It's wednesday my Dudes, actually it's saturday but i consider everyday valuable for a vine reference. Anyways so for 2018 i've decided disappointed but not surprised has been a heavy mood ;)


Harry Potter

As, as sixteen year old boy I can pride myself in the fact that i've got great sense of fashion, well when you spend numbers of hours hanging out with Padma and Pavarti you truly pick up on quite a few things. How many days had passed since Weaslette and I's shopping trip. Nothing exciting had really happened besides a few hundred Ron and Hermione fights, completely normal. Sirius was more annoying than ever trying to get the story of Gin-Gin and I's first kiss. As of the moment, it was two days before Weasley's birthday, so of course Pavarti insisted that we go to Diagon Alley to get her gifts. Though I think she was in desperate need of a shopping trip because Lavender had been to busy snogging Ron to go shopping.

"Harry I just think that these earrings would look great on Ginny", Padma said. She was holding pair of gold hoop earrings.

"I think Ginny's more of a short earrings kind of person", Pavarti said as she held up a pair of silver stud earrings.

"I'm gonna have to go with Pavarti on this one sorry Padma", I took the silver stubs.

"Oh its find Harry I think i'll just buy them for myself then", Padma laughed.

The day continued to carry on even after the shopping trip ended, Padma ended up buying the golden hoops, whereas I bought the silver studs, and Pavarti purchased a silver choker that she later found. Padma and Pavarti headed home, as did I.


Soon enough I entered through the fireplace in my house to a comical scene full of my parents and Sirius with multiple whipped cream cans. After spending sixteen years with as loving parents as I do, I truly don't know what I would do without them.

"Oh Harry dear your home", My mom walked over to me and gave me a large hug. I tried to squeeze out of it, but my attempt was a failure so I just fell into it.

"Hey Mom", I smiled at her, after the hug I grabbed chip on the counter.

"Were you with Gin-Gin", My dad looked at me with surprisingly hopefulness.

"Nah, just Padma and Pavarti", I said.

"Damn Harry two at once what a dog", Sirius grinned sloppily and my dad cracked a smile.

"First of all ur the big black dog and second it's Pavarti and Padma so ew i've known them since I was eight.

"You've known Weaslette since you emerged from the womb and that doesn't stop you from drooling whenever she walks by", my face burned red in an almost Weasley Fashion, after Sirius's words.

"On that note i'm gonna head upstairs", I walked up the winding staircase to my room. I pushed open the door.

"Hey, Harry", I jumped in shock and turned my head to see Hermione.

"Um what are you doing here", I mean I wasn't mad she was here just confused.

"Well Obviously I'm not gonna go to stay at the Weasley's because of a certain ginger", she said.

"Who Percy?"I said with a grin.

"Merlin I may just go stay at Luna's", Hermione shook her head now with a slight grin.

"Awe Mione am I really that bad".

"So your mom let me in and insisted I stay for the rest of the summer, so who's excited", I smiled at her.

"What's up with you, you don't seem like yourself", I said.

"Well when you need to find ways to distract yourself you find some interesting ways", I gave her a confused look.

"Please tell me your not drunk", I let out a hefty breath.

"I'm not drunk", She stumbled over her few spoken words.

"Merlin Mione never would I fancy you for a drinker", I said

"Well maybe desperate times calls for desperate measures", she said. Honestly this is not at all like Hermione getting all hung up on a boy.

"Where did you even get the Boo's".

"Well it all started when I was driving to your house when I met a few girls who are from Heathgate", Hermione said.

"Hermione you're from Heathgate", Merlin pants how drunk is she.

"Oh yeah I am, well anyways they said I should come to a party with them".

"But you never go to parties", I gave her a skeptical look.

"Well ever since Ronald is so much more interested in sticking his tongue down Lavender's throat and your still pining after Ginny", My cheeks burned red, but before I could get another word in Mione cut me off. "I decided I would have some fun of my own without you boys", She gave me a pointed look.

"So you went to a highschool party, got drunk, but how did you get here?" Please tell me she didn't drive that would be bloody awful.

"Some girl at the party named Head-hit-Heath-Heather gave me a ride here", I rolled my eyes at her attempt to say such an easy name.

"Ok, ok i'm just gonna go get Sirius's help he can ask my mom for a sober potion", Hermione's face grew red and she let out a strangled cry.

"No, No!" I gave her a weird look. "I just, I just don't want anyone to see me like this", she said.

"And how am I supposed to keep this a secret".

"Um ugh tell them i'm feel siiiickkkk", she grabbed my shoulder in an effort to pull herself together.

"Ok, but remember now that when I get into a mess you're gonna have to help me now", I said with a grin.

"Sure, whatever".

"I'm still so telling Sirius", I said.

"Honetsly he'll find out no matter what to be honest", she said.


Dinner soon came and everyone in the house sat down except a drunken Hermione one of the guest rooms. A nice candlelit dinner was set up on the table which was full of pot roast and potatoes.

"Dear is Hermione going to join us", my mother said.

"Oh no she's not feeling to well", I said as I gulped down some of the potatoes. Hopefully my mom won't find out about Hermione, for one I have no clue what she would say. My father and Sirius would find it Hilarious that little Hermione Granger is drunk upstairs.

"Oh i'll check up on her before bed then", The dinner preceded then with many jokes, many of which i've heard numerous times most of those came from Sirius.

"I have a date this friday", Sirius said as he took a drink of wine.

"Doesn't he say this every dinner", My mother said.

"That you are correct", my dad said.

"You guys make me sound like a whore", Sirius replied back.

"I have some bad news for you Sirius", I said.

"James I think we should throw your whole kid away", I pretended to look hurt as my Mom, Dad, and Sirius laughed.

"I'm right here you know", I said.

"Be quiet prongslet", Sirius said.

