Chapter 9: I'll be waiting here..

Kurai Muso-Ka

Disclaimer: *sighs* I'm seriously getting tired of this… I DON'T OWN ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS!!!

A/N: HIIIII I'm glad you liked my last chapter. I've gotten numerous reviews!!! I'm very pleased. I just wanted to make a correction in my last chapter.. But I didn't want to re-post it because I know you guys wouldn't re-read it again.. And I'm afraid no one will know the difference. Instead of the town Kairi and Selphie grew up in being "Halloween Town".. it was supposta be "Hallow Bastion". Hehehe… sorry I always get those two mixed up. -_-;; Anyways.. Has anyone read any good mangas lately? Or has anyone read Angel Sanctuary.. And if you have, is it any good? Please tell me… I watched the movie (which was excellent).. And I was wondering if the manga was a good read. So please tell me in your reviews. Thanks a bunch!!


p.s. In some parts of the story I will ask you a random question… so please be my guest and answer them for kicks in a review!


The trip back to Destiny Islands wasn't as bad as Sora thought. Everyone was remarkably quiet and Kairi fell asleep halfway there. As Wakka expertly steered the ship (after Tidus got them lost twice and nearly crashed them into a rock), Sora watched Kairi sleep. He noticed everything about her. The way her body rises and falls after each breath she takes. How each strand of her hair glistened different colors in the sunlight. How perfect she looked in her state of peacefulness. He looked up and saw that Selphie was watching him. He never saw that twinkle in her eyes before.. It was a bit creepy to have your best friend of 10 years love you. Especially if you used to take baths together.. They were practically brother and sister. She looked away from him. She had never felt this way before. Love and hate at the same time… it's not possible. And yet.. It was. She loved everything about him.. From his gorgeous body, to his horrible cooking skills. She did love him. But then there was Kairi. Only one word could describe her…. "Perfect".

Selphie let her hand over the side of the boat to touch the water. It felt cool between her fingertips. It made her think of home. Looking down at the water she saw another hand hanging over the boat beside hers. Noticing a reflection, she looked at it expecting to find a drooling Tidus trying to get rid of his nausea.. But instead she saw Sora. "I don't get it. Why to people touch the water like this? Are you trying to catch a fish?" Sometimes Sora can be so dense.. But in a cute way. Selphie stifled a laugh and shook her head. Sora looked up at her.

'This is crazy. What am I thinking loving my best friend?!!! Ewww!! It's like loving my own brother for Christ's sake… dammit Sora.. Why'da have to be so goddamn hot?!!' Selphie thought to herself stubbornly.

"Man, I'm tired.. And not to mention hungry!! Selphie, do you think you could make us something when we get back? I think I'm gonna faint if we don't get there soon!!" Sora shot a menacing glare at Wakka who started to steer furiously after hearing these words. Wakka didn't like it when Sora got into a hissy fit… it bothered him. Sora waited for Selphie's answer, but she continued to look at the water. Sora cleared this throat. "Selphie, didn't we go through this before? If you don't talk to me I'll have to kiss you again because that's the only thing that will-"

"SORA!" Tidus staggered towards them clutching the side of the boat. "Can you help me? I feel allllllll tingggly inside…" Tidus put his hand on his stomach and moaned loudly. Riku snorted in this sleep. Sora wiped his wet hands on his blood stained clothes and helped Tidus to a seat.

"You don't look to good." Selphie managed to say as Sora sat Tidus beside her. "Want me to make something to make the tingly feeling go away?" Tidus nodded vigorously but stopped quickly because it made his head pound "I know a good recipe to get rid of nausea. I think Wakka has some coconuts in the back." A wild scream behind them made them all jump.

"NOOOOO NOT ME COCONUTS!! NEEVVEERRRR!!!!!!" Wakka howled, falling to his knees. Riku jerked awake.

"Aww shuttup. It's just one coconut. They'll be more on the island… don't get your panties all in a bunch!!" Riku said as he awoke from all the racket. Wakka, frowned and resumed to his post at the steering wheel.

