please. I can't even move anyway." mac added. "Even if I could I can't make it far in my condition."

"Fine, but if I see you even moved even a muscle, I'll sever your spine." Murdoc said coldly. "Are we clear, Angus?"

Mac nodded his head. "Yeah, no problem. Wouldn't dream of it."

Murdoc hurried out the room to retrieve water for Mac, and make it back before Mac could figure out anything else stupid that would make him hurt Mac even worse.

He looked around frantically for anything he could reach to help him undo the tight restraints. He found nothing. Nothing that he could reach without his back and leg screaming in pain at him. Mac once again found himself in a bad situation with almost no way out. He waited for the sounds of a chopper or a TAC team or Jack. Anything to get him away from this lunatic. No sounds made it to his hopeful ears. He whispered underneath his breath. "Please Jack. Please help."