Author's Notes:
The last chapter's the shortest chapter. I can literally just copy and paste this and put it on the last chapter and it'll barely reach the maximum word count. But doing so, in my opinion, would blur the two scenes together, making each of them feel less special.
I finished writing this entire story in 6 days... Let... Let that sink in.
Histories and Chemistries
"So, wait. You're telling me that The Horde is done for. Like, for real?"
Even saying that left a weird taste in her mouth. The Horde was… basically her entire life. She knew no one wanted her there and, to be frank, she didn't like anyone there too, but… it was… it was a part of her life since… forever.
Damn. I missed only one week of school and stuff like this happens?!
What the fuck, world?!
Remind me to never miss a school ever again!
Kyle looked giddy, practically skipping down the hallway. He was the opposite of her who took her sweet time with each step, slightly limping.
The Horde really did a number on her. Thankfully, she healed quite quickly with no complications. All of the bandages were gone and she no longer felt any headache. She was sure she would be able to handle school.
"Yup." He nodded. "All of The Princesses banded together and filed this case of all the things The Horde did and stuff. Happened while you were... out." He winced slightly. She couldn't help but wince back.
Kyle looked happy… far too happy…
I mean I guess he's never in it for the violence. He's always been in it for the-
… Wait, why did he join The Horde?
She didn't have time to ponder that question as Kyle spoke again. "Yeah. It was She-Ra- I mean, Adora who convinced everyone to do it."
"Really?" That sounded far too good to be true.
Kyle shuddered as if remembering a bad memory. "She was super pissed. You should've seen her. She really did a number on everyone."
"That's…" Scary as fuck? Confusing as fuck? Weird as fuck? Badass as fuck? "That's cool."
They made their way to the locker to grab their belongings for the next class. And during that time, Catra began to ponder on many things. Now that The Horde was no longer…
What am I going to do?
"Hey, Catra."
She blinked, slightly startled at that sultry voice.
Turning around, she blushed slightly at the sight of Adora, leaning her weight to the locker, one arm latched against the metal surface while the other was pocketed on her jacket.
Catra found herself smiling, her worries melting away.
Eh… Does it really matter what I do?
So long as she was with Adora, she could take on anything.
Catra rolled her eyes, feigning annoyance. "Stop stealing my line."
Adora grinned almost dopily, looking at her like the way kids looked at rainbows. "Nope. It sounds nice."
"Your name, I mean."
Catra's blush deepened. Adora laughed.
"I'm just gonna go," piped Kyle, who Catra remembered was still here, watching them.
"Good," answered Adora, making her chuckle.
"Someone's overprotective."
"Can't help myself," said Adora easily, shrugging.
Catra rolled her eyes goodnaturedly before leaning in and pecking her lips, intertwining their hands as they walked to their next class.
"So…" muttered Adora, her eyes glinting with happiness and pride. "I heard you got an A on both history and chemistry…"
Catra then pulled the girl into a one-armed hug, rustling her blonde locks, making her squeak. "Yeah. All because I got an amazing tutor," giggled the noirette.
Adora pouted up at her, but then that pout vanished and was instead replaced by a knowing smile.
"Especially since we have... history and chemistry."
Author's Notes:
Get it? Get it? So, Catra was talking about the subjects, but Adora was talking about them as an item.
… Yeah, you probably get it, but still, can't take that chance!
Also, in the previous chapter, when Catra woke up and found Adora talking on the phone… yeah, she was discussing about taking down The Horde.
Overall, this was a fun story to write. It's certainly not my best, but I don't think it's horrible either. It could've been longer, I know, but I'm already working on another story which I take super seriously (The Truth and What Matters More) and this story is more or less a way for me to take a break from writing that story without having to stop writing altogether.
The inspiration for this story is Coffeeskater's "Hangovers and Bubbles". It's a nice fluffy RWBY story and it's underrated, in my opinion.
Thanks for reading this story, I guess. See you next time~