contains violence and a few graphic scenes, you have been warned

Chapter 2

Apparently, it was gonna take longer than Sam had initially expected. They weaned Dean off the ventilator two hours later and put an oxygen mask instead.

Six hours after that he started stirring, briefly opening his eyes, looking like a lost puppy.

"Hey" Sam immediately was there. "Hey, Dean, you're okay. It's alright, can you look at me?" he asked gently, and even though Dean looked at him, his eyes were glazed over and he was shivering. "Dean, hang on, I'm gonna call a doctor" the younger Winchester muttered and pressed the button near the bed.

He waited anxiously for the nurse to call a doctor, trying to keep his brother awake.

If he was honest with himself, for a brief moment he thought his brother might not wake up at all. It was one of the possibilities he hated to think about.

"It's good to see you awake, Dean. Now, let's check how you're doing, alright?" doctor approached them, walking straight to his patient once he was inside.

"Do you know where you are, Dean?" he asked, shining light into his eyes.

It took a while, but eventually he muttered something that sounded like 'hospital'.

Doctor nodded. "Yes, that's right. Do you know what day it is?"

Dean stared at the doctor, confusion clear in his eyes, when he turned to his brother for help.

"That's alright, Dean, don't stress yourself. It's Saturday morning by now. Do you know what town you are in, what state?" he proceeded with questions.

Once again, Dean looked lost in thoughts, when he muttered questioningly: "Oklahoma?"

Doctor glanced back at the younger man, eyebrows raised.

"We were in Oklahoma four days ago." he answered quietly, looking concerned. "Is that normal?"

"It is, his memory problems should clear up in a couple of days. Give him some time, he just woke up." he turned back to his patient and pinched Dean's fingers. "Can you feel this?" he asked.

"F'el wh't?" Dean mumbled again, his words slurred.

Sam looked at the doctor, alarmed. Not feeling his fingers must be bad. Like, being paralyzed bad.

"It's alright, Dean, get some more sleep, alright? We'll talk later." he just smiled at Dean and turned to face his brother.

"It's normal for him not to feel his fingers. It's nothing permanent. I'm sure he's still feeling numb and out of place, the drug isn't completely out of his system yet. But once it does leave, Dean will be like new."

Sam nodded, feeling relieved. He was overthinking it again. But who could blame him? Nothing like this has ever happened to him before. And he will make damn sure it never happens again.

"If that's all, I'm gotta check other patients." doctor said after a while, when he stopped writing in Dean's chart.

"Yeah, sure thing. Thank's, doc."

Once the doctor left, Sam slumped back in the chair, sighting heavily.

He and Dean - before all this happened - been fighting heavily.

Harsh words and long silences were almost an every day occurrence for some time now. But what happened today, put things in a whole new light.

A lot of things could have happened. Dean could have been molested. He could have been killed. He could have died of an overdose.

Thank god he was still sharp after the hunt and managed to see what was happening, interfere in time.

And they're gonna have to talk, once Dean's better. Sam couldn't bare to face that fear, that utterly crushing terror he felt this night, the regret and guilt he would have felt if he never got a chance to apologize.

He looked at Dean and reached out to grasp his hand.

"I'm sorry, Dean. we'll talk, once you're better. And i know you need rest, so sleep, for now. I will be back as soon as i can, alright?" he stood up. "Be safe."

Now that he knew Dean will be alright, it was time for some justice.

It didn't take him long to find that piece of shit Tom Weller.

He lived in a downside of the town, some very shady part of the town, in a shitty basement, of all things.

Sam didn't even bother with picking a lock. He kicked the door in, gun in hand.

The guy was on the couch, in front of the TV. Piles of garbage, empty bottles, papers, boxes and stuff were lying on the floor and the table - whole place was filthy.

"Who the fuck ar- oh shit" the guy started saying, but then recognized Sam.

"Oh, so you remember me, huh?" Sam kicked some stuff aside to get closer to the guy. "So what, you think it's alright to drug people and then take them where? Here? And then fuck them without their consent?"

The guy had enough guts to laugh.

"Hey, man, it's how i roll. Besides, that guy was a great piece of ass, but yo-" he didn't have time to finish, when Sam hit him right in the face, sending him to the floor.

"That's my brother you're talking about, you fucking piece of shit" he seethed, kicking the guy in the ribs. He wanted to tear him to pieces.

"Chill the fuck down, man, i just wanted to have some fun!" man tried to defend himself, but it pissed the younger Winchester even more.

Wrong thing to say.

Sam grabbed him by the shirt and hauled him upright. "Some fun, huh? Are you having fun now, Tommy?" he asked and punched him in the stomach. "Cause i am." then dropped the guy onto the floor. "Because of that shit you gave him, he almost died. Do you have any idea what I'm gonna do to you for what you did?"

"I-I it wasn't me!" the guy screeched, when he saw how serious Sam was. "The bartender, Ted! He gave him the drugs!"

"I will deal with him later. Besides, you knew all about it. That was your scheme, right?" Sam stepped closer, pulling out his gun again. The guy froze. "My guess is, you've been doing this for a while. God knows how many people got hurt because of you. But tonight you messed with the wrong kind of people, buddy." He stepped closer. "We don't forget, we don't forgive."

"I'm sorry, alright!" the guy almost sobbed.

"It's a little too late for that. You shoulda thought about the consequences before you attempted to rape by brother. And that is something I'm not willing to forgive." now Sam was standing over the guy, clicking the safety off. "I should fucking kill you. But I'm gonna do this world a favor and get rid of at least one rapist."

Without a warning, he aimed and shot directly at the guys groin.

Blood curdling scream rang through the air.

"If you'll tell anyone about this, I will personally take you apart, piece by piece" he spit out a warning and turned around.