"Are you sure you'll be ok until I make the antidote?" Selphie looked a bit apprehensive.

"Nnnnnnngggg…" Tidus nodded again while clutching his stomach. "Can't you make the boat stop rocking so much. My tummy hurt." Selphie raked her hands though his hair in a motherly way. "Sora, could you watch him until I get back?" Sora nodded as well.

Selphie went into the back room that the boys had built to their ship. It didn't have much in it. A few beds. Wakka's never ending supply of coconuts. A thing that looked like a bathroom. And a special nook for Selphie's kitchen. Selphie picked up a large coconut and began to shuck it. It took her 10 minutes to break into the center and reach the coconut meat. After draining the coconut of it's liquids, she added a few chunks of the meat and some sugar. (A/N: This is not a real recipe… it will NOT cure motion sickness.) The door of the back room closed shut, but Selphie didn't pay attention. "Yeah I think it's a good idea to come down here for a nap, Riku. It's less noisier in here."

"Yeah, it is much quieter." But it wasn't Riku who answered….

"SORA?! I thought I told you to watch Tidus!!"

"You did. Except Riku is the one watching him. I wanted to see what you're doing." Selphie turned to face him. The light shining on his face from the cracks in the walls made him look even more like a god. She gritted her teeth at the mere thought of it and turned around. She couldn't stand staring at him in that lovey dovey way any more. Her hands were busy trying to clear the coconut husks away. She didn't want Wakka finding the remnants of his beloved coconut. Sora walked over and started to help as well. He hated when Wakka got into a Hissy Fit.. It bothered him. After a few moments of silence Sora slammed his hand on the table. He couldn't take the peacefulness.

"Selphie!! What's wrong? You've been acting weird after we came back from that creepy town! You've been avoiding me! Plus, you haven't been talking to me!! Did I do something wrong?" Sora yelled. Silence. Then, "See!! When ever I ask you something, you never answer me! Selphie, please. I hate it when you're mad. Do I have to-"

"NO Sora! You don't have to kiss me to get my attention. Don't ever kiss me! Don't even touch me!! You're not supposta go around kissing people who don't talk to you!! You're in love with Kairi, remember! She maybe forgot about you, but that doesn't mean you have to forget about her! Deep down, I know she remembers you. I know she does… I know.. She… loves.. You." Tears glistened in the sunlight as they fell lightly to the floor. Selphie knew she loved him.. But she also knew she couldn't compete with Kairi's love for him. She slid to the floor and broke down completely. Sora, eyes wide with surprise, knelt down beside her. He never seen Selphie like this.. Ever! And they've known each other for more than 10 years. He had no idea how to handle this situation. His fingers peeled back the hands covering her face and looked into her eyes.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you. I never meant to make you cry. I never want to see you get hurt. Ever. I know Kairi loves me. And I know you love me too. I didn't kiss you because I wanted your attention. I wanted to kiss you. It was more like a 'thank you' kiss. So please don't be sad." His face lit up with that genuine smile of his which made Selphie cry even more. Seeing this, Sora went to desperate measures. He gently cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. Eyes open wide, Selphie tried her best to not enjoy the heart-stopping kiss… but to no effect. She closed her eyes and soaked in the wholeness of the kiss. A loud gagging noise and a distorted scream was heard in the background, but neither Selphie or Sora broke the kiss. A second later the door slammed open to reveal Riku covered in Tidus' regurgitated food.

"WHERE THE FUCKING HELL IS THAT ANTIDOTE! SORA PROMISED ME HE'D BE BACK IN A SECOND AND I'VE BEEN WAITING UP THERE FOR 20 WHOLE MINUTES WITH THIS RETARD AND-" Riku spotted Sora and Selphie kissing on the floor with coconut husks surrounding them. "Holy shit…"

A/N: Ok.. First question: If you were to go to a cosplay convention… what anime character would you dress up as?

