Itachi exits the terminal and heads to the pick up zone. It doesn't take him long to spot Deidara leaning against his car in a hot pink crop top.
"Oh look what the cat dragged in," Deidara grins, clapping down on Itachi's shoulder.
"I flew here, thanks." Itachi rolls his eyes, tossing his suitcase into the trunk moving for the passenger seat. He is tired and absolutely not in the mood for Deidara's shit today. Deidara catches his gaze across the rooftop.
"Why you gotta be such a killjoy?"
"Why do you have to wear such strange clothes?"
"You're wearing a cardigan and it's eighty five degrees out. I'm not the weird one."
"I just got off a plane and they're cold."
Deidara blows his bangs out of his face and shakes his head. Itachi rolls his eyes and glanced out the window, ignoring Deidara's mumbling about how ridiculous he is. Becoming friends with Deidara was the result of an unfortunate roommate accident. With Itachi's request for a single falling through, he was lumped with Deidara which he didn't mind necessarily, except for the fact he could never be bother to put his "blown glass" away. But Deidara went through four roommate change request forms before finally giving in and attempting something resembling civality.
"Have you called Shisui?"
Itachi considers how its possible the buildings are so structurally intact with such massive hills. It's really a modern marvel if he thinks about it, and he most certainly will because it means he can very much be lost in thought and ignoring Deidara whole heartedly, who has decided to basically yell his name at this point
"I know your fuckin' blind, Itachi, but I didn't think-"
"I am not blind, Deidara." Itachi turns his attention back to Deidara, pushing up his glasses. But, Deidara is grinning, perfectly content with himself.
"You may not be completely blind, hm, but now you have to answer me."
"I don't have to do anything."
"Can you stop being such a fuck?" Itachi turns his attempt back to the window. Deidara has a point, but he would rather die than let him know that. But Deidara is also being considerate and if that isn't a rare form, Itachi isn't sure what else is.
"No, I have not."
"And why not?"
"More questions?"
Deidara shrugs, running his fingers through his bangs. "Do what you want. You're the relationship expert." And Itachi would take it as a genuine comment if it wasn't for the fact that this is Deidara and he knows Deidara is more then well aware of his social… lackings.
"He likes another man, Deidara."
"That man thinks the sun shines out of your ass and regularly eats it, he definitely -" Itachi claps on Deidara's shoulder timing it with an abrupt stop on a particularly vicious downward slope.
"Do not talk about my sex life."
Deidara shrugs, rolling his shoulder and wondering how Itachi is able to slap so hard and be so frail at the same time.
"Then call your fucking boyfriend."
"Did Itachi really leave, leave?" Naruto takes a bite of the leftover turkey, eyeing Shisui organizing the pantry for the seventh time.
"No, but I'm going to let him keep thinking that if it means he keeps cleaning for once."
"Sasuke!" Naruto elbows him and Sasuke sighs.
"He'll be back eventually. He does that, overreacts and becomes recluse." Sasuke waves a hand and pops a piece of broccoli in his mouth because it's not that big of a deal, Itachi just does that sort of thing. No matter how much people think he's level headed, when Itachi freaks out, he freaks out.
"I can't really see him blowing up-" Naruto stops as Shisui clamors out of the kitchen answering his phone.
"Hello?" Shisui breaths into it, and shuts the bedroom door behind him "Are you-"
"I'm fine. I'm safe. I'm not mad."
Shisui leana against the door, letting his head thud back against it. "If you're not mad -"
"I was stressed. I-" Itachi's breath hitches on the other line. "I didn't know what else to do."
It's years of having known Itachi that allowed Shisui to swallow his knee-jerk reaction. The reaction of lecturing him about just talking to him like they've talked about time and time again. The reaction of just letting him know what was going on before it came to him flying across the country to get some space when there are perfectly healthy ways for him to decompress at home.
"Was it something I did?" Silence on the other line is answer enough. The sound of Itachi attempting to pick his words carefully. "Itachi -"
"It's nothing to trouble yourself with."
