Can you hear me? by: Kuragari Muso-ka

Kingdom hearts Fic

Rated: R (for language and sexual content)

Romance, Drama, and adventure, humor

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these Characters... end of story.

Chapter 1: Where are you?

~ * ~

"It's so amazing how sometimes I can look like I have everything together, but in reality there are days that I can't stand even being in my own skin. How does a person get that way? Where they feel unworthy of any kind of love? I think about it all and I wonder why or how I became this way. When is enough, enough? When can I begin to look at myself and love and accept myself just the way I am?"

Her weary eyes wandered across the endless sky above her. Her hair playfully blowing across her face in the light ocean breeze. 'Do I really belong here? Who am I? What is this feeling?'

"Hey Kairi!! What are you doing up there?!!" Kairi's eyes darted in the direction of the cheerful voice beneath her.

"Oh nothing Sora. I was just thinking." She drew her attention away from him looking up at the gleaming stars. 'I just wish I knew-'

"So what are you thinking about this time?" Sora's voice come from right behind her. Kairi nearly fell off the roof. She smiled.

"Same as always..... nothing" She looked away hopelessly.

"Please don't worry Kairi... I'll always be here for you, and so will Riku.... I promise. You're always welcome to stay here with us. Please stop worrying..." Kairi nodded, pretending as if understood. When in reality, she didn't hear a word he said. Her head drooped to look down at her folded hands in her lap. Why was she worrying anyway, she silently asked herself. She lived on an island with two guys who battle each other to impress her. And even if she was in danger, they would be there to protect her. 'But what if they're not there? Will I be able to life without them if they suddenly disappeared? Besides that to worry about.. I also don't know who I am. All I know is my first name, Kairi. Sora and Riku found me washed up on shore and brought me up to live here, on this Island. I helped a lot with the cooking and cleaning for the boys, but I've never really had any purpose. At night I stay up and climb onto my roof and look up at the stars and think about my parents. I can barely remember who they are, or what they looked like. It's kind of sad really. That I don't know my own family or know how I got here. Sora has really been there for me. I really care for him a lot. Even if I don't mean to, I always find myself tending his wounds or even tucking him in at night when he kicks his blankets to the floor. Even though we're both 16, I can't help but feel like his mother. As if my mother would've cared for me. I wish he knew my feelings.. about what I worry about.. and how I feel for him...'

"Let's go inside Kairi. It's getting cold. I don't want you to get sick. And you know what'll happen if Riku finds out I let you get sick." He held out his hand to help her down. She smiled at his politeness and slid her small soft hand into his sturdy outstretched one. She felt faint. She sat up there all day without any food or water. When she jumped down from the boxes leading to the roof, she lost her balance and fell. Sora swooped down and tucked his arm under her to prevent her fall. "Careful! You might hurt yourself. Here.." He lifted her in his arms and carried her off to her room. She struggled against his restraint. She didn't want to be helped. She was to stubborn to except the fact of being helped by Sora. She kicked and pounded her fists against his chest. But he still wouldn't let her go.

He kicked his door open and laid her on his bed. "You stay here. My room was closest so I figured it would be better for you to stay here. It would take to long to go all the way to your room. So please don't worry. I'll be right back!!" He smiled widely and ran out of his room. She had used all her energy fighting against Sora that she fell asleep on his bed, forgetting where she was.

~ * ~

"Hello?! Can anyone hear me?! Hello?!! Is anyone there? Please.... help me!!" She looked around to see if there was any thing familiar. In every direction she turned there was nothing to be seen. She looked down. Water. 'How can I be standing on water?! This can't be-'


"Sora?! Where are you?!"

"Kairi!!" The voice started to fade. Kairi's heart started racing. Panic flooded her insides. She started to run screaming his name.

"Sora!! Where are you?! Answer me!!" She grabbed a stitch in her chest. 'This can't be happening... Sora's not here for me... he's gone... he left me..' She could feel her breath catch in her chest. She couldn't breath. She gasped for air. With all the strength she could muster she cried out with her last breath, "Sora I lov-"


A sharp tugging at her shirt brought her back to consciousness. She sat up abruptly in bed, cold sweat trickling down her face and body. Her breathing was sharp and hoarse. 'It was only a dream.' Sora was bending over her on top of her, anxiety etched all over his face. "Oh Kairi I was so worried about you. Are you ok?" She looked deep into his sullen brown eyes. She's never looked at them this close before. He was so close to her that their noses almost touched.

