A/N: I appreciate everyone who has read, reviewed, and followed this story. I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope this epilogue lives up to expectations. When I initially started writing this fic, I had it originally following canon in that Kate got shot, but as I got closer to the ending, it took a different turn. I hope to write some more fics soon, but I'm focusing on some memoir writing at the moment.

Four weeks before her due date, Kate stands in front of her mother's grave holding a single white calla lily. It has been thirteen years since she last saw her mother's smile. Thirteen years without her guidance and love. There isn't a day that goes by where Kate doesn't miss Johanna.

"Hey, Mom," Kate greets like she's just stopping by for dinner. "I wish you were here. A lot has happened since last year. I got married for one," Kate lets out a laugh, then wipes away the tears that have been ever-present on this January day. "I also am pregnant. I wish you could meet your granddaughter. We are naming her Lily Johanna after you. Rick suggested we could use Johanna as the first name, but I didn't know if dad or I could think of that name as anyone else's but yours. Rick is my husband by the way and also your favorite writer. He's giving me a few minutes alone with you and then he'll be over."

She looks in the direction of where Rick is waiting with the car. I don't know what I did to deserve him, but being married to him and expecting a baby with him in just a few weeks is...it's more than I ever could have hoped for.

"Rick jumped in front of a sniper bullet last year to save me. It was connected to your case. He was shot in the shoulder and wasn't injured as badly as he could have been, but it was the wakeup call I needed. You would not want me to give my life to avenge your murder and Rick and Alexis and Martha and Lily are my newest reasons to not let your case consume my life. I have a reason to live my life that doesn't revolve around having lost you."

Kate stops when she hears footsteps in the snow behind her and she looks to see Rick making his way to her. He has his hands in his coat pockets and a quiet smile on his face. Kate smiles back at him then addresses her mother again, "My reason now is to try and be as wonderful a mother as you were to me."

Rick stands next to Kate and takes one of her gloved hands in his and gives it a squeeze. "How are you doing?" he asks.

"I'm just telling my mom how you won my hand in marriage in a game of roulette then knocked me up a few weeks later."

"Wow…thanks for tainting my first impression. Future family get-togethers are bound to be awkward from now on."

Kate smirks. "I was just telling her how lucky I am to have you in my life and how happy I am." Kate bumps her hip against Rick's then lays her head against his shoulder. Rick takes the opportunity to wrap his arm around his wife's back and draw her closer to him.

"You are the luckiest bet of my life, Katherine Beckett, and I can't wait to see where we go from here."

Twitter: AlyssaWriting
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