"Itachi you went and flew across the country. At least tell me what I did." Shisui slides down to the floor, an undignified position really when there's a perfectly good bed five steps away, but he's literally weak for this man.
"It's Tobias. But it's me, not you. I'm the one who -" Itachi stops himself. "It's me, really."
Itachi is possessive, which Shisui knows. He's never had the luxury of seeing it, and he didn't even think -
Shisui runs fingers through his hair and sighs. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean get so -. We're just friends, which I know you know, but Itachi I wouldn't, couldn't be with anyone else."
"I know." The answer is breathy.
"I love you. I love you so much." Fuck, Shisui wishes they were together so he could show him. Itachi is an actions person. He's not a person of words, and the last action that he saw was Shisui going to bed late to hang out with another guy.
"I love you, too." The silence hangs for a minute, and consider Shisui absolutely shocked because Itachi's the one who breaks it. "I'll be home by Sunday. I think it'll be good to visit with Deidara, change scenery for a while."
"I'm sure it'll be relaxing with Deidara of all people."
"He's already being himself. Don't worry."
Shisui smiles because Itachi is joking now and it's nice that it's almost normal again, except for the fact Itachi is across the country without him.
"Are you.. Is this.." Shisui frowns because he's the one who's supposed to be good with words, damn it. "Are we okay?"
"Okay. Good. Okay." Shisui pauses. "I love you."
He can almost hear Itachi's smile and god, it feels so much better. "I love you too. I should, I should get going for now. Should I call you tonight?"
"Yeah, if you can. No pressure."
"I'll call you."
Naruto leans against the kitchen counter as Sasuke puts the last dish on the rack. He pushes up his sleeves and crosses his arms. "I should, uh, probably be heading out then. Considering we just finished breakfast and all."
Sasuke looks up at him, he has that look. Naruto guess he's not trying to look at him like he's stupid, but it's just the face he makes. "Why?"
"It's like three. Don't you want me to go? We've been together over twenty four hours."
Sasuke shrugs. "You can go if you want. Stay. I don't care."
"You're okay if I stay?" Naruto feels his mouth go a little dry because Sasuke always acts like he can't tolerate him for more than fifteen minutes at a time, so considering he got here at two yesterday he figured he should head home.
"Why else would I offer?" Sasuke looks at him with that deadpan face he uses whenever he thinks Naruto is being ridiculous.
A grin creeps on Naruto's face. "You want me to keep hanging out with you."
Sasuke rolls his eyes, pushes off the counter and makes his way toward his room. "Oh my god."
Naruto scrambles behind him, and wraps an arm around his waist, pulling him in close. "You want to hang out with me."
Sasuke looks to the left some, and rolls his eyes before smirking. "I don't typically say things I don't mean."
Naruto licks his lips and resists the urge to pull back scratch the back of his head because now that he's here and staring directly down at Sasuke who is staring back at him with something resembling a challenge he isn't entirely sure where to go from here. "Well, good." Is what he decides to go with as he leans down and kisses him.
Sasuke's pushes back, just as eager and he's been every other time. God, it's refreshing from the arrogance he tries to push forward. But, now he pushes Naruto back into the wall. Naruto runs his fingers into Sasuke's hair, twisting and pulling. Sasuke starts kissing down from his lips to his jawline -
"In the hallway? Really?"
Sasuke nearly flies back. "Shisui!" Naruto runs his fingers through his hair.
"I mean fuck around all you want -"
"We aren't fucking around."
"Yeah, right, totally. Just keep it in your room and lock the door, kay? Common roommate courtesy and all."
"So Tobias is your cousin? Another fuckin' one?" Deidara leans back in the chair and whistles.
"I presume he is, yes. That's what Madara said." Itachi sits back on the couch and sucks in his cheek because he should be writing right now and not talking with Deidara. That was the point of coming here, or at least that's what he's telling himself. But now Deidara is looking at him with that stupid face, well stupider than usual. "What?"