Selphie's eyes shot open and she squinted up at the dark silhouette in the door way. She recognized it as Riku. She automatically shoved Sora off of her and stood up trying to pretend nothing happened. But the damage was done. Riku stood there, not daring to believe what he just witnessed.

"SOOOO…. Where's that damn antidote!?!" Riku persisted looking from one guilty face to the next while trying not to touch Tidus' barf…. Which smelled horribly like shit. Selphie picked up the glass coconut and walked it to Riku.

"I'm so sorry Riku.. I-I…" She began to stammer while looking straight at her feet. She dare not look at his face.

"Yeah yeah.. Don't worry about it." His tone softening, feeling a bit sorry for yelling at her. "Anything to stop him from doing all that moaning!!!" He said a little louder, hoping for Tidus to hear him. Riku knew how Selphie felt about Sora. For a long time… so he didn't want to ruin their moment together. He also knew that Sora loved Kairi. He looked behind Selphie to see Sora sitting on the floor. He had that look in his eyes.. Like he just witnessed someone being murdered in front of him. 'Man, Sora. How are you going to get yourself out of this one?'

Riku placed his hand on Selphie's cheek and whispered so only she could hear, "Take your time. I'll make sure no one else comes in here. Just talk to him.. I know he can be a little slow on the upbringing." his hand slid under her chin. "Look at me, Selphie. I know you can take care of yourself, but if you need me… I'll always be waiting here." His intense eyes penetrated her heart and warmed her soul. Riku cared about her.. A lot. Selphie saw him as a very overprotective older brother. And she wouldn't change it for the world. He smiled. Riku kissed her on the forehead and closed the door leaving Selphie staring at the place he had just been. Both Sora and Selphie was left alone in the darkness of the room. Sora sat on the floor reflecting on what he just did.

'Shit Sora… you've done it this time.. We leave you alone for 20 minutes with this girl and you're all over her!! What do you have to say for yourself?" Sora's conscience whispered in his ear as he placed his hands to cover his eyes. He felt like he was going to be sick.. And the slow swaying of the boat wasn't helping one bit.

'I don't know what to do.. I feel like shit. The one person I truly love doesn't even know who I am and I think I'm falling for my BEST FRIEND!! What should I do?'

'You're the one who got yourself into this mess. You have to get yourself out of it. And we're only here to watch you struggle.' Sora, infuriated, slammed his head against the wall making Selphie look away from the place Riku was. "Dammit!!" He muttered under his breath.

Selphie sighed. The one thing she really wanted seemed so close.. Yet so distant. She closed her eyes .. 'God...I'm so pathetic. I can't believe I'm falling for my BEST FRIEND! If only Kairi could see this. She'd be laughing.' and she opened them to see Sora's dark outline. She realized how much trouble she got him into. Will Kairi ever forgive her if she regains her memory? Will Sora forget about her if Kairi returns? Will she regret not being with Sora? Will they make me leave the island? Questions swam in Selphie's mind making her head throb horribly. She rubbed her temple and sat on the floor across from Sora. She then rested her head on her knees and closed her gaunt brown eyes.


"M-mama…?" Selphie's quivered as she peered down the stairs of the magnificent house. Her tiny feet hesitate on the steep stairs, slipping occasionally in the dark. Holding firmly to the bars of the railing, she looks frantically for her mom. "Mooommy… you forget tuck in!! It time for bed now. Mommy?" Her voice echoed in the vast room. A light was on somewhere in the kitchen. Selphie's feet stumbled along, following the light. A panic stricken voice made her stop. It was her mom.

"P-please… don't.. you d-don't know w-what you're doing!! You're drunk! Put t-the knife down.. PLEASE!!" The fast scrambling of footsteps and the loud crash of a glass vase made Selphie poke her head around the corner to see what was going on. Her mother was cowering on the floor surrounded by broken glass. Large amounts of glass were painfully lodged into her skin. Standing over her was her father holding one of her kitchen knives raised above his head. She remembered her mom warning her not to cut herself while cooking because you might get a big booboo.