Sam stepped out of the door without looking back.

Next, he went on to find the bartender, Ted.

It was much easier than finding Tom.

He didn't kill the guy, but left him sobbing on the floor.

Kicked the shit out of him, broke his fingers, and threatened to come back if he breathes a word about him to anyone or drugs another person, ever.

Then, Sam went to the motel to wash off.

He needs to go back to the hospital.

After all, he got what he wanted.

No one touches Dean and walks free.

Dean woke up again later that day.

He was groggy, his head was hurting and his memories felt foggy.

He felt like shit.

And he was in a hospital bed.

What the hell happened?

"Dean" someone breathed his name and he turned to see his brother looming over him. "Hey" he smiled, looking genuinely happy to see him awake.

"Hey" he answered, his answer muffled by something on his face.

An oxygen mask?

He glanced at Sam, confused.

"It's alright, your breathing was seriously messed up, Dean. Leave it on. I'm sure they'll change it to nasal cannula later today."

"What happened?" the older hunter proceeded to ask, because for the life of him, he couldn't remember anything.

With his question, Sam's face darkened. This is how Dean knew something wasn't right.

"Sam?" he asked again, feeling himself becoming anxious. Of course, his heart monitor immediately spiked up.

"Calm down, Dean." he said quietly. "Do you remember us going into a bar?"

The older man shook his head. He had no memory of any bar. Not yet anyway.

"That's okay, doctor said your memories will be back in a couple of days. Well, we went to a bar to celebrate. You sat down at a bar, i went to sit at a table." Sam shifted uncomfortably. "Some guy, Tom approached you. You talked for a while, he bought you drinks. Something was off about him, so i was watching you two."

"Fucking creep, Sam. you need a hobby." Dean laughed, but Sam only Smiled a little. "Alright, what happened next?"

"Like i said, something was off. Once you looked at me, you were clearly getting worried yourself. Something wasn't right. Couple of minutes passed, you stood up and went down immediately. Tom picked you up and started walking towards the back exit with you. So i followed." Sam was getting pissed by even remembering it. "I asked what the hell he was doing. He had a decency to lie and say you were drunk and he was taking you home, apparently, you live together. So i punched him in his fucking face. He ran for his life before i could do anything else. You needed help. That piece of shit drugged you."

Dean was staring at Sam in awe, and, to Sam's surprise, shame.

"Shit, I'm sorry" he started to apologize. "I didn't want you to-"

"Stop it right there" the younger man interrupted. "This was not your fucking fault. He was a sick piece of shit, the bartender and he was pulling off this scheme for some time now. None of this was your fault." Sam shook his head.

Dean stared at him for a while, then asked: "Wait, what do you mean, was? Sam, did you-?"

"I didn't kill the guy, alright." he shook his head. "He deserved it, after everything that he's done, but i left him alive."

"Jesus fucking Christ, Sam, what did you do?' Dean's heart rate was picking up speed.

"Taught him a lesson. He's not gonna drug or rape people anymore, that's for sure. Neither will the bartender."

The older hunter was staring at his brother in shock. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know, but he needed to know.

"What did you do to them, Sammy?" he asked again.

It took a minute for the younger Winchester to answer. "I beat the shit out of him." he said, and Dean waited for him to continue, because that clearly wasn't all of the story. "Then i shot his dick off".

"You- you what?" Dean gasped, not expecting this answer.

Sam finally looked him in the eye, his eyes teary, but fierce. "I shot his fucking dick off, Dean, and i don't regret a single thing. You didn't hear him. He wasn't even remotely sorry for what he was gonna do to you, he was gonna do it again. I did everyone a favor. That's what he gets for messing with my older brother."


"No 'buts', Dean. You almost fucking died, alright? They dosed you up with GHB and ketamine so much, you overdosed. When i got you here, you were unconscious, you were barely breathing. Then you had a fucking seizure and stopped breathing at all." Sam was letting it all out, and despite being angry, he couldn't stop tears from rolling down his face, he had so much grief in him. "They had to intubate you, i thought you weren't gonna pull through at all. So don't you fucking dare to give me that 'you shouldn't have done it' speech, when you would have done the exact same thing."

Dean was left speechless.

He had no idea it was that bad.

"Yeah, okay, Sammy, I'm sorry" he muttered, moving his hand slightly. Sam, without even noticing, was squeezing his arm the whole time. "It's okay, I'll be okay." he tried to reassure his little brother, who seemed to be on a brink from all that has happened.

And if he was honest with himself, if he was in Sam's shoes, he would had tore that bastard to pieces.

"Hey, Sam?" he asked again, feeling tired all of a sudden.

"Yeah?" the younger man answered quietly.

"I'm gonna need my hand back some time" he smiled a little, seeing how Sam only now realized what he was doing.

"Shit, sorry, I didn't- I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, just… go get some rest. You look worse than i feel."

Sam still looked tense and on alert.

"Come on, nobody's gonna hurt me or you here. You saved the day. It's time you loosen up a little. I'm okay, you're okay. Get some shut eye." he tried to get through his brother, who was overly protective of him now, and probably will be in a while.

"Sammy-" he started again, but Sam nodded.

"Okay, okay. I will if you will."

"What are we? Five?"

"Might as well be"

"Shut up, i'm tired. We'll talk again when you get me out of here and get me some real food and bee- coffee" he corrected himself, not wanting to think what happened the last time he had any kind of liquor.

"You're needy" Sam whined, not hiding his smile.

"I think I'm entitled, I almost died" Dean smirked.

"Not funny" Sam frowned.

"It is a little funny"

"I think i liked you more when you were unconscious"

"Shut the fuck up"

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Epilogue coming next