Another Harry and Ginny story I know, anyways it has been quite a while since I last wrote, so I've improved on the writing skills a decent amount. Still don't get your hopes up this story's still gonna suck.


There now that, that is out of away let's begin


Summery: In a world where Voldemort was just a nonexistent word and Tom Marvolo Riddle was a kind, loving man, like his fellow ministry workers. Still like in your world arrogant, big-headed James Potter fell in love Lily Evans, when he was decided to grow up. Severus Snape resides, as the deputy to the head Auror, who grew out of his silly rivalry with the head of magical law enforcement James Potter. Harry James Potter the son of James Potter and Lily Evans Potter the potions professor and head of Slytherin house. The world in which Harry Potter falls in love with his own redhead Ginny Weasley.


Ginny Weasley

The sun reflected on the water revealing the sunset to be filled with many blues, oranges, reds, purples, and yellows. My paintbrush rubbed against the white tapestry, as I counted the amount of times I changed the colors. "You know you really should tell someone where you are before you run off to a certain hiding place", I smiled as I heard the familiar voice of my one and only neighbor Lily or Mrs. Potter.

I let out a weak laugh, "To escape that son of yours I'll need to keep changing my hiding places every few hours", I could hear the muffled laugh of Mrs. Potter, as I spoke.

"Don't we all", Lily Potter said, as the two of us walked back to the houses. Maybe I should elaborate on why and who exactly Lily Potter nee Evans is. My family the Weasleys (Proudly known as the biggest blood traitors of course next to the Potters) live in a home in which many of us call The Burrow, yes all nine of us, but now only on holidays.

Bill my eldest brother is an important curse breaker in Gringotts, who as of the moment is dating Phlegm or Fleur Delacour if your feeling nice.

Charlie my second eldest brother lives in Romania and works in a dragon reserve.

Percy my third brother works for the ministry and seems to think it's the most interesting since Gwenog Jones broke the Holyhead Harpie record for most goals scored on an unconfounded goalie.

Then I have my idiot twin brothers Fred and George recent graduates of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry have opened a joke shop and seem to already be the most successful in this family.

Finally we arrive at the biggest prat history has ever known-Ronald Weasley. This git right here is only one year older than me, but apparently in his eyes I'm Frankie the first year.

Unfortunately for me next to the Burrow right down the gravel road resides Potter Manor. Though the manor itself is not what just makes my life unbearable, but the certain black haired green eyed wizard that occupies the space. Harry James Potter or as I enjoy calling him the biggest git to ever live and breathe. That thing is the only reason I resent Lily, now her husband I have many reasons to resent not only for fathering this git, but also being the inspiration to my brother Ron's best friend and my constant aggravation. Harry James Potter is an arrogant prat who I have disliked my whole life since the moment I met him. Ok, so I guess we semi got along when we were younger and he taught me how to ride a broomstick, But that was 8 year old Harry Potter and 7 year old Ginny Weasley. Now we arrive at newly 16 year old Harry Potter who could get every girl in Hogwarts to melt at just the sight of him and a 15 year old Ginny Weasley who could care less about Hogwarts new Hotty with a body.

"Sometimes I hope you realize you can't hide from every family function in these woods", Lily shook her head, "They could be dangerous", I laughed at the thought of the friendly woods which have served as hosts for many childhood memories.

"Sure, when that happens I'll let Slytherin win the house cup", I let out a response.

"We'll have you this year, I swear".

"With Malfoy as seeker your more likely going to be too busy keeping him from throwing any more of those Slytherin Orgies I tend to always hear about".

"Ugh, I would have liked if that information stayed quiet", Malfoy's Hogwarts orgies were a constant joke in the Gryffindor house, even though I knew quite of people who had shagged the blond git.

"Just like the information of all the girls your son has shagged", I let out a good laugh as Lily Potter looked directly in my eyes.

"Oh god, that is some of the information that I would like to be lacking in".

"That git somehow still remains to be the most obvious person I know".

"Hey that is my son your talking about, don't forget Ginny I certainly know about all of your Hogwarts exploits as well", I could feel a slight Weasley blush coming on as I turned away to look at the large backyard of Potter Manor.

"Oh Ginny I believe you've been infested by wrackspurts while you went on your adventure", I grinned as the voice of Luna Lovegood rose above the rest.

"Oh yes Luna-major-I mean-major-infestation", I could see the small smile showing on the blondes face, as I was so rudely pushed to the ground from a mysterious force.

"Why George-GEORGE-I does believe that our invisibility potion is working wonders", Fred one half of the newly infamous joke store Weasley Wizards Wheezes bellowed from in front of me.

All of a sudden from somewhere to my left-wait-no to my right came the other half of Fred, "I do believe you are correct my dear brother Fred", I whipped my head around trying to find the source of the voice.

