Disclaimer: Okay, time and time again this has been repeated - I do not own Slayers or any of its characters or whatever. I'm just a really bored law student whose passion for Slayers began since it first made its debut.

This is my very first fanfic on Slayers, and its rather special since it focuses on my favourite character: Xelloss!!! So far I've only got the intro done, and I'll probably continue it when I get reviews and when L- sama decides to give me some inspiration. You see, although it's a fanfic, I still want it to stick to the official story.more or less.



Ameria was singing one of those her typical justice-praising-life-is- wonderful songs for the tenth time tonight. "Wake up and be your smile I think you're starting to mature marvelously. Wake up your confidence is calling ouuuuttttt." her voice wobbled, and jumped on to a wooden pole, fist punched into the air. I cringed at her lack of musical talent and looked to Lina and the rest. Apparently, they were too busy doing their own things - their usual activities which consisted of:

Lina eating Gourry's food.

Gourry eating Lina's food and being bitch-slapped by Lina at the same time.

Zelgadiss staring into open space.

Oh goody, what a fun night.

Ameria, the big klutz that she was, lost her balance and fell face flat on to Zelgadiss.

"Zelgadiss-sama I'm so sorry!" the princess exclaimed.

"Oh Zelagadiss-sama, I'm soooooo sorry. Can I make it up to you with a night of pleasure?" I mimicked.

"Shut up, fruitcake."

I opened one of my eyes, in a wink. "But Zel-kuuuuunnnnn" I protested, relishing the fun of pissing him off. He ignored me while I attempted to piss him off more, making heaving breathing sounds. Oooohhh, I just knew he was going to snap any moment.

"Xelloss, are you hyperven..hyper....what's that word? What's up with those sounds anyway?" Gourry asked with a very very confused expression. Lina whacked his head over with a chicken leg.

"He's not hyperventilating! He's just breathing with his mouth open!" The red-head turned to me. "Xelloss, can you try to breathe with your nose instead? Those sounds are really disturbing."

"I am so not breathing with my mouth open!" I replied indignantly, "I was giving Zel-kun a little encouragement to have some fun tonight!"

"Oh can I join too? I just love games!"

Everyone groaned at Gourry's stupidity. Lina abused Gourry further with what was left of her chicken leg (don't imagine this). Ameria went into her usual "justice speech" pose and pointed at me. "Mr. Xelloss! You may be a Mazoku, but it's still not late to embrace the Light!"

I held up both hands in surrender, forcing a smile. "Maybe next time, eh?" and prepared to disappear elsewhere. But the annoying princess pounced on to my velvet cloak and wouldn't let go. "Mr. Xelloss, tell us a bit about yourself," she begged, with shining puppy dog eyes, "Friends are supposed to share, right?"

A smile flickered on my face. "My oh my, you're interested in my past, Ameria?"

"Yes Mr. Xelloss!"

"Well you see," I said thoughtfully, "it's like this."

Everyone leaned forward to listen.

I wagged my finger at them. ".sore wa himitsu desu!", and with that, I faded away.