"Yeah.... y-yeah I'm.. I'm fine." She forced a smile on her face while clutching Sora's bed sheets to her body. "Can I stay here with you tonight? I'm scared of something.. but I can't tell you what it is, ok?" He nodded comprehendingly. He didn't really want to leave her either. He was really concerned about her but didn't really want to interfere with her thoughts. He smiled and looked in his cabinet for another set of blankets and pillows. Kairi watched him intently. "Are you going to sleep on the floor?" He smiled again. She took that as a 'yes.' She was debating to herself if she should suggest if he could sleep in his bed with her... or she could sleep on the floor instead. It was his room after all. Why should she have his bed while he had to sleep on the rough sand. He could tell she was thinking this and walked over to his bed.

"Scoot over." She looked up, surprised. He smirked playfully. "You have no idea how obvious you look. Sitting there silently after you've asked me if I was going to sleep on the floor. You're not really good at playing 'Hard to get.' You're to innocent." She scowled.

"Oh yeah?!" She grabbed her pillow and threw it at his head. "You're going to have to try better than that to get into this bed, mister!"

"Oh really now?!" He took his pillow and aimed it at her head. But before he could throw it, she jumped on top of him, flattening him to the floor. "I thought you couldn't defend yourself!! You're doing a very good job of it!!"

"You really think so?!" She said proudly lessening her weight on him and forgetting about her defense.

"NO!" Before she knew it, he had pinned her under him. "Ha I've got you! I win." She grinned and kissed his forehead. "No I do." She grabbed the blanket on top of the bed beside them and threw it on top of them, covering both of them. Kairi fell asleep under Sora. Sora looked down at her and brushed away stray hairs away from her face. "God you're beautiful." He whispered. His hands brushed against her cheek. "Good night, my Kairi... sleep well." He then kissed her forehead and fell asleep on top of her. Lurking on the other side of the room was Riku. He had been standing in the door way watching them silently. He saw everything. He shook his head crossing his arms. "Kid's theses days. Hormones raging.... tisk tisk..." He turned off the lights and crept soundlessly to the other side of the island.

The next morning Kairi found herself in Sora's bed. She forgot everything that happened the night before. She was starving. Kairi looked around the room for Sora, but he was no where to be seen. A strange smell reached her nose. "Good morning!!" Sora shouted while walking in with a large plate. Kairi jumped and looked doubtfully at the plate he was holding. "What you're not happy to see me?!" Sora said with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh no. It's just, what the hell is that smell?!" She said making a face. Sora held up the plate impressively.

"Well, since you're always there for me and you always do the cooking.. I decided that I'd treat you today since you didn't eat anything yesterday. Plus you must be tired beating me up yesterday." His smile grew when he tipped the plate slightly showing her the contents.

"I did what?! And are those supposta be eggs?!! They look like Riku's shit when he doesn't flush when he's done and it's been sitting in the toilet for over a week." Kairi broke into hysterical laughter clutching her stomach.

"Excuse me! Well at least I'm trying! And why do you look at Riku's "Business" anyways?! You probably like him!" He shot shakily trying not to be obvious with his own feelings.

"Me and Riku?! That has to be the most ridiculous thing I've heard you say since the time you said I was beautiful!"

"When in the world did you hear that?!" Sora felt his face grow hot with embarrassment.

"Last night when I feel asleep on your floor. You need to watch what you say around me. You might actually be telling the truth." She added haughtily taking an apple slice from the plate. "Well at least you've done something right." She mumbled through a mouthful of chewed apple. She got up and straightened her shirt. "Oh and by the way." she continued, "next time you bring me to your room, try to resist the temptation to kiss me." Kairi smiled and stalked out of the room. Sora stared at the place she was standing. 'What the hell was I thinking?!' He settled himself on his unmade bed and ran his fingers through his hair. "She probably hates me now. Not only does she think I'm a complete lunatic, she also thinks I'm a bad cook!" He wondered out loud.

