Like no joke, I've been writing HIH and DFSC along with this, swears it I do! Just this one was finished in a day somehow…Oh well? Anyway, a bit of a warning. I'm aware people go through stuff growing up, and it's never easy. And…I'm kind of going into stuff like that with this story. So to warn you, this story will probably be triggering to some. I'm sorry if it bothers you, and if any of you have gone through something, anything similar. I've gone through some things recently, and this gets out all the pent-up crap out of me, in a safe way. I'll explain more in the author's note at the bottom, so please read it. But for those of you who've been wanting to know about Itachi and Sakura more, this is it. Not all of it obviously, but this is a small look into their pasts'. Some chapters might not have flashbacks, and some will. Kind of depends on what I end up writing lol.

"Sakura, where is my math book?"

"It's on the coffee table in front of you."

"Ok I understand that…But where?" Itachi's mind was goo. It was the Friday before classes begun for him, and he had last minute homework to finish.

He had been awake since before the sun rose, and now that it was a little past two in the afternoon, he was almost done. A sigh left the young silvery pinkette behind him as he sat on the floor, her body laying back across the couch as she read a book. Hearing a soft thump of the book closing, her legs shifted as her feet touched the floor.

"Sweet Jesus, what have you done to your table!?"

"Sakura, I'm doing homework remember…?" Ok, so it looked like a small bomb went off in front of him.

Books laid over the entire surface, papers slowly falling to the floor as Itachi shifted everything to finish writing notes and finding the proper book for the right class. Everyone was like this when they did homework right?

"No wonder you get so stressed…Ok where did you last have it out?"

Laying his head back to look up to her, Itachi's eyebrows furrowed together. "I already checked where it last was."

"Are you sure you did…?" With a sigh he leaned back against the couch, letting his shoulders drop as he slouched in defeat.

Study day was bad day. Maybe he could just stop for the time being, he was getting tired as is. A soft knock on his front door drew the couples' attention as Sakura carefully lifted the edge of a paper in hopes of finding the missing book.

Glancing to each other, Itachi gave a shrug, making Sakura roll her eyes at him. Just because someone was at his door didn't mean he knew who it was.

"Oi, Itachi it's me!" Said man perked at the male voice, his little brother from his new family. "Are you and Sakura decent?"

A chuckle left Itachi, Sakura's green eyes thinning as she turned to look at him. Her mouth opened, wordlessly asking "Should I moan?" as her eyebrow raised. Giving her a shake of his head, he couldn't help but smile. He'd normally be for torturing his new baby brother, but he was a bit too tired today for that.

Sakura gave a pout as Itachi called out, telling his brother they were in fact, decent right now. "Thank God…" Footsteps could be heard climbing the steps, several steps being skipped as a head of black hair reached the top of the stairs in no time.

With packs of water under each arm, Itachi's little brother stopped once he had a clear view of the two, his eyes thinning as he looked them over skeptically. Itachi usually wasn't a jealous man, and usually not over other men. But he couldn't help being dissatisfied at the fact his brother was a little taller than him, even with Itachi being five years older. It must be a trait of his mother; his father was a little shorter then Itachi himself. But other than that fact, his little brother took somewhat strongly after his father.

Itachi had said they were decent, which was true. But fully clothed like the younger man had been hoping? Never in a million years, he should really have known better. Itachi was only in a pair of sweats while Sakura lounged in another one of his shirts.

"You said decent."

"And we are. Give me a call next time and I'll make sure we're 'fully clothed' though. You should really know this by now, Sasuke." An eye roll was his only response. Watching as his brother made his way into the kitchen, setting the heavy packages of water on his table, Sakura got off the couch and made her way to Itachi's bedroom to get dressed.

"Is there something I can help you with today Sasuke, or are you just dropping off the wrong brand of water that your roommate bought?"

Sasuke was spoiled, always had been. It was something that bothered Itachi greatly when he first started living with his family. The man was stupidly picky about the brand of bottled water he'd drink. It was water, just drink it.

"You haven't gone to see kaa-san in a while." Ahh, so that's what this visit was about. Itachi not going home for a few weeks to see his mother.

"I've been busy with work, taking extra shifts for more money."

"Is that all?" Sasuke's eyes were unusually dark as he turned his attention towards his older brother.

Itachi said nothing, but shifted his legs out of their crossed state and stood. Sasuke was always protective over his mother, for some reason thinking Itachi's absence from the house meant the older man wanted nothing to do with them.

"I've just been busy Sasuke, there's nothing else to it. If you want I'll go see her today, I could use a break from studying anyway."