"I love you!! P-please don't do this. What will Selphie think if I'm not here tomorrow? Or the next day? Please don't do this!! PLEASE!! FOR SELPHIE!!" Her father's expression turned into rage.

"WHHEELL WHAT ABBOUUT YOU MISSSSIE? FUUUCKING WITH MY BBESST FRIENNND? HUUUHH? WHHAT DOO YOU HAVE TO SAAAYYYYY FOR YOURSELF, BIIITTCHH?!!!" Her mom gasped. Tears formed in her eyes, but didn't fall. "YOUU THHINKKK I WOULDN'T FIND OUT HUUUH? I'MMM NOT STTUUPPID LIKKE YOUUUU!!! NOWW, THHIS IS WHATTT YOUU GETT AND DEESERVEE!!!!!!" A heart stopping scream pierced the night air as the knife penetrated her heart. Selphie watched in horror as she watched her mom murdered in front of her. Her father, looking quite gaunt stepped away trying to wipe the blood of his hands. He took one last glance at his deceased wife, and then trundled out of the house. Selphie ran clumsily toward her mom. She kneeled down next to her curiously.

"Mommy. Get up now, it time to tuck me in. Mommy. You no sleep here. You get cold. Common'…" Selphie's small hands shook her mom gently. "Wake Up! Please.. Daddy get mad if he see you sleep here." She looked at her mom. Her eyes were closed but a single tear slipped out, falling silently to the blood stained floor. Seeing this, Selphie took her sleeve and wiped it away. "Don't cry, mama. I make sure daddy won't yell this time." Looking down, she saw that her pajama pants were soaked with her mom's blood. Even for a small child, she knew she wasn't going to wake….


A/N: ok… second question: how old do you think I am. (to my friends out there… DON'T GIVE OUT THE ANSWER!!)


"Where… how did I…. Get here?" Selphie wasn't wearing her pajamas anymore and she was a teenager again. The warm sand between her toes made her feel home. In the distance she saw Kairi and Sora chasing each other down the beach shouting and laughing. Selphie watched them for awhile, sitting down in the sand. Suddenly, she clutched her head. She was having flashbacks of the times she spent with Sora…. The coincidences, the accidental touch of their hands, those long walks down the beach…. The kiss.. All of these images swirled in her head like a tornado threatening to tear her brain in half. She screamed out and the scene in front of her blurred…..


"SORA.. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!!!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!! AFTER ALL WE'VE BEEN THROUGH TOGETHER! YOU LIED!" The whole island woke to the screams of Kairi. Selphie , getting up for a glass of water, walked in on the scene she could never forget. Watching behind the door, Selphie saw Kairi standing over Sora with a knife.

'Get up now… mommy…'


'Please… Wake up mama…'

"NOW THIS IS WHAT YOU GET AND DESERVE!!" The knife plummeted….


Selphie closed her eyes as she heard the blood spluttering from Sora's mouth as the knife stuck his heart. Kairi, glancing at Sora for the last time, stalked out of the room. Selphie ran towards the rigid form of Sora. Her eyes brimming with tears she suddenly saw her mother's face flash in front of Sora's. A tear fell from Selphie's cheek onto Sora's making it look exactly like the tear on her mother's face. Selphie took her sleeve and wiped the tear away. She looked down and saw that her pajama pants were soaked through and through with blood. His soft brown locks grazed through Selphie's hands one last time. Selphie rested her head on his bloody chest… sobbing hysterically. She knew he would never wake…


A/N: ok.. Last question.. If I were to write another fan fiction. What should it be? (what kind of anime.. Ect.. Ect..)


"SORA!!!" A Violent shaking woke Selphie from her dream. Sora and Riku were at her eye level on a bed. Her heart was throbbing in her throat making it hard to speak. They weren't on the boat anymore.

