Chapter 5
"I'm still not comfortable with this, Mone," David said as he leaned against the doorframe of the room where Torres was getting ready.
They loaded up and headed down south into Nicaragua to lay claim to the properties that Menendez left Torres. They were surprisingly legitimate operations, with a little help from Spectre. Actually, they were legitimate, courtesy of Menendez. It seemed that before he died, he moved towards legal means of obtaining money and kept it out of his operations that funded his crusade against the capitalist west.
One of the businesses was in shipping native made Nicaraguan goods and another was communications technology. There were other smaller ones, all contributing to the new wealth Torres acquired. It provided a nice cover with wealth to back it up. It would allow David's team to ease in as part of the PMC company that was also hers.
Torres didn't really like the situation but made the most of it. She couldn't complain since it was legit. She just didn't want to have anything to do with the man that nearly ended the world. She feared that secret would make its way out to people that she worked with and it would change things. She trusted Spectre though and went through with it.
She was accepted at the manor. The housekeeper greeted her happily, saying in Spanish that she was glad the rightful mistress had returned. She was more than accommodating to welcome the team along with a few extras.
Of course, she had to look and be the part. Word had been received that a point man for de Huerta was coming and it was to set up for an alliance of some sort. It sounded tricky in that the businesses that she was in charge of had nothing to do with drugs. Then again, history showed that some of the drug lords had legit businesses to hide their more illicit ones. Now she was stepping into that role.
Shifting as she was finishing pulling on the designer dress that made her look like a rich executive. She looked at David and replied, "And we discussed this, David."
"It's one thing that you're doing this op," David countered, "It's another that we won't be giving you back up."
"Your team is the assault force to take out Huerta. You can't do that and be my bodyguard at the same time."
David knew that. He sighed in defeated acceptance, "I know. I just…"
"You know them. You've met them before." Torres watched as David raised his head and looked at her in confusion. "Did you think Spectre was not going to have her hand in the entire pot?" She smirked as she turned to finish zippering the dress. She drew up her hair into an elegant chignon and put the earrings she had been given into her ears. Turning to face David, she tapped the earpiece hidden in her ear, "Hickam, you're online?"
Copy that. Connected to all team members including the two security operatives.
Torres smiled, "See? Got it covered." She grabbed the sachet she was to carry. She smirked as she tapped David on the arm to follow her. "Let's go see which of Spectre's finest she assigned."
David rolled his eyes slightly and walked with her downstairs of the house, which was really a mansion. Kind of like the ones they liked to use in the movies when it came to drug lords. He did have to hand it to Spectre for setting it up since he was certain she had cameras all over the place along with audio. He really didn't need to worry that much, but experience with cartels left a bad taste since he knew what they were capable of, if Columbia taught him anything.
They made it down the stairs to be greeted by two familiar people. David understood better what Torres meant when she said that he knew them. The taller one looked like he was ready to punch something and looked uncomfortable dressed in a suit. The other was shorter and was sporting a grin, like he found the whole thing hilarious. David couldn't help but grin himself as he approached the pair.
"Now this is a sight for sore eyes. Been a while Torres," the shorter one replied, his English accent coming through.
"Been too long, Bug," she replied with a smile. "How's the rest of the team?"
"Bloody pissed that they have to stay behind. This detail was like a free for all."
"Quit making it more than what it is, Bug," the taller one entered, his Manchester accent permeating the place.
"I see you're as surly as ever," Torres countered. "Nice to see you, Ghost."
Ghost looked at Torres with a look of annoyance that was all bark and no bite. "Bug off," he muttered feeling uncomfortable about the whole thing. "She's punishing me."
"I doubt that," Torres replied with a humorous smile. She adjusted her stance more to get used to the shoes that she was being forced to wear. She could dress up but she preferred something with a thicker heel or something sturdier. "Spectre only picks from her best when it's on the line. Out of the entire squad…"
"Oh blow it out your arse," Ghost retorted in good humor as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I get enough of that from Spectre." He straightened out and looked at her, playing the part, "But I take the job seriously. We've got your back Torres."
"Always," Roach added.
Ghost nodded and looked at David. "Good to see you, mate. Been a long time."
"Likewise," David replied as he took the proffered hand. He could relax a little. Ghost and Roach were two operators that Spectre trusted the most when it came to operations. True she commanded several units, but the 141 was her home so to speak. He never got tired of hearing how she kicked her way in even though she said she fell in and kicked ass to do it.
Sobering and switching gears to the task at hand, David said, "There is over watch, but not like we're used to."
It is exactly like you're used to. Who do you think pilots those surveillance drones?