A sigh left the younger man at Itachi's statement. "I shouldn't have to come over and remind you that you haven't been home for you to go and see her…"

"And you shouldn't assume I hate her." Itachi's voice grew stern, his eyes thinning as he turned his head to give the younger man a very unimpressed look.

Sasuke gulped at the look, instantly backing down and turning his gaze away. It was hard for his brother, Itachi knew. There was a small period after moving in with them that Itachi hated them, hated Sasuke's mother. Their mother. Yes, Itachi had moved in with the Uchiha when he was nine, had a different name at the time as well. But one thing he shared with them, with Sasuke in particular. Was that Uchiha Mikoto was his mother by blood.

Itachi's entire life had been pulled apart already when his mother and brother left, his father following quickly after them. But it did even more so after he had been found in his run-down home.

"Where is Raijin?"

Itachi sat frozen, staring with wide eyes as a tall man with long dark hair knelt in front of him. The man was terrifying, even as he tried to make his deep voice softer, shrinking his body for the child in front of him. Itachi couldn't speak, one moment he had been dozing off on his worn couch, and the next the lock on the front door had been picked, allowing this man entrance.

The man frowned, eyebrows drawn together as his black eyes swept over the boy, taking in his appearance. He was filthy, Itachi was aware of this. There was no running water, so he couldn't bathe or attempt to wash his clothes, and his hair was matted. Yet even with how he looked, the man must have noticed something about him, for his eyes widened slightly.

"You're his son…Your name is Itachi, yes?" Said boy perked suddenly, back straightening as he blinked a bit confusedly.

"You know my name?" The man must know him. Even with how utterly dark it was in the living room, the only light coming from the street below and the hallway behind the man, for Itachi could see recognition on his face as he paled.

"Do…You know my tou-san?" Jolting slightly at Itachi's question, the man gave a curt nod, shifting his weight a bit to relieve some of the strain on his knees.

"I do…Your father and I worked together." Itachi gave a nod, still not knowing who the man in front of him was. He just hopped he wasn't trying to fool him and take him somewhere where he'd be harmed…But if this man worked with his father, perhaps he could help Itachi find him.

It was quiet for a moment, both Itachi and the man looking the other over, before slowly Itachi watched as the man looked about the room. Embarrassment filled him as he lowered his head, shyly glancing about as well. His home was falling apart, it smelled, and there was the occasional bug that scurried across the floor to hide from the light the front door let in. He had tried to keep things clean, but without water or cleaning supplies, it was difficult.

"How long have you been alone, Itachi?"

'Alone…' His chest gave a harsh squeeze, his hands clutching at the tearing fabric of the cushion he sat on. "I don't know…A month?" Itachi was sure it was longer, but knew that it could just feel like it had been longer.

Lifting his eyes, Itachi watched the man stroked his chin thoughtfully, slightly startled to see he was being watched again. Itachi felt vulnerable under the older man's gaze, like he was being picked apart.

"Itachi…Are you hungry?" The question caught him off guard, making him look at the man confused as he gave a small nod. "Good!"

Jumping slightly as the man slapped his thighs and stood, a small grunt leaving him as his knees cracked softly as he stood at the end of the couch. Watching as a hand was extended towards him, a small frown pulled at Itachi's lips, eyes thinning slightly as he looked to the man skeptically.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know you…" A small smile covered the older man's face, his shoulder's relaxing, as his hand turned from palm up to the side, almost as if he were awaiting to shake Itachi's hand.

"My name is Madara."

Recognition lit across Itachi's face, he vaguely remembered someone with that name being mentioned by his father while his mother was still alive. Madara was his father's boss, and he was a rather strict kind of guy, always making his father work late, but at least paying him for it. Itachi was still unsure of what to do.

He had always hoped his father would return, with Akio in his arms. But what was he supposed to do? He had run out of food a few days ago. He was getting the occasional casserole from an elder lady who still believed Raijin was home and that she was helping a grieving father feed his son. At least she was partly right in her thinking.

"I know you don't want to leave…I understand." Again, Madara lowered himself to Itachi's height, hand resting against his knee as he bent forward. "But you can't stay here. You know this, don't you?"

Itachi sat quietly, eyes moving down to look at the cushion in front of him. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he knew this wasn't what was best for him. Compared to how things had been…He wasn't happy, he was scared, he holed himself up in the apartment and refused to talk to anyone. He just wanted his father and brother back.

Slowly lifting his hand, Itachi grasped ahold of Madara's still outstretched hand, shaking slightly as he refused to meet the older man's gaze. Madara knew his father. Perhaps when he returned and found Itachi was gone, he'd go straight to him to get Itachi back. He had too, right?