"It's probably because you ARE a bad cook." Riku said coolly across the room. Sora shot around surprised. "Do you have any idea how stupid you look, lover boy? You guys really did fall for each other! It's not a surprise to me. I knew the day you found her. Sad really... how both of you are so similar... yet you seem so different from each other. Ha. Like you could be capable of love! Or even have the courage to tell her." Riku crossed his arms and sat next to Sora on his bed.

"Wa-wait a minute! What do you mean?! How do you know I love her? And what makes you so sure that she loves me back?!!" Sora's eyes widened wonderingly. Riku just laughed even more.

"I'm pretty secretive... but that doesn't mean I don't eyes!! I've been observing you two for the past years she's been here. You've changed, Sora. You love her. And she loves you. Both of you are complete idiots!!" He continued to laugh while exiting Sora's room.

"But wait!" Sora chased after him intently. "What do you mean we're similar yet different?!" His eyes looked pleadingly into Riku's. Riku just grinned.

"Don't you ever wonder what she thinks about when she goes on that roof of hers?! Occasionally, I go and listen to her talk out loud even thought there's no one there. She pretends she's talking to her parents... but in reality she doesn't even know who they are. I think they abused her and tossed her into the ocean. I listen to her screams in the middle of the night when she sleeps (his room is near his). What I'm getting at is that she doesn't know who she is or who her parents are. I remember the first time you came here. You ran away from home and rode here on a sail boat you made yourself. Instead of wanting to know yourself, you were running away from it. Away from it all... your parents and your life. That's why I find it funny watching you two fight in the middle of the night and end up falling asleep on each other. Naughty little Sora. You're hormones are taking over... and before you know it.. you'll be falling asleep on each other in bed!" Riku couldn't take the suspense. He fell to the floor screaming hysterically.

"You're right." Sora confessed. Riku stopped laughing once he heard Sora actually agreeing with him. "I should go find her and tell her how I feel before it's to late." Sora walked off down the beach.

~ * ~

"Ahh that's better." Kairi sighed lying nude on the other side of the island. "I really need a nice good tan and relaxation. Those boys have been wearing me out. Riku is driving me off the cliff of insanity with his eating habits... and Sora... trying to impress me with the remake of Riku's shit." She turned over on her belly to start tanning her other side. "But neither of them know about this place on the island... thank God.. I need not worry." Kairi closed her eyes an drifted off to sleep. Meanwhile, on the other side of the beach Sora was still searching for Kairi. He kept walking in the shallow waters of the clear ocean. He kept talking to himself, figuring out how to tell Kairi how he felt about her.

"Uh hi Kairi... what wonderful weather we're having today! Uh... Remember how I found you that one day 3 years ago? Uhh well I've been thinking.. I really like you and all... but.. Nah... that's to long... how about.. 'hi Kairi... I love you!' No no no no! To straight forward. As he rounded the corner he spotted her naked body splayed out in the middle of the beach. He couldn't see her face and figured she was probably looking at the sky as she always did. It was now or never. He took a deep breath and confronted her. "Uh Kairi.. I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time.. no wait... that's not what I wanted to say.... uhh I love wonderful weather... no wait! uhh... What I wanted to say is that I love you!" He finally cried out. He waited for her response... but it never came... "Uh hello? Kairi?!" He bent down and looked into her face. "WAH?! SHE'S ASLEEP?! AH!!!" He sweat dropped and fell backwards. "I did that all for nothing!?!" He closed his eyes and started to wonder if he either drown himself or suffocate himself with sand. He suddenly felt something above him blocking the sun from his face. *ehem?* His eyes shot open realizing what it was. His eyes found Kairi's fierce ones. "Uh hi?" He tried to scramble away crawling backwards on his hands and feet.

"What are you doing here, Sora?!!!" She shouted baring down on him.

"Um... Kairi.. you're"

"I don't care!! You are violating my privacy and space!! Can I ever have a moment without you or Riku breathing down my neck?!"

"Kairi.. you're..." He stammered, started to blush pointing at her.

"What is it?!!!"

"Uh... you don't have any clothes on!" He confessed. He shielded his eyes like little boy who just saw two people kissing on T.V. trying, with difficulty, to hide his blushing face. Kairi tried her best to cover her "female members." Kairi stalked off in the opposite direction fuming. "Can I ever have some peace around here?! Argh!"

