Previously: "I'd like to ask you for Isa's hand in marriage. I know it will be hard and a long road but I want her. I never thought about marriage before her and I wouldn't be thinking of it if she wasn't here," I tell him.
Charlie looks at me and I know he's trying to figure out if I'm serious or not. The hotel door opens and Isa comes walking out. Charlie looks between the two of us and Isa gives me a curious look.
"What did I just interrupt?" She asks.
"You serious?" Charlie looks at me.
"Yes, sir." I nod.
"When will this happen?"
"When the time is right," I say.
Charlie nods and walks inside. No doubt going to tell everyone what we talked about. Isa walks over to me and tilts her head to the side.
"What was that all about?"
"Nothing," I tell her.
"Dean," she says.
"You'll find out, but I'm not going to tell you. Now, what's going on in there?" I nod to the door.
"Well, our dad's are going to do the case if I'm not up. Sammy, Jess, Ellen, and Jo are going to look for a rental house considering we may be here a while longer. You are staying here with Bobby to keep an eye on me. I don't need Crowley or Michael getting to me while I'm visiting the lovely Chuck." She looks at me.
"What would Chuck need you for?" I ask.
"With Crowley and Michael after me then he'll probably want to make sure I can take them on if need be," she tells me.
"Isa, are you sure you should do this? I mean, really?"
"Tiger, I'll be fine. Chuck won't hurt me, but he does tend to talk a lot. Its why I am having our dads going on the case."
"You know I'm not going to leave you. If I need food I'll send Bobby." I pull her into my arms.
"Tiger, just order food. They'll deliever to the room," she says hugging me back.
"Well, did you want to do something before passing out on me?"
"What did you have in mind?" She asks as Jo comes out of the room with Sam and Jess.
"Anything away from here," I tell her.
"Bella, can we talk?" Jo asks.
"Nope, I'm leaving. Dean let's go," she says grabbing my hand.
"Tell dad, Charlie, and Bobby we'll be back. We're going out," I tell Sam.
"Alright," Sam says.
Dean and I climb into my car. Dean tosses Sam his keys to Baby and tells him there better not be a scratch on her. He then tells him not to let anyone other than himself, Bobby, Charlie, or his dad drive it. I tell Jo if I caught her driving the car I would kill her my damn self.
"Easy there Isa," Dean says laughing.
I laugh along with him and curl up to his side as he drives. He says he wants to go out for drinks and maybe dancing. I laugh and ask why he would want to go dancing with me considering I couldn't dance to save my life. He tells me he can't dance either, but it would be fun. I laugh and tell him we could go dancing after having a few drinks.
He finds a bar that has a dance floor and smirks at me when we pull up. I laugh because Jess and Sam have dragged me to this bar several times over the years.
*Later that night*
We get back to the room after an amazing night. We're shocked to find everyone, but Jess and Sam camping out in our room. When we get to Dean's room we see Sam and Jess talking at the table. I stumble past them and make my way to the bed. Sam gives me a questioning look and I close my eyes.
"Isa, stay awake for a bit longer. I'm not ready to let you sleep yet," Dean says in my hair.
"Mmm, but I wanna sleep. I'm so tired," I tell him.
"Babe, please," Dean says.
I sit up with his help and look at the other two in the room. I kick off my shoes and get as comfortable as I could. Sam comes and sits on the foot of the bed.
"What did you two do?"
"Drinking and dancing," Dean says.
"You two went dancing? Are you serious?" Sam laughs.
"Hey, your not a much better dancer, so keep quiet," I tell Sam.
"Well, we were just waiting for you guys to get back. We'll head out and see you tomorrow. Or in your case Izzy see you tomorrow night or Friday morning," Sam says.
"Yeah, I'll have to tell Chuck that I have to be back Friday. I have graduation Friday afternoon or Friday morning," I say.
"Night guys," Jess says as they leave.
Dean tells me he's going to take a shower, but he doesn't want me to going to sleep. I tell him okay and slowly make my way to my bag. Might as well get comfortable since I'll be sleeping for a while. After I get dressed I sit on the bed and close my eyes. Listening to Dean hum in the shower I hear something in the room. My eyes snap open and I see Cas sitting in the chair across from the bed.
"What are you doing here now?" I ask.
"Have you visited Chuck?
"Not yet. I'm waiting for Dean to get out of the shower. I'll visit him soon. Go away since you can watch from afar," I tell him.