Itachi was thankful when Madara said nothing, only helped him stand. Accepting the fact he couldn't stay here was hard enough as is, having to confirm it would have been far too much on him. He didn't say anything as Madara lifted him, holding Itachi to his chest as he carried him through the dark living room before stopping. Pausing long enough to grab a photo frame from the wall next to the door, Madara tucked the frame carefully between his arm and Itachi's back, trying not to apply too much pressure and cause the glass to crack.

Itachi didn't lift his head from Madara's shoulder, his arms wrapped loosely around his neck as he was taken through the bright lights of the hallway and down to the main level of the apartment building. Itachi could hear whispers from the neighbors as he was carried to the front door, see the shocked faces at his state.

Did none of them really know it had been just him all this time? Tightening the grip on the man carrying him, Itachi buried his face into the fabric of Madara's shirt. His eyes burnt, it was the cologne Madara wore irritating his eyes, it had to be. Once the door was opened and they stepped outside, reality sunk in as the chilly night air made him shiver. He was alone, he was leaving and never coming back. His father had left him.

Clenching his teeth together, Itachi squeezed his eyes shut, willing away the tears that made his eyes burn worse. He wouldn't cry, he had to keep it together. Everything was going to be fine. This was just a bit of a setback, in a matter of day's his father would come for him.

"It's ok Itachi, I'm here." Madara's voice was soft as his large hand rubbed at Itachi's back. If the older man had noticed how his shirt grew wet, he said nothing about it. He only tightened his hold as he carried Itachi to his car, trying to give off a soothing aura he had been told countless times he had.

Itachi's eyes drifted downwards, away from Sasuke. Yes, his life had been harsh at that point and time. Everything had seemed unfair, like the universe was picking on him and only him. He had grown up comfortably besides being poor, then he had been thrusted into a rather well-off family. Being told "These are your parents and little brother, be sure to play nicely ok?" He was upset, but he eventually came to understand it wasn't their faults.

"I'll go see kaa-san today…" Itachi's voice was soft as he spoke, his gaze still on the floor off to the side as Sasuke looked to him. "Just let me go shower first."

Without another word or waiting for his brother's reply, Itachi turned and made his way towards his bedroom, Sakura leaning against the doorframe as she watched the brother's quietly. He could see the worry on her face, the question of "Are you alright?" burning in her eyes.

Giving her a half-hearted smile, Itachi gave her a light kiss on her forehead, moving past her and into the bathroom. As the bathroom closed behind him, Itachi could hear Sakura hiss at Sasuke, reprimanding him for his words.

The drive home to his mother's house wasn't necessarily long, but it wasn't short either. It was roughly an hour and half one way, enough that while living at home the drive to school was rather annoying. Sasuke and himself could have gone to the college in the city they lived, but both preferred what was offered at the college they both currently attended.

Sasuke had left the apartment shortly after Itachi had jumped into the shower, so it was just he and Sakura in his beat up old truck. It was nice, the music playing was soft, windows down a bit to cool off the hot cabin, he just wished Sakura wouldn't stare at him so openly. Did he have something on his face?

"If there's something you want to ask me, you can go ahead and ask." Sparing the woman next to him a glance, his eyes moved back to the road. She stayed quiet a bit longer, her eyes never leaving him as he glanced to the rearview mirror. There was no one else on the road currently, but it never hurt to always check your surroundings.

"Your upset about what Sasuke said."

"I'm not upset." He could feel her eyes roll at his statement, her body shifting a bit as she finally looked forward.

"Ok then…What are you?" Itachi stayed quiet, blinking a bit at her question.

Both were always careful to give the other space, never wanting to crowd the other. Perhaps Sakura was wanting to move past that, at least in the sense that she was wanting him to know he could finally start opening up to her. 'Maybe she's telling me she's willing to open up to me as well…' His eyes slid over to her form, taking her in as he thought it over before looking to the road again. He didn't want to dwell on it, be too hopeful and end up pushing her to talk about anything that she didn't want too.

"I'm not upset over what Sasuke said." He could see her nod from the corner of his eye, her hands folded in her lap as the music continued to play. Letting out a small sigh, Itachi reached up and turned the volume to the music so low it couldn't be heard anymore, catching Sakura's attention.

"Sasuke's always worried about the relationship between kaa-san and I…I suppose it's a kind of reassurance to him that things are still going well between her and I, and ultimately, he and I." Sakura still didn't speak, but she turned to face him as he spoke, slightly taken aback that he was actually talking about it. "Things weren't always great between us. I rebelled a lot as a kid."

