Welcome everybody! Welcome to this new story called 'Dark Justice'. This is a challenge issued by my friend, Normandy1998. Check him out later. This is a Constantine like Izuku. If you don't know who Constantine is, you just need to know that he is a character of the DC universe. If you want more info, I am afraid you are going to look for it by yourself. Now, some few things before we begin:
Izuku will be an Anti-Hero.
Pairing is undecided. I am between Momo or Mina.
Izuku will be inspired by John Constantine. That doesn't mean they will be exact copies.
And now that all is said, Let's start the story!
Prologue: At the Right Place, At the Right Time
(A/N: I just want to say that the backstory will be from my own creation. So please, don't kill me if you don't like it.)
Izuku was walking alone in the streets. Many would ask why would a young child like him be alone? Because he likes it.
He was diagnosed as quirkless not so much time ago. At the time, it was a devastating new. All his dreams, ambitions and goals were shut down by some simple words and a test.
His peers weren't too keen with the idea of him being quirkless. Bully him till they get tired. His former best friend, Katsuki, being the prime tormentor.
In his home, life wasn't easier. His mom died at child birth, making his father find refuge in alcohol. And because he needs someone to blame for the death of his dear wife, the newborn baby will suffer.
The man is drunk most of the time and wasn't happy when he discovered the condition Izuku has. As a punishment, he didn't allow him to enter the house for a week, surviving on what he could find in the trash.
All this kind of make him grow sooner. Opposite to many children of his age, he is more violent and anti-social, being alone most of the time and not complaining about it.
He decided to head home after a while. If he is lucky, his dad is already pass out because of the booze. Yes, he will be mad the following day, but if he leaves early, he can avoid him.
That's something he likes about himself. He is lucky. When his dad is throwing things at him, they usually never hit him. He dodges quite easily punches from Katsuki and his cronies. And not involving himself with others problems, helps a lot to avoid a beatdown.
Anyway, as he was walking home, he passed in front of a shop. It was... odd, but in a way, it calls the attention. It didn't have any lighting except for the dim lights inside the shop. it had curtains covering the door and windows and a big sign saying:
Izuku, curious about the weird shop, decide to go in. To his surprise the doors opened themselves. Izuku smiled, amused by the presentation, and went in.
In the middle of the surprisingly big shop, there was a table with a woman sat on a chair in front of it with a crystal ball on the table.
"Izuku dear, I was waiting for you." The woman said and Izuku tilted his head.
"Do I know you?"
The woman chuckled lowly "At least I know you. Sit down love, we have a lot to talk about." Izuku blinked and when he noticed, he was sat in front of the woman that was leaning her chin on her hands.
"W-What happened?" Izuku asked and the woman let out another low chuckle.
"That was magic, dear."
"Magic? Like a quirk?" Izuku asked and the woman, once again, chuckled.
"Not quite. Quirks are more limited. It is something that you are born with and probably die with it. Magic, is something you learn, control and expand. The chances with it, are limitless."
"So, magic is better than a quirk?" Izuku asked and the woman nodded with a smile.
"That's my opinion, yes."
Izuku nodded "Can I learn?" Izuku asked and the woman smiled at him.
"Why? Do you have any hidden intention?"
Izuku shrugged "I think it can be cool."
The woman nodded "I will teach you. But with one condition." Izuku got closer and the woman smiled.
"I will teach you, but in exchange, you will have to become an... how to put it... 'occult detective'."
"What's that?"
The woman chuckled "I will explain it to you later on. But now, I need an answer dear. Yes? Or no?"
Izuku didn't think twice as he nodded. The woman smiled mysteriously as she snapped her fingers. In a blink, Izuku was in another room, and surprisingly, it seemed to be another time, because last he checked, it was nighttime, and now it seemed to be morning.
"Ehm, where are we?" Izuku asked as the woman was making tea.
"Well darling, we are in Liverpool, England. We are here to teach you better."
"B-But my stuff?"
"Already in your room."
"And what about dad? He will get worried if I don't go-"
"Izuku dear, do you really care about that? I know that you try to avoid any type of human contact over the last year. I am giving you an option to do whatever you want, of course, respecting the deal we have." Madame Scrull said and Izuku gulped.
"Whatever I want?"
"Whatever you want."
Izuku nodded as he looked at the woman in front of him "I accept."
*11 Years Later*
"Been a long while, eh?" Izuku said as he took a cab to the building he got to put his bussines.
"Excuse me sir, but you had been here before?" The driver asked and Izuku shrugged.
"When I was young. I moved to England and now I decided to come back to get a job and stuff."
The driver laughed "That's the spirit kid! Youngsters these days doesn't know the meaning of hard work! I am proud of-"
Izuku groaned "Stop here mate. You talk too much for my taste."
After paying to the driver, he took his case. (A/N: Izuku is dressed the same way as in my profile picture minus the hat.) He walked towards the small building he now has to call home and office.
He enters the dusty building and the only furniture was a red coach that had seen better days, a desk and a big leather chair behind it. He leaves the cart in middle of the hallway, took off his coat and threw it on the coach and sat on the chair making it squeak. from his pocket, he took a box of cigarettes, put one in his mouth and from the tip of his finger, a small flame was formed.
This right here, is Izuku Midoriya. 15 years old. Anti-social. Violent youth. Heavy smoker. Con man. Somewhat of a jerk according to himself. Arrogant bastard to people that knows him and stayed alive. And least but most important...
Occult Detective with a lot of sins in his past, ready to start over.
'Only if that was easy...'
And done! That was the prologue of 'Dark Justice'. Hope that you enjoyed. Now, a few things before we finish:
Izuku won't be 100% like Constantine. They will be similar.
Izuku will use British slangs. He lived 11 years in England so it would be logical. I hope that this doesn't annoy many people, especially because I am from Chile and English is my second language.
Izuku's time in England. There will be flashback about it in the future.
Madame Scrull. She will be mentioned in said flashbacks.
And that's all! Remember to leave your Review that it helps my motivation. PM me for any doubts or suggestions. Follow and Favorite me and the story.
Till Next Time.
Roy D. Harper.
Next Chapter: Patience is a Virtue