Chapter 14 Exams Part 1

Central Tower

The Central Tower was in the middle of the Forrest of Death and Naruto and his group was in an arena as he saw the rest of the teams that made it and he saw his 'father' in front of everybody as he was congratulating everyone on making to the tower. Naruto met the other Ice Queens Kurenai, Yugao and Hana and their servants as Yugao had a Saber Class that looked like Artoria as her name was Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Kurenai Servant was a Caster Servant name was Merlin as this made Artoria happy on seeing a familiar face and he met Hana Rider Servant Martha.

This was a surprise that they became servants as Nero appeared before Yugao to help her to fight against some bandits. Naruto spoke with them and told him about his life, his plans for this world and his harem making Anko tease him to no end and making the girls blush but the thing was there talking got into a huge orgy with the Ice Queens, their servants, and his other harem sisters.

Now here they were as they had too many for the Chunin Exams so they have to do preliminaries to do single rounds of randomly selected one-on-one matches is held where only one victor will get to continue on. Participant's advancement to the finals is no longer contingent upon the success of their teammates.

'So everyone has to fight to advance?' Irisviel asked through her mental link to Naruto.

'Yes, as this shows the other village shinobi their skills and there is killing is allowed,' Naruto replied back and he heard Artoria groaning and rubbing her stomach a bit. 'Something wrong Artoria?'

'I don't know Naruto as myself and Irisviel were both throwing up this morning and we been going to the bathroom as well.' Artoria answers her lover.

Naruto hum at this as he didn't know what's going on as Alexandria, Gilgamesh, Jalter, Enkidu, Mei, Haku, Altera, Tsunami, Justeaze, Angra, Tsunade, Shizune, Florence, Mash, and Astolfo were also feeling the same thing as well. Naruto notices that Kabuto was leaving as he said he wasted too much chakra and this made Naruto frown as he had the smell of snakes on him and he's clearly a spy.

'That fool is laying you can sense his power is just fine,' Artoria said.

'He has the word spy written on him as I'm surprised that NO ONE looked into him as he fails seven times and that doesn't concern them anyway, but Medusa will take care of him before he gets to his master.' Naruto stated.

They saw a screen appeared as they saw names flashing fast until it hit on Sasuke and an opponent from Kabuto's team as all the other Genins went toward the stands while Sasuke and the other stay behind to fight.

[The same as in Canon]

The battle was over as Sasuke use an attack called Lion's Barrage but Naruto knew he stole the Front Lotus from Rock Lee as the said boy's sensei Might Guy uses it.

"I'm unimpressed by the boy's performance," Artoria stated with a blank look on her face.

"What do you expect Artoria! He stole the Front Lotus from Rock Lee with the Sharingan and made his own version. But the kicker is that he didn't even ask the boy's sensei to copy it, he just stole it as in his mind and as all Uchiha's sans for three everything belongs to them as they believe that they're gods and better than everyone else," Naruto explains as he snorted but continue.

"And besides the Sharingan is not so great even if it's on the last stage even if it can copy all Jutsu in the world it can't copy bloodline Jutsu's like Wood, Ice, Lava, etc. and to top it off you can blind the said Uchiha with a flash bomb, use pure speed or overload them."

"Can't believe those eyes steal someone else's hard work for their own greed as it's like a monkey coping his master movements," Artoria said.

"Of course as you can't copy all the Jutsu's in the world as there is new Jutsu's being made," Naruto stated.

"I know as in our world there is new magic being made as it's hard to use every single one," Irisviel commented.

"It's like a snake eating its own tail until it's nothing left as I don't know why Orochimaru wants them as they are a short cut to power. They don't know how to train so he and the brat want to use short cuts to power instead of training hard," Naruto said.

Both Sasuke and disguise Orochimaru both glared at Naruto with hate.

'Just you wait, you loser as when I kill my sister and get more power, I will kill you and take your whores as mine,' Sasuke thought as he was taken away by Kakashi.

'My dream won't be denied Naruto as I will have the Sharingan,' Orochimaru thought.

The next match appeared as it was Shino against a Sound nin with Shino winning the match where Shino's bug blocks the airwaves in the man's hand blowing his handoff. The others were his former siblings beating two Iwa nin's making the last member which was a girl glaring at them with hate but Naruto saw her command seals on her hand.

'What type of servant do you have Iwa nin?' Naruto thought as he looked at the girl.

Then the next appeared as a girl name Kurotsuchi was facing off another team member from Kabuto's team and it was the said Iwa nin. Kurotsuchi has short, black hair and distinctly pink eyes which are accentuated by her eyelashes running upwards at the corners. She wears the standard attire of the Iwa-nin consisting of a red uniform with her right sleeve missing and a lapel over her right leg, the brown Iwagakure flak jacket, fishnet tights and a skirt over them. She also wears regular shinobi sandals and a pair of gloves.

Naruto has to say she's quite the looker as her figure is the same as Haku's figure but with a little bigger butt. Kurotsuchi notice she was being looked at and she looked up and saw Naruto staring at her as she quickly turns her head with a tint a pink on her cheeks as he was handsome.