"After you moved in with them…Right?" Silence, but Itachi gave a soft nod to tell her that she was right.

It wasn't something that was hidden, just never spoken about. It was easy to see if you looked at the family portraits through the house, some were of just them. Mikoto, Fugaku and Sasuke. Then suddenly, there was a nine-year-old Itachi in some, never any of him as a baby. Now that Itachi thought about it, he didn't have any pictures of himself as a little kid, perhaps Madara had them?

"I didn't like the sudden change. Things were just too different." A hum left the silvery pinkette in understanding. Neither of them were fond of major sudden change. It left both of them feeling helpless.

"I can get that." Sakura's voice was soft as she spoke, gaining Itachi's attention. "You live one way for so long, that when your no longer able to live that way…It messes with a kid. You don't know what to do, no matter what you try you still just feel…"

Her eyebrows furrowed as she struggled to find the words, her lips pressed into a tight line as she huffed. Her words had a double meaning, she wasn't referring to just what Itachi had gone through. He could see that. Reaching out to her, Itachi laced his fingers through her's, holding onto her hand and giving it a soft squeeze.

Sakura had always been understanding, more then anyone he had ever met. After she had first witnessed his nightmares, she hadn't asked for an explanation. She just sat with him, holding his hand tightly to ground him, coxing him to breathe deeply so he'd calm himself. She had been the one to teach him the proper way to breathe after them, so he wouldn't get lightheaded. An anxiety attack she called it. Lifting her hand with their fingers still laced together, Itachi placed a small kiss to the back of her knuckles, glancing to her and seeing a small smile on her face.

"When did you stop rebelling?" A small chuckle left him as Itachi laid their clasped hands on the center divider between them.

"Stopped? I don't think I've ever stopped. But things got better once I was fourteen. Fugaku-san, had actually been the most supportive during that time next to my uncle Madara." He still felt bad calling him 'Fugaku-san' instead of just referring to him as his father.

He had tried hard to just ignore he already had a father, tried to force himself to be someone he wasn't so he would be more apart of the family. Fugaku had told him he didn't need to be anyone but himself, because he was already apart of the family no matter what.

He had given Itachi the freedom needed to find himself again, get the anger he felt out without worrying if he was screwing up. Fugaku had helped Itachi's mother see how lost he was, and helped her find ways to connect with him finally.

"Fugaku-san seems so scary though..." Sakura's mumble didn't go unheard, causing Itachi to laugh lightly. It was true, Fugaku didn't really give off a friendly aura.

"He can I guess, but he's a good guy. I'm thankful to him for everything he's done."

Fugaku could have treated him like trash, threatened to throw him from the house if he didn't clean up his act, yet he had raised him just as he did Sasuke. Sakura's thumb caressed the side of his hand, squeezing lightly as she leant towards him.

Itachi couldn't fight the smile on his face, happily leaning towards her and giving her a quick kiss, Sakura's head lightly nuzzling his shoulder once he turned back to the road. It felt oddly nice talking about this, even if he hadn't really gone into detail. It gave him a little insight to Sakura, and how she was so ok with everything.

Something had happened to her at a young age to cause her to mature quickly, just like it did him. The rest of the drive continued in content silence, occasionally Itachi having to pull his hand away to shift gears, only for Sakura to seek out his hand again after. He liked road trips with her, she didn't need music on full blast, or tons of conversation to keep herself occupied. Just his presence and touch.

He was late. She was supposed to be picked up at four thirty once her father returned home from work, yet it was six forty-three, and there wasn't even a phone call from him. Today wasn't anything too special, it wasn't her birthday, yet it still hurt basically being stood up. Sniffling softly, pink bangs made their way into emerald eyes, causing the ten-year-old girl to angerly brush them aside.

Today was nothing special, but it was dinner night. Her father worked a lot to provide for them, so he came up with a daddy daughter dinner night when she was six. Every month her father would take her wherever she wanted to go to eat, and it was amazing. It gave them time to bond, something her father felt they weren't doing as much anymore.

A knock on the front door caught the young girls' attention, her mood instantly lifting at the thought of it being her father. Jumping from her bed and patting her hands against the skirt of her dress to straighten it, she ran from her bedroom to the front door.

"Sakura stop running!" Said girl ignored her mother's calling, stopping in front of the door and unlatching the lock and flinging the heavy red door open.

"Papa, your late-"

Her words caught in her throat, her shoulders lowering slowly as she took in the uniformed man in front of her. That's right, her father wouldn't have knocked on the front door, he has a key.

