
Hello, and welcome to my story! True Love Crossing Worlds, or as I like to call it, TLCW, a massive multiverse crossover.

At least, it will be.

But I'll get to that in a minute.

I've been a reader on here for a few years now. My husband's been reading on here for longer than that, and he's got a more diverse reading selection than I do.

Eventually, I caved in to his nagging and began reading some fanfics for myself. It was merely inevitable from there that I would take it from there and start writing my own.

Which he knew would happen, and it was something he hoped for.

Two years ago, I began working on TLCW. A year ago, I started posting chapters. You are about to read the first major rewrite since I've started posting; this story has gone through.

I'd done some spot checks and a little editing in the past.

What got the ball rolling were comments a couple of readers made about Madame Pomfrey and the other about my writing in general.

At first, I didn't pay it much mind, and honestly just intended on outlining and keep writing with TLCW as it was. But then I lost the groove, the muse, and I reread through my existing chapters. I was mortified; plain and simple. So much more was wrong with it than I realized.

I'm a perfectionist, and when my brain sees something wrong, I tend to go into overdrive to fix it.

A complete rewrite was the only conclusion I could reach.

I hope that this version will be better/more comfortable to read.

To my existing readers, I apologize. I sincerely profoundly apologize. I did not intend to be gone this long.

Life got in the way; the muse vanished; I've had some health issues, thankfully not COVID, but still pretty serious.

Anyway, for those of you returning, this will be a slow process. And again, I apologize.

My plan for this rewrite is I'm breaking up the two parts.

The afterlife arc will be its own story if you can tell by the change of title:

TLCW: A Meeting of Souls.

The sequel, TLCW: Final Attempt, will feature the souls returning to the mortal plane and carrying out their mission.

I hope to have a couple of side stories for A Meeting of Souls posted as well. Maybe not for a while, but eventually.

Onto what you came here for, TLCW: A Meeting of Soul's introduction:

Harry Potter has lived nine lives, each time failing to complete his true destiny. However, the fault doesn't lie solely with him. Betrayed, manipulated, and eventually enslaved by those he loved and trusted, success was always beyond his reach. He knows something has to give. He's willing to do almost anything, even if it means changing everything. But he can't do it alone. He'll need allies, and perhaps a real shot at love if it's not too much to ask.

Follow Harry as he navigates the afterlife and gears up for the Final Attempt to save his world.

Warnings about this story

1) There will be Dumbles, Molly, Ron, and Ginny Weasley, and Hermione Granger bashing.

If you don't like that, please move on. No hard feelings.

2) The story will have elements of abuse, graphic violence, and adult situations.

I am not kind to my characters, especially in the beginning, and while I am changing some things, the primary thought/ purpose will be there.

I plan to post warnings at the beginning of the relevant chapters where such things will be heavily featured.

If you have triggers due to such scenarios, this story might not be for you. So please, don't do it to yourself.

3) Harry Potter will feature a name change and will be paired with an OC (original character).

Before, I changed Harry's name to Ares. As you readers from earlier may have noticed, even the blurb has changed to reflect this. The name Ares will no longer be used, and the reasons will be explained in the story.

4) Say hello to Pina.


She's going to be my new indicator that there will be a passage of time, or a change in POV, or just a way to usher the story along.

As for the chapter length, I'm trying to keep each chapter under 10K words. I feel that any longer than that, and I'm writing a novella or something.

So with all of that said, I'll leave you to your reading.

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