"Oh, don't worry Gin Gin George will only be invisible for about 2 more minutes", I sniggered as I kept walking towards the patio seating slightly putting my hands in front of me just in case I ran into Mr. invisible.

"Ginny where have you been", Then I saw one of my best friends bushy-haired Hermione Granger rocking ripped mom jeans with a sweater and a killer choker. Hmm I should make a note to ask her where she got that choker later tonight.

"Hermione oh my god when did you get here I wouldn't have been hiding out if I knew you were here", Hermione pulled me into her usual mom friend hugs and I pleasantly fell into it.

"I got here about forty-five minutes ago", I nodded in realization that of course Hermione would be at Potter Manor she was best friends with the resident git here, "anyways I believe your mum's looking for you", suddenly tensed up remembering I was supposed to help make food for the Potter's birthday party, and I had gotten quite carried away with the painting set Luna said I could borrow for the week.

"Bloody hell, Hermione I'm gonna be murdered", I muttered.

"Well you might just make it after I tell you something that may to be your liking", The bookworm said with such a gossipy frilly voice I almost thought I was having a conversation with Lavender Brown.

"Oh and what might hold my attention long enough before my mother murders me and turns me into one of the grim old places house elves decoration", after my last line I knew I had annoyed Hermione because she sniggered a little.

"Ugh between both you and Harry I just can't seem to have an optimist as a friend", I laughed a little at her comparison. She is right Harry is a horrible pessimist, I guess i may be one too, maybe.

"Don't compare me to that", Hermione giggled as she grabbed another chip from the bag on the table.

"Well as I was going to say before you went on your normal daily Harry James Potter rant I was going to mention Dean Thomas is here", as the bushy-haired girl let this little slip of information slip I turned slightly pink. Curse the Weasley blush for not letting me keep any feelings in.

" is he", Hermione let out a soft laugh at my expense.

"Ginny you really go see your mother or she simply will kill you", Hermione said flatly. I wanted to curse the witch for sending me inside the house before giving more information. I began to head inside of the Potter house from the backyard leaving the festivities behind. To see the other side of the patio my favorite group of people.

I saw some familiar faces like Lavender Brown who simply waved in my direction, but I sadly did notice that she was sitting on Ron's lap. I suddenly realized why Hermione had been so far away from the other festivities, at first I just thought she was chilling near the fire pit because the sun was almost completely down and it was cold. Then I made the realization that Hermione must have left the small group near the coaches because of this small act Lavender and Ron were performing.

Next to Lavender Brown and Ron sat Padma Patil who looked like she was having a heated discussion with Terry Boot, who in my opinion looked like they were about to start punching each other or they were gonna get into a heated snog. On the other side of those two sat Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan.

I looked down at my outfit and realized I was wearing a crop top with paint stains and a pair of jean shorts that looked like they must have been twenty years old. My face heated up as I tried to escape without being noticed.

Nevertheless, the one person who could have made my situation worse just had to bring attention to the whole corner of the patio.

"Hey Weasley nice of you to finally join us", I didn't even have to turn around to know whose voice that belonged to. I simply raised my right hand and sent a crude message to the git. "Awe come on Weasley that's no way to treat the birthday boy", I raised my left hand joining my right hand on the crude gesture to a certain Potter.

I carried on my way to the Potter kitchen where I found a whole clan of a red-haired woman, first I noticed Lily Potter who currently had added an apron onto her outfit and looked pleased to know I had finally arrived. She was pouring a glass of some type of wizard french wine that I'm sure Mrs. Declour had brought from France.

A few feet away from Lily Potter sat elderly Euphemia Potter who at age 86 still had a slight red tinge in her hair, but for the most part, had grey hair rest on her head. She was a kind loving woman who looked strict and affirming at first but she was almost like another grandmother for the Weasleys.

On the other side of dear old Euphemia Potter sat my loving mother who had yet to turn around and notice her only daughter had entered the room. Then her head whipped around to see the disgruntled child standing in the kitchen doorway, "GINNY, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN. THREE HOURS. THREE HOURS I HAVE WONDERED WHERE ON EARTH YOU HAVE ESCAPED TOO", The shouts of Molly Weasley had more than likely had enveloped the outside patio and sitting room, as I saw many other family members and friends try to see what had caused such a loud voice. "WHY I SIMPLY HAD TO ASK LILY WHERE YOU WERE, BUT SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHERE YOU WERE EITHER, SO SHE GUESSED YOU HAD RAN AWAY TO A HIDING PLACE," my mother's voice grew softer," honestly dear you could have just told me that you were going to the pond to try out Luna's painting set, I would have let you go to the pond right after you helped to make the food, but no you went and escaped", My mother looked bothered and let out a rather large breathe and continued to cook.

