OMG! The Avengers: Endgame trailer broke me!

I deal with my emotions in very strange ways.

Peter groaned to himself as he slowly began to wake up.

Strange, he didn't hear his alarm go off. Maybe he woke up early again today?

As Peter shifted in his sleep, he felt himself sitting on a couch instead of lying on his bed.

Oh, I must have fallen asleep on the couch, Peter concluded, Weird, I could have sworn I went to bed last night.

As the spiderling peeled his eyes opened, he realized three fundamental truths at the exact same time.

1. He wasn't home

2. He had no idea where he was

3. Mr Stark was asleep right next to him

The grown man was leaning against the armrest of the couch, snoring loudly. Oblivious to the current situation.

Peter look around the room. There was a large flat screen feets away from the couch and a coffee table in between the two objects. A tall lamp was in the corner of the room.

There was no windows but there was a door against the wall behind them, it didn't appear to be locked but it was hard to tell.

Peter reached out and tapped on Tony's shoulder, "Mr. Stark?"

Tony woke up with a snort, the boy retracted his hand as the man tried to adjust to the bright light.

After a few seconds, Tony finally noticed Peter staring at him, nervously.

"Kid?" the man asked groggily, "How did you get into my lab?"

Before Peter could have a chance to answer, Tony looked around the room.

"This isn't my lab," he realized, "Kid, where are we?"

"I… I was kinda hoping that you would know,"

Suddenly, a note appeared on the coffee table in front of them.

Peter began to reach for it but Tony pulled his arm back and grabbed the note himself.

In printed bold text, it read:

There is a lot you two don't know about each other

"What does that mean, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked confused

Tony didn't responded as he stood up from the couch towards the door.

Peter could hear the door jiggle as Mr. Stark tried to pull it open. Tony even tried to kick it open but to no avail.

"It means that whoever placed us here, isn't going to let us leave," the man responded.

Another note appeared:

Get comfy, the show is about to begin

The lights of the room began to dim until the only light source was the lamp in the corner of the room.

"Mr. Stark, what do we do?" Peter asked, slightly afraid but mostly curious.

Tony sighed deeply as he sat back down on the couch.

"For now, let's just see what it is this person wants us to watch,"

A large desert road appeared on screen, at the bottom of the screen, there were the words 'Kunar Province, Afghanistan'

Tony's eyes widened as he realized what they were watching.

Driving down the road was a trail of humvees and the sound of AC/DC's 'Back in Black' could be heard.

The shot changes to show a radio on the floor of a jeep with three soldiers were inside. The screen changes again to show a hand holding a glass of scotch, that was trembling because of the road.

Finally, the camera switched to show Tony Stark as the one holding the glass. The man was dressed in a suit and had sunglasses on his face.

"Hey, Mr. Stark it's you!" Peter exclaimed with am excited and relieved smile, "You look younger, when was this?"

As the kid turned towards Tony, he could tell that the man was not okay.

Tony was staring at the screen with fear and, even while he tried to hide it, his hands were shaking.

Tony looked over at the soldiers, who were giving nervous glances towards the billionaire.

"I feel like you're driving me to a court martial," Tony spoke, trying to ease the tension in the jeep, "This is crazy, what did I do?"

There are more awkward glances from the soldiers but no one says anything, so he continues.

"I feel like you're going to pull over and snuff me," Tony turns to look at the soldier next to him, who has been trying very hard not to make eye contact.

"Hey, Forrest!"

Peter chucked at the scene, "And you say that I make too much pop culture references,"

Tony chuckled at the kids remark, the color in his face returning.

"We can talk, sir."

"Oh, I see. So it's personal?" Tony continued with mock offence

"No, you intimidate them," The soldier driving answered

"Good god, you're a woman. I honestly… I couldn't have called that. I mean I'd apologize but isn't that what we're going for here?" This earns him a smile from the soldier next to him and he continues, "I thought of you as a soldier first,"

"I'm an airman." She corrected

"You have, actually, excellent bone structure there. I'm kind of having a hard time not looking at you now. Is that weird?"

Genuine laughter replaced the tension that had filled the room.

"Come on, it's okay, laugh!"

The soldier sitting in front of Tony turned around to face him, "Sir, I have a question to ask."

"Yes, please,"

"Is it true you went 12 for 12 with last year's maximum cover models?"

Peter's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion while Tony covered his face with his hand.