The humans gave a slight chuckle at Hickam's response. The tactical AI had picked up a sense of humor that was welcome given the fact that the op was almost the equivalent of behind enemy lines. Everyone knew the score and the stakes involved. Torres knew the risks especially to her. If de Huerta was astute enough, he would have done a thorough background check on her and would know that she had brought down her own godfather. It was another reason why she was suspicious at the request for a meeting.
Spectre had anticipated that possibility and suggested that Torres let de Huerta believe that she had brought Menendez down to take over his business. Essentially, she could convey the idea that she was dirty. Spectre left the choice to her and it was part of the reason why Torres was nervous. She would have felt better if David was going with, but he was with the team going in for the assault and kill/capture. Too obvious and too much of a risk. Ghost and Roach were essentially nobodies and Ghost still had that presence of fuck off if you tried to be friendly and he didn't like you.
Thinking about that, Torres said, "And we are counting on you Hickam to let us know where the players are."
As always. Good luck.
That was the cue and Ghost and Roach nodded, turning to escort the newest heir to the Menendez empire to the appointed meeting place. Torres gave a last look at David, giving a reassuring smile. It was broken when JSOC whined, begging to go. Torres chuckled and told the dog to stay with David before turning to leave.
David didn't follow. It was best that they weren't seen. Americans were not so highly looked upon in that part of the world and it would be even more so when they headed out to Mexico. He watched them get into the SUV and head out. He sighed before looking down at JSOC. The dog looked at him and gave a belly growl and David eyed him warily, "Hey."
The dog whined at him and moaned. David rolled his eyes slightly. He rubbed the dog's ears and gestured. The dog followed him as he retreated to the inside of the house. He put in a call to his team. They were at their staging area, waiting whether or not they were going to be deployed. He went to the communications room that had been set up. He greeted Spectre and she gave him a nod before turning to the surveillance as it tracked the two SUVs.
Torres looked out the window as they drove to the meeting place. It was in the nearby town at a restaurant that they were to meet. The town was recommended by Spectre and was where they had the most control for this initial meeting. If things went well, then that was a different story. First step was getting in the door. In the meantime, she took the moment to look at the landscape.
She remembered a little about Panama as she told David. She was four when they came back to the states after the invasion. Yet she could remember the tropical look, the greenery, the people. It was a different world. Even with the invasion of modern technology, there was still a difference from western ideals and things. She liked the country Nicaragua but disliked the reason she was there. The only thing that seemed to make it an easy pill to swallow was that the legitimate businesses were just that.
She never really elaborated to David about her fears and apprehensions about being Menendez's goddaughter. It had been a shock when she found out at that last stand and to have it confirmed by Spectre… it was a lot to take in. Her brothers always looked away when she asked them about it; if they knew that it was what their father intended. In the end, she suspected that they knew, and they were ashamed, but they stressed the fact that she shouldn't think of their father any different. He was as she knew him, and it never changed. She knew how undercover worked and could understand her father's decision.
She feared that she would be considered fruit of the poisonous tree if it was well known about her. It happened in just about any profession if the offense was great enough. Damnation by association. It was small and needed comfort that Section's team accepted her. She had been through the thick of it with them when they kill/captured Menendez. Harper certainly made no bones about liking her and because of that, it cemented her place. To have endorsement from Section was one thing. From his second, that was another thing entirely.
Looking out the window she collected her thoughts as she went over the details that Spectre fed her about her operations. It was already known she was Secret Service and de Huerta wanted a meeting because of her association with Menendez. He was under the impression that she knew about Menendez' businesses, the drugs, etc., and he wanted to create an alliance. Even after everything that happened, the name Menendez still carried weight. That was what Spectre was banking on.
Sombra, we've got you on ISR surveillance.
Torres felt her lip twitch as Ghost replied, "And how the fuck did you manage that, Ryan?"
"Ass kissing."
I know people. I don't need to tell you that while the order is standing on kill/capture on de Huerta, if we are compromised…
"Plan B," Roach joked.
You know the drill.
Torres took a breath as she said, "We got this, Spectre." She looked at her companions for reassurance, at least what they could realistically give her. It was better that nothing.
"Coming on the rendezvous," Ghost said.
Show time, Torres thought to herself as she schooled her features. Time to be the heir of Menendez.
Oscar looked around the small town. It was not like some of the slums back in Mexico. The town was actually doing pretty well after all things considered. Nicaragua was a beautiful country. If not for the checkered past, it would be considered a nice place to live. History though, had a way of leaving a black mark on things. Then again most things had a checkered past.