"Sakura! Listen to me when I tell you something!" Her mother's voice seethed lightly behind her, grabbing the door and opening it more as she joined behind her daughter. "Oh…Officer, can I help you…?"

"Yes ma'am, your name is Haruno Mebuki correct?"

Sakura's stomach dropped, why was a police officer at her front door? Turning her attention to the blonde woman behind her, Sakura's stomach dropped further as the color drained from Mebuki's face.

"Y…Yes, I'm Mebuki…Where's Kizashi?"

"There's been an accident ma'am…" Sakura's world faded out at the officers' statement.

An accident? But her father was an amazing driver, how could he have gotten into an accident? Turning to look at the man on the porch, Sakura barely heard her mother's teary voice asking if her husband was alright. Nothing was alright, not if there was an officer here at their house.

"I think it's best if you join me at the hospital…" A whimper left Sakura, the man looking down to her and giving her a guilty look. Her father wasn't alright.


"Please, just tell me he's alright!"

Tears fell over Mebuki's cheeks, her hands shaking as they covered her mouth, attempting to physically hold in her sobs. The man before them looked torn. He wasn't allowed to tell them anything right? Especially with a little girl present…But it became increasingly obvious that Mebuki was rooted to the spot.

"I'm sorry ma'am…But I'm not allowed to give you the status of the victim-"

Mebuki's sob cut him short as her knees buckled, her hand reaching out to grab ahold of Sakura's arm. The pinkette couldn't move, barely able to stay on her own feet as the weight of her mother's hand on her arm almost dragged her to the ground. Her father, a victim? That couldn't be right. Sakura wasn't very old, but she was smart. Shouldn't the officer be calling her father 'patient' and not 'victim'?

"He…" The officer looked to Sakura, watching as she numbly searched for the words her mouth was struggling to release. "He's not…Coming home, is he…?"

The man said nothing, but the look in his eyes said everything. Her eyes dropped, staring blankly at the wood beneath their feet as the sound of her mother's sobs echoed through her mind, her body growing cold. Her father was dead, simple as that.

The tall jolly man who always made the stereotypical dad-jokes, who loved to embarrass her by telling her in front of her friends how much he absolutely loved his little princess, would never come home again. She'd never get to tell him about her day, about how the boy she liked in her class was working with her in a group project, about how much she loved his stupid dad jokes even though they embarrassed her.

Her vision blurred as her face grew hot, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Taking in a sudden gasp of air, Sakura's mind blanked to silence, willing everything around her out of her head. A single tear made its way down her face, the sudden pain and grief that been slowly consuming her evaporating into nothing.

The officer stood frozen as he watched the change in her, eyes wide in almost fear as she turned away from him. Sakura said nothing as she reached out, wrapping her arms around her mother as Mebuki clung to her tightly, sobbing into the pretty white dress she had wanted to wear to dinner. Sakura would be damned if she ever wore this dress again, no matter how much she loved it.

'I'll burn it when mama isn't looking.' Sakura's hands shook softly as she stroked her mother's hair, comforting the woman as she wailed. Emerald eyes envisioning flames consuming, destroying white lacey fabric as they danced almost happily over her dress. Sakura wasn't ever one to believe in anything superstitious. But one thing flitted to the forefront of her mind at that moment, causing fear to creep its way up her spine. 'Bad things come in three's…'


Well…Here it is? I feel weird, mostly after writing Sakura's past. Her shut down is exactly what I do in situations like that. I detach myself as much as I possibly can, and focus on anything else. I make myself a rock for those around me, and just try not to fall apart. It's not healthy I know, but it's something I've done for years. When my great grandfather died, I shut down and just hugged my dad telling him how sorry I was. Only after he left the room did I allow a few silent tears to fall. My dad came back into the room for a second and saw me crying, and was actually really shocked. He thought I hadn't cared. It really hit me hard that my behavior wasn't entirely normal, it always had been for me. I've had to look deep into myself the last few years, had to find who I was. And I guess that's what this story is about.

I have no idea how long this story will be. It mostly depends on how many people read it, and what your guys' reviews say. If you want me to keep going, I will. If you think of anything that could help these two, or even things that they'd do as a result of their trauma, then feel free to tell me, either through a review or a private message if you feel better doing that. By no means am I done explaining their pasts', but I'll tell their stories slowly, as to not bombard my readers with way too much too soon. Please fav, follow and review. It always puts a smile on my face to see my email lit up with notifications! I hope everyone has a good night and or day. Ja ne!