"Babe, you still awake?" Dean asks from the bathroom.
"Yes. Are you almost done?"
"I'm done, just getting dressed," he tells me.
"Good, hurry up I'm fucking tired, idjit," I say with a laugh.
"You have to stop stealing Bobbys lines," he says laughing.
He finally comes out in boxers and drying his hair. He looks at me and I smile. I'm so tired and ready for bed that I have a feeling once my head hits the pillow I'll be out. Dean gets in bed next to me and orders me to lay down. I lay next to him and he pulls me to his side. I lay my head on his chest and throw my arm around his waist. He covers us with the blanket and shuts the lights off next to us. I close my eyes and the darkness surrounds me.
Visit with Chuck
I knew the moment I was no longer laying next to Dean. Well, not in this place at least, but I know I'm safe. I open my eyes and see Chuck sitting in his chair. I sit up and look at him.
"Isabella, it's so good to see you again," Chuck says.
"Yeah, well, it would be if I didn't have Michael and Crowley after me," I tell him.
"Well, Michael shouldn't be a problem. John and Dean have the Colt. Crowley is wanting to check on you," he says.
"Well, Crowley can stay away from me and the Colt won't kill Michael. They've already tried." I roll my eyes.
"I'm telling you sweetie the Colt will kill him. I've made you some special bullets to take back with you. They'll work in the Colt and they replace themselves. You'll also be taking back a special knife I had made for you," he says.
"Why do you want me to take back a knife? What would the knife do?"
"In case you're correct about the Colt not killing Michael then the knife will. I'm shocked Cas isn't here with you." He looks around.
"I'm here. I was not sure if Isabella would want me here. I tried visiting with her, but she dismissed me right away." Cas appears next to me.
"This is why I dismissed him. He gives absolutely no clue that he's coming. He just keeps showing up unannounced. I need a heads up when he's going to pop up out of no where. I don't know exactly how I would explain him to the people I work with." I look at him.
"Castiel, I thought you were told to not show up unannounced. She needs to know when you are coming, so if she's working she can get away from others. We can't really explain you," Chuck tells him.
"I'm not sure how to announce my arrival." Cas looks at us.
"You can communicate with her in her mind before you show up. It would at least give her some type of warning."
"He can do what now?" I ask.
"Don't worry Isabella. I will only use that as a way to let you know I am coming to see you." Cas looks at me seriously.
"Fine, but the first time you do it just because you want to I will harm you," I say warning him.
"I promise you."
"Good, now that we got that out of the way I can bring someone who has been wanting to see you. Cas, you may go. Please do check to see where Michael and Crowley are." Chuck dismisses Cas.
"Who would want to see me?" I ask after Cas leaves.
"I would always want to see you Bella," a voice says from behind Chuck.
"Why does that voice sound familiar?" I say aloud.
"Mary, would you stop teasing the child," Chuck says with a laugh.
"Mary, as in Mary Winchester? Dean and Sam's mom? John's dead wife? Aunt Mary?"
"Yes, I would be all of the above. It is so good to see you sweet heart," Mary says walking out.
"Oh my goodness. Aunt Mary I've missed you so much!"
"I've missed you as well sweetie. How is Dean treating you? I seen what happened before and I know it didn't end well."
"It's good so far, but with Jo being back in the picture I'm not sure how long it'll last," I tell her.
"Honey, maybe it would be best if you and Dean sat down to have a talk with her. Have John and your dad in there so they can help her understand. Maybe having Ellen there would be a good idea," she says.
"Dad said the same thing, but I don't want her near Dean. She doesnt know how to take no as an answer and if she won't back off of him I'm afraid I'd hurt her."
"Bella, I can tell you Dean won't be letting you go so easily this time around."
"What do you mean?"
"Lets just say that I overheard a conversation between Dean and Charlie."
"The one I interrupted? Is that why dad was asking if Dean was serious and when it would happen?"
"It is, but I don't want to ruin what is in store for you," she says.
"Okay, have you watched over Sammy?"
"I've watched over him since he was just a baby," she tells me. "He's grown to be such a smart kid and I couldn't be prouder of him. Dean is grown so much and it shocks me to see some of the things he has done, but with you he is so much better. I can tell you that these last six years have been rough on him."
A/N: I'm back after a while. Sorry about that but I couldn't figure out how to go about this chapter. What did you think?