"Kairi wait!! You don't understand!! Please?! Kairi! I just wanted to-" Kairi wasn't listening. She rounded the corner and continued to walk stiffly. "Apologize." Sora pushed himself to his feet and started to walk to other side of the Island, away from camp. 'I haven't been thinking about this lately... since Kairi came to this Island.. I've never really thought about who are my real parents. Ever since I ran away from home.. I never really got to know my sub-parents anyway. I over heard them one night questioning what they should do with me. They said they found me abandoned in a park, 2 days old. They figured my real parents were underage and didn't know what to do with me so the simplest thing to do is dump me in a stupid park. How thick can you get?!!'" Sora sighed heavily. "I don't think I can ever face Kairi again... she'll probably kill me." He understood perfectly why she was mad at him... but she couldn't keep a grudge on him forever?! Can she? 'We live on an island! She can't run away from me!!'

Kairi looked behind her to see if he was following her. Nothing. She figured that he went back to camp. She couldn't face him after being seen naked! It just wasn't possible... she couldn't even talk to him. She didn't even feel safe going back to camp. She found her cave at the edge of the Island. "No one can find me here... I bet no one even knows about this place." She looked at the sky. "It's getting dark.. I think I'd better stay here for the night.. it's to dark to make it back in time. Besides I'll never hear the end of Sora's story." She stepped inside to get warm. She slipped on her clothes and looked around. She kept some of her belongings in there just in case something happens at camp. A bundle of blankets lay on one side of the cave. "No matter how ridiculous and stupid Sora can be.... I can't help but care about him." She yawned and pulled the blankets over her head. 'Damn it's freezing! I wonder how Riku and Sora are...'

Meanwhile, about 20 feet away from Kairi's cave, Sora waded along side the ocean's waves. He looked behind him to see if Kairi followed him. Nothing. 'Typical... how could I even think about her following me?!!' A loud clap of thunder above him brought him back to consciousness. "Aw shit." He realized that it was to late to go back to camp.. and the only shelter he had for the night was a small cave right ahead of him. He remembered this cave from before. He used to go there before Kairi ever came to Destiny Islands and when Riku pissed him off for not cooking any food. He grinned, reminiscing about the old days. Drops of water met his face trickled down it. "Great." He sprinted towards the cave entrance. His clothes were soaked. His hair drooped down to his face sopping wet. He shook his head back and forth like a dog. He stripped off his drenched shirt and laid it out on a large rock. His arms stretched above his head and he made his way towards the sandy part of the cave. "I might as well stay here for the night.. I wouldn't want to go back in this weather." His thoughts carried him into a deep sleep... not noticing the large lump sleeping next to him.

A strong breeze swept in from the cave's entrance. Kairi shivered and clutched her blanket closer to her. 'Stupid storm.' She wrapped the blanket around her and stood up to make a fire. Kairi tripped and stumbled on the jagged rocks scattering the cave's floor. She got down on her hands and knees and felt around for her supply of wood for the fire. Her hands met the rough texture of the bark lined twigs at the edge of the cave. She gathered them up in her hands and started to walk back to the left side of the cave. Kairi felt a sharp piercing pain run up her leg. She froze. A sharp rock met the heel of her foot. The twigs fell limply from her hands as she dropped to the floor. Her hands touched her bloody foot. Her fingers traced along the deep gash running along her ankle to the edge of her heel. She was loosing blood rapidly. She heard a muffled moan from the other end of the cave, but she really didn't notice.

Sora was awaken by Kairi's stifled yell. She tried to stand up but her leg couldn't support her weight. She could feel herself drowning in complete darkness. She was falling. A dark figure broke her fall and held her in it's arms. "I'm never going to let you get hurt... never." Sora whispered. "Never.." He took his shirt and bound it to Kairi's leg tightly to stop the bleeding. He laid her down and started to light the fire. "I shouldn't have left you alone... you knows what could've happened to you out here...."