He shifted to look at his companion. He studied him, vigilant to his motives. De Huerta believed him about his loyalty, but the man was still suspicious. There was the fact that the outliers to the operation being taken out and some details were only known to the inside. Oscar had to be careful. Plus, there were plenty within the ranks that wanted to take on de Huerta. One in particular.
Oscar eyed Hector. The man didn't like him and for good reason. Of course, Hector couldn't prove that Oscar was an undercover. His rantings made him look like a fool. Oscar took advantage of it and laid groundwork to make it appear that Hector was the one that betrayed de Huerta. It was at the point where de Huerta was testing all his lieutenants.
Hector will be meeting with the heir. I need you there to make sure it happens.
After what happened, Oscar knew that de Huerta could test him with this in terms of loyalty. The man was also testing Hector. The truth was, Hector had ambitions. He wanted power, but the man was too cowardly to make a move. Oscar did know that Hector had his own men that were loyal only to him. It could make things implode in this operation. As part of his cover, Oscar had to make his move.
As a lieutenant within de Huerta's cartel, they had their own men that they recruited that they trusted. About as much as a grain of salt. Then there were those that were loyal to the ones that hired them. As far as to the leader was concerned, the lieutenants were supposedly loyal to him and as a result was that the lieutenant's men would follow orders and do what the boss said. That was the ideal, but reality seldom worked out that way.
I know Hector has aspirations, but he has not shown it. He would take this deal and make it his own. I need you there to make sure it happens.
It was going to happen one way or another. Spectre wanted to make a dent in the cartels. The power vacuum after Menendez was vast and the cartels were moving in. She wanted to put a stopper in it. Most would say it was ambitious but Spectre made a compelling argument; the same one that had been made by General Shepherd. They didn't forget and there were some skeptics but Spectre… that woman had a way with words. She managed to convince them that this was the way to go.
Now he was here, picked out of the more seasoned DEA agents and other agents from around the world. No one really knew how Spectre thought. Some of the operations she conducted never made sense until afterwards and the connections were drawn. The running joke was that she chased connections where none existed. It only cemented her reputation within the spec ops world and those that worked with her would vet her every time.
Oscar looked up when one of his men spoke in Spanish to say that they arrived. Looking up, he saw two black SUVs pull up. He blinked in surprise when only one set of doors opened, and two guys came out on either side. They were well dressed and clearly stated security. De Huerta would have been impressed and laughed at the fact that security was dressed up, but he also liked that it gave the impression that he was a well-mannered man. Appearances still made the difference in the world.
Oscar didn't say anything since they had yet to meet the heir of Menendez. They exited after the two security, and he was surprised. He didn't expect to see a beautiful woman step out. It was rare that a woman would be in charge of a cartel business and the ones that were… they could be just as ruthless as or more so than the men. This one though… she looked like she didn't have a clue.
Oscar followed Hector to the room while their men spoke in Spanish and told them to come inside. He eyed Hector with a careful eye. Hector was to be in charge of negotiations, but the man was under the impression that he received a coveted job from de Huerta and that he was there to show something to Oscar. Nothing was further from the truth. He kept quiet and decided it would be best to do that.
The woman walked in looking like she was highly displeased with the welcome. She looked at him and Hector with annoyance as she stood there. "I must say that I am disappointed at the welcome, considering it was you that approached me."
Oscar just stared but was rather impressed at the manner in which she carried herself. Hector turned into a groveling fool as he approached her, "Apologies, senorita. One can't be too careful. We are but strangers here."
The woman looked at the both of them like they were being ridiculous with their thoughts. She moved to stand in front of them. "The people look after my interests as I do the same for them. They are loyal to me and won't hesitate to defend their homes. But they understand that you are here on business for Senor de Huerta."
"Of course," Hector said. He gestured at a chair, "Please, sit."
Oscar remained standing but against the wall. He observed her security and noted their movements. They were not run of the mill security. Their posture indicated that they were either PMC or ex-military. That seemed to be the preference for people like de Huerta in terms of security, but de Huerta had more locals that were dead eyes with a gun. Everyone was different, but something told Oscar that there was more to this than he was seeing.
The woman moved and sat down in the seat that Hector was going to sit in. Oscar stifled a laugh and managed a smirk. Hector was stunned but recovered and moved into the seat that he had offered her. It was clear that he had expected someone that would be willing to concede to any demands of de Huerta. Instead, it looked like she was going to insist on an equal footing.
"Do you have Cafecito? It is good business to socialize before business," she said with a polite smile.
Hector nodded and barked at one of his men. It wasn't long before the requested beverage was brought. Oscar supervised since he knew Hector was the kind to have drinks poisoned if it benefitted him. It had been stressed though that this deal was to go through, and he aimed to, if only to set up for the SEALs that would be sent in.