"I just think it's funny. You're fucking your cousin -"
"He's adopted-"
"He's your cousin, okay? Just own it, dude." Deidara shakes his head. "And now you thought you guys were in some sort of love triangle with another cousin. I'm just wondering if this shit runs in the family or something."
Itachi sucks in a long breath and closes his eyes. "It does not run in the family."
"Like is inbreeding common? Is that why you're so, well you, and you're brother is like that?"
"My brother and I perfectly fine, Deidara." Itachi brings a throw pillow into his lap and glares.
"Sure, yeah. Completely well adjusted." Itachi chucks the pillow and Deidara moves to his left slightly, fully used to Itachi's pillow projectiles at this point. "Fine, fine. Think what you want. I'm just saying the wedding is going to be one big family reunion."
Shisui decides to take him to dinner, and have the nerve to be quiet to the first time in his entire life and it's honestly both a miracle and terrifying. Sasuke takes another bite of his pancake, watching Shisui twirl his fork around his waffle for the seventh time and it's annoying.
"I thought you two made up."
Shisui looks up from his waffle and the look on his face is wholly confused. "I never told you that."
"Well you stopped cleaning the pantry." Sasuke shrugs and looks back at his pancakes. "What'd you do to him anyway?"
"Nothing," Shisui snips back, even though it's entirely uncalled for, or maybe it is because it's not exactly Sasuke's business. Or maybe it is, Shisui doesn't actually get the whole sibling thing, frankly.
"You're the one who invited me to dinner. I can cook for myself." Sasuke pops a bite in his mouth and frowns. "This isn't even good."
"Well maybe if you weren't such a snob -"
Sasuke sighs, and Shisui realizes he is definitely being childish, but he is nervous and only has so many coping skills.
"Look, I brought you here, like out to dinner because I wanted to talk." Shisui eyes his pancakes which are nearly inedible right about now and Sasuke may have a point about this place not being very good.
"Obviously." God, but he's such an insufferable prick that he'll die before letting him have that point. He really just keeps hoping that he'll grow out of it someday, but maybe not, and it's really terrifying. "Shisui?"
Shisui refocuses on him because goddamn, he needs to like him, or at least try to, if he's gonna do this. "I need to ask you something." Shisui takes a quick breath before Sasuke can come up with another comment. "I'm planning to - I want to ask Itachi to marry me."
Sasuke's brows shoot up and his eyes widen some, but otherwise his face is completely level. He looks remarkably like Itachi right now, or maybe they don't look alike, but the emotional repression is definitely genetic. "He just went across the country to get away from you."
Shisui thanks all his therapy for the ability to take a small breath in and out before responding. "Yeah, well, I've been planning this since before then."
"You didn't think to adapt your plans?"
"We're fine." Sasuke has the audacity to roll his eyes at that, and Shisui wonders exactly how much Itachi has told him about the relationship. On second thought, that's not a today conversation. "I'm trying to get your permission."
"Mine?" He says it with a mix of shock and smugness that Shisui is convinced only Sasuke could muster.
"He doesn't exactly speak with your parents. And they would," Shisui rolls his shoulders, as he pauses because this is not a light conversation. "They don't exactly like me, you know. Maybe it's the adopted thing." Shisui flashes him a grin and Sasuke rolls his eyes again but this time he laughs.
"Yeah. Or that you're our cousin, and dating their son."
Shisui leans back, crosses his arms. "Maybe that, but who really knows?"
Sasuke nods, glances down at his food, and then fixates on a point just over Shisui's shoulder. He looks contemplative and, fuck, maybe him and Itachi do like alike. Or is it nurture? Shisui supposes he could look an Uchiha on some days, but maybe it's spending so much time around them.
"You actually, you know," Sasuke pauses and Shisui tries to actually catch his gaze, but fails. "Love him?"
Shisui's near jerk reaction is to make a joke, to stop this moment of tenseness, to dismiss it back to abyss, but he finally makes eye contact because it's time to be an adult about this. "More than anything." And he means every syllable.
Sasuke nods, licks his lips. "Okay." He nods. "Okay. It's yours, my permission."