"Still here", I said once again.

"Harry dear why don't you go check up on Mione see how she's doing", my Mom said.

"Ooo can I come on the adventure too", Sirius said.

"You don't have too", I let out. Honestly Hermione was right he would find out eventually, so why not let him find out now. Both Sirius and I headed up the stairs to the bedroom. I stopped Sirius outside her room, why not tell him outside the bedroom, so he doesn't make a big deal out of it.

"Ok Sirius, what your gonna see in that room is something you've never expected to see or can tell anyone", I said.

"What are you talking about I thought you said Hermione didn't feel too well", He said.

"Well there's a little more to it then that", I said back.

"So…",He said.

"She went to a party and needless to say she's kinda drunk", Sirius let out a bark of laughter after I finished talking.

"Thats-thats priceless merlin", He said. I opened the door to see Hermione laying on the floor just kinda looking up at the ceiling.

"Your back, I was so bored", She said, then she noticed the shaggy man right next to me. "Really he's here", she gave me an exasperated look.

"He was going to find out anyway", I said.

"Oh yeah, didn't I say that", Hermione said. At this point Sirius was rolling on the ground with laughter.

"Now Hermione how much exactly did you have to drink", Sirius said finally managing to calm himself down.

"Like two beers and one shot", She said, though it did look like even drunk Hermione had a perfect memory of anything that happened.

"I'm so proud", Sirius wiped away a fake tear. "Now you need to step up your game", Sirius gave me a pointed look.

"I'll take that as an excuse for next time", I said back.

"So what's the plan", Hermione spoke up.

"Well i'll attempt to sneak past Lily to get a sober potion, but you'll still need to take a hangover potion in the morning", Sirius said. After Sirius went downstairs to sneak a sober potion past mom and she had obviously stopped him and questioned him. Sirius claimed that he was planning to get drunk tomorrow and he was planning ahead. My mom definitely didn't buy it, but shockingly enough did not push him.

Then Hermione quickly took the potion. "This tastes like elf piss", she said.

"Have you ever had elf piss before", I said.

"No and I really don't plan on it", she said.

"I have it's not as bad as you would think", Sirius said. Soon enough a pillow was aimed at his head after a new sober witch threw it at him. He ran out of the room and didn't return.

"God Harry i'm sorry, I was an idiot tonight", She said.

"I know just don't do anything too crazy until monday the 26th", I said with a grin.

"What's monday the 26th", she asked.

"You'll see", I said back. Then as I left a bewildered Hermione in her room I headed to mine and went to bed.


Light shines through my window and I looked out the window across the yard to see a certain redhead burning down the long winded driveway. I immediately jumped out of bed and pulled a shirt over my head sprinting out of the room. As soon as I opened my door I ran into a bushy haired witch.

"Merlin Harry slow down", She said as she touched her head in pain

"Oh yeah, i'm sorry so how's the head", I said.

"Well Sirius left the hangover potion on the nightstand, but I took it like a minute ago so it hasn't kicked in yet", She said.

"Oh well I hope you feel better", I said as I then slower went down the stairs.

"Merlin's beard what has hm so excited this morning", Hermione said.

I headed down the staircase pushing open the door into the kitchen to see an empty room. "Hey mom where are you", I shouted throughout the kitchen. Then I noticed the clock above the stove it read 9:38 a.m. Good so it's not too early.

"Oh Harry i'm out here", I heard my moms voice from the patio. I quickly walked outside to see Weasley and my mom sitting down drinking tea.

"Oh Gin-Gin if I knew you were here I wouldn't hurt your princess ears with my yelling", I said to the red head. My mother looked down, as if rolling her eyes and Weasley looked about ready to fight.

"Well Potter I was trying to enjoy having tea with Lily this morning until you rudely barged in", She said back.

"Can't barge in if its my house", I said back.

My mom got up, "I'm gonna go grab some more tea, Harry would you like some were having your favorite Green", my mom said.

After my mom was out of earshot, "What do you want Potter", Weasley said.

"Can't I just spend some time with my favorite Weasley", I said.

"Well Ron's meeting with Lavender today to probably snog himself senseless", She said with a small grin.

"What if I want to spend time with the second prettiest Weasley", I said.

"Ouch, that hurt, but really what do you want Potter", She said.

"Can't I just hang out with my best friend for fun", I said.

"You're an imbecile", she said smacking my shoulder.

Hermione then walked out on the porch took one look and grinned, "Well now I know what Harry was so excited about this morning", She said.

"I have no clue what your talking about", I said and noticed Gin-Gin's cheeks were burned bright red in typical Weasley fashion. "I have to help this one with the whole Dean issue", I replied back.

"Ginny you could have just asked me you know", Hermione said.

"Hermione you're in a state right now that is not one with a clear mind", Weasley said back.

"Harry did you tell her!" Hermione screeched.

"No!" I said right back.

"Tell me what!" Ginny practically barged into the conversation.

"Nothing", me and Hermione said at the same time.

"Hmf whatever", Ginny said as she sat in a ball on her chair.

My mom then walked out to the patio, "Oh Hermione dear how are you you feeling", my mom said.

"Oh much better Mrs. Potter", Hermione said.

"Oh dear how many times must I tell you call me Lily", My mom said.

"Ok thank you".

"Hey Harry do you wanna grab brunch together today, Hermione too", Weasley said.

"Oh I was thinking of brushing up on my sixth year textbooks today, sorry I can't join you too", She gave us a wink and both our faces burned red.

"Of course Weasley I would love to be in your company", I grinned at her and she rolled her eyes.

So your welcome I finally uploaded the fourth chapter after two months. Sorry mah dudes we had midterms and kinda got sidetracked, but hopefully i'll gain the motivation to keep doing this story. Though I actually like to write it ;)