I suddenly found my Gryffindor courage wherever it had gone I don't know, "Mum I'm sorry", my mother eyed me and then let her strict face blend into a new face which was one I would rather face then the other.

"Its ok dear, go upstairs and clean up I brought a clean pair of clothes for u earlier today that you can change into", I trudged up the stairs at the manor. I waved at familiar faces which graced the wall, portraits I had spent hours and hours talking to when growing up.

I walked finally reached the landing of the stairs on the third floor, I went straight then turned left, then right and you found as Lily Potter liked to call it the Ginny spare room. Everytime when Harry, Ron, and I were younger and sleepovers would occur this is where I would sleep because I was a girl. I changed from my crop top and jean shorts into a pair of ripped jeans with sweatshirt and a good ol' choker(I mean you truly can't go wrong with a choker) slipped my pair of sandals and headed back down the stairs. Though on my way down I did run into a semi-aggravating face.

"Oh there you are Red your mother was simply distraught I assume you found her", I smiled at nickname dear old James Potter had assigned me since the day I was born

"Oh yes I did, I assume the whole country must have heard her scream, but I see maybe you're getting too old-tsk-tsk-hearing loss", I replied back cheeky.

"Oh I'm only 35, I'm still a very young man", Mr. Potter replied back cheekily.

"That's what they all say," I left a slightly baffled Potter on the stairs and I skipped the rest of the way down. My thoughts took me elsewhere when I waved back down at the portraits on the wall of past Potters. Every single Potter on the wall was either Male with dark black messy hair with glasses or female with red hair not much variety in this family. Suddenly I must not have noticed the wall...or person in front of me. My vision was blocked by whoever was in front of me. I shot up and looked at the dark-skinned and dark-eyed Gryffindor in front of me.

"Oh hey Ginny I didn't mean to walk into you I was just looking for the...ugh...bathroom", Dean Thomas...Dean Bloody Thomas. The one person I did not plan or want to walk into at this party. Now honestly who wants to walk into their crush who thought of u as nothing more than his dorm mates little sister.

"'s right down the hall to the left", he suddenly smiled at me and I just felt my whole heart melt.

"Oh thanks", I watched as he walked away. Ooo he has a nice ass. Ginny what the bloody hell are thinking ugh.

"Weasley just the person I wanted to see", I turned around to see the git of the hour, who of course ran his hand through his hair making it messier, "I totally just saw that", he whispered in my ear. The gift-wrapped his arm around my shoulder though I did attempt to push him off.

"Potter whatever you just saw I'd advise you to keep your loud mouth shut", the idiot almost looked offended.

"Oh Gin-Gin I may just go outside and tell everyone about that little awkward moment I just witnessed," I shoved him playfully and I started laughing.

"Your such a prick".

"Awe you love me".


An unknown voice soon entered the conversation, "Now Weasley is that any way to treat the birthday boy", I turned to the fireplace where I saw Sirius or Padfoot personally I prefer Snuffles.

"Sirius you made him a git", I said to him and Harry pretended to be hurt.

"No I think James made him a git, apple doesn't fall far from the tree", Sirius barked out a laugh, as he spoke out his defense

"I take offense to this conversation", I looked over at Potter who put his hands through his hair once again, typical.

"Still a prick", I sang as I jokingly punched his shoulder.

"Weasley no need to shout your love for me from the rooftops", Harry grinned a stupid grin that in most scenarios would make just about any girl melt at his feet, but not me I have never and never will be attracted to Potter.

"LILY THE LOVEBIRDS ARE FLIRTING AGAIN", Sirius screams and I was about to retaliate and say something back, but I felt nice, so I just hit him on the back of the head.

I could hear Lily screaming from the kitchen, "God those two need just snog already", I could see Lily coming in from the kitchen to see what exactly made "potter and I flirt".

"Lily your son is a prick", Lily laughed at my comment.

"I know he gets it from his father", Lily replied back and I laughed while Harry huffed.

"I found out Weasleys crush", Harry grinned and started to head back to the patio, but I knew what he was up to, so I started to chase after him. Then before we were able to make it outside Fremont Potter pulled Harry aside to probably have a chat I headed outside. After Harry's little chat with his Grandad we headed outside.

"Hey, Weasley what if I told you I could help you get with Dean, and I won't even tell your brother I'm helping you", I looked at the stupid grin on his face. Honestly this wasn't a bad idea it could work. I mean Potter was a git and an idiot, but could honestly help me.

"Sure", Once those words had left my mouth, I didn't realize the whole mess I was about to get myself into


I honestly Love how much this sucks it just makes me happy how bad it is. Hopefully it will get better. I don't even know what I'm writing in all honesty, this will be fun