'We must be home now.. I can't believe I had that dream about my parents again. I know I've dreamt it many times before.. But not for a long time. This is the first time in 3 years since I've watched her die in my sleep… but watching it now, of all times, makes me feel even more like shit. And that last part.. When.. Kairi kills Sora… What the hell am I thinking?! At least Riku Is here.. I don't know what I'd do if I woke up to Sora's face.'

"Thank God! You're finally awake!!" Sora looked so pale and gaunt. But he didn't look as bad a Riku. He was shaking all over. Selphie never seen him like this for all those years they've been together. She couldn't believe she caused him to worry to the extent of shaking convulsively. She tried to sit up.. But to no avail. Both Riku and Sora put their hands on her shoulders and forced her down.

"You're not going anywhere. You have to stay in this bed for the rest of the day. No matter what." Riku said in a fatherly tone which freaked the hell out of Selphie. 'Why the hell is Riku treating me like a kid all of a sudden. He sounds like an over protective father.. Or even an older brother.. And like a.. a obsessive BOYFRIEND!! Oh.. God..'

Riku sat in the seat right next to her bed with her pitcher of water clutched in his hand. Seeing this, Selphie smiled with tears welling up in her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away before either of them to notice. Sora stood behind Riku looking a bit guilty.

"I'm so sorry, Selphie. It was all my fault. I should never have kissed you in the first place. I was thinking of Kairi and.." Sora broke off as Riku scooted back in his chair. It hit Sora in the stomach to make him shut up. But Sora continued, "A-and well, I thought you died in your sleep.. I couldn't wake you. It was so scary." He looked guiltily down at his feet, absentmindedly scratching the back of his head. Selphie looked startled.

"Sora.. It's not your fault! I'm the one who fell asleep in the first place. It's ok." Selphie said reassuringly to make Sora calm down, but to no advantage.

"But you were shaking.. And you looked like you were dying. I didn't know what to do.. So I called Riku. Thankfully we arrived at the island just as Riku came to check on you. So he carried you back here. He was so emotionally drained when he saw you. He looked like he was gonna' cr-"

"The point is…" Riku immediately interrupted. He didn't want Sora to admit to Selphie that he was almost going to cry. He could never live up to it. "You're safe now.. And that we're all back safe and sound."

"Yeah." Selphie said unconvinced. Riku's antics were a bit suspicious.

"Well, I'm going to check up on Kairi. I think she should be awake by now." Sora gave Selphie's hand a squeeze and left. Riku looked into Selphie's eyes and looked past the worry and the panic and saw the true beauty of them.

"Selphie. What did you dream about." Selphie was fearing he'd ask that. She took a deep breath and began telling him all the details. Riku was a very good listener.. Not to mention he can dish out some good advice as well. Behind all the sarcasm and the rough "bad boy" surface, was a kind and loving person. She was glad to have someone like him on the island. One she finished, Riku looked very dejected. He had no idea her mom was murdered by her dad, let alone know she actually watched it happen. She never really talked about her past. Like for the fact none of them knew she once lived in that gloomy town. Knowing Selphie, you would think she came from the happiest place on earth. Riku just guessed that she used her happiness to disguise the painfulness of her past. He couldn't blame her. Sora and Kairi had pretty horrible pasts themselves… but not quite to match Selphie's.

Riku stood up and wrapped his arms around her neck. Caught by surprise, Selphie slowly closed her arms around his back. "I'm sorry to hear that… about your parents." Riku muttered into her neck, taking in the scent of her hair. "If you need anything.. I'll be here.. Waiting."


A/N: WHOOHOOO!!! I'm finally done. I've been SUPER stressed.. DAMNED PIANO RECITAL!! ARGHHHH!! Plus.. School is such a bitch. Oh yeah! Happy Preppie Appreciation Day!! (Today: April 30) hahaha I'm sorry but I totally hate preppies and posers. (my apologies if you are one. I just hate the one's I've actually met ((my classmates.)) I just don't want to offend anyone. Tell me what you think about preppies/ posers. I love getting long reviews. Anyways… I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to answer the questions!! R+R!! LATER DAYS!!
