"Get out!"

"Get out where?! We're in a hotel room on the fourth floor!"

"I don't know, but you just can't be in here!" Haruhi hissed as she literally pushed Hikaru towards the balcony door right after he got his pants on and shoved him outside.

"You gotta be kidding me?"

"Just hide out here until Tamaki leaves then we'll sneak you back to your room."


"Haruhi, are you alright in there?" Tamaki knocked again. "I hear a lot of whispering."

"Yeah, I'm just uh… getting dressed real quick." She looked back at Hikaru as she grabbed the balcony door. "It'll just be just for a few minutes, ok? Then I'll sneak you back." Before Hikaru could say anything else, Tamaki knocked on the door again and Haruhi closed the balcony door. "Hold on, I'm almost done!"

Haruhi began frantically searching for her clothes, trying her best to ignore the needle stabbing pain that was in her head. Once she zipped up her pants and buttoned her blouse she made her way over to the door, running her fingers through her hair so it wouldn't look as much like a rats nest.

"Sorry," Haruhi apologized as she opened the door to greet her boyfriend. "I woke up feeling kind of sick. I didn't mean to make you wait so long."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Tamaki chuckled embarrassedly. "I asked for virgin drinks the first round, but I guess the other rounds we got I forgot to ask them without alcohol." He looked at Haruhi up and down and seemed to grow concerned. "Are you sure you're alright? You look jittery as if you are nervous about something."

"I'm fine, I promise. I just have a small headache."

"But I thought-"

"So, what did you come all the way to my room for? Not that I mind. It's just we were out so late and I'd thought you would want everybody to rest up for a while since we drank a little too much."

"Oh, I do, but I wanted to discuss what I had planned for the day with you. May I come in?"

"Uh sure. Why not…"

Tamaki smiled as he entered Haruhi's room and she shut the door behind him. She obviously didn't have enough time to clean up after Hikaru and her…'night of fun,' so she was praying that he wouldn't find anything suspicious or out of place.

"Wow, you must've had a rough night last night," Tamaki said as he saw how messy her room was. The covers were messily thrown over the bed and pillows were sprawled out all over the floor. The desk chair was tipped over with towels from the bathroom draped over it and was all away across the other side of the room as if someone had thrown it. She didn't even want to know what they did to make that happen.

"I guess I must be an aggressive drunk." Haruhi laughed out nervously. She then spotted Hikaru's jacket was on the floor outside the bathroom, and she panicked as it was right in the line of sight of Tamaki. She quickly grabbed his hand and lead him over to the bed. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Well, since we're here. My mom really wants to spend some time with you and get to know you better since we've been dating for a little over two years. Have a little girls' day as she put it."

Haruhi couldn't help the smile forming on her face. She had only met his mother a handful of times since she lived all the way out here in France, but every time they talked to her, she was the sweetest person. She would always compliment Haruhi and never seemed bored in whatever the conversation was. Just like how Tamaki was, and speaking of Tamaki, Anne-Sophie was so proud of everything that her son was doing that Tamaki couldn't help but admire her.

"What are you and the guys doing?"

"We're just going to hang around here for a bit. We've all been to France plenty of times, so there is nothing new here for us to see. This day is all about you." He gave her a small kiss on the head before giving her a loving smile. "Get some more rest and I'll come to get you around noon so we can meet up with my mom. Is that alright?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

He gave Haruhi a quick kiss before leaving her alone to get some more rest. Once the door clicked shut, Haruhi let out a small sigh. Thanking God that Tamaki hadn't suspected anything. With the hangover she was dealing with right now, she didn't know if she could keep up the lie of remaining faithful.

Remembering that Hikaru was still outside, she rushed over to the balcony door to let him back in.

"Sorry," Haruhi apologized as she let in a freezing Hikaru in. "I tried to speed things up as best as I could."

"All that matters is that he's gone now." Hikaru looked over at Haruhi curiously. "What did he want?"

"Just told me what he had planned for me today. Which was having a girls' day with his mom."

"A 'girls' day?'"

"He said those words, not me."

"When is he going to take you?"

"Around noon, so about four hours."

A mischievous smirk spread across his lips and he hooked his arm around her waist. "Then how about I do that request you wanted earlier while we wait?"

Haruhi placed a finger to his lips as he tried to kiss her and smirked at him, one that matched his before. "Tamaki said he wanted me to get some more rest and by what you're suggesting I won't be getting some rest." Haruhi teased.

"Since when have you listened to Tamaki?" Hikaru quipped back, moving her hand so she could kiss her knuckles. "You'll still have some time to rest after we're finished."

"But won't Kaoru wonder where you are?"

Hikaru let out a small chuckle. "You should already know that he probably thinks I hooked up with a random girl at the bar." He lowered his face to hers, his lips brushing against her own. Almost making Haruhi melt on the spot. "So, we won't have to worry about him. You know, if you can keep quiet that is."

His lips then encased hers before she could even protest and she surrounded herself to him. He was right, she could wait to rest later.

Haruhi straightened the skirt off her ruffled floral dress as she sat in the limo with Tamaki on the way to meet his mother. When Hikaru and she were done with their…"morning exercises," he returned to his room. Coming back about two hours later with Kaoru to give her a dress to wear for the meet up with Tamaki's mother. The dress was a beautiful white huipil maxi dress with small pink flowers covering the dress. She never was the biggest fan of dresses, but she loved this one, and she could tell that Tamaki did too, as well as Hikaru. He was the one who probably picked out the dress because he knew he would've loved to see her in it. He even whispered in her ear how hot she looked, and described in vivid detail of how the dress fit her just perfectly that she hit his arm and tried to hide the blush that was forming on her cheeks.

