A young boy sat on the edge of his bed, muscled body trembling as he rocked back and forth with his head held in his hands. He gripped his green locks, trying to stop the crying before it began, to stop the sobbing before it could escape his lips.

He could still remember that day.

(9 years ago)

Red and orange painted the night sky as a building was set ablaze. The rising smoke that threatened to cover and suffocate the stars and moon. Sirens rang throughout the city, with their respective vehicles of ambulances, firetrucks, and cop cars traveling to the burning building. A number of Pro Heroes, namely the number one ranked hero, were in-route to help battle the flames and rescue those still unlucky enough to be trapped inside.

A figure was struggling against the paramedics, a boy, short and lean, and in no way over the age of six. He wore red shoes, blue pajama pants, and a red top with yellow hood and ears on the back. His cries of 'mommy' fell on deaths ears as the paramedics forced him into the ambulance.

His green hair and clothes were burnt, his pale skin covered in black soot, which the paramedics feared he had inhaled sometime while in the building.

There were countless heroes here, and All Might would show up soon. They'd rescue the kid's mom, right now their biggest concern was the kid himself.

(2 years later)

A young boy stood on a bridge, his green eyes staring beyond the horizon at the newly constructed apartment building.

It had been two years since a raging inferno destroyed the original building, two years since the initial cause was stated as arson. Dozens were harmed in the battle against the flames, it was mainly civilians, followed by fire fighters, and lastly, a hand full of pros. Only two causalities were reported.

One was an old lady that lived next to him, Quirk: Crystallization (the user can make crystals out of one's emotions. The type of crystal and color created would be based on the subject's current mood). It was discovered she died via carbon monoxide poisoning. She died quickly, almost painlessly.

The second was a mother of one. Inko Midoriya was the name, Quirk: Attraction (there's no official name). She had burned to death while trapped under a wooden beam. She died slowly, painfully, her screams and cries for help still haunted many to this day.

The young boy, her son Izuku Midoriya, took a deep breath and climbed over the railing of the bridge, now standing on its edge. The bridge was still in the process of being rebuilt after a hero and villain fight, meaning no one was here but him.

It was still hard to believe it had happened two years ago, and that he had grown up in an orphanage this whole time. His mother was close friends with a married couple, whose son Izuku was friends with back in the past. He had expected them to come to his aid, but alas, they never did.

No one had come to his aid, and no one had adopted him. Rumors spread to the parents that had come by, of a quirkless, green haired boy. Rumors spread that he was crazy, always talking to himself, never wanting to interact with the other kids. Someone had even said he had caused the fire on that fateful day, a basis less claim that many were quick to believe. He was quirkless, he was below them, and those that were at the bottom had nothing to lose, those at the bottom seeked attention no matter the consequence.

He breathed in and out a few times, his knuckles turning white as they gripped the metal bars behind him. Should he do this? What would his mother say if she saw him right now? Would she show empathy that her little boy was planning on jumping? Or, would she mock him for being weak?

"You are going to jump, aren't you?" The voice of a man asked, causing him to jump where he stood. Izuku turned his head, and watched as a tall figure walked towards him. The only light available was that of the moon, merely giving away the figure's height, and the fact he wore some type of helmet.

"A-Are you g-going to t-try to s-stop me?"

"Nope." The man answered bluntly, leaning on the rail next to the green haired boy. This caused Izuku to gasp in shock. Who wouldn't try to stop someone from attempting suicide?

"W-Why not?"

"It matters little to me if you do or not. My life won't change in the slightest if you do, just as everyone else. Your death won't matter to anyone." The figure stated.

Izuku flinched, tears starting to form. The man was right. No one cared for him, he had no friends or family. He doubted his father wouldn't even bat an eye, seeing as how he hadn't returned home since Inko had died.

"That's if you do. If you don't, perhaps the lives of many would change? The question is, what are you willing to do, young Izuku?"

"H-How do you know my name?!"

"Your photo was plastered everywhere the week of the fire my dear boy! To think, you became so famous over a little fire." The man chuckled.

"I-It's not funny! My mom…she…s-she…" He sniffled, wiping the tears away.

"Died? Yes I know. She and the other woman died tragic deaths, but have you ever asked yourself, why?"

"B-because of the fire?"

"No son! It was the hero's fault! They weren't fast or strong enough to save your mother, even the Symbol of Peace failed you."

"T-That's not fair! They…they tried their best!"

"And their best got your dear mother burnt to a crisp." The man growled. "Hero's are always failing, always letting someone die or allowing a villain to escape. How many lives have been lost because of a hero's failure? How many more most be lost for heroes to get their act together?"

Izuku shook his head as the man spoke. He was wrong! Hero's were the best! They always won and saved people and…and…wait.

His eyes widened, realization finally hitting him. His mother, his own mother, had died because heroes couldn't save her…did…did that mean heroes weren't all they were cracked up to be?

"The Pros failed you, young Izuku. But if you come with me, you won't turn out like them. You'd be something better than some hero." The man offered his hand, causing the boy to stare at it.

"B-But I'm quirkless. How can I be better than a hero?"

"I have a special Quirk my boy! I can give you a Quirk! All you have to do, is come with me."

Izuku raised his hand, and hesitated before accepting. The man used his strength and pulled Izuku over the metal bar. They began to walk, with Izuku still clutching his hand.

"We'll need to think of a codename for you, for safety purposes of course! It'd be seen as odd if I called you by your name out in public. Do you have on in mind?"

"W-Well my old friend u-used to call me Deku…" Izuku trailed off.

A helicopter flew over the two, a search light beaming down and hitting them. It gave Izuku a split second to look fully look at the man he had decided to go with. The guy was in a black suit, accompanied by a creepy purple and black helmet.

Izuku couldn't see, but the man grinned under his helmet.

"Deku it is then."

(Present Day)

A knocking came at his door, causing the boy to wipe his eyes.

"C-Come in!"

"Master Deku?" A voice asked while opening the door. A black mist with yellow eyes peaked in. "It's 11 am, sir. Everything's in position, we just need your order and the execution will begin."

Deku nodded and finished wiping his eyes before looking up, the sadness being replaced with determination.

"Thank you, Kurogiri. Begin the operation while I get change." A smile formed. "I'll get everything ready for our guests."