The woman was as good as she said. She aimed to enjoy her Cafecito before getting down to business. Oscar looked at her security. The burlier one looked like he might as well be a statue. The way he looked at everyone gave the impression that they could just go fuck off if they dared to ask a question. The other one, he seemed to have a mischievous twinkle under that serious exterior. He wasn't to be taken lightly though.
The woman looked at Hector and asked, "So, how are things? If I am not mistaken, de Huerta's daughter has a birthday, a quinceañera, coming up?"
Hector was actually stunned. He was there to talk business and here she was being social. Oscar wanted to laugh since the man clearly didn't anticipate someone who would stand on ceremony. It had him wonder how de Huerta would handle her. Oscar felt his lip twitch as he watched her sip her Cafecito, apparently expecting an answer that Hector didn't know how to give. So, he said, "That is true señorita. He has been preparing for the event for weeks."
The woman chuckled, "And it was my thought that the women are the ones that run the show since it is the most important thing in a young woman's life. The only thing the father does is present her and have the checkbook ready."
Oscar chuckled. That was more or less the truth. He ignored the look that Hector was shooting at him, but if this deal was to go through, they had to play her game a little. He said, "That usually is the case, but Señor de Huerta, likes to oversee things."
The woman chuckled, "I find it entertaining that he does, but also quite telling." She put her cup down and shifted to give her full attention. She looked at Hector. She continued, "It tells me, that your boss keeps an eye on his investments. He is directly involved and to me… that is a good thing."
Oscar stepped back to let Hector take the reins. He was after all the one who was supposed to be doing this. Hector recovered enough from his surprise to continue, "He is also most impressed with you, señorita. He has heard how you did more for your people than the government, a testament to how good the family of Raul Menendez is."
"Raul Menendez was my godfather, padrino. That makes him family. Principle and honor are important," she said as she looked at the pair of them.
Oscar sensed that she was testing them for something. He didn't say anything but let Hector take the lead. Hector replied, "El jefe appreciates a man of integrity and most certainly will appreciate a woman of integrity."
It sounded clumsy and Oscar knew it. As much as he wanted to interfere, he really couldn't. He only did it that one time in order to save Hector from looking like a total fool. He diverted his attention to her security. One looked like he was ready to laugh and not at her but at them. The other looked at them like he was bored but Oscar could tell that he had little patience for this.
The woman chuckled, "I understand why he couldn't meet me himself. I do appreciate that he sent his best to entertain me."
Hector looked taken aback and his features narrowed. He gritted his teeth as he replied, "I am here to broker a deal."
"No," she corrected, "You are here to broker an audience for me to meet el jefe." She eyed Hector with a no nonsense look. She wasn't intimidated by his grousing even with the fact that he had several armed men that could mow her and her security down. "I am well aware of getting a preview. So… how about we discuss a meeting so that I may discuss with him terms of a potential business deal?"
It was silent for a minute before Hector protested, "We are supposed to broker a deal here."
"I conduct my business with the one in charge or not at all. If you cannot get me face time with the man… then we have nothing else to discuss." She picked up her purse and stood up. She looked at her security to silently tell them that they were leaving.
Oscar was in a panic. It would not do them any good if they failed to bring her in. He didn't do anything though. He was inclined to make it so that Hector failed. Yet, this could reflect on both of them. The urge to interfere was great; to say something to Hector and tell him not to let her leave or something. He resisted though. And it was rewarded.
Hector muttered something in Spanish before saying, "Wait. Let me call El Jefe. He can't just drop everything. Meetings are scheduled to his preference." He stood up and pulled out his phone.
Oscar watched as the woman turned to watch them, but didn't take a seat. She was standing just in case she felt her time was being wasted. He had to admire that. She wasn't a submissive type. He didn't realize that he was holding his breath until Hector came back from where it had been obvious he had been receiving a tongue lashing from de Huerta.
The woman took a step forward, "Well?"
Hector looked pissed from Oscar's view. Whether it was a good thing or a bad thing was up for debate. He looked at and said, "El Jefe is agreeable to meeting you in person. In fact, he extends an invitation to his daughter's quinceañera to you. It is in two days. He requests that you stay at his home."
"Tell your boss that I accept his invitation to his daughter's quinceañera, but I will not be staying in his home. I have my own estate in country since I do have business there. I will see him in two days." She turned and left, leaving Oscar and Hector flabbergasted.
A/N: And so Torres goes in and it looks like she made an impression. Onward to Mexico. Stay tuned for more Unfailing Precision...