"So, where are you meeting your mom?" Haruhi asked.

"At a small bakery in the middle of town. It's a little hidden gem that my mom took me all the time to when she was healthy enough when I was little. It has amazing pastries that a person who's not even a fan of sweets will love."

"Are you going to stay for a bit?"

"I wish I could, but I have to get back to the guys as soon as possible. We need to discuss some things."

Haruhi furrowed her brows. "What do you need to talk to with the guys about that is so important that you can't spend some time with your mother?"

"I just need to discuss something about the future with them and don't worry about my mom. She already knows about it."


What was so important that he just had to rush back. Yes, she knew that this was supposed to be a "girls day" with his mom, but she would've thought that he would've loved to spend time with his mother. After not seeing her for a few months, but yet he said his mom knew what he was going to talk to the guys about, but why did he have to talk to them while she was away?

Haruhi just shook the thoughts away, trying to not let them bother her as they pulled up to the bakery. Like the gentleman that he is, Tamaki opened the door and offered a hand for her to take as she exited the limo.

"Aw Tamaki, Mon Ange. How have you been?" Anne-Sophie greeted Tamaki with a tight hug.

"Bonjour Maman, I've been great." He wrapped his arm around Haruhi. "I'm sure you remember my girlfriend Haruhi."

"How could I not remember my Tamaki's beautiful girlfriend?" She gave Haruhi a hug as well with a bright smile. "It's so nice to see you again dear. I'm so excited about our girls' day."

"Yeah, me too." Haruhi breathed out as it was beginning to grow difficult to breathe by how tight Anne-Sophie's hug was.

"Well, I'll leave you two to it." Tamaki gave his mom one last hug before giving Haruhi a quick kiss. "I'll pick you up in a few hours. Have fun."

She gave him a smile. "I will."

"So, how are you enjoying your time in France?" Anne-Sophie asked as she looked at some chives before putting them in her basket.

Since she knew from Tamaki that Haruhi wasn't the biggest fan of shopping unless it was for food or anything she needed. So their first stop was at the famous market to pick up some ingredients for dinner.

"It's actually been quite amazing," Haruhi replied. "Tamaki always mentioned how he always wanted to take me to where he grew up. I'm just amazed by how beautiful everything is."

"It's way better in person than pictures on the internet, right?" Anne-Sophie chuckled, which Haruhi agreed to. "Even though I wish Tamaki could stay as close to me as possible, I'm just glad that he's happy." She gave Haruhi a sweet smile. "And I have you and your friends to thank. When he was under all that stress with the family business you all helped him get through it and even got him to see me after so many years. Normal friends wouldn't have done that, so I'm glad that he has all you guys. Especially you."


"Yes," she began looking at all the produce as they kept walking. "As you probably know, Tamaki's father was already married when we first met. It might've been an arranged marriage and neither of them loved each other, but through his mother's eyes that didn't matter. So, I was technically his mistress but it didn't matter since we were both in love. The only thing I was worried about was if our relationship drama would affect Tamaki's view on love in the future." She gave Haruhi another smile. "But as I can see that didn't happen. I'm just glad he has a wonderful girlfriend like you. I know you would never hurt him."

Anne-Sophie walked off to look at some more produce, leaving Haruhi standing where she was. Awash of guilt washing over her. She really did love Tamaki, and never wanted to lose him...but she also didn't want to lose Hikaru…

'Why do my feelings have to be so complicated?'

She heard her phone vibrate in her bag and she took it out to see that Hikaru had texted her.

'So, how's your girls' day going so far? Miss you ;)'

Haruhi smiled down at her phone and quickly responded to him before heading back over to Anne-Sophie.


Hikaru smiled at the messages that he was exchanging with Haruhi. When Tamaki had returned, he loaded everyone into the limo to have some brunch at a local restaurant. As the club members were chatting to themselves, Hikaru had his phone in his lap as he texted Haruhi. She might've been hanging out with Tamaki's mother, but that didn't mean he couldn't text her.

He then suddenly got a text from his brother that said, 'How about you stop texting whatever girl you're talking to and join the conversation?'

Hikaru just rolled his eyes before shoving his phone in his pocket and began listening to whatever conversation they were having.

"So, you guys are probably wondering why I had you all go out with me while Haruhi is with my mom."

"I just thought you were buying us all breakfast," Hikaru said.

"That, but I also have a huge announcement to make." He looked over at Kyoya with a huge smile, and Hikaru couldn't help but notice that Kyoya was smiling as well as he motioned with his head for Tamaki to tell. "I'm planning on asking Haruhi to marry me."

Hearing that, Hikaru felt like his heart just stopped as the other hosts were congratulating him.

'No, this can't be…'

Hey guys, I'm so sorry that I had you all waiting. Despite having a lot of schooling and work, I just had a lot of writer's block. Also, if you had noticed I decided to no longer make this story based on Hikaru's POV like my other stories. If you remember in the first chapter I did, but since then that was the only Hikaru POV I had until then, so to make it less confusing I decided to change that. I will edit it out of the first chapter later on when I have time.

Anyway, thanks for staying with me. I hope all of you are staying safe and healthy.

Please Favorite, Follow and Review. Until next 1957