He got the fire started and small sparks flitted along the sandy ground. The fire illuminated the cave, showing all of it's contents. Sora could tell she was 'prepared.' Blankets were folded neatly on one side and leaves and branched were piled orderly in the corner. The small fire provided enough light and warmth for the both of them. Sora gathered Kairi and held her in his arms to keep her warm. He sat next to the fire and cradled her in his burly arms. "Oh Kairi... if you only knew how much you mean to me..." He smiled and leaned his head closer to hers. His lips lightly brushed against hers. 'So it's true... they are as soft as they look...' His hand trailed down her cheek. "Good night..." He whispered. His eyes drooped lazily as he fell into a dreamless sleep.

~ * ~

The rain died and the sun glistened on the ocean's water once again. Kairi was awaken by a throbbing pain in her right leg. She lifted her head groggily to find Sora tending to her wound. "What the-"

"Oh, good morning Kairi. I'm sorry about yesterday..... I thought you hated me so I walked away from camp and then it started to rain and I couldn't walk back in time so I found this cave and I didn't know you were in it until I heard you scream and..."

"Shut up, Sora.." Kairi said wearily. "Just shut up..."

Sora cleaned up the cave and started to carry Kairi back to camp. "I didn't know you knew about this cave, Kairi... you've done a good job of fixing it up."

"Stop flattering me Sora... and I'm to weak to resist your help... and it's hard to think when a boy is carrying you with out his shirt on."

"It's not my fault you were so clumsy and just had to hurt yourself!! If it wasn't for my shirt you probably would've bleed to death!!" Sora stopped walking to argue with Kairi.

"Well sorry!! And besides... I'd rather be dead than to be rescued by a stupid pervert who doesn't even know how to cook!!" Kairi yelled.

"Excuse me! I'm not the one who takes about 5 hours in the shower, or stay on that stupid roof about half my life thinking about absolutely NOTHING!!" Kairi almost slapped him.

"I don't take that long in the shower, compared to Riku I take a considerably short time!! And you wouldn't understand about what I think about... you'd never understand.... " Tears shimmered in her downcast eyes. Sora stared at her face, once so full of joy and happiness, now a spiritless, downhearted girl.

"I'm sorry Kairi... I shouldn't have said that..." His eyes continued to look at her. She shook her head stubbornly.

"No I'm sorry.... I shouldn't have came here in the first place..... you guys were perfectly fine without me.... please... forgive me... I've been such a bitch lately... it's just...I-" She closed her eyes and a single tear rolled down her smooth cheek. "I'm sorry...." She whispered.

"Kairi.." Sora smiled softly. "If it wasn't for you... I probably would've killed myself by now... you're the only thing keeping me alive... don't leave me.. and besides.. Riku would probably die if you stopped cooking for him." His hand lightly wiped the tear from her face. Kairi nodded and gave him a hug.

"Thank you Sora, for everything..." She leaned her head against his bare chest.

"No, thank you, Kairi..."

They made it back to camp and was greeted by a disgruntled Riku.

"Where have you two been?! Where is my food?! Sora I'm going to get you for this you little fucker!! Oh... and where have you two been? Have you guys been sleeping together?!!" Riku smirked.

"Kairi won't be able to cook you food today, Riku. She hurt herself. And you won't eat anything I cook.. so why don't you leave us alone and go eat some dirt or something!" Sora stalked off to Kairi's room to leave Riku standing there dumbstruck.

Sora laid Kairi on her bed and placed a blanket on top of her. She was half asleep when he brought her there. He was about to leave her room when he heard a stifled moan from behind him.

"Sora... come back here you stupid jerk... don't leave me... you pervert.." Sora beamed. He sat back down on the edge of her bed. "Where are you?"

"I'm right here Kairi.... and I'm never going to leave you... you soggy prune." (from being in the shower to long)

"I heard that... jerk head." She kicked him off her bed with her left foot. "Haha... sucker." Sora sat up from the floor. He sighed heavily.

"No matter how soggy, and stupid you are... I'll never leave your side..." Kairi (unconsciously.. still) whacked him with her pillow.

"Shut up.. you ugly man boob." Kairi finally feel asleep, leaving Sora on the floor with a pillow dent in his hair.

End of Chapter one..

Next Chapter: Destiny on Destiny Islands (coming soon)

K.M.- thank you for reading Chapter 1. Please stay tuned for my next chapters. Please review... I want to know what you all think about this... cuz' this is my first fic... and I want to know what the audience thinks!! iight!?! TTYL!! Chao~