'You should be careful if I was you as that man and those two girls are some type of demi-servant as those girls have servants with them.' Kurotsuchi servant said as she giggled at her master shyness. 'And he's kind of cute master.'

'It's not like that Assassin?' Kurotsuchi replied back with a red face

'Aww... I don't mind sharing him master as I can eat you both up.' Assassin stated.

'CARMILLA!?' Kurotsuchi mentally shouted at her servant as the said servant was laughing.

"Ready to lose Iwa nin," Misumi said.

"In your dream's you tree-hugging bastard," Kurotsuchi said as she got into her stance.

The match started and Kurotsuchi charged Misumi with great speed and punch the man in the gut making him cough out blood. He tries to strike back but she dodges and she gave him a right hook on his face knocking some teeth out of him.

"Little Iwa slut, I'm going to kill you," Misumi said.

"You can try tree hugger," Kurotsuchi said as she did a few hand signs. "Lava Style: Lava Dragon Jutsu!"

She spat out a Lava Dragon out of her mouth as it headed toward Misumi as he didn't have the chance to dodge the attack as it struck him melting him and killing him. Kurotsuchi was declared as the winner by death and some of the Konoha nin was shock by this.

"Why would she kill him?" the platinum blonde hair girl said.

Her sensei sigh at Ino but before he can say something Naruto decided to speak.

"Because this is the way of the Ninja life it's killed or be killed. This is not an honorable duel where you beat your opponent and leave them alive; no you kill them before they kill you, this is not where the men rescue the princess or where the women wait for their knight in shining armor to rescue them," Naruto said as he looked at Ino. "Whoever told you this is an idiot and my guess it was your mother or you read too much Fairy Tail books."

Ino finch at Naruto's glare as his lover nodded their heads at this. The next match was Ino and Sakura which the match was a disappointment as it was a double knock out.

"That was the most pathetic match I have ever seen," Artoria stated as she was disgusted by these two were fighting each other for two boy's attention.

"I pity their senseis for not knocking the fangirl out of them," Haku said.

"I feel sorry the father from the Yamanaka Clan as his daughter will drag that clan down to the mud," Naruto commented.

Kakashi, Asuma and Kushina sigh at this on how true Naruto's words were. The other match was between a Suna girl name Temari and another Leaf nin name Tenten. The match started and Tenten threw some Kunai at Temari but they missed her shocking Tenten and her team.

'I miss? I never miss?' Tenten thought she threw some more weapons at her but they miss their target as she notices the fan from Temari open showing one star on it.

'What is that?'

Naruto sighs at this and spoke up, "Tenten is going to lose this match as I can tell that this girl likes throwing her weapons at her target but she doesn't what her opponent is."

"How could you say that? Tenten will win this match," Guy said as he looked at his student.

"Tenten show these two you're Flames of Youth."

Tenten eyebrow twitch at her sensei and her teammate shouting they're flames of youth but her train of thought was broken when Temari decided to speak.

"He's right you know as you have no chance on winning," Temari said with a smirk on her face.

"Hey I can beat you and I'll prove it," Tenten demanded

"Well, you're lost since and after the match I might ask the black-haired man on a date," Temari said as she winked at Naruto but then she heard her servant talking to her.

'Yay, my master is getting our husband,' Her servant said in a happy voice.

'Maybe Tamamo.' Temari replied back at her Caster Servant.

Tenten threw more weapons at Temari but they miss again showing a second star on Temari's fan but Tenten decided to use her Twin Rising Dragons on Temari but they all miss their target as a third star was shown on her fan.

"Look it's my third star and it's now my turn," Temari stated.

She used her fan a huge blast of wind at Tenten catching the girl in a cyclone as she was getting cuts all over her body and when the cyclone ended Tenten fell down right on Temari's fan to add some insult towards Tenten and threw her on the ground but Rock Lee caught his teammate and glared at Temari.

"She was already beaten, where is your honor?" Rock Lee said.

"There is no honor on a ninja anyway," Temari stated.

Rock Lee was about to charge at the girl but Naruto's blades got between them and they looked up and they notice he was displeased.

"Rock Lee there is no honor for Ninja's and if you want honor then be a samurai as your sensei feed you that crap from the start as I told him that there was no way for Tenten to win. Temari is from Suna aka the Land of Wind meaning all the Suna nin knows Wind Jutsu's as Tenten projectile weapons won't work on her," Naruto said as he was glaring at Rock Lee.

"So shut up and be a true ninja."

Naruto summons his blades back as Rock Lee did what he was told as the next match was a girl name Shizuka from Nadeshiko Village but he notices her teammates and their sensei were female but to his surprise they were servants and two of them were students but he got a read on them. The sensei was an Archer name Artemis and Orion, the teammate was another Archer name Ishtar and the last teammate Berserker name Penthesilea as this surprise him as he saw the sensei in the room on the first part and didn't know from the start so that means that the other two hid their power from him until now as her opponent was an Ame nin.

Things are going to get interesting in the finals as Naruto mentally told his lovers about this as they have to be careful about this and might summon one their servants if they are fighting one of them.