Hotshot: And this is the last chapter. I have no other ideas for this so yeah, hope you all had enjoyed this! Stay tuned for "The Dark Side of the Moon", I'll be working on it once I finished uploading this. If you have any questions until I upload the first chapter of the next book, make sure to DM me or whatever! Without further ado, the last chapter!

Chapter 8

NEST base, Diego Garcia
1 Year since Egypt

Matsuri's body shuddered as she laid on the medical bed within the medbay, her body covered in sweat and pain racked through her. The pain was mainly originating from the part of her shoulder that met her metal arm and if she were to look, she would have seen that the metal had traveled up and had now encased her entire shoulder and was slowly traveling up her neck and across her chest.

She was in the middle of her third change now, the second being her spark coming into existence fully.

She whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut as the metal crawled a little more, shooting bolts of pain throughout her. It had started just after breakfast and luckily, she was with Ratchet so he was quick to get her to the medbay and made her as comfortable as he could. Of course, this meant that she could only be in a muscle shirt and a pair of shorts.

She was currently alone, the others in a meeting with the general and whoever else and it was hell for her. She wanted someone- anyone- to be with her right now, to try and distract her from the pain.

A warm metal finger suddenly brushed her bangs away from her sweaty forehead, making her open her eyes. Above her was Optimus, who was looking down at her with concern in his optics.

"Optimus…" she croaked, wincing.

"Hush and be still, my spark." Optimus rumbled soothingly as he gently stroked his finger against her forehead. Matsuri focused on the stroking, trying to distract herself from the pain, which seemed to be working out rather well now. "Just a few more hours, and then it will be complete."

The young woman could only whimper as more of the metal and covered more of her and it was starting to get extremely painful.

"Hurts…" she whimpered.

"I know it does." Optimus took his hand away before allowing his holoform to take form beside Matsuri's bed. Once that was done, he carefully maneuvered her so that he could lay beside her. He made sure that her head was on his chest plates, letting her hear the thrumming of his spark. He hoped that this would sooth her pain, even if it is just a little bit. Typically, mates used the sound of their sparks to sooth one another as well as using the sound to sooth their sparklings.

Matsuri could feel her eyes began to droop as she listened to the mech's spark and soon, she had fallen asleep, escaping the pain.

The next time she woke up, her whole body ached but that's about it. She was still in the medbay but she was only one on the bed now, so she figured that she was out for quite a few hours.

"Glad to see you're awake." Ratchet stated from his spot beside a table that had his tools. "You've been out for two days."

She stared at her adoptive carrier in surprise. Was he serious? She had been out for that long?!

"The change is finished. I set up a mirror a few feet away so all you have to do is to sit up and look into it, so you don't have to stand yet."

She forced herself to sit up and turned her body towards the mirror before she froze when she saw two glowing optics that was staring at her from within the mirror.

Her body was covered in sleek black armor with yellow highlights throughout, detailing some aspects of the armor. Her face looked like her human one but was instead silver in color and her helm looked like a combination of Ironhide's and Ratchet's, the only difference being that the only thing that was stilling up was her ears that was also incased in armor. Attached to her back was wings which was also a sleek black but it had two, yellow autoboot symbols.

"Wow…" She mumbled before she surprised herself with her voice. It was more…metallic sounding.

"You're Sire and Optimus will be here soon." Ratchet stated and not a minute later, the said mechs walked into the room.

"You look great, Matsuri." Ironhide rumbled as soon as he saw his adopted daughter.

"Thanks." She smiled at him before looking at Ratchet. "Will I always stay at this size?"

"Most likely." He answered.

"I can go back to my human form, right?"

"Yes. If it's anything like transforming, all you have to do is to concentrate on making your armor recede."

She nodded, closed her eyes and concentrated. A moment later, she felt everything receding back and soon, as she opened her eyes and looked in the mirror, she saw that she was back to being human once again.

She paused before slowly turning to Optimus and a grin split across her face. "Does this mean I can get to go on more missions with you guys now?"

She held back and snicker when she heard Ratchet let out a small, suffering groan. Yeah, he's going to be a worry carrier when she goes out onto the field.

"Possibly after you get use to your new form- never before." Optimus stated with a stern undertone.

"Yes sir."

After Ratchet gave her a scan, he deemed her ready to be discharged from the medbay. Optimus took no other encouragement before he scooped his small mate up in his hand. With a parting nod, he walked out of the medbay and down the hall, a finger stroking the techno-organic's back.

Matsuri could only smile before she closed her eyes. With her mate, her creators and her family by her side, there's nothing too dangerous that she couldn't handle. She had her reasons to live and she was going to protect them with her life.