"That is an excellent question. Yes and no. March and I had a scheduling conflict, but fortunately, the Christmas cover was twins. Anything else?"

Tony had the palm of his hand pressed against his eyes as he watched his younger self on screen.

The soldier sitting next to him hesitantly raised his hand.

"You're kidding me with the hand up, right?" Tony asked with humor

"Is it cool if I take a picture with you?" He asked, hand still in the air

"Yes. It's very cool." Tony responds and the young soldier smiles, pulling out a camera and handing it to the one in the passenger seat.

Trying to relive the tension, Peter tapped Tony's shoulder.

"When this is all done, can I get a pic too?"

Tony actually chuckled as he lowered the hand away from his face,

"That be very cool," he answered, smiling towards Peter.

As the two scoot together, Tony quickly adds, "I don't want to see this on your MySpace page,"

The soldier holds up a peace sign as he smiled towards the camera.

"Please, no gang signs," He brings his hand down and the billionaire looks over at him, "No throw it up, I'm kidding. Yeah, peace. I love peace. I'd be out of a job with peace.

The soldier in the passenger seat seems to be struggling with the camera.

Peter snickered at his struggled while Tony's legs began to bounce with anticipation.

"Come on, hurry up," The one posing says, "Just click it don't change anything. Just-"


The vehicle in front of them suddenly exploded!

Peter jumps in surprise and his hand covered his mouth in horror.

Tony's body was shaking. His hands were rubbing against each other.

"Contact left!" The driver shouts as debris begins to land on the hood, "Contact left!"

"What's going on? What have we got?! "

The female soldier steps out of the vehicle but is immediately shot down.

Peter moves his hands to cover his eyes but peeks through his fingers.

The passenger grabs his weapon and yells towards the back, "Jimmy, stay with Stark!"

The soldier pushes the billionaire down to the floor, "Stay down!"

The other soldier is out of the car now, setting up his gun on the hood of the vehicle when he is also shot, cracking the front windshield and splattering it with blood.

Peter flinched as he squeezed his eyes shut as his hands clamp over his ears. The noise hurting his super senses.

Tony forces himself to move and pulled the kid tightly against his chest. One hand cradling Peter's head so he wouldn't see the violence on screen.

"Son of a bitch!" Jimmy readies his weapon now and gets out, closing the door.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Tony shouts towards him, "Give me a gun!"

"Stay here!" Jimmy shouts back through the glass window. When he turns around, there's an explosion, killing the soldier instantly and piercing holes into the side of the vehicle.

A large ringing sound fills the screen as Tony looks around the area.

Finally, he opens the door and stumbles out of the vehicle.

"Well, don't get out of the car!" Peter shouts, slightly muffled as he moves his head to face the screen.

Tony's ducks behind a rock for cover and quickly pulls out his phone.

His fingers move frantically across the keyboards as he tried to send a message when suddenly, a bomb lands next to him.

In white paint was the logo Stark Industries.

Tony's eyes go wide as he scrambles to his feet but he doesn't make it in time.

The bomb explodes, causing the billionaire to go flying backwards.

Tony closes his eyes as he presses Peter against his chest more tighter. The man's free hand ghosts over the area of his chest where his arc reactor once was.

Tony is sprawled on his back, and his eyes are scanning the area around him, trying to remain open.

With a grunts of pain, Tony moves his head to look down at his chest. Blood begins to spread across his dress shirt.

The man rips open his shirt to see more blood against his bulletproof vest.

With a gasp of pain, Tony passes out on the ground.

The scene fades away in a bright white light.

Peter could feel Mr. Stark shaking as he slowly pulled himself away. Tony didn't react or respond as he stared down towards an invisible spot on the ground.

The spiderling stares at the man for a minute, as if expecting him to disappear at any moment, before turning back towards the monitor.

The voices of a different language came from the screen.

The shot changes to show a bag being yanked off of Tony's head. Blood coat his face and a gun is held next to his head.

The screen pans out to reveal the billionaire tied to a chair with bandages tied around his bloody chest and he is surrounded by armed men. One reading a piece of paper towards the camera.

The screen cuts to black and suddenly in large gold font were the words: IRON MAN.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter asked shakingly

"God kid," Tony muttered, rubbing his forehead, I didn't want you to see this,"

Peter remains quiet, not sure what to say as the next scene appears on screen.

I'